内容简介:社畜杨簪星在连续五天熬夜加班后,穿进了自己上个月看的一本古早男频修仙爽文里,并成功当上了出场三千字就因陷害男主青梅竹马被男主一掌轰死的炮灰女配。杨簪星:有事吗???熟知剧情的社畜发出振 聋发聩的呐喊:我命由我不由天哈!然而四十年前的妖鲛归来复仇,秘境中遗留下的神女遗迹,凋零的蛇巫一族再现人间,更有传说中的邪1w0-88710 >>
内容简介:妙手鬼医:邪王霸宠狂傲妃她是腹黑狠辣的暗夜鬼医,一朝穿越,成为人人鄙视唾弃的废材女。契约上古神兽,修炼逆天神诀,亮瞎众人的眼。毒丹毒剂在手,敢欺她之人,找死!九品丹药算什么?她的萌宠都 1w4978-76540 >>
内容简介:本是混吃等死的富家子弟,却家族蒙难,父母失踪,落魄街头。同学欺辱,兄弟反叛,订好的婚约无故作废!一朝觉醒,奋勇向前,我虽良善,但绝不懦弱,我虽医者仁心,但绝不放狼归山!1w0-7476 1 >>
内容简介: 穿越前,孤儿沈依依给自己定了一个小目标:三十岁前买上房,然后找个好男人把自己嫁出去。穿越后,看着自己的小胳膊小腿,沈依依又给自己定了一个大目标:她要吃饱饭,她还要发家致富奔小康。当 然,重活一世肯定不能白活:好男人还是要找的,何况小墨爷长得还这么好看。1w0-3735 >>
内容简介:一剑霜寒简介:轻松架空,古耽推理悬疑【简介】全国百姓都在传,萧王季燕然武功高强,风流倜傥。如此天潢贵胄,将来要娶的那个人,定然也是琴棋书画、煮饭烹茶样样精通。寻常人家羡慕不来,羡慕不来 。萧王府内。这日,季燕然偶感风寒,卧床不起。云倚风亲自下厨,淘米摘菜,炖鸡汤。片刻之后,萧王殿下抱病赶来,头晕眼花关切道:“下人都说你在厨房炼蛊,云儿可是又要杀谁?”————————每晚8点日更中,请多多支持啦。《一剑霜寒》是语笑阑珊精心创作的青春都市小说,小兵实时更新一剑霜寒最新章节无弹窗广告版,书友所发表的一剑霜寒评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持一剑霜寒读者的观点。关键词:一剑霜寒最新章节语笑阑珊一剑霜寒无弹窗一剑霜寒全文阅读1w0-34350 >>
内容简介: 北美深海钓鱼王大赛;帕米尔山巅追逐雪豹;澳洲山火杀巨型蝙蝠;加拿大暴雪械搏棕熊!我是王奎,一名户外荒野主播,职业猎人,而我的开局,仅仅只有一个人,一把刀,和一条……犯过命案的狼狗! 已完本万订精品《直播之荒野挑战》,书荒可看。狩猎群:642684620VIP狩猎群:949291518(需验证全订阅)1w0-1670 >>
内容简介:【零点日更下本开《偏偏招惹》OR《引我沦陷》】七中两大大佬,南楼清冷学神陆枕川,北楼年少成名的人间精灵奚柚。据传陆枕川这类的高岭之花,最厌奚柚的顽劣张扬。校园文化节上,奚柚正忙着选人加 入社团,传单正好发到陆枕川面前。“话剧社,了解一下?”陆枕川敛着眸,尾音压短,更显得冷淡:“搭讪?”有人劝:“阿柚算了吧,学神看着就没空参加社团。”奚柚偏偏不服,拿走陆枕川手上的西柚汽水,红唇染着水光,“不能搭讪吗,小哥哥?全七中都知道,陆枕川雷区就是西柚汽水,谁也不让动。正当大家都以为南北楼大佬要正式交锋时——“小、哥哥?”陆枕川笑意玩味,指腹抚上她的唇,蹭下一角口红绯色。“奚柚,我们试试?”人间精灵X白切黑·痞坏混学神校园双A丨明骚互撩丨也可能是互怼|夏日甜文“IWANTTOSEEU”又名《你是奚柚seeu》《我想是你》下本开【《偏偏招惹》年龄差6养成系甜文】文案:江城豪门圈里都知晓,孟家那个玩世不恭狂妄不羁的大少爷,养了个小姑娘七年。这事儿被不少好友调侃,“阿屿,这是提前养了个小媳妇儿?”“就一小朋友。”孟屿漫不经心,尾音拉长,“看上小孩儿,这不是畜生吗?”后来某节目组到夏聆欢家里录制,直播。主持人问:“听说昨晚孟少与新晋小花约会,对这事你有什么看法吗?”夏聆欢:“哥哥年纪也大了,希望他保重身体。”不过三秒,那个年纪大了的孟家大少爷从夏聆欢的房间里走出来。孟屿眼底睡意惺忪,准确无误地将人揽在怀里。“小朋友,你昨晚哭着求我的时候,可不是这么说的。”直播现场一片寂静,随后画面被迅速掐掉。看着直播的好友:……畜生。没过多久,热搜第一,孟氏集团的官方微博——【从始至终,都只有你。夏聆欢】·伪兔子X真灰狼接档文【《引我沦陷》追妻火葬场青梅竹马娱乐圈】文案:①游家大少爷游慕,冷戾至极不近女色,却只把青梅沈绘黎宠得无法无天。大家皆默认,这两人是一对。沈绘黎暗恋已久,她精心打扮,准备和他告白。聚会上,有人问:“阿慕,你和狐狸打算什么时候结婚?”“结婚?”少年指间燃着烟,笑得恣意又痞气,“别点谱,她是我妹妹。”沈绘黎如梦初醒,只是妹妹。②沈绘黎一走就是五年,再次见面的时候,她挽另一个男人的手臂介绍,“我男朋友。”“狐狸还找了个男朋友回来?”好友错愕,“阿慕你没希望了。”游慕嗤笑,不予置评。当晚在无人知的暗角里,游慕咬着她的唇,细碎的尾音被封缄在吻里,“你只能是我的。”沈绘黎没看见的是,那个最为不羁冷傲的大少爷,慢慢红了的眼圈。他紧紧拥她入怀,“阿黎,你什么时候愿意爱我一点。”“年年岁岁,朝夕与共,我仍爱你入骨。”妖孽明艳唱作人X偏执傲气型总裁本小说网提供尽仙著作的西柚汽水最新章 >>
内容简介:(1v1双处,暗黑系宠文)c市名流之首,神秘温雅,手段狠戾,这是世人对宋霁的全部认识。宋霁对人对事从来不近人情,心底却为那人保留了唯一一处温柔。宋霁爱了阮姝很多年,爱始于微末年少,却突 逢背叛,剜挑骨肉后一地淋漓。许多年岁后,她回到他身边,她喊他:“宋先生”,强作镇定。他带着痛意开口,声音低沉,些许蛊惑,他说:“阮姝,我们结婚吧。”他本是想折辱她的。或者内心深处,他更想告诉她,最懵懂的年少,他也为她写过情书。(腹黑病娇吓跑傻白甜,苦心经营多年到手的故事。)如果您喜欢宋先生的情书,别忘记分享给朋友作者:傅五瑶所写的《宋先生的情书》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-84880 >>
内容简介:既然穿越到游戏王的世界,那么就打牌吧,不对,决斗吧!真红眼中的无限银河,怀着暴怒与战意,一次又一次的击败敌人,黑暗游戏?我就是黑暗。红瞳的少女中二病又犯了可还行。游月你在墓地里挖土呢? 给我上啊!打开盖卡,真红眼之魂!出现吧,我最强的仆人!红瞳少女喂!我才不是你的仆人!该死的小鬼!游月不想打么?哦,那我把真红眼献祭,上级……主人!不要啊!!!1w0-60058 >>
Mizuho can't believe his ears when Grandpa's will is read out. Grandpa's final wish is for Mizuho to attend the same academy as Mizuho's mother. The catch is it's an all-girls school. With the help of his friend Mariya however, he gets a makeover good enough to fool everyone at the academy.
