内容简介:【空间种田逃荒】末世大佬白梧桐带着空间穿到古代,还没等高兴,就发现自己身处逃荒大乱世!杀人抢劫,谋财害命,坐地起价比比皆是。上来,她就干掉两个人。好心救个人,还被讹上了,死缠烂打,非要 跟着她。既然如此,那就别怪她见色起意了。好不容易安定下来,却被分配边疆开荒。天高皇帝远,快活塞神仙,白梧桐求之不得。过了几年。白梧桐一不小心就带领前朝首富,丞相,暗卫营指挥使,当代大儒,女圣人,神医……将蛮荒之地变成了人人趋之如骛的富贵乡。皇帝带着大臣慕名而来,定眼一看,傻眼了。白梧桐身边端茶倒水的男人,不正是自己死了好几年的大儿子吗?各位书友要是觉得《农门逃荒:末世大佬有空间》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-64974 >>
内容简介:一花一世界,一叶一菩提。在这个魔法与以太并存,飞龙与精灵共舞,机关造物已能升空,时间线已完全紊乱的世界,我尝试说一段不一样的春秋战国,不一样的吕氏春秋。如果您喜欢戏谑春秋,别忘记分享给 朋友作者:恨晚别所写的《戏谑春秋》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-97566 >>
内容简介: 苏家行医几十代,代代相传 到了苏老爷子这一代却没落了,儿子孙子孙女不是那块料。 现如今他愁啊,愁的头发都白了,这不,这会儿又在逼着儿子们生娃娃呢。 突然有一天,苏家最小的孙女 忽然不呆不傻了 还聪明的紧,教啥会啥! 苏老爷子这下不愁了,见人就炫耀。 苏暖表示:我一个活了二十几年的人能不聪明吗? 苏老大苏老二表示:谢谢侄女 至于是谢啥呢? 当然是谢以后终于没人逼着他们生娃娃了呀!1w0-2938 >>
内容简介: 积善之家,必有余庆,留余庆,留余庆,忽遇恩人;幸娘亲,幸娘亲,积得阴功。劝人生,济困扶穷……而谁可知,人生于世,上承余庆,终究却是要自己做出道路抉择,正是所谓岔枝发: 东风携云雨 ,幼藤吐新芽。 急催如颦鼓,洗尽茸与华。 且待朝阳至,绿遍庭中架。 更盼黄叶时,采得数枚瓜。 …… …… 《庆余年》同名影视剧由张若昀、李沁、陈道明、吴刚等主演,11月26日起在腾讯视频、爱奇艺开播。1w0-728 >>
内容简介:免费提供作者何婪的经典小说:《儿子是男配》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说【预收文《锦鲤小娇妻》,人形锦鲤穿越成反派的娇妻求收藏么么哒】唐以素一觉醒来,发现自 己穿越进了书里,成为恶毒男配的妈妈。这男配虽然颜值爆表,手握灵泉金手指,却酷爱作死,最爱和男主过不去,结果所有金手指都成全了男主。唐以素看着刚准备换牙的男配儿子,再看着镜子里长着一张妖艳贱货脸的自己。还好还好,男配还没长大,还没遇到男主,一切都还来得及。Tips:①陆洲X唐以素②亲爹亲儿子③男女主互为初恋,超级1w0-73642 >>
内容简介:一直喜欢看古装剧,但是过程和结局总是不能让人满意,于是多年前自己编了一个又一个的故事片段。后来主角一天天长大,配角越来越多,情节越来越饱满。不想让这个故事,这些个片段继续停留在脑海里, 写出来,变成一个完整的故事。大约是关于乾隆年间的故事,但又和正史无关。也许是还珠格格的同人,也许是反同人,但也不是主角。我想可能还有点大女主的味道,可是文章不写完谁会知道呢?1w0-88694 >>
内容简介:女强AA重生AA宠文AA宅斗一对一,女强男更强,强强联手!将门嫡女,一朝封后,世人皆羡。殊不知最温柔的幸福酿成最残酷的悲剧。平日对她百般疼爱的父亲对她的求救视而不见!!山盟海誓的夫君狠 心杀了她腹中的孩子!!她一心守护的庶妹娇笑着夺走她的夫君,逼得她寻死!!她,洛倾凰,以血起誓,若有来世,她定要他们求生不能,求死不得!!!将他们付诸给她的,百倍偿还!!!父亲装痴情?!那就揭开他的面具,叫他身败名裂!庶姐装高贵?!那就揭穿她的身份,叫她无地自容!夫君装深情?!那就戳穿他的把戏,叫他猝不及防!庶妹装柔弱?!那就撕开她的伪装,叫她遗臭万年!片段(一)庶妹指着不幸“毁容”的某女,娇笑着问道,“七殿下觉得,我和姐姐哪个漂亮?”某男眉毛一挑,不置可否。庶妹遂作可怜状,继续问道,“七殿下为何不答?”某男摸了摸下巴,露出颠倒众生的笑颜,勾唇道,“本殿只是觉得不在一个层次的人,没法相比罢了。”庶妹眸中闪过得意笑容,却故作温柔,“殿下如此说,姐姐肯定会伤心的。”某男桃花眼中眼波流转,慵懒应道,“本殿也不愿如此伤人。可是你,实在不配与我的凰儿相提并论!”庶妹脸色大变,羞怒交加。某女唇角漾开一抹浅笑。洛倾城,你当真以为每个男人都如此肤浅?!各位书友要是觉得《重生之嫡女狂后》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-83692 >>
内容简介:王珂,一个装饰公司的小老板,在去一个新工程工地的途中因车祸来到大唐,他为了在这个时代站住脚跟,用他比别人多了一千多年的知识在大唐帝国扇动他那“蝴蝶翅膀”,改变了历史的进程。人称他为“大 唐全才”。本书成立QQ群了,群QQ:87202034强力推荐了了一生YD大作:《医世无忧》书号:39835链接:慕容潇湘大大新书《诸神六部曲天空之城》上传;书号:50066链接:本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《大唐全才》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84792 >>
Kokubu Shunin wa Amakunai summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Kokubu Shunin wa Amakunai. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Growing up in the late 16th century Shinmen Takez, Sengoku era Japan? Is shunned by the neighborhood villagers as a devil kid because of his violent and wild character. Running far from house having a fellow lad at age 17, Takezo joins the Toyotomi military and the Tokugawa clan to battle in the Battle of Sekigahara. On the other hand, the Tokugawa win a smashing success, resulting in almost three