内容简介:入赘三年,所有人都以为可以骑在我头上。 而我,只等她牵起我的手,便可以给她整个世界。 新书期一天两更,上架后三更。 喜欢的多多支持,点个收藏,谢谢各位大佬。 1w1250- 1270 >>
内容简介: 【最火爆畅销书】 一场车祸改变了我的屌丝人生。 各种奇遇接连而来。 考试满分,刮刮乐必中,篮球天才,游泳健将选一个? 不,老子就是全能。 QQ群:203799451 【 花都出品,必定精品。】1w1306-1451 >>
内容简介:别急着投降啊,拿起你们的刀枪,其实我很好杀的……李长青看着跪倒在身前,哭着喊着要对自己效忠的降兵,满脸惆怅。“唉,没有你们挡刀,我又要去找新的敌人,好麻烦……”李长青脑中灵光一闪,心想 :或许,我可以当一个暴君?作为一个有担当,崇尚正义铁拳的P社玩家,反复刷叛军不是常规操作么?1w0-81700 >>
内容简介:【正文已经完结可食用。温馨提示:喜欢he的别看番外。喜欢be的可看番外。】沐轩绑定了一个系统,任务是要攻略一个被作者写崩的男主,只有三次机会。第一,杀了他。第二,感化他。第三,说服他。 沐轩发现,要攻略的对象荣获变态男主榜恶毒反派男主榜武力值爆表男主榜第一名,他前两次机会都的死无全尸,第三次已经自暴自弃了,结果还没开口就被堵上了嘴。系统恭喜宿主完成说服攻略对象的第一步。沐轩扶着腰看温柔似水,贴心照顾的大佬,一脸懵:疯批大佬被shui服了?排雷:双向奔赴、一心一意,绝美爱情。2反派是疯批人设哈,但是因为沐轩在变化。3结局不剧透你们自己看,如果不喜欢可以骂我本人,放过孩子。4最后,求求不要上帝视角。后日六,一般9点或23点更新求个预收《穿成书中高危职业怎么破》——众所周知,书中的师尊是高危职业,姜子明张嘴一吐槽,好死不死就绑定了京江系统,穿成了书中的反派师尊。姜子明兢兢业业的进行虐徒工作,顺带给男女主制造机会,只求早日完成任务下线。时间久了,姜子明觉得不太对劲,师弟把他当成白月光想替身,门派里日天日地日空气的小霸王叫他义父。姜子明集三样高危职业于一身,在死亡边缘反复横跳。任务即将完成时,他猛然发现乖巧的徒弟看自己的眼神越来越奇怪,直到有一天被徒儿推倒,他后知后觉,这本书好像是在耽美分类。而且,为什么徒弟一点都没按书里剧情走?姜子明含泪与ooc的徒儿日久生情。——完成所有任务后,姜子明终于回到现实了,以为终于摆脱了高危职业,结果某一天房门被敲响,来人开口就是一句,“介意多体验一个高危职业吗?亲爱的读者?”咦!这厮,怎么和他徒儿那么像?亲身体验书里内容的读者受x穿书成主角的作者攻,双洁2攻是原书作者,意外掉落。1w0-30963 >>
内容简介:三年前,帝盟解体,游戏天才莫北,低调隐退。三年后,她女扮男装,埋名回归,从被人唾弃到重登神坛,引来了全民沸腾!他俊美禁欲,粉丝无数电竞圈无人不识。入队一开始他对她说:“安分点,不要有非 分之想。”后来她身份暴露,他从桌前抬眸,缓身站起:“游戏里结完婚就想始乱终弃?嗯?”临近耳边的嗓音,让她莫名心虚:“不然你说怎么办?”他倾身将她抵在了桌上,气息逼近:“把婚姻关系做实。”各位书友要是觉得《国民男神是女生恶魔住隔壁封奈莫北》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w2510-4851 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:洪荒:我成了反派圣人】一觉醒来,穿越到了小说中的洪荒世界,还成了反派带恶人?开局就要被主角打脸?等等,自己的身份好像有点牛逼——竟然是三清之首的太清圣人!不仅 如此,还顺带着开启了神级反派系统!啧,混元圣人逆天系统?飞龙骑脸还怎么输?!敢废了人教?直接先宰了主角祭天!于是乎,整个洪荒都开始跑偏……东皇太一:“我,妖皇,发誓要娶后土!”灵宝天尊:“我,通天,绝不出关封神!”北海玄龟:“我,玄龟,绝不补天!”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢洪荒:我成了反派圣人,别忘记分享给朋友作者:五更鼓所写的《洪荒:我成了反派圣人》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-72030 >>
内容简介:中国龙组。这是一个隐没在层层迷雾中的神秘机构。它的每一个成员,全都是身怀绝技的异能战士。这是一群战斗在黑暗中的无名英雄,他们是中国的佐罗。各位书友要是觉得《中国龙组2》还不错的话请不要 忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-28916 >>
内容简介:如果电脑不能下载TXT,请登陆手机版()下载双重生【吊儿郎当嘤嘤攻×装傻充愣人妻受】重生前,严季希孤傲高冷,又蠢钝如猪,大学时期欺压同学,结婚时期欺压老婆。不懂得明争暗斗的他彻彻底底败 给了“傻白甜”弟弟严文存。直到严文存用枪指着他,被他伤害得五体投地的傻妻许淮替他挡下一枪倒在他怀里,严季希一生以悲剧告终……重生后,严季希看明一切,在老婆面前日常哭唧唧三连:老婆好凶,老婆不爱我,老婆要亲亲在弟弟面前:我会让你死得比我上一世更惨。最后,严季希只能感叹一句:世事无常啊,说好的人傻好骗呢?为什么被骗得最惨的是我……————————前后对话:重生前结婚第一天许淮:“严……少爷,吃饭了。”严季希(莫名不爽):“做的什么东西,难吃!”许淮:“……”重生后结婚第一天:严季希:“宝贝儿吃饭了。”许淮:“你不会是想毒死我吧?”严季希:“怎么会呢,我那么爱你,吃了饭我们去创造包子怎么样?”许淮:“你生啊?”严季希:“嘤嘤嘤,老婆凶我。”许淮:“……”(白眼)————————阅读指南双重生复仇向,双方不知道对方重生而来。有怀孕情节但是不生包子,番外有可能会有包子(三遍)封面还没找到好的底图,有点草率。1w0-83248 >>
From Midnight Scans: When you’re in a relationship with someone, truth is, it’s a complete necessity to live together with that person. Read this masterpiece that sketches out various couples’ trembling hearts in this “living together”-themed compilation. Room 1 Momochi, a short haired lass is in love with Kouta, a 2nd year student in her university. However, she found out that Kouta likes girls with long hair and so happened that her friend was able to invite Kouta for the drinking session that she was supposed to go! She bought a long hair wig in order to attract Kouta but when they're making love, trouble arises?! Room 2 Saki was invited to live together with her boyfriend, Masaya who works as a weekly publication reporter. Although they're living together, Saki doesn't see him much at home and starts to get lonely. One night, she woke up and found Masaya sleeping in the living room...? Room 3 Tsukiyama has a crush on Kanaya and likes him because of his kindness towards her. One day, her roommate kicked her out of the apartment they were sharing because her roommate's boyfriend is coming back so she had to find her own apartment to live in. Tsukiyama went over to