简介【每周一&每周五】更新 为当红小鲜肉订制书橱?!还可以自由出没他的私宅?!要是被迷妹们知道的话,大概会被羡慕嫉妒恨到死吧……可他怎么和屏幕上的温柔暖男形象差别那么大……傲慢无礼不说,还根本不看书!聘请她的目的,竟然只是为了让她读剧本!Excuse me???
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:哆啦A梦之我是大雄】从小到大都倒霉透底的源大雄,阴差阳错来到了哆啦A梦的世界,正式开启了一段温馨中夹杂着冒险的序幕。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如 有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-86905 >>
内容简介:幻想中的世界化作现实,无数穿越者乱入,不同规则世界间的战争开启,剧情崩坏,主角扑街,配角崛起,穿越者、原住民、各个世界的强者、势力展开搏杀,勾心斗角,种种超凡力量交织碰撞……原著那些善 良、正气、阳光的人物怎么就变得一个比一个自私自利、阴险无良?这个世界太乱太危险……某人思前想后,觉得这一切肯定不是他这个世界领主的问题,不过,为了安全起见,决定还是不要暴露自家身份为妙。1w0-105956 >>
内容简介:白释是无妄天君权嗔的一只白虎。一场大战后,天君陨落,灵魂碎片散落三千世界,白释化作人形,想要将碎片找回,任务完成之后,各个位面中关于她的记忆全部清除。【世界一】校霸vs学神,权嗔:“白 释,既然说了追求我,就不要半途而废。”【世界二】师父vs徒弟,权嗔:“师父,乖一点,以下犯上这种事,我在你不知道的时候,已经做过很多次了。”【世界三】恶魔vs天使,权嗔:“天使给世人予爱,可是我想给她的爱,与世人是不同的。”【世界四】大小姐vs执事,权嗔:“小姐,我养大了你,你不考虑着还我吗?”【世界五】猫女vs摄政王,权嗔:“我赌了半生的天下,你一笑便是了。”……在三千世界中,白释感受到情感与离别,最终收集全部碎片重塑天君原身。但是谁能告诉她,这醒过来的天君为什么有点不对劲啊?!“阿释,乖不乖?”“乖的。”“把凤冠戴好,要嫁我的。”“嗯?!”1w35802-96706 >>
内容简介:手机阅读《我家老婆是二代僵尸》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读韩枫误入了一个聊天群。一进群就人给他送老婆,号称什么尸仙独女,嫁妆丰厚,编造的像模像样。面对这种中二言论,有点好奇的他,答应下来。 他想要看看这个家伙怎么编造后面的情节。等到第二天,一个女生突然出现在家时,韩枫才发现……群里说的都是真的!他有了一个老婆!一个二代僵尸老婆!下载地址加入书架投推荐票直达底部1w0-78282 >>
内容简介: 本书幕后流,书名又名《如何把疯狂的时代变得疯癫》《论一个人怎么忽悠万千鬼神》《你瞧瞧你干的是人事吗》《多灾多难的霓虹》 …… 重生日本东京,灵气复苏,天地异变,鬼神入侵,世人颤 栗,疯狂的时代到来。 王尊立于东京铁塔之上,俯瞰着远方天穹裂开,那里鬼气森森,阴风呼啸如鬼哭神嚎,似阿鼻地狱要现世, 对此,王尊脑中系统提示音响起,作为唯一的超凡的他,抬起手摆头,五指纤细于东京铁塔上空划过,犹如优雅的音乐指挥家,指挥着无声却又激昂的乐曲: “系统,消耗剧本点,拉低灯光。” 刹那,天穹正午时分,炽盛的骄阳变得柔和,暗淡下来。 “系统,消耗剧本点,舞台准备。” 瞬息,东京轰鸣,一股股似云如棉的雾,弥漫于东京街道、小巷、马路、高楼大厦间,将之整个东京漫溢。 “系统……” … 当一切准备剧本就绪,天穹裂缝大开…… 【读者一群】:315932728(已满) 【读者二群】:809559008 1w0-851 >>
内容简介:崇祯:“上仙,我要重振大明”托尼史塔克:“伙计,我要干掉灭霸”爱丽丝:“亲爱的,我要拯救世界”吉姆雷诺:“哥们,我要救我女朋友。”……王大海:“只要有好处,统统没问题。”1w0-973 54 >>
内容简介:5000多年的民族历史,十四亿的中华儿女,用自豪守护。我从不怕劈天盖地的暴雨和黑暗。雨来,十四亿人撑伞光暗,十四亿人点灯。我就是一颗砂砾,一滴清泉,一斩劲风。你问我可否踏足山巅,俯瞰众 生万象。我不必我十四亿砂砾,十四亿清泉,十四亿劲风,就已经是山巅,是汪洋,是铺天盖地的罡正之气我有一剑,可诛奸邪,颂英雄,笔锋回转处,可见惊鸿。我,就是镇国军神,李星河。一念长生之巅,一念永生之巅!————读者群:939284764本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我真的不想长生啊》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-69207 >>
内容简介:【小伙伴们新年快乐!!二月三号入v,届时万字掉落,还望大家伙多多支持,比心心】【忧莫get,文野进行中】为了挽救姐姐的生命,安安绑定了“结缘系统”。系统:你只需要前往各个世界撮合一对对 cp让他们结婚,是不是很简单?安安:可以,我红娘技能点满。系统:你看那两个人,是不是非常般配?是不是从里到外透露出一股天作之合的气息?安安:等等,这个不是男男吗?那个不是百合吗?1w0-92065 >>
内容简介:我遵循母亲的遗言,装成废物去给别人做上门女婿,为期三年。 现在,三年时间结束了... 老书链接:https://www.heiyan.com/book/82361,等更 的朋友可以阅读老书1w0-1242 >>
内容简介:前世我卑微如斯,胆小如斯,要靠妻子以命换命才得以苟活于人世;今世我王者归来,许你一世繁华,前程锦绣,那些辱我,欺我、迫害我们夫妻的人,你们听好了,我会让你们后悔来到这个世界上,我会成为 你们的噩梦。1w17154-26431 >>
内容简介:小兵的都市小说逍遥境(越来越H虐心np人兽唯美)最新章节更新速度一流,阅读环境舒适,是逍遥境(越来越H虐心np人兽唯美)爱好者阅读首选之站,逍遥境(越来越H虐心np人兽唯美)全文阅读一 定要来小兵网。1w94016-100694 >>
Armored Core - Tower City Blade summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Armored Core - Tower City Blade. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
