































内容简介:十八层地狱分别叫①拔舌地狱、②剪刀地狱、③铁树地狱、④孽镜地狱、⑤蒸笼地狱、⑥铜柱地狱、⑦刀山地狱、⑧冰山地狱、⑨油锅地狱、⑩牛坑地狱、9322石压地狱、9323舂臼地狱、9324血池 地狱1w0-83047 >>


内容简介:“这是哪?”“也许是忘川吧”“我已经死了?”“是,所以我来送送你。”“你是谁?”“无常”“从未听闻这世间有无常。”“往后我就是了!”魂过忘川,念留彼岸。得于众生,还于众生。苏墨一觉醒来 已非往世,入京赶考又意外入了仙局,获得了通幽之力。以通幽之力,布局仙路。只是这世间的真相,苏墨看不清1w76158-125092 >>




内容简介:与其说宋子烟从第三份工作玩脱之后,人生才偏离轨迹,不如说宋子烟一开始就没在轨迹范围之内!作为一个富二代,本应该好好花钱,不务正业,却偏偏热爱劳动,自己动手丰衣足食。作为一个女明星,本应 该光芒万丈,日常闪耀,却偏偏不注重形象,常常半夜撸串被挂上热搜。作为一个超能力者,本应该开启外挂模式,却偏偏自己被排除在外挂之外,预料不了自己的未来。按理来说,宋子烟身披多个马甲,戴着祖传神技,绝非一般人。结果混得差的时候连一般人都不如。真当宋子烟没点家底?不不不,她老公的家底可能就要上天了,她家底抖出来更是吓死你啊![甜宠文男女主身心双洁1vs1女主可盐可甜女主家底厚马甲多女主天生携带超能力外挂男主撩妹技能满点男主情话技能满点男主自带鉴婊能力小奇幻思维跳跃求收藏,求五星好评,求推荐票,求指点!谢谢大嘎,么么么!]本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《实不相瞒我全家都是大佬》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-65418 >>


内容简介:【小说网A级签约小说:海贼:开局签到金狮子】距离顶上战争仅剩一个月的时间,竟穿越到海底大监狱LV6!?等等!旁边这个看起来要死不活的老头竟是被主角光环拥有者路飞打败。二度入狱的“金狮子 ”史基!?夏特惊了,紧接着系统提示传来——【签到金狮子,可获得全部传承】两秒后……夏特“老头,搭把手可以吗?”本故事及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-67249 >>


内容简介:刚过完十八岁生日的苏浅浅,意外穿进一本书里。还没来得及担心掉马,她就被原主街头做小混混的哥哥,抵给了富二代当媳妇儿。G市一中的顾墨言,无人不知无人不晓,自从他进入一中后,校草的人选五年 没换过。没错,校草他虽然有颜有钱,却是个留了两年学,年满二十的大龄学渣。就在众人以为,顾墨言今年又要垫底时,他带着他的媳妇儿上学来了。据说,校草的媳妇儿不但目不识丁,还智力低下。果然,一模成绩公布,顾墨言终于不再是倒数第一。众人:“你们有钱人真会玩!”~~~~~~炸毛校草:“这题你也不会,上课你在干什么?”哭唧唧小媳妇:“你的也是错的。”校草:“”这是个倒数第二给倒数第一讲题,一个敢讲一个敢听,最后倒数第二硬生生把自己逼成学霸的故事!软萌怂包女主VS炸毛傲娇男主预收一:《帝国元帅偷了我的毛绒绒》星历2026年的帝国,男女比例严重失衡,已达到五比三。经过末世病毒的进化,男人大多拥有精神体,战斗力爆表。而女人极少有精神体,身体柔弱,宛如笼中雀般被圈养。地球少女凤暖暖一朝穿越到星际,刚凝聚出精神体,就被不知道从哪跑来的兽把她的精神体给——吞了。面对父亲战死,母亲抑郁自杀,自己精神体还被吞了的悲催现实面前,不想沦为生育工具的凤暖暖不得不装成病弱少年,顶着烈士遗孤的身份,进入帝国军校学习。有一天,她的精神体突然回来了,身上却带着一股难以言说的味道。直到她在那个据说是帝国战神元帅的身上,闻到了与她精神体上一模一样的味道……外表软萌内心戏多欢脱地球少女VS外表正直温润内心霸道黏人帝国元帅预收二:穿成暴君的心尖宠陆昭媛一朝胎穿,吧唧落地,成了公主——亡国的!便宜父皇还在宫破前坑了她一把,把她当成太子,塞给前来救驾的将军,寄予了复国的使命。顶着亡国太子头衔的陆昭媛,为了不被推上造反那条不归路,只能装痴傻,做个低能儿。某一日,正准备跑路的她被个小和尚给抢走了。什么?这小和尚是新帝的儿子!什么?这小和尚是重生的!什么?这小和尚上辈子的朱砂痣是她!陆昭媛发现,自从遇到小和尚,她的气运瞬间就好了。1w0-82038 >>


内容简介:叶南风怔怔的看着银行卡上的余额,耳边不断回荡那空灵悦耳的声音:花不完这一百万亿,你就不配娶我!苹果老总怒吼:难道有钱就可以为所欲为吗?叶南风斜睥他一眼,淡淡的说道:对不起,有钱就是可以 为所欲为。如果您喜欢百万亿神豪,别忘记分享给朋友作者:叶南风所写的《百万亿神豪》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-77635 >>


内容简介:战神归来完婚,发现女友背叛,转手迎娶女友妹妹。妻子翻我口袋,掉出一个神秘证件,当场震惊。战神被杀,一切的幕后黑手,竟然是自己的丑八怪妻子。青龙战神死亡三年之后,龙帝横空出世,携带十位徒 弟,无敌于天下。小兵各位书友要是觉得《青龙战神混都市》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80878 >>


