简介世人皆知,大学士芮祤才高八斗、学富五车,可及冠多年仍未娶妻,乃是身体羸弱之故。而将门虎女南辰筱,泼辣凶悍,加之品行不端,除了一张脸明艳动人再无半点女人样。一个无人愿嫁,一个无人敢娶,圣上亲自为大学士与将门虎女赐婚,更称此二人为天下第一良配! 可实际上,大学士乃是娇滴滴的女儿身,将门虎子则是如假包换的男子汉大丈夫。当今圣上“指夫为妻”,所为哪般?【每周六更新,责编:阿丁】将门之子x温柔才女
内容简介:【新文《回到我妈制霸内娱那几年》专栏求预收】林小鸢被遗弃那夜,正好遇上饕餮、九尾狐、刑天、朱厌、谛听、穷奇……等数位大佬小聚。现出真身的异兽将人类幼崽团团围住,怪纳闷的,怎么还不哭?襁 褓里的粉团子忽然绽出一笑,露出两只软乎乎的梨涡,圆大的黑瞳里映出异兽们的轮廓,一点儿都不可怕。烛龙老大哥倒地蹬腿:啊……我不管,我要养她!从此,林小鸢在这个世界有了1w0-101742 >>
内容简介:上古时期,人类茹毛饮血,居住洞穴,同如野兽,天旱水灾之年,为了生存,同类相残。先圣伏羲心生悲悯,于是仰观宇宙,俯察天地,穷究日月星辰运行规律,深思花开花落变化因由,最终大彻大悟,脚踏云 烟,端立于浩浩苍天,大手一握,无数星辰汇聚手心凝聚成惊天巨笔,引茫茫银河水于笔尖。在墨蓝的天宇间横画一笔,天地震颤,惊雷阵阵,闪电密集如雨,大地上的飞禽走兽惊慌失措,胡乱奔跑。此画乃象征天的乾卦,后世称为一画开天地。接着,他按万物规律创立先天八卦图。自此人类进入文明时期,文上能经世治国,管理万物生灵,下能经商耕种。1w0-25971 >>
内容简介:本是侯府千金,却因出生时抱错沦为农家女。好不容易长到如花似玉的年纪,却无人上门娶她。说她容颜丑陋,天生痴傻,还是克父克母的小灾星?可她半路捡来的夫君,是未来首辅。她上山领养的小和尚,是 六国神将。就连随手救下的老太太,竟然也是当朝太后。某男恶狠狠道:ldquo娘子,谁敢欺负你,为夫把他办了!rdquo神将道:ldquo姐姐,六国疆土,你想去1w70080-97736 >>
内容简介:婉凝为了能在这杀人不眨眼的乱世中活下去,刚穿越来,就选择了和眼前这位病娇太子合作,成为他的太子妃。两人携手智斗奸臣,铲除奸妃,还南梁朝一片太平。可惜,他之前对她有多宠,之后就有多狠心。 一次次的欺骗与利用,只不过为了逼问她黑域的下落。多年后,当她终于成为黑域的主人,面对他的前来寻找,也只是凉凉一笑。“上官楚,我现在是黑域的主人,整个江湖尽在我手中,你那什么破太子妃的位置,我才不稀罕!”1w0-106780 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:特种兵:从最强空军开始】“华夏领空,不容轻犯!”“我已无法返航,你们继续前进!”一架先进的VB5侦察战斗机悄然入侵华夏领空,成功窃取了华夏空军的机密数据,当时 ,驾驶着一架老式战斗机,正在执行空中巡航任务的林默,为守护祖国领空,为防止机密泄露,毅然决然的选择了与敌机同归于尽!然而,在撞机爆炸的能量余波中,林默居然重生到十年前,此时,一档由华夏空军举办,名为《大国空军》的选拔赛正在火热进行中……飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-78554 >>
内容简介:落魄世家子弟林牧,偶得斩仙飞刀,可吞噬神魔众生,透视天地万物,自此困龙升天,势不可挡。一步武神,一步死神,飞刀在手,斩强敌,败天骄,踏苍穹,吞星空,龙吟九霄,笑傲生死,成就武道之神!乌 云蔽日风雨来,腾蛇乘雾乾坤破;苍穹遮眼星河乱,万古千秋尊神王。1w0-2334 >>
内容简介:来自山里的天才少女【日更,今天日六,晚11点更。同类预收文《焰火灼燃》文案在最下面,有改动收过的亲可以看下喜不喜欢。】【本文前期校园后期职场,比例46左右。】江城外云台山脚桃花1w0- 70550 >>
内容简介:穿越到另一个平行空间的地球,这里和原来的世界历史完全一样,只是11年前,科学家做实验打开虫洞后,引发了一系列的变故,地球充满了一种叫灵能的能量,全部生物都进化了,而且地球上随机会出现未 知的空间虫洞。沈新发现自己昨晚玩的手游也被带过来,得到一个女神系统。当他抽卡得到第一位女神后召唤,惊恐的发现自己变成了这个女神,可惜持续时间很短,让他心里小小的落空,女装大佬其实是他内心一个小小的愿望。1w0-32640 >>
When it comes to the face of this student organization, it's a little weird, like a fool, scary, or moody. However, mysterious and futuristic days that seem strangely cute pass by. The world's cutest daily life 4 frames presented by a little genius Muchimaro!
