内容简介:穿成侯府独苗,晏玉楼时刻捂紧自己的马甲。立于朝堂之上,字字珠玑,与同僚高谈阔论慷慨激昂。无奈形象竖立得太好,她无意间成了京中万千贵女心中的佳婿人选。有女为与她成就美满姻缘,竟使下作之法 ,引她上勾。她慌不择路,闯入桃林深处,恰逢死对头……一夜过后,死对头看她的眼神变了。两个月后,她怀孕了。吼吼,这酸爽的人生!预收文:穿成王府假郡主颜欢欢穿成王府郡主,好死不死她是个各位书友要是觉得《死对头爱上我》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-77783 >>
内容简介:现代人林馨儿突然穿越了?还变成了一个刚被退婚羞辱的废材男?这是要逆天吗?走废材流男主的路线吗?在林馨儿努力的锻炼下。第一天他发现自己的身高变小了。第二天他发现皮肤变白了,容貌变可爱了, 头发变长了。第三天他发现自己可以一拳打爆地球,无敌于世界的时候,他好像变成小萝莉了呀!无语的林馨儿仰天怒吼,这和说的不一样啊!可爱的萌萌音传遍整个九州1w0-108666 >>
内容简介: 讲的是一个帅气的主角,从小就运气不好,倒霉就给钱?就连学校的女神偏偏认为他的倒霉很神秘,想深切了解他。而且还在同一屋檐下问他感动不?箫绪言流着眼泪说,哥是个矜持的人,当然敢动啦!钱 多得慌的他,已经不想努力了,只想享受人生,却没想到还有一个更大的惊喜等着他…神秘的首富令让他揭开了另一个世界!1w0-3215 >>
内容简介:九莺莺姝容昳丽,媚色无双,是京城第一美人。陛下一道谕旨,把她嫁给了太子。太子贺怀翎,人称废太子,双腿残疾,貌如谪仙,冷如寒冰。她受人蒙骗,嫁入东宫后,把东宫搅得鸡飞狗跳,自己声名狼藉, 最后二皇子一杯鸩酒将她毒死,与她堂姐双宿双飞。重活一世,她依旧要嫁入东宫,只是这一次,她要换一种方式作天作地。后来,她最喜欢做的事,就是看仇人们一个又一个倒下,最后都跪在了她的脚下。成婚后,九莺莺冷眼看贺怀翎辛苦装瘸,直到遇上大火,贺怀翎仍坐在轮椅上不动如山。九莺莺:“别装了。”贺怀翎:“……?”上辈子在一起住了三年,深藏不露的狗男人装瘸装了三年。贺怀翎本来只想娶个挡箭牌回来,没想到却娶了一个小作精。小作精妩媚入骨,温软动人,夜夜相伴而眠。后来,他再也不想放小作精走了,只想让她一辈子在自己身边作天作地。他不知道,上辈子他这块寒冰就被小作精捂化过。1w0-4258 >>
内容简介:宇宙中,一颗不起眼的小行星中藏着各种在星际百科中狂躁暴戾的异兽灵植。一天,星球上唯一一棵桉树尤加利忽然发现,他的嫩枝上多了一团小小的软软的从来没见过的生物。然后,整个星球的大佬们都炸了 。——崽儿胆小又挑食,天天抱着树枝不撒手,他们能怎么办,只能宠着了。怂唧唧胆小挑食反射弧超长受vs只想从各路大佬眼皮子底下将媳妇拐走宠崽狂魔攻2早上八点更新,其他时间捉虫3接档《涂崖山日常》br各位书友要是觉得《全宇宙都想抢我家崽儿》还不错的话请不要忘记向您qq群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!全宇宙都想抢我家崽儿最新章节全宇宙都想抢我家崽儿无弹窗全宇宙都想抢我家崽儿全文阅读1w0-95620 >>
内容简介:“要上单,不给就送……”“只会打野,不给挂机。”“给我中单亚索,你们躺好。”……洛夏,16岁登顶韩服路人王,每当在国服的小号排位中看到这些熟悉的话,都会不自觉的挠挠头。五个位置,真的有 什么不同吗?1w0-30201 >>
内容简介:美食博主罗似锦一朝醒来发现胎穿成架空世界八零年人口众多的罗家小可怜。重男轻女!?不存在的!锦鲤运气护身,空间灵泉加持,妥妥的活成了罗家村人们心目中的小福宝。“福宝,跟婶子下地。”一亩地 种出了三千斤。“福宝,跟大叔上山!”上山打猎的五个大叔一人扛一头野猪凯旋而归。罗似锦所过之处,阴天云散,雨天雨停,母鸡一天下两个鸡蛋,兔子直接撞树,鱼虾成群往怀里蹦,谁不说罗家出了个福气包。…………陆铎暗戳戳护在罗似锦身旁,“这是我媳妇,谁也别跟我抢。谁抢我画个圈圈诅咒你……”1w0-3166 >>
内容简介:小兵提供师尊求放过最新章节txt免费下载(无弹窗广告),师尊求放过电子书适合手机平板阅读,本站支持网盘、微盘高速免费下载。《师尊求放过》故事提要——一朝穿越差点被人煮了吃,高((哥安暮 商总觉得自己穿越的方式好像不太对。被救的姿势1w20274-80311 >>
内容简介:一、顾令颜自小就是内定的太子妃人选。人人都道太子徐晏美姿仪、通诗书、善骑射,她喜欢徐晏,对他掏心掏肺的好。然而得到的,永远都是徐晏的一张冷脸等她清醒时,方才明了俩人之间,自始至终只是她 的一厢情愿。也是在这时她才明白,原来所有人都知道太子不喜欢她只有她自己不知道。二、太子徐晏烦透了顾令颜一直缠着他直到那次顾令颜被他伤了心,终于不来了。徐晏却突然觉得哪里都不得劲。听说俩人决裂后顾令颜一直以泪洗面他想着女人嘛,总是要哄哄的。既然顾令颜放不下身段,那只能他这个做太子的先低一低头。等他提着礼物去寻顾令颜,想要服个软说两句好话。可却瞧见了顾令颜在筵席上谈笑风生,哪有半点传闻中憔悴模样?!091食用指南093男主前面欠揍且狗,但是火会烧的很旺很旺我的预收《皇帝的火葬场》,戳专栏可收藏文案新帝登极,以雷霆万钧之势拔除顽固世家。皇后赵懿懿的父母二族首当其冲。皇后自请幽居于椒房殿,顾祯无任何表示,一时之间,昔日夫妻形同陌路。顾祯一直以为时日很长,他又是帝王,天下尽在掌握,无需着急。可等他回首时才发现,一切,早就已经来不及了。看着面前祈求她原谅的皇帝赵懿懿微微勾唇,跪下求我啊。顾祯径直跪在她的贵妃榻前,没有丝毫犹豫。赵懿懿不屑的看着皇帝,轻蔑冷笑,男人嘛,就是这样下贱。她攫住顾祯的下巴,俯身道:我骗你的,你还真信了?顾祯眼眶发红,伸手想要拽住她的一片衣角,却被赵懿懿无情的拂开。他嗓音沙哑,懿懿,你父兄的职位我已恢复,我们还和从前一样,好不好?赵懿懿低头欣赏自己指尖蔻丹,漫不经心道:不好。立意要想获得原谅,就要坚持不懈1w0-76628 >>
From ANN: February 23rd, 20XX. Looking for a job in the famous TV station at Odaiba, college senior Jin Mishima attended the recruitment orientation. Not far away from the station, Nanako Okano, a gothic lolita trying to attend a concert, found out that her friends tricked her about the concert ticket because of jealousy. The two bumped into each other and 'reunited' -- they were junior high classmates -- moments before an earthquake of Richter Scale 8.1 turned the island (the entire city, in fact) into ruins.
On the way to school, Yukino stumbles into a handsome boy, and is surprised to find out that he is Sasegawa, a transfer student joining her class. However, when he enters the classroom, nobody can see his beautiful face hidden beneath his thick bangs. At first Yukino is confused as to why he hides his good looks from the class, but as she develops feelings for him, she starts hoping that nobody will see his real face, for fear that the rest of the girls in class fall in love with him as well. How will Yukino and Sasegawa's relationship turn out in the end? And who is the mysterious man who claims to 'own' Sasegawa?
