


简介烈日余光下,层叠青葱旁,都残留着当年相互追逐、相互争吵,以及那些喜怒无常的影子,这些影子如同蒙上了一层记忆的薄纱,让人心生温暖,连笑容都不由自主的放松了很多。 时隔15年,那久违的心脏,像是复苏了一般。 终于还是,回来了……






















类别都市 恋爱 霸总 总裁








内容简介:生产队的都说余家祖坟冒青烟了,新进门的媳妇突然一改先前的懒馋,不仅做得一手好菜,就是地里的农活也干得有模有样,更让人眼红的是,人家一举考上大学,毕业就成了吃商品粮的教师。眼看余家日子越 过越好,生产队的纷纷开始巴结当家的新媳妇,只有周小满在心底默默流泪,一辈子稳重内敛的自己,怎么就摊上这么个二流子老公1w0-89946 >>


内容简介:人鱼法则第一条:不吃嗟来之食人鱼法则第二条:一切为了繁衍和族群人鱼法则第三条:远离人类公元2217年,余景年见到了他的人鱼。注:本文非穿越未来生包子式人鱼文,灵感和关于人鱼的部分设定来 源于X档案翻译同人《一条叫Krycek的鱼》1w0-72484 >>




内容简介:身份不明的女孩,陌生又熟悉的世界。她寻找的,不仅是身世的秘密,还有生死的真相。梦境里出现的界碑,是阻碍,还是机会。陷入了命运的漩涡之后,女孩会如何选择,守护规则,翻覆规则,世界的轨迹将 完全不同。1w0-27803 >>


内容简介:现代天才法医唐棠,穿成古代纨绔嫡小姐。原主人品恶劣,三观不正,树敌无数,还是个大花痴,没事,人品可以攒,三观可以扶,敌人可以除,至于那天下第一美王爷咱也没兴趣。披上咱的小马甲,一心一意 搞事业,验尸破案咱最行,一朝马甲掉了地,王妃从此靠破案,轰动全京城。天下第一美王爷:“本王女人,就是了不起。”唐棠:“你不去夺皇位,1w0-37483 >>


内容简介:  简介巴蜀自古便是锁龙之地,皆因巴蜀生活太过安逸,容易消磨意志,所以才有“少不入川”之说。一位平凡的青城少年不愿坐井观天,心怀壮志,却被同门视为另类,饱受排挤。这位少年勇敢走出大山, 屡获机缘,收获了友谊和爱情,也遭遇了离别和背叛;见识了开元盛世的壮丽恢宏,也尝尽了背井离乡的人情冷暖。权斗的黑暗,人性的诡谲,战争的残酷,一场安史之乱,让大唐急转直下,改变了无数人生命的轨迹。 最繁华也是最悲凉,就是这个时代的命运。在这一个英雄辈出,虎狼当道,波澜壮阔的年代,少年该何去何从……1w0-2922 >>


内容简介:关于林助理有话要说:【入V公告】12月30日入V,当天会有三更,谢谢大家支持呀!【更新时间】周一到周五每天中午1200更新,周六、周日休息,《游戏大作战》广播剧在猫耳连载中,欢迎大家去 听呀!【本文文案】身为万筑集团的第一助理,林回无疑是相当优秀的——总经理信任他,员工依赖他,合作伙伴也时常对他赞赏有加。然而林回事业上如鱼得水,私下却偷偷暗恋自己上司长达数年,就在他以为生活会永远这么下去的时候,1w0-77874 >>


内容简介:云初就是做了点小买卖,无缘无故就被被判定黑化值过高,十恶不赦,拉进小世界里做个好人。br云初“好人不长命,放我回去。”br系统【小姐姐,反派终究会被正义消灭,做个身心健康的好人才能长命 百岁哦。】br由于小世界出现问题,本来应该是帮助女主的女配们,纷纷黑化,变成终极大反派,作恶多端,最终被主角打败。br云初的任务就是改变配角命运,阻止悲剧发生,做一个好配角,活到全剧终!br云初……br不做,不去,滚。br见鬼的黑化值,休想套路我!1w0-109480 >>


内容简介:我叫陈宁,穿越到了九州顶级门派。老掌门仙逝前把掌门之位传给了我。还告诉了我一系列爆炸消息。“大长老沧月是皇朝派过来监视门派的线人。”“二长老是天池圣地的圣女,年幼时就潜伏在门派里,作为 内应,随时准备配合天池圣地里应外合。”“执法堂堂主是魔族探子,关于门派的各种秘密,已经传递出去数以万计的情报了。”“门派第一高手是个兽耳娘,是兽族扎在门派里的一根钉子,对掌门之位虎视眈眈,随时准备取而代之,振兴族群。”“就连我的贴身护卫,也是盗神的孙女,听从盗神之命,贪图门派里的财宝密藏,所图甚大!”总之……现在门派里除了我以外,全都是卧底。这可怎么办?在线等,挺慌的。1w0-8682 >>