Based on a popular light novel. from Baka-Updates Manga: The protagonist is a guy who is among the stupidest of the stupidest in the school. In this school, your grades can, under the supervision of teachers, take a virtual form to do combat! However, if you leave an examination half way, you get zero marks. A bright and cute girl, Mizuki Himeji, was having a high fever during the examination. Despite her potential to be the second highest scorer in the level, she obtained zero marks for having left due to her illness and is thus allocated to the worst class, class F. Grades mean almost everything. For Class A, they have a smart-looking teacher, a plasma TV as big as the entire wall as their blackboard, personal laptops, personal air-cons, refrigerators, adjustable seats and all kinds of different appliances. Within the refrigerator, there are all kinds of drinks and snacks. Their ceiling is made of glass, the wall lets them put up high-class drawings and plants. As for Class F, the worst class... They have Japanese desks and seat paddings. Their blackboard is dirty and there is no chalk even! Someone complains that the legs of his desk are broken, so the teacher asks, 'Didn't we distribute some glue to stick wood together? Glue it back yourself later.' Another one complains that wind is blowing in from the broken window. The teacher says, 'I got it. I will apply for plastic bags and invisible glue to fix it later.' There are spider webs everywhere, not a patch of the wall is clean. A unique moldy smell spreads across the entire room; it must be from the old tatamis used to tile the floor. This is the status of class F. The protagonist feels displeased at such an arrangement, and seeks help from his friends to try to make a change through summoning war!! And they devise all kinds of plans to try to beat the famous class A, intending to get class A's classroom and equipment if they win!!
From MangaHelpers: It's fairly obvious to Terui Chiaki that her classmate Ajikawa Yoshio has a crush on her. He is completely not boyfriend material in her eyes and, even if he was, Chiaki already has a boyfriend. Their mysterious teacher Mr. Yamada sees this relationship between the two students and offers an experiment. He is able to make copies of people and objects and does so with Chiaki, creating a copy of her, except the copy has no knowledge of her boyfriend. Yoshio will hit on the Chiaki copy, who is named Koaki, and he'll try to make her fall in love with him. After a specified amount of time, the copy and original will be combined back together and which ever love is stronger between the current boyfriend and Yoshio will overwrite all other emotions. So this love experiment begins and both Chiaki and Koaki, being the same person, thinks Yoshio has no chance in hell but with each passing day, some feelings begin to bubble. [vyc]
The main character of Izumi Yuu's 'Spiral of Pleasure' learns a surprising fact: a filthy mouth can be a turn-on.
The Soul Empty Ones summary: The Soul Empty Ones summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Soul Empty Ones. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Veiled Lady, and Other Men and Women summary: The Veiled Lady, and Other Men and Women summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Veiled Lady, and Other Men and Women. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Idiot summary: The Idiot summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Idiot. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Isekai de “Kuro no Iyashi Te” tte Yobarete Imasu (WN) summary:
One day, 22-year-old Kanzaki Misuzu is suddenly transported to a strange world. Based on the pop-up screens she can access, it seems she’s entered some kind of RPG as a magic user!
Luckily, she can use the gaming skills she acquired as an otaku to make her way in this new world. But before she knows it, people start calling her “the Black Healer”!!
Web Novel version