






简介为了得到登上舞台的机会,立志成为优秀歌手的新人樊小星自愿成为白富美偶像祁雨涵的替身。某天表演结束后小星被神秘怪人袭击,再度醒来之际,她居然真的变成了祁雨涵本尊! 真实记忆和虚假身份交织,各色美男纷至沓来,爱与残酷的混乱人生就此开场——!


























内容简介:【纵横一组签约作品】掌中血龙吞天戟,胯下乌云盖雪驹,天生狼王行乱世,狼旗所到敌披靡,汉末江山,且看刘郎生纵横驰骋!永恒的三国梦想,说不完的英雄故事。三国神作,历史精品,不看后悔,真的, 俺不骗你!1w0-1121 >>


内容简介:陈凡修真归来,竟然多了一个孩子,还有一个如花似玉的老婆…… 新书起航!1w0-1254


内容简介:预收《和离后嫁给前任他爹》求宠幸文案下拉暴君傅臻为人暴戾恣睢,杀人成魔,从西北疆场回来后更是日日吐血,眼看着就要死了。太医看到一本古书中说,要传说中的美人血投喂才可医治。阮阮就是被送入 宫的替死鬼。入宫那晚,傅臻幽幽醒转,发现身边蹲着个小姑娘,睁着幼鹿般的眼睛怯怯瞧他。他咳出两口血,脸色苍白,眸光似刀,“怕了?”小姑娘含着泪,主动将柔弱无骨的身子贴近他,软声道,“我……我不怕,你吃吧。”陪伴暴君日久,阮阮被他娇养得愈发大胆,提议道,“陛下,今天能不能换个地方吃?不要总是咬脖子。”傅臻眯起眼睛,语气不耐“再不过来,朕的病就要被你拖死了!”他这般说着,指尖却抚过红痕斑斑的雪颈,轻咬上她双唇。暴君宿疾痊愈之后,阮阮彻底换了侍奉他的方式,屡屡被他弄哭。那晚摇红烛火之下,他看着眼前满面红晕的小姑娘,眸底涌动着疯狂的占有欲。“朕许你一个心愿,珠宝金银,无上荣宠,朕都可以答应你。”小姑娘腰肢在他大手之下轻颤,红着脸憋了一句“那我可以要一座宅子,出宫去吗?”见男人脸色阴沉,她赶忙改口:“不要宅子……银两也行。”暴君良久没言声,半晌,扯出一个笑来:“你想都别想。”阮阮“……”好抠,亏他还是一国之君,说好的什么都答应呢?!谁料男人转头便示下“她说要当朕的皇后,你们都听到了?”底下人十脸震惊,面面相觑,“是,是!”阮阮???起初,小姑娘乖乖顺顺,什么都听他的。傅臻爱看她哭,就欺负她。他想着,就这么欺负一辈子也好。只是后来他发现,他竟看不得她哭了——那眼泪落于他胸口,便似滚烫的心头血,灼得他心尖发疼,教他不知所措。傅臻想,那便宠着吧。宠她一辈子,不再让她落一滴眼泪。【双c双洁】【封面已授权,画手微博容隐呀】预收《和离后嫁给前任他爹》求宠幸女f男c,男二非亲生明国公府幺女沈芙柔桡温顺,姝色无双,只可惜口不能言。一介哑女嫁给那位玉树临风的晋王世子谢斐为妻,人人都说是国公府赚了。谢斐也觉得,他配她,绰绰有余。成婚头一个月,谢斐还装得规规矩矩,可到了第二月就开始夜不归宿。谢斐出行,身后跟着一帮纨绔,“世子爷,不用陪你家那位小哑巴么?”谢斐豪爽地往游船上撒了一把金叶子,“要不怎么说她善解人意呢!”沈芙成婚三年,谢斐就在外面浪了三年。沈芙知道,他的确喜欢她,可他是个没有真心的人,他的喜欢,便同喜欢这世间花草无异。她不能言语,心中郁郁了整整三年。*后来,那镇守边关数年、晋王府真正的主人班师回朝,沈芙于厅堂俯身向公公敬茶。面前的男人容貌俊美,矜贵威严。沈芙暗自想,这份凛然如山的气势,恐怕世间男儿皆及不上其万一。而谢危楼接过茶的那一刻,无意间碰到她纤细莹腻的一双柔荑,喉咙微不可察地滚动了下 >>


