内容简介:“叮咚——”“欢迎进入神级盗墓系统,请您选择职业——1摸金校尉2发丘中郎将3卸岭力士4搬山道人”“1啊,果断摸金校尉,选1啊!”“叮咚——职业选择成功,请接收第一个初级任务,挖掉你隔壁 老王家的祖坟——”各位书友要是觉得《神级盗墓系统》还不错的话请不要忘记向您qq群和微博里的朋友推荐哦1w23869-108826 >>
内容简介:晨溪心事(高h)是由Facile所写的高辣浓情类小说,本站提供晨溪心事(高h)最新章节阅读晨溪心事(高h)全文阅读晨溪心事(高h)免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现晨溪心事(高h)更新慢了 请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-48586 >>
内容简介:开局长生,历经两万年沉浮,方知仙路之难。看一位位仙帝崛起又落幕,看这世间风云变幻,张稳岿然不动。见证无数修行者之路后,张稳终于是踏上了修行路。我修行,不为长生,只为亘古无双,自在极意! 正所谓遇事不决闭关万年,这天下第一,我张稳要定了,仙帝也改不了,我说的!这厮欺人太甚,你放心,你的葬礼必定有我,等你死后万年,我定然会再来拜访!三万年河东,三万年河西,莫欺长生穷!这次夺宝的高手也太多了,什么,才一万年一开,告辞,贫道下次再来!他尚壮,暂且饶他一命!他未老,老则有变!他未死,死则有变!这位大帝,你要修陵寝吗,我的手艺那是一绝啊!说出来你可能不信,前面那几个,都是我埋的!岁月流逝,世界终焉,天人五衰,张稳走出小楼,一剑永恒。1w0-99370 >>
内容简介:“叮,签到成功,获得超级血清!”“叮,完成签到任务,获得超级黑客能力!”“叮,签到满勤奖,获得无敌格斗术!”楚风穿越特种兵世界,成为东海第一世家继承人,坐拥百亿家产。却没想到这具身体体 弱多病,随时身故。恰好此时签到系统出现,只要签到,楚风便能不断变强。而楚风的第一次任务,便是救出任务失败的安然,阴差阳错发生不可描述本书关键词:历史军事热血同人特种兵《特种兵:开局捡到安然》小说推荐:想离婚?没门!、一枝、金主上位记、十年对手,一朝占有、刺青、顽石、姐姐领进门:掌权、朱门贤妻、荒野之春、绝世驭灵师、穿书后我成了首辅的心尖宠、温柔豢养、未来兽世当萌宠、我、我是你的、无地自容、穿越学霸福气满满、六十度角、胥哥小面、楚氏昭华、绯闻太多是我的错吗、典型意外(ABO)、指父为兄、晚熟、梵歌、攻成伪受快穿、来自地狱的男人、秋以为期、畸态、蓄谋已久、重生小地主1w0-98032 >>
内容简介:作为大雍长公主,阚楹和摄政王谢惊昼之间算计无数,不死不休。直到某日,两人意外穿书,自称系统的东西找上门。【剧情里,阚楹拉着协议老公谢惊昼签了一档恋爱类综艺,前期尬秀恩爱,被网友们疯狂吐 槽,后期吵架闹离婚,让网友们直呼果然是塑料夫妇!】【你们必须完成全部桥段!否则就要捆绑一辈子!听见了吗?!捆绑一辈子!】阚楹:……太恶毒了。谢惊昼:……有点惊喜。两人穿书时,综艺已经播出两期。阚楹看着网上1w0-92134 >>
内容简介:书中定远侯府夫人是个疯批老太太!因为丈夫对她无情,她不仅寻个由头害死了丈夫。还将侯府之中的小妾和八个庶生子女,一一残害致死。她还光明正大的踩着这些尸骨踏上诰命夫人之路!但最后作者强掰书 中三观,用幕后正义之手收拾老太,老太不得善终,被磨骨抽筋而死。在现代风华正茂、走马上任第一天的慕言被车撞死之后莫名的穿进了书中成了快要杀光全书人的侯门疯批老太太,此时,正是这侯门老太太要疯狂报复的时候……1w0-78275 >>
内容简介:结婚前,女友为了给她弟弟结婚,狮子大张口索要五十万彩礼,肖锋一怒之下踹了扶弟魔女友!随后被绝美女总裁看中,肖锋成为了女总裁家的上门女婿,但万万没想到,自己竟然是京城大家族的唯一继承人… … 从此肖锋成为了有史以来最狂,最无敌的上门女婿!1w0-2382 >>
内容简介: 最牛修真指南三大秘诀:活着、好好活着、长长久久好好活着! 成为出场三章就将身死道消的炮灰女配,张依依果断开启自救模式。 这是一个小姑娘从亿亿万炮灰中拼杀而出,最终证道飞升踏破虚 空的故事。PS:本文有CP,但为剧情男主,感情线微乎其微,甚至于可以当成无CP看,介意者勿入,谢谢!1w0-938 >>
内容简介:万人迷被反套路了穿书笔趣阁,万人迷被反套路了穿书sodu,万人迷被反套路了穿书小说,万人迷被反套路了穿书顶点,万人迷被反套路了穿书简容,余然一觉醒来发现自己变成了一本强制文里的万人迷主 角受。他的发小喜欢他,要把他打断腿关小黑屋变成自己的金丝雀;他管家的儿子暗恋他,要给他下药让自己属于他;他的死对头爱慕他,要把他家搞破产,好让自己依附他。余然:这个爱要不起,告辞!宴会上,眼见着这几个人看他的眼神越来越不对劲,余然一把挽住殷晏的胳膊,满脸深情,“我喜欢他,这辈子非他不可。”殷晏在书里是个性格阴骛,大家都不敢惹的大反派,关键是他从头到尾都不喜欢自己!余然看着殷晏阴沉的脸色觉得贼安全……后来他才知道他真傻,真的……下本预收《穿成恶毒男配后我爆红了》叶柏穿了,穿成了因为多次向主角成宣宣示爱被拒后不死心使尽各种下三滥手段而被全网黑的恶毒男配叶白。他打开微博一看自己八千万多粉丝数……这么多粉丝,要什么爱情!是钱不好赚还是粉丝不可爱?他转头就答应了那个钱超多,但要和主角一起的综艺,然后一堆打算骂叶白的网友发现,事情好像有点不对劲,叶白看起来一点都不喜欢成宣,而且这个小哥哥为什么居然该死的让人想粉。就在叶白接通告接到手软时,他发现最近他见到某个男人的概率似乎有点多?而这个人好像是男主那个传说中不可接近,只会和事业结婚的小舅舅……不久后,某娱乐号突然爆出当红小生叶白疑似与影帝成宣见家长,婚期将至,难道之前表现出的想通了都是为了洗白故意欺骗大众?不等大家脱粉回踩,成宣看到消息手机都吓掉了,迅速回应:请勿造谣,这是我小舅妈,并艾特叶白和宗政。叶白回应:乖,大外甥!宗政:嗯,我老婆说得对。广大网友:……1w0-93774 >>
内容简介:王五这时候也脱光了衣服,走到王翠花的身后抱起她的大屁股,说道:“一会再说,你哥我可憋了一道了,我得先找个正经地方肏几下。”说着,对准王翠花的阴道口蹭了两下,噗嗤一下就把粗长的大鸡巴捅了 进去。王翠花也是久旷之人,后面立刻就湿了。因为嘴里含着鸡巴,叫不出声来,就连连哼哼了几声,配合着王五的抽插摇摆着屁股。兄弟俩也是急色,就这样在客厅里一前一后,一边唠嗑一边肏干着王翠花。1w0-98111 >>
From DMP: Tomonori Ozawa has just landed a job at a large publishing firm. The only catch is, he is the new editor of a Boy’s Love magazine?! On top of that, he is stuck with dealing with the artist Sakurako Kakyoin, a male yaoi artist who is notorious for missing his deadlines. To become a full fledged editor, Tomonori-kun has to start from the bottom – checking drafts, editing scripts and lettering. Now if only Kakyoin-sensei would stop sexually harassing him, he could actually get some work done! Prequel to Love Portion.
The manga centers around Takeichi Hanpeita, a samurai who finds that he has traveled through time to modern day Japan. He is taken in by an old man who owns a cram school, and begins to work as a lecturer in the school.