Growing up in the late 16th century Shinmen Takez, Sengoku era Japan? Is shunned by the neighborhood villagers as a devil kid because of his violent and wild character. Running far from house having a fellow lad at age 17, Takezo joins the Toyotomi military and the Tokugawa clan to battle in the Battle of Sekigahara. On the other hand, the Tokugawa win a smashing success, resulting in almost three hundred years of Shogunate rule. His buddy and Takezo find a way to survive the conflict and later vow to do amazing things with their lives. Yet, after their paths different, Takezo should change his title and his character so that you can escape an ignoble death and becomes a wanted criminal. Vagabond is a Japanese manga series illustrated and written by Takehiko Inoue. It describes a fictionalized accounts of the life span of Japanese swordsman Miyamoto Musashi, centered on the novel Musashi of Eiji Yoshikawa. Note: Won the Kodansha Manga Award for Best General Manga and the 24th Kodansha Manga Award in the general category in 2000. Won the Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize in 2002 and was nomination for the 2003 Eisner Award in the Best Writer/Artist category.
1)Take Care About the Master: When his twin sister breaks her leg, she forces Tsuda to substitute her at her secret job as 'Ruu' a waitress in a maid cafe. Of course, on his first day classmate Kaname shows up! But they're not close and Kaname has a hard time remembering people's faces... 2)The Romance Hidden in the Student Council Room: Over-achiever Kamida is used to manipulating people to suit his own ends, so gentle Kijima doesn't stand a chance. But Kamida is pretty stupid, and Kijima is unexpectedly stubborn. Can they get their feelings through to each other? 3)My Favorite Lunch- Company president Watanabe Kouichi is a bottomless pit and junior secretary Aibo Shuu is given the responsibility of keeping him fed. But the president is young and handsome and is being pushed to marry soon, and with a wife at home to make bentos, will Shuu still have a place next to the man he admires? 4)The Witch in the Health Room (Fake)- Atsurou thought life at an all boys school would be boring, but when your cousin is the school nurse and a beautiful young crossdresser, it makes things more interesting, unfortunately. 5) & 6)Family Pop- Hopeless college student Minoru doesn't know what to do when he's suddenly stuck babysitting for his cousin's daughter, sparkly classmate Ogura offers to help is a godsend. But family life quickly becomes very comfortable for the boys...
Sumi is in love with Mitsuru, but he doesn't seem to be interested in her as a woman. Determined to look more sexy and mature, Sumi takes an experimental growth hormone that her scientist father has been developing. However, the medicine backfires. Instead of changing into a buxom femme fatale, Sumi changes into a beautiful young man! She--he--is so gorgeous and so cool that even Mitsuru begins to take notice. Although the new situation with Mitsuru is imperfect, Sumi discovers that she can be closer to her crush: they can talk man-to-man. Yet, being Mitsuru's friend also has a downside, particularly when he reveals that he is in love with a girl in his grade!
Norfolk Annals summary: Norfolk Annals summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Norfolk Annals. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Release That Witch-Uranium Race summary: Roland began to plan how to make a-bomb and this act starts a fight between powerfull organization and Roland and his witches.(Throw your rocks at me, even sinful guys throw at me :D----Otherwise it looks just sad-only me and my 4 stones)
The Life of Mrs. Robert Louis Stevenson summary: The Life of Mrs. Robert Louis Stevenson summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Life of Mrs. Robert Louis Stevenson. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Disciple Of Immortal summary: Disciple Of Immortal summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Disciple Of Immortal. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.