A volume of cute and romantic short stories: • Caramel Milk Tea Nozomi, a high school student, did not believe in love at first sight. But it happens that she is in love with a cafe clerk. Immediately she declares love to him. But because he gives her the cold shoulder, she is disappointed in love. Now she begins to work part-time for the cafe where he is working. • Futari no Jikan (Two People's Time) Eri hangs out with her childhood friend, who she hasn't seen in four years. They've changed over the years, but certain feeling have stayed the same. • Kirakira no Kimochi (A Sparkling Mood) Narumi tries to make the most of her time before she moves on Christmas Day, but falls unexpectedly in love. • No. 1 Girl Saiko must choose between her career or her love.
From Shoujo Crusade: Aoi and Rin are twins who are very close to each other. Aoi is a tomboy who is also a big kendo nut while Rin is a budding designer. Aoi, after losing a fight against a former acquaintance, Izumi, decides to hunt him down for a rematch but somehow Rin doesn't like the idea? What does he really see her as?
The Corpse Ruler Confuses the World, All Seven Husbands Are Devils summary:
She was originally a jiangshi that had cultivated for countless years. However, when she attempted to illegally enter the world of the immortals, she was discovered by the Jade Emperor, who threw her into the mortal world. Her soul left her corpse, fusing with the body of the Motian Dynasty’s sixth princess. She didn’t even have the chance to digest her current circ.u.mstances, before her maid unexpectedly ignored her mistress, even publicly provoking her!
“What, that weak coward, absolute idiot, who has neither her father’s affections nor mother’s love, and is treated as a maid by her older sister?! The one all the royal princes on the earth unexpectedly loathe?”
“d.a.m.n you! This old lady will let all of you understand why the flowers are so red!”
“Hey! Did you hear? That cowardly sixth princess unexpectedly s.n.a.t.c.hed away the man that the eldest princess favored today!”
“How is that interesting news? That fourth princess who always ran amuck in the capital city is now confined to her bed!”
“The good-for-nothing counterattacks! The previously cowardly and incompetent sixth princess suddenly reveals her exceptional talents! Full of glittering elegance, unparalleled disdain!”
She is driven by the desire to shed no more tears! However, if she had known what would happen later, she would be better off acting stupid! She had calculated thousands, tens of thousands of scenarios, but had never calculated one where one day, her own prey would unexpectedly turn around, and ruthlessly bully her instead! d.a.m.n it, she still hasn’t sucked any blood yet!
Three Things summary: Three Things summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Three Things. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Woodland Tales summary: Woodland Tales summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Woodland Tales. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Convenient Woman summary: Convenient Woman summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Convenient Woman. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.