内容简介:这是一个悲凉的传奇。傅圣歆为了避免家族企业的破产,不得不依附于曾有宿怨的商界巨子易志维。他们在彼此的试探与挣扎里,慢慢陷入与对方的情感纠葛中。只是现实严酷,容不得她奢望爱情或是幸福。易 志维突然发现其弟易传东爱上了傅圣歆,骤然翻脸之后,圣歆几乎失去一切,心灰意懒之下,她答应了另一个青梅竹马、却是家族新仇人——简子俊的求婚。当易志维陷入困境时,傅圣歆不顾一切回到他身边,最后一次希翼得到爱情。谁知这爱情,竟是一场精心谋划的骗局。生活是一袭华丽的锦袍,她终究只是一朵锦上花,点缀在他姹紫嫣红的过往,静静凋谢了芳华。1w0-72520 >>


内容简介:  猎取的不仅仅是赝品,还有人心。  这是一个男女主角在知道彼此身份的情况下互飙演技的故事。  聊天群:92411492。1w0-157






内容简介:  空手炼钢,徒手打造!这些事对雷诺而言,只是基本操作。除此之外,他还是人形空调,会走路的暖气。他的名号就更多了。统治天空的王者,战无不胜的战神冕下,让黑兽人颤抖的毁灭之主,以及,镇压 了虚空魔族的无上主宰。这一切,只源于一本《工程热力学》。————新书《麻瓜别跑》已发布,欢迎各位读者老爷前来品鉴。1w0-4123 >>


内容简介:洪武二十五年,朱英来大明第十年,于西域创下偌大基业。燕王府中,朱英和后世永乐大帝朱棣相谈正欢。时日四月二十五,大明太子朱标薨。朱英随朱棣南下京师吊唁。朱棣:可恶至极!没想到竟是本王亲手 送他上位。朱元璋:老四是个好孩子,把大孙给咱送来了。朱英:日月光辉之下,皆我大明江山!笔趣阁各位书友要是觉得《大明皇长孙》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w50460-68959 >>


内容简介:七年前,他被黑中介送到战火纷飞的S国;七年后,他,王者归来!欠下的债,迟早是要还的!看什么看?说的就是你!各位书友要是觉得《烈血狂枭范建明》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友 推荐哦!1w1413-28220 >>


内容简介:太古时代,有擎天巨灵,身如星辰,翱翔宙宇。有身怀异血的各族大尊,破灭虚空,再造天地,有古炼气士,远渡星河,教化众生。不知因何原因,一个时代悄然终结,万域隔绝,太古巨擎一一销声匿迹。时隔 多年,少年聂天,通过一滴鲜血,重回太古。微信公众号:作者逆苍天。(主角:聂天裴琦琦董丽)。1w0-994 >>


内容简介:鬼舞辻无惨?不,你要恐惧的,并非贫弱的它,阔诺dio哒!当恶人的救世主,罪恶的正义——迪奥·布兰度莅临这鬼物横行的世界。“永远都活在不醒梦之中吧,因为你们的黎明不会再到来。”依靠吸食鬼 物的血液,再度勇猛精进,在生死砥砺中不断成长。“承太郎!你的白金之星最没用啦!”屹立在世界顶点之人,即是克服所有恐惧之人!————ps:真dio,智商全员在线,有部分对于原作中模糊设定1w0-77575 >>

Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha

Fushimi Inari has a hopeless crush on her classmate Tanbabashi. One day, while trying to interact with him, she accidentally humiliates him in front of the whole class. He refuses to accept her apologies, and, to make matters worse, she discovers that he probably has a crush on their incredibly cute classmate Sumizome. She has all these things in mind when she is summoned by Uka-no-Mitama-no-kami, a pale fox goddess. In return for rescuing a little fox-spirit creature before school that day, the goddess offers to grant a single wish of Inari's. Without thinking, she blurts out that she wants to be Sumizome. As one might expect, this wish does not go nearly as well as Inari had hoped, and the kindly goddess breaks a goddess-rule to give Inari the ability to change herself back. Now, Inari can change her own shape at will, and using her new skill is very tempting as she keeps trying to win Tanbabashi's heart. But if Inari flaunts her ability, both she and the goddess might end up in trouble with Amaterasu!

Blaster Knuckle

Take yourself back to the 1880s where the KKK is thriving and the African American community lives in fear. The African Americans don't fear the KKK simply because they beat, rape, and kill them. No. They fear the KKK because the KKK eats them. They are the aptly named man-eaters, a kind of mix between werewolves and vampires. They consume human flesh, can shapeshift into various forms, and are practically immortal. Only one man, an ex-heavyweight boxer named Victor Freeman, dares to stand up to them. Equipped with a small arsenal and a set of modified brass knuckles, can our hero defend his people and avenge his past? - Bakaupdates

The Glade In The Forest Behind The School

The 5th oneshot from Yuri Tengoku Anthology. In The Glade in the Forest Behind the School, two girls share a secret place, and become close because of it.