From Colorful Scans: This book contains a complete analysis of Type A, Type B, Type O, Type AB boys in particular!! 1. How to love a B blood type boyfriend: It is said that blood type A and B are the worst combinations among all... What will happen to Kanade, a blood type A, and her blood type B boyfriend…!? 2. How to catch an A blood type guy Miku, blood type O, confesses to her love, blood type A, and was rejected. Being a blood type O, she won't give up that easily, together she and her friends start devising plans to catch her love. Will their plans work? 3. The true character of an O blood type guy Aki is a volleyball player in the springtime of her life who is uninterested in love. What will happen when she is confessed to a junior? What is he truly after? 4. Countermeasure your inclination to an AB blood type guy Rio dislikes blood type AB guys after her unpleasant experiences with type AB boyfriends. And her fellow co-worker just happens to be a type AB. What will happen between the both of them? [LITTLE SMUT SCENE ALERT] 5. The best boyfriend After confessing to Murakami, a cool and intellectual student council president, Noa and Murakami started going out. However Noa starts to doubt if Murakami truly loves her or is he just too kind to reject her? 6. Your body temperature when you fall in love No one can ever guess the relationship between Koga, a popular guy in school, and Ako, a lonewolf!
Seriu Ichiro has always been in the shadow of his older sister, Rei, who did great things as the student body president in her high school. Although he was the student body president at his middle school, he was sick of the responsibility and wanted to live free. That’s when Ichiro decides to attend Yashio Academy, literally a brand new school, where his class would be the first ever class of the school which meant a fresh start for Ichiro. He meets a fellow school mate, Hatsuse Sakuno, on the way to Yashio and as soon as the two walk through the school gate, it's announced that he is the new student body president. As much as he tries to fight fate, he soon accepts the position of student body president on one condition: that Sakuno acts as co-president.
Invincible Level Up summary:
Qin Tian accidentally transmigrated into a sickly body, a body with broken Dantian that was unable to practice Qigong, in another world. Fortunately, G.o.d had mercy on him by giving him a level up system. Useless? That was him in the past. Not worrying about practicing Qigong, he was now able to kill Monsters to level up. Easy! Level up when killing Monsters; level up when killing people. An unbeatable sovereign of the clan in the eyes of other people, but in his eyes, he is a glittering big BOSS.
With this level up system, he will no longer encounter any bottlenecks during a breakthrough in cultivation like other geniuses; all he needs to do was kill as many monsters, clan heads, sovereigns, world experts … to have a better life.
Dedicating his life on a road to become an expert.
Bio Of A Space Tyrant - Statesman summary: Bio Of A Space Tyrant - Statesman summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Bio Of A Space Tyrant - Statesman. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Germany, Bohemia, and Hungary, Visited in 1837 summary: Germany, Bohemia, and Hungary, Visited in 1837 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Germany, Bohemia, and Hungary, Visited in 1837. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Anthony Lyveden summary: Anthony Lyveden summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Anthony Lyveden. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.