内容简介:明薇有幸与影帝穆廷州搭戏,扮演他悉心教导的娇公主,谁料穆廷州撞头昏迷,醒来坚信他是戏中太傅,从此对她毕恭毕敬又管东管西!廷州单膝跪在她面前,求婚:“我想集毕生精力拍部戏,小姐,你愿意做 我的女主吗?”佳人完结文:嫁给有钱人黛色正浓高调宠爱佳人的其他文都在这里,求收藏!1w0-4057 >>


内容简介:重生废柴班班主任,陆泽获得【超强硬核教师系统】。陆泽:初次见面,这样,班长拉个群,大家一起加进去吧。班长:好的陆老师。下一秒。陆泽:来,已经进群的这25位同学,手机交上来。这老师,这么 坑?又一次。陆泽:来,大家和我一起念,老当益壮,不移白首之心。众学生:老当益壮陆泽:穷且hi,sirisiri你好,我在。陆泽:刚刚出声了的,手机交上来他是恶魔,也是1w0-81274 >>




内容简介:万万没想到,社会精英、钻石单身汉的陈汉升居然重生了,一觉醒来变成了高三毕业生。十字路口的陈汉升也在犹豫,到底是按部就班成为千万富翁;还是努力一把,在个人资产后面加几个零,并改变历史进程 。已有作品《大时代1994》,书友群601246758。1w189-30691 >>

Sweet Hr - Minami-Sensei No Himitsu No Houkago

Dreaming of being a a woman that successfully balanced Love and Work, Mahigashi Minami heads to Tokyo to become a teacher. She faces hurdles at work as a rookie teacher because students have no faith in her. Then she met this first rate sleaze that is everything she hated but somehow his cooking has seduced her?! What will happen to Minami-sensei from here onwards? A hilarious homeroom comedy is about to start!

Donuts Tsuushin

1) Honey Pie Debut Two good friends know they have loved each other and become a couple. But being tired from accommodating one to another, they return to being good friends again... 2) Melody Melody Two students who enjoy singing in the street: one student, a lyric writer, suffers from one-way love; the other student, a composer, comforts him and asks him to love him instead. 3) Kirei Kirei Our hero has longed for dormitory life, but his very beautiful roommate can't clean up his room... 4) Water Drop Sacramento A mysterious student is rumored to have killed and buried a woman under a cherry tree. But our hero finds out he buries the hero's favorite things which he wrote about on graduation... 5) Dizzy Boys Fruits Milk A students love triangle around the son of a public bathhouse owner. 6) Donut Letter Watching video, two boys feel sexual desire. On the next day, one student puts the blame on another and makes him misunderstand.


AF begins his second year of high school, depressed over the mundane nature of his life and his inability to find himself. The strange thing is, whenever he is depressed, AF always starts seeing three strange little things flying around him. No one else sees these oddities, and aside from their occasional presence, his life remains incredibly ordinary…That is until he meets Sane, a girl who suddenly asks him to teach her how to play guitar, and a strange middle aged man that speaks to AF about the difference between reality and dreams. From that day on, AF starts experiencing strangely real dreams, but they are still just dreams…right?

King Of Thorn

Two twins, separated by fatal illness and a selective cure. Kasumi and her sister, Shizuku, were infected with the Medusa virus, which slowly turns the victim to stone. There is no cure, but of the two only Kasumi is selected to go into a sort of cryogenically frozen state along with 159 others until a cure is found. At some point in the undetermined future, Kasumi awakens to find herself and others who were in suspended animation in an unfamiliar world with violent monsters. Resolving to unlock the mysteries of her current situation and the fate of her twin sister, Kasumi struggles to survive in a treacherous world.

Twentieth Century Socialism

Twentieth Century Socialism summary: Twentieth Century Socialism summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Twentieth Century Socialism. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Rebirth Of An Ill-Fated Consort

The Rebirth Of An Ill-Fated Consort summary: Crying blood and tears, she pledged a poisonous vow. The G.o.ds did not fail her. She was sent back to a decade ago. The legitimate daughter of Jiang family returned from h.e.l.l.
Forget it, whatever! Since they already claimed that she was a temptress that wrecked the country, she shall overturn the world into complete chaos starting with her beguiling sister, her malicious stepmother, her cruel lover and her heartless family. Let her end the lives that Yama refused to end.
She was a p.a.w.n in her past life. In this life, however, the world was her chess board. With an alluring smile and a charming figure that enchanted the entire nation, the red-clothed woman wrecked chaos among the lands. She was a vengeful spirit from h.e.l.l, determined to make those who wronged her pay in blood.
“I want those who owe me a life debt to hold their hearts out in front of me. I want those who looked down on me to only be able to admire me. I want Lord Zhong Zi to shiver when he sees me. I want to step on this splendid river and mountains!”
— — —
“You are a temptress and I am a thief.” His robe was as dark as the night and his gaze was as cold as the Northern Star. “A perfect match.”
Her red dress was akin to fire, but her heart was the coldest ice in the winter.
He was stoic in his black robe, yet he was willing to warm her frozen heart.
In this life, the elegant man seemed like a snowy bamboo grove with tall, chilly mountains, walking step by step towards her like an unstoppable force.
“Ruan Ruan, if you hate the world, then I shall conquer the lands with you.”
“What if I love the world?” She asked.
“I am the world, so you can only love me,” he answered.

All Aboard or Life on the Lake

All Aboard or Life on the Lake summary: All Aboard or Life on the Lake summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of All Aboard or Life on the Lake. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Memory Collector

The Memory Collector summary: The Memory Collector summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Memory Collector. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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