内容简介:里昂揭棺而起,建立了海贼世界最神秘的组织「星辰会」。【写轮眼】海军开局。【星辰海】中里昂扮演“星空”,护佑(忽悠)着所有人。海贼世界,群魔乱舞,待我轮回眼开,干翻世界政府!本次星辰会到 场者有~双子座:里昂(小号)狮子座:萨博处女座:波雅汉库克天蝎座:唐吉诃德多弗朗明哥射手座:波特卡斯D艾斯摩羯座:艾因水瓶座:妮可罗宾……“不属于这个时代的众星之主,世界之外的1w0-35004 >>
内容简介:入赘三年,所有人都以为可以骑在我头上。 而我,只等她牵起我的手,便可以给她整个世界。 新书期一天两更,上架后三更。 喜欢的多多支持,点个收藏,谢谢各位大佬。 1w1250- 1270 >>
内容简介:高贵门阀一朝没落,尊贵小姐沦为妓坊囚奴。命运嘲弄,世界上最自私的二人再相会,她又辗转至他的身边。外表光鲜,里子龌龊,身体的隐秘之处被寸寸亵玩调教。然而万般过后,莞尔一笑,她求得不多,从 来就只是大家都不好过罢了。主cp:元裨x旃檀暴戾狠辣痴王爷x偏执乖戾大小姐并没有很重要的副cp:陆冶x郁素柔避雷指南:双洁党慎入,女处男非处·大致1v1,过程中偶有NTR和3P,男主会有三妻四妾。·除了女主使坏的时候大概不会虐,但女主也许频繁使坏(???)·主角以外角色的性描写·本文并不想传1w0-122102 >>
内容简介: 夏景行在弥留之际,回忆起那个踏上异国他乡的年轻背影。他当时想啊,如果岁月可以重来,自己绝对不会辜负这水大鱼大的激荡二十年。念念不忘,必有回响。重返十八岁的他,唱起了:我还是从前那个 少年……PS:书友群号:928787446PS:已有200万字完本作品《决胜新金融时代》,人品保障,请放心阅读。1w0-1802 >>
内容简介:豪门世家天之骄子业界精英甜文主角:黎悦,林宴淮┃配角:┃其它:一个关于暗恋与守候的故事立意:暗恋成真,为了追赶你,变成最好的我自己。:原名《我和爱豆互飙演技》1鬼才音乐人林宴淮,矜贵高 冷,不近女色,长相妖孽撩人,创作实力超群,是当之无愧的顶流。总有十八线想碰瓷,统统被林宴淮当场否认打脸。粉丝:哥哥总是亲自下场,我们毫无用武之处,不知该哭还是笑。某日,一向寡言的林宴淮在采访中突然公开了理想型。1w0-97644 >>
内容简介: 直径十公里的陨石撞击蓝星,人类的绝命拦截能否拯救自己的命运? 撞击所掀起的尘埃遮蔽了天空,令世界陷入了将持续上百年暗无天日的极寒长夜。 不见天日的地表因为缺少了阳光的照耀而陷入 了零下几十度的极寒。 在这样的末日之下,只有一个自己挖的避难所与捡到的升级系统,陈新该如何渡过末日的危机,让自己活下来? 人类文明是否能够延续,希望的火种能否照亮这个寒夜为人类带去温暖? 命运已经给出了考题,人类是否能够交出和当年被灭绝的恐龙不一样的答卷? 本书背景设定有参考幽灵校长的千本科幻第58、59期内容,特此声明。 书友群6714881551w0-1771 >>
内容简介:祁星落女扮男装多年,是名校有名的校草,并且在娱乐圈初出茅庐。前途一片光亮,直到有一天,少年莽撞的闯入她的生活,一心把她视为情敌,数次明争暗斗,甚至不惜动用家族的力量打压她。祁星落实在咽 不下这口气,趁着夜色套麻袋揍了他一顿。两人针锋相对,寸步不让!后来,整个娱乐圈都知道,顶流祁星落和宋总两人当年为了校花大打出手,至今从未合作。毕业之后,宋清淮一改年少时的张狂跋扈,变得深沉稳重,对谁都礼貌疏离,唯有在酒店中看见她,暴躁的低声怒骂:“小王八蛋!”晚上,宋清淮不知哪里听到了流言蜚语,堵住祁星落的路,阴沉着脸质问:“你竟然喜欢男人?”“关你屁事。”两人一言不合打了一架,不欢而散。后来不知哪里出了差错,宋清淮变得越来越古怪,打压接近她的所有男性,少年一把把她推到墙角,咬牙切齿,崩溃阴沉道:“我做攻,你做受!”祁星落觉得他有猫饼,无情国骂:“滚!老子是总攻。”…………最后,宋清淮爱而不得,长睫颤抖,低哑嗓音步步退让,难以齿耻的羞耻涌上心头:“我可以,做受…”祁星落:“……”试问,该怎么解释,自己是个女孩子的事实!!急急急备注【男主只喜欢女主,不是真的‘掰弯’,是因为她是‘男孩子’,情不自禁喜欢‘男孩子’。】感谢碧水咕咕的封面,爱你么么~隔壁连载【饲养装乖的偏执神灵】如果您喜欢我女扮男装后掰弯了宿敌,别忘记分享给朋友作者:阿颖所写的《我女扮男装后掰弯了宿敌》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-78191 >>
After her father's death, Faith's guardian, Stone, has been paying for her school fees and living costs without her knowledge. He was always the go-to person to when she had problems... But he is only her guardian. Faith couldn't let him pay for her any longer! So she quits school and begins to work to repay her debt to Stone. Unable to persuade her to change her mind, Stone offers her a proposition... he says, 'In return for writing off your debt, will you marry me?' Stone tells Faith that his mother will not hand over her company to him until he is married. A proposal from a man she loves... or is this all just a business deal?
Facing 'Death' for the one I love is something I would do without hesitation, but this isn't right. I didn't live until today only to die for the one I love. I longed to look into your blue eyes, but you only looked down on me and turned away. I was chosen that very day to be the 'Alice' who would breathe her last breath to save your love, 'Heart'. Original version:Naver English version:Tapastic
From MangaHelpers: Scientists predicted an imminent meteor impact on Earth that would annihilate civilization, but contrary to their prediction, the meteor missed Earth. Though avoiding immediate destruction, humanity found that the meteor left behind something in its wake, something that would change the course of civilization forever: a new form of bacteria that ate through all known metals. Facing this new era where all metals turn to ash, Jinkichi and his classmates will have to survive with little help from the Japanese government. Some of his classmates have already begun to understand that the norms of the past have collapsed, and lawlessness will be the new law. Jinkichi will have to protect himself as well as his classmates from the violence that ensues.
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The New Germany summary: The New Germany summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The New Germany. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
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Over the Seas for Uncle Sam summary: Over the Seas for Uncle Sam summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Over the Seas for Uncle Sam. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.