hundred years of Shogunate rule. His buddy and Takezo find a way to survive the conflict and later vow to do amazing things with their lives. Yet, after their paths different, Takezo should change his title and his character so that you can escape an ignoble death and becomes a wanted criminal. Vagabond is a Japanese manga series illustrated and written by Takehiko Inoue. It describes a fictionalized accounts of the life span of Japanese swordsman Miyamoto Musashi, centered on the novel Musashi of Eiji Yoshikawa. Note: Won the Kodansha Manga Award for Best General Manga and the 24th Kodansha Manga Award in the general category in 2000. Won the Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize in 2002 and was nomination for the 2003 Eisner Award in the Best Writer/Artist category.
Asamiya Aoi is a mysterious, innocent-seeming young girl who is traveling through a futuristic land with the help of her father's sketchbook. While she may seem naive, she can be surprisingly tough and resourceful. One day, Aoi encounters a young woman named Kyoko. She shares her travel plans with Kyoko and shows her the sketchbook. Kyoko can't believe her eyes! The sketchbook is more like research notes than casual sketches, and it is full of accurate maps and information that she could use to make loads of money. With the original plan of finding a chance to steal the sketchbook, Kyoko feigns concern over Aoi and joins her on her travels. As the two girls encounter and affect the lives of various people on their journey, will Kyoko be able to learn more about this unusual young girl?
From Covenant of Darkness: Face, body, and talent, all 3 are what conspires Misako’s love for the star of the basketball club, with a genius ability and super beautiful Urasawa-kun. However, Misako's first and last profession of love in her lifetime was drastically discarded. Strangely, Urusawa-kun decided to model nudely for an art exhibition in hopes to winning a prize because he has an eye for that thing. The lingering affection is banned and the conditions that sends Misako's heart to abide… A romantic comedy treasure!?
The Doctors Pulaski: The Doctor's Guardian summary: The Doctors Pulaski: The Doctor's Guardian summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Doctors Pulaski: The Doctor's Guardian. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
As Seen By Me summary: As Seen By Me summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of As Seen By Me. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Abraham Lincoln's Religion summary: Abraham Lincoln's Religion summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Abraham Lincoln's Religion. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Charlie St. Cloud summary: Charlie St. Cloud summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Charlie St. Cloud. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.