简介我没有罪!!绝不轻言放弃!! 只要活着,一切都还有希望! 陨石撞击近未来都市〝东京〞当年,才3岁的栗田陆成了孤儿,贫穷却坚强活着的他在贫民窟里自立自强地熬过10个年头。然而某天,待他如家人的警察大叔惨遭杀害,原本是目击证人的他反被诬陷成杀人凶手,最后甚至被送进了难以脱身的最边境终极监狱里!即即使身处险境,13岁的少年小陆仍旧怀抱希望,努力锻链自己,期待能揪出真正的凶手并逃离监狱。不过,真正的考验才正要开始……最凶监狱逃狱记!!震撼的第1集登场! 本书特色 这是个绝不轻言放弃的男孩子的故事。描述主人翁栗田陆为人陷害,被罗织入罪,进了黑牢。在那里什么凶神恶煞都有,但他仍有梦想与不屈不挠的毅力,希望能逃狱成功,就为了要找出真凶!是一本让人看了热血激昂的监狱奋斗记
内容简介:曲二公子流连花丛多年,从不曾被谁困住那颗浪子之心。直到那天,秦之意把离婚协议甩在他脸上,他才惊觉有些爱不动声色,却刻入骨髓,困住他的心的人,一直就在身边。曲二公子笑的像个斯文败类,缓缓 道:“这辈子离异你是不可能了,丧偶或许还有机会。”秦之意:“我还可以出轨。”【斯文败类VS骄纵大小姐】本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《曲意逢情》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w47194-80420 >>
内容简介:吾是浮游子,志在记苍生!元能111身体素质1修为10五商剑术100五商剑术大成!修为突破灵境!职业:修道者姓名:商蝣号浮游子修为:灵境三重天【99910000】能力:游商天下(踏遍千山 万水,归来仍是少年!)灵法:磨剑法大成御兽法大圆满身体素质:66666666评级:一颗星(潜力有限,节哀顺便!)PS只手握苍生,游商行天下!游商书友群:八一五五二九五九七1w0-81942 >>
内容简介:(全文存稿完,周日更100章30万字)下本预收《海王渣攻他怀孕了》上一世,超s级哨兵漆铎被队员出卖,某次任务中精神失控,最后和赶来制止他的情敌黑暗向导阚邶同归于尽,两人的精神体雪狼和蓝 鲸在深海里爆炸。这一世,漆铎不再磕安定葯,主动接近情敌,请他帮忙梳理精神图景,梳理结束时意外发生,两层楼高的蓝鲸精神体激动求愛,掀起海水往漆铎身上扑,安抚好精神体雪狼,漆铎挑起笑唇:“你这……什么时候开始暗恋我的?”阚邶眉头直跳,耳根微微泛红,在漆铎哈哈哈的愉悦笑声中阴沉着脸逃了。后来某次任务中漆铎遇到危险,陷入精神混乱中,连塔里都下达了脑死亡通知,一头蓝鲸将他从死海深渊里带出来,漆铎看着面前熬夜熬出了胡渣的阚邶,他勾了勾手指:“这次你可以向我表白加求爱了!”……雪狼超s级哨兵受vs蓝鲸黑暗向导攻…封面人设,感谢青椒小可爱帮我费心画的1w0-82335 >>
内容简介:作为现代美术学院少女凤浅曦,画了无数美男却还是个母胎solo。穿越醒来的第一眼她遇到了一个白白净净、外表有欺骗性的少年,本以为可以从此过上没羞没臊的幸福生活,却不想少年根本看不上她!世 子:“公主,我与四公主已经退婚,我有资格追求您了。”楚王:“世上就没有朕得不到的女人,凤浅曦你必须诚服于朕!”右相:“公主,有微臣在,任何人都伤不得您。”少年心中吃醋,看着胆小、毫无存在感的五公主成长为人人敬畏、风华绝代的女皇,单纯少年变腹黑boss!女皇:“墨子渊,你愿意和我相守一生吗?”少年:“我愿意!!!”1w0-94790 >>
内容简介:类型:言情近代现代爱情想当初我在娘家的时候多舒坦啊,衣来伸手,饭来张口,吃多了消食的时候还可以顺便遛遛狗,气不顺的时候打打弟妹练练手。现在可好,从开马六变成了开QQ,连生病了也没有人照 顾,气不顺的时候只能拿自己练手,我倒是想打老公啊,可是他那么大的块头,还是特种兵退役,我打得过么我!……这还是人过的日子么。呐,简简单单就是婚后生活的种种,父母之命相亲成功之后结婚,老公比可爱的老婆大六岁。两个人由半个陌生人渐渐相爱的事情。柴米油盐,生活的种种,让一个少女渐渐成熟的过程。可爱任性又有一些刁蛮和幼稚的老婆,渐渐征服自家老公的过程。当然,同时也是成熟稳重不太浪漫的老公征服小老婆的过程1w0-105593 >>