Love Stage!!

From September Scanlations: With a father who’s a singer, a mother who’s a movie star, and an older brother Shougo who’s the lead vocalist for the super-popular band ‘The Crusherz’, Sena Izumi–an otaku college student–is the only dull one born into this super famous and talented family. He loves “Magical Girl LalaLulu” and is working hard to become a mangaka, but one day he winds up appearing in a TV commercial he just can’t turn down. There, he’s reunited with Ichijou Ryouma, the super-popular young actor he costarred with on a project ten years prior.


Obsession. summary: Obsession. summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Obsession.. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Man's Place in Nature and Other Essays

Man's Place in Nature and Other Essays summary: Man's Place in Nature and Other Essays summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Man's Place in Nature and Other Essays. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Second Marriage of a Wealthy Old Man

Second Marriage of a Wealthy Old Man summary: Meng Yang had done a lot of s*upid and wrong things in his life. Jumping around like a clown, annoying and unpleasant. Only after his tragic death did he know that he was a cannon fodder written in a book who only existed to set off the protagonist shou.
Although he certainly had done things to hate, the protagonist gong and the protagonist shou were not totally innocent. The protagonist gong betrayed him first, then the protagonist shou framed him. So when he was reborn, he decided…
Marry the protagonist gong’s rich father and give the protagonist a few younger brothers to divide the property.
He wanted to be pregnant soon but thinking that the old man was getting older it would be more difficult. But he didn’t expect that the old man was not only strong, he was even more handsome than the protagonist gong. The steady momentum and charm of that mature man was so attractive that a certain person couldn’t close their legs…ahhhh, he accidentally told the truth. He just couldn’t hold his mouth.
Luo Xiu and his ex-wife had been in a business marriage and were divorced for many years. He really did not expect that he would marry a boy so much younger than him, that he would become an extra son to raise.
He just didn’t expect this delicate and tender little guy to be so attractive, making him pamper him and spoil him and eventually take his heart.

The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time

The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time summary: Summary 1 Xu Zhen picked up a little beggar. Xu Zhen treated and loved the little beggar in every possible way. However, during a certain day, the system pointed out to her, this little beggar was a big villain, and Xu Zhen this small cannon fodder would sooner or later die due to the big villain. Xu Zhen cried. She quickly retreated 3 feet away from the little beggar, kneeled down and kowtow, “I’m wrong already, I won’t dare to ever make you recognize words and do homework, please spare me and let me return to the countryside to live my life.” With a cold expression, the little beggar calmly told her, “Begging for forgiveness now? Too late already.” Summary 2 Xun Qianchun was born from a general family, but just because her mother was huji (huji is used to refer to northen or western females in ancient time), it caused her entire family to be crowned with the criminal charge of having secret ties with the enemy country. Under the emperor’s order, Xun Qianchun’s entire family, from the old to the young, were all brought to the gallows. Only her, feeling indignant in her heart, she drifted and lived on without a purpose. That year when she was 14 years old, when she fled to the front of Jiangling’s bookstore, a pair of delicate and fair hands held her up. From then on, her drifting and miserable life had a fixed residence. There was another person’s name in her heart that was filled with cold frost. Unfortunately, recently, this person seems to not really like being intimate with her anymore. She was extremely bewildered and did not understand why. Could it be that I have done something wrong? Summary 3 Everyone knows that Zhenbei King, Xun Qianchun, was decisive when killing, and had a fearful appearance. Although Xun Qianchun was also a woman, she was always disagreeing with the tender and kindhearted female tutor. Xun Qianchun and the female tutor always pitted against each other. Xun Qianchun was a completely evil person. Someone was curious as to how this evil person was like in private, and thus climbed over the wall, wanting to go investigate about it. Who knew that, before he even entered the house, he saw a gorgeously dressed thing rushing head-on while happily cheering, “Madam~ You are finally back~” ……. Later on, when chatting at a wine shop, someone asked him, “The person who rushed over was Zhenbei King’s pampered male?” That person trembled and said, “No, it was that person whose temper was good, kindhearted, dignified and sweet-tempered, once saved tens of common people……” “Just who is it?” “Female tutor, Xu Zhen.”

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