From DMG: What do animals do in the spring of their lives? They mate! Wildly! Four mischievous friends have met their match: their own hearts! Now that they're older, the only troubles these country boys find make them moan and pant. Kou-chan wants to confess to Kishi, but he’s full of heart-pounding doubt over Kishi’s response. Mitsuru, the serious boy pining for a lost love, is ambushed by Tarou, an obtuse, air-headed sadist, full of devotion for his darling. And who is this tall boy, beating everyone up yet shooting flowers out of the panels? Somebody needs to figure out his body language. Psyche Delico comes out to play... all over the pages of PURE LOVE’S SEXY TIME!
Anthology of 3 stories. 1) Ciao, My Darling - Shishimoto who makes his living as a computer wizard picks up down-on-his-luck Tomosaka and his cat Hana off the street. Shishimoto seems to really have it all together, while Tomosaka can't even hold down a job for any length of time -- but not all is well behind Shishimoto's gruff facade, and over time Tomosaka finds out what's wrong, and comes to care. But then he causes Shishimoto to lose a lot of work by pulling the computer plug at an inopportune time to save electricity (quibble: the mangaka doesn't understand computers). Shishimoto has to call in his female friend Mika to help, which pushes Tomosaka into confessing his love for Shishimoto. But Shishimoto doesn't react well to his confession.
A thousand years ago, Enka, the god of destruction, died leaving a prophecy that its 'child' would one day destroy the world. In order to prevent this, 'Operation Cozy Family' is implemented in which the children who are potentially prophesied as the 'Child of Enka' are forced to live together. This impromptu family contains all children, human and otherwise, as well as an official of the bureau and a self-proclaimed goddess who act as the parents of the household. The goal of 'Operation Cozy Family' is to discern who the prophecy applies to, as well as to teach them all about the love of family in hopes of convincing the 'Child of Enka' not to destroy the world. But with all families, there''s bound to be mishaps and adventure - especially when the fate of the world is at hand!
Rebel Force_ Uprising summary: Rebel Force_ Uprising summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Rebel Force_ Uprising. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Gakusen Toshi Asterisk summary:
The Academy City on water, “Rikka”. This city, otherwise known as ‘Asterisk’, was famous for being the world’s largest stage for the integrated battle entertainment . The young boys and girls of the belonging to the six academies made their wishes with Shining Armaments in their hands, vying for supremacy — Amagiri Ayato is one of them.
Ayato arrived at Rikka at the invitation of the Student Council President of the Seidoukan Academy, Claudia, and right after that he incurred the wrath of the Julis, and ended up having to duel her.
Martha's Way: Need You Now summary: Martha's Way: Need You Now summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Martha's Way: Need You Now. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States, at January Term, 1832 summary: Opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States, at January Term, 1832 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States, at January Term, 1832. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.