内容简介:五年前,她刚从乡下回来就被人算计,本以为睡了个牛郎,却不料是个活阎王,得罪不起,她只好开溜。五年后,她带着五个儿子归来,强势虐渣,爽到爆。大儿子商界奇才,二儿子顶级黑客,三儿子神医,四 儿子航天奇才,五儿子美食大佬,而她……马甲也掉一地,还被迫捡了个超级大佬当老公。“女人,还想逃?”顾爷一手拿着红本本,一手把她堵在怀里。十个月后,她再次生下了五胞胎儿子1w18959-26351 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:全球器灵:只有我认识上古神器】【叮!您获得上古神剑越王剑,获得天赋卧薪尝胆!】【叮!您获得商太阳神鸟,获得技能金乌负日!】【叮!您获得青铜神树,获得技能春木风 灵!】【叮!您的青铜神树和太阳神鸟产生羁绊!】……五百年前,灵气复苏、凶兽肆虐!大半的人类丧命于凶兽之口,岌岌可危!幸得有驭灵师横空出世,扶大厦之将倾!五百年后,考古学家白稷穿越至这个世界。发现昔日的大国至宝,却被隐藏在尘土中。无人认识,无人问津!十大名剑,三星堆青铜器,司母戊鼎,九州鼎……白稷拾起越王剑,步步逆行,一剑开天!“这是我大夏历代先祖筚路蓝缕,攒下的基业!”“神器无数飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢全球器灵:只有我认识上古神器,别忘记分享给朋友作者:上古三千年所写的《全球器灵:只有我认识上古神器》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-83660 >>
内容简介: 酒后醒来回到刚改革开放的八十年代,睁开眼就面临母亲高额的手术费用。上一世为了给母亲凑手术费,大哥以身犯险丢了性命,父母遭受打击相继而去,留下苏峥如无根浮萍飘零于世。现在,苏峥要改变 这一切。不但如此,他还要活的肆意妄为!苏峥玩味问道:“小马,你对钱感兴趣吗?”1w0-2011 >>
内容简介:骚心荡漾(兄妹1V1)是由五零二三所写的高辣浓情类小说,本站提供骚心荡漾(兄妹1V1)最新章节阅读骚心荡漾(兄妹1V1)全文阅读骚心荡漾(兄妹1V1)免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现骚心 荡漾(兄妹1V1)更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-74734 >>
From Shoujo Crusade: Tsubaki always appears experienced, but actually, she has never had a boyfriend even though she's already 16, and she's a real baby. She wants to quickly increase her love experiences, and become an adult! One day, she got called out by her math teacher, Shiina-sensei, and she was told that she'll have to take supplementary lessons. All alone in the math room with her sensei after school, Tsubaki's heart beat like crazy when she saw Shiina-sensei's facial expressions that were different from usual...?