Kanaya's apartment and asked if she could stay there for a month. As they live together, Tsukiyama's feelings began to deepen and she had a feeling that she was restricting Kanaya so she decided to move out?! Room 4 Mayu is a designer that works at home. She hired an assistant who then turns into her lover. However, Mayu likes guys who are good with cooking and sadly, Yoshitaka isn't like that. Although she's quite disappointed with that fact, she likes the sex with Yoshitaka. But still, she's quite dissatisfied with 'something' and decided to look at some vibrators... Room 5 This story revolves around Mamiko (Tsukiyama's friend from story 3) who was awaiting for the return of her boyfriend who was studying abroad but her boyfriend cheated on her with a blond chick and thus, they broke up. Mamiko was heart broken and then, she suddenly met a foreigner by the name of Joshua, who needed a place to rent. The last thing that Mamiko wanted to see is a person with blue eyes. Still, she let him rent the room in her apartment and as they live together things starts to change... Room 6 In order to help her friend, Midori decided to live in Mai-chan's apartment. Mai-chan decided to leave that apartment because she want to get away from her ex-boyfriend who so happen to live next door as well. When Midori moved in, she noticed the huge hole in one of the rooms and of course, which apparently leads to her neighbor's room next door. As she greeted the rumored ex-boyfriend of Mai-chan, she was captivated with the handsome lad and began to fall in love with him. But why did Mai-chan broke up with this kindhearted guy? Who exactly is he? Midori have to find out, all this through that captivating hole... Last Room A tiny extra story regarding to the Room 6 story~
Koyoki goes to Tokyo and moves next door to the boy Shirahai that she liked in High school. When she went to visit, a girl greeted the door instead, Whom she thought was the boy's girlfriend or older sister turns out it was Shirahai Sempai. What happened? Shirahai confessed to the captain of the Oandan, but the captain turned him down...saying he's not interested in men, so Shirahai came back six month later with some changes and they have been living together since. He is hiding from his family, since his father will kill him if he finds out, he was raised to be the man of men so his family can't find out.
A 64-page fantasy/sci-fi one-shot that ran in Afternoon. Winner of the Four Seasons Award but didn't get serialized.
A little paper airplane, a magic academy, and two very different children. They make a promise at a young age--and seek to keep it once they're of age. Original webcomic: http://wignas.cafe24.com/cartoon.htm
That Share Of Glory summary: That Share Of Glory summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of That Share Of Glory. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Secret Memoirs of the Courts of Europe: William II, Germany; Francis Joseph, Austria-Hungary summary: The Secret Memoirs of the Courts of Europe: William II, Germany; Francis Joseph, Austria-Hungary summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Secret Memoirs of the Courts of Europe: William II, Germany; Francis Joseph, Austria-Hungary. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Orbitsville Departure summary: Orbitsville Departure summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Orbitsville Departure. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Five Hundred Dollars summary: Five Hundred Dollars summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Five Hundred Dollars. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.