内容简介:她被渣男和贱妹联手陷害,生子时才知真相。六年后,她带天才萌宝霸气而归。打脸渣妹,惩治渣男,恶斗渣爹。可是却无意间撞上了传闻中性情残暴下半身瘫痪的残疾总裁——陆翌然,从此之后,各种麻烦事 不断。“女人,签了这份合同,从此我为你撑腰。”“女人,你就是我的药,除了你,我谁都不要。”这下子,萌宝不干了:“要我妈咪,你问过我们没有!”娇妻跑,残疾大佬追,从此以后,所有人都知道,陆翌然为了一个女人,站起来了!乐文小说网各位书友要是觉得《成了残疾大佬的心尖宠》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-108686 >>





Blood Heaven

Princess Aurora,Laira was awoke from coma and realized that herself is not a living thing but a doll.Her fiance,Prince Erique has been killed by a mysterious guy.Laira decided to joined FLAM, a military organization at Pillatus that hunting vampires to revenge her fiance's death.She meets Veltrich, prince at Pillatus who had a similar face with Erique. Nevertheless,in fact that similarity had a prove that he is not Erique. Laira starts to worry if she fall in love with Veltrich and betray her love for Erique.Where is the way of love Laira now?


Collection of short stories including: • Nejishiki A man gets bitten on the arm by a jelly fish on a village beach foreign to him. He sets off desperately searching for a doctor who can heal his bleeding veins... Tsuge's 3rd-only English translated work, a sensational and controversial piece that stunned American audiences when published in issue #250 of The Comics Journal. One of Tsuge's 'dream stories'. • Numa (Marsh) A man meets a strange woman while hunting in a marsh. • Chico A couple takes care of a java sparrow. • Hatsutake Gari (Mushroom Hunting) Rain mysteriously falls around a particular place where a boy and his grandfather plan on going mushroom hunting the next morning... • Sanshouuo (Salamander) • Touge no Inu • Uwasa no Bushi • Ondoru Koya (Ondoru House) • Gensenkan Shujin (Master of the Gensenkan Inn) • Chouhachi no Yado • Oba Denki Tokin Kogyosho (Oba's Electroplate Factory) • Yoshiboo no Hanzai • Shounen • Aru Mumei Sakka It DOES NOT contain this story: • Soto no Fukurami (The Outside Inflation) The outside inexplicably threatens to collapse a man's house, leading him out to a world of anxiety and oddness in this minimalist story.

Shutter Love

The story of two school friends Maki and Yumi. Asai, a young professional photographer, notices Maki who is very talented in photography. He introduces his girlfriend, Sai, to her. Sai is also a photographer, but she's not motivated anymore... But when love interferes with their lives everything is in turmoil... Between abuse and feelings, prepare to dive in an unforgettable story.

Dragon Drive

Reiji Oozora is a total loser! Not good at anything especially schoolwork! One day his friend Maiko Yukino offers to share her class notes with him to help him out on the condition that he takes her wherever she wants to go. She takes him to a secret place where a virtual reality game called Dragon Drive is played. Reiji signs up, gets his own dragon, which ends up being the smallest and weakest in the game! Because of its tiny size Reiji names the dragon Chibi. Right after joining the game Reiji and Maiko are sent to battle a classmate who has as crush on Maiko named Daisuke. Reiji runs from the battle and just when it seems like he can't win his dragon does something impossible! It suddenly powers up and defeats the much larger dragon. Reiji wins and is suddenly addicted to this new exciting game. A staff member of the Dragon Drive virtual reality game named Agent L realizes that there is something incredible about Chibi's performance and invites Reiji and Maiko to a special training room. There she reveals the real purpose of the game is for players to bring out their dragons' true potential. Just then a strange girl riding a dragon appears and takes them to a fantastic magical world. It turns out it this world is in peril of being taken over by an evil group called RI-ON and the only thing that can possibly stop them in none other than Reiji's little dragon! Thus the adventure begins!

The Devil's Garden

The Devil's Garden summary: The Devil's Garden summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Devil's Garden. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Baseball Joe of the Silver Stars

Baseball Joe of the Silver Stars summary: Baseball Joe of the Silver Stars summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Baseball Joe of the Silver Stars. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Lin McLean

Lin McLean summary: Lin McLean summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Lin McLean. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Rural Life In The 70s

A Rural Life In The 70s summary: In her last life, she was miserable and ordinary. This time, she got into the fashion and was reborn in another world. She was still the same person… even with the same body and face. What was the point of reincarnation? A childhood companion? He always pulled her hair and made troubles for her? A handsome boy? The boy never looked at her and was 15 years older than her! A prestigious teacher? The teacher spent his days eating and drinking, coaxed, played tricks, and controlled others… Too scary and better run away? No no no, such a challenging life was bound to be wonderful! Now let me take you back to the 70s and live a fast life!

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