1-2) Onsen's Love Moment of Blis Kouichirou Fuji, a part time worker of lunch shop is so surprised to hear his colleague's experience of sexual molestation. Then Kouichirou feels too nervous for Takashi. All staffs are going to a hot spring as company outing but shop owner suddenly disappears with his lover leaving Kouichirou and Takashi alone. But Takashi turns out to be seme just like Kouichirou... 3) Couple's Time Takashi's senior student, Miura works at travel agency and give tickets of 'hot spring tour' to Takashi and Kouichirou. But Miura stays same hotel as his work and interferes the date of Takashi and Kouichirou... 4) A Passionate Onsen Retreat Kouichirou and Takashi go to Atami. They are obsessed with the ghosts of tragic couple of literature, Kan-ichi and Omiya at 'Omiya no Matsu' and quarrel about trifles... 5) The Deep Sweet Affection Between The Two of Us Kouichirou asks Takashi to live together but Takashi does not accept it. Then a new and cute part-time joins. He presses himself against Takashi because he should resign the work and part with Kouichirou. Takashi happens to see it... 6) Heart's Distance They go to Nikkou. There are theme parks of Ninja and Western. Kouichirou shows his good performance on the horse in front of TV crews. They are scouted for travel video. But Takashi nearly becomes the model of Adult pornographic video... 7) Your Radiance In My Heart They stay the cottage but quarrel about shopping. Under a stadium of stars, they are naturally reconciled...
Contain numerous of oneshots. [From Attractive Fascinante]: 1) Happy Cook - Chef Nakasawa saves Tokiya from trouble and ends up teaching him how to cook. But is it only cooking that Nakasawa will be teaching? 2) Straight Mind - Incoming freshman Kasuga has always won any fight he has been in, until he meets the elusive Tougou. Kasuga wants nothing more than to meet Tougou again and fight, but he is told to stay from Tougou. It seems that Tougou is the chief director's son, and a previous student was expelled for hurting Tougou. Can Kasuga stay away? Will Tougou allow anyone to get close to him again? 3) Happy Place - Stray dog... stray uke... Does it really make a difference? 4) My One-Side Love - Kazuki is a game programmer who collects adult toys. He's also been in love with his neighbor Masato for ten years. When Masato asks Kazuki to teach him how to use a computer, will the time they spend together be all work and no play? 5) Restriction - Tsukasa may look scary with his piercings and blond hair, but the straitlaced head of the disciplinary committee is the frightening one! He ruthlessly uses Tsukasa who's trapped! But sempai will graduate in a year, then Tsukasa will be free, right? 6) Special Lunch - We go back to our original couple from ch 1 and a new type of dinner date.
Stupid, poor and tease but I really love that guy… A compilation of six pure love awakening stories!! Isourou Otokowari – Anri Yuuka A NEET (not in education, employment or training) stumbled in a poor cafetaria and has been living there ever since. Poor and good for nothing… but somehow, what is this feeling…? Number girl No.2 Sister – Sakurai Machiko A younger sister who learns by looking at her brother’s back. What if she happens to fall in love…? Yubikiri no Binetsu – Kitagawa Yuka I started to fall in love with the dull and indifferent art teacher. Yasashikutte, Sugoku baka – Miyoshi Maki A king was broken hearted from a childhood friend, and came today to heal it to my public bath. (He doesn’t know what one feels!) Suiyoubi wa himitsu – Ootomo Nana There’s a secret class on Wednesday nights, something one can’t say at all. A secret unfaithfulness… “A lesson on how to kiss…” I just love you – Ichinose Ruka To hide behind pure poems, it was a fun thing to do! But… What if there’s someone I love…?
'Stops', Or How to Punctuate summary: 'Stops', Or How to Punctuate summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of 'Stops', Or How to Punctuate. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Ryuugoroshi no Sugosuhibi summary:
The sky. That was the first thing that the young man saw. The deep blue sky.
“Without a warning or any reason I, Watase Kousuke, was thrown into another world. I killed a dragon and saved the n.o.ble girl Horun who was sent there as a sacrifice”
After killing the dragon, his power greatly increased and he was granted the chance to live in a different world.
Together with Horun, they went to the home of the Witch Alice to ask about this world. After learning about the events leading to Kousuke appearing in this world, they went to the city Bera.s.sen in order to test if he will be able to survive.
This is his adventure.
Proposed Roads to Freedom summary: Proposed Roads to Freedom summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Proposed Roads to Freedom. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Deuterocanonical Books of the Bible summary: Deuterocanonical Books of the Bible summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Deuterocanonical Books of the Bible. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.