内容简介:这世界上还有什么比沦为替代品更悲哀的?我说有,那就是被沦为男人的报负品,一个无情无心,一个残无人道,两个男人之间的仇怨竟然让我承担,最好的下场只是奴隶,男人的泄恨,如毁天灭地,叫我一个 弱女子如何承受?在他的眼中,我只是姐姐的替代品,供他赏心悦目,却从不温柔对待,更别说他的爱,从不会下注在我身上,他说我不配,我哪里不配?在他眼中,我是好友之妻,。。。。。他的温润如水,1w0-34033 >>
内容简介:陈玉滢是市法院民事法庭的主审官,今年才刚满三十二,不仅是单位重点培养的物件,还是全市最年轻的主审官,她出生干部家庭,人又长得漂亮,丈夫又是司法局的科长,前途光明,陈玉滢可谓样样顺心,可 最近她却被一件事搞的心情很不好。一个叫赵洪的香港商人在市郊投资建了一个塑胶厂,本来是件推动市里经济建设的好事,可没多久周边的农民上告说工厂非法排放有毒废水,不仅导致鱼塘里的鱼虾大量死亡,甚至还有很多村民中毒,专家鉴定,河水中毒素含量严重超标,如果证实是该塑胶厂所排放,那这个厂肯定是要被依法查封。可坏就坏在这个赵洪老奸巨猾,怎么也不承认,几次突击检查,却总是毫无收获。。1w0-80436 >>
内容简介:《塑明小说》简介:百户府里发生的动静,早已惊动了四周,只是这时候陈升已自带着马队,手执火把绕城而走,口中更是高呼着,“我等乃是朝廷经制官兵,奉命镇压叛贼逆党,尔等良民,谨守家中,勿要出 门上街,若有趁乱侵犯民宅者,皆以逆贼党羽论处,杀无赦!”如是这般高呼,马队绕着整个寨子里的土路跑了一圈,重复高喊了十数遍,路上倒也遇到些胆子大的泼皮无赖见百户府大乱,想要出来趁火打劫,只是没成想遇到陈升他们这帮杀星,就是想跑都来不及,毕竟两条腿哪里跑得过四条腿,好几人当场就被追上刺死(朔明)。反正这个时候有胆子出门上街的,不是百户府的人,便是些心怀不轨的匪类,陈升他们动起手来毫不手软,这般杀人立威后,陈升他们方才策马往百户府而去(朔明)。。1w887-81931 >>
内容简介:“报告慕少,少夫人和王家太太吵架了。”慕少“天凉了,王氏该破产了。”“慕少,不好了,少夫人在周小姐打起来了。”慕少“还不带人过去帮忙?少夫人少根头发,让周家陪葬!”“慕少,少夫人带着野 种去见当红影帝了!”慕少拍桌而起34那是我的种!马上准备直升飞机,我亲自过去捉奸!34帝都最矜贵的慕家大少,娶了臭名昭著的宋家大小1w16954-26084 >>
内容简介:从四年前简家出事以后,简南依从风光的千金小姐,变成了狼狈的落魄千金!那时她一心只想着帮父亲减刑,偿还债务。后来为了钱连自尊和子宫一起卖了,多了个患有先天性心脏病,却是父不详的儿子。那一 天开始,简南依的人生目标改变了:努力赚钱,养活宝贝儿子!直到有一天,那个天神一样的男人出现在她面前,从此她的人生,又开始变得一塌糊涂1w0-97700 >>
内容简介:惨遭所有人背叛,没想到一纸婚约将她宠上天!想要什么买买买,不够就垄断一个牌子,再不够就垄断整个行业!她虐渣渣,他就派人陪她一起虐,十人不够来百人,百人不够叫千人!场子砸了有他收拾,天塌 了有他撑着!身体不舒服却坚持上班,高冷总裁强制全公司一起放假,在家煲汤陪床不离不弃!“你为什么对我这么好?”“对自己的老婆好,天经地义。”1w0-2587 >>
内容简介:一个每天见鬼的家伙,被无数的灵魂所骚扰,希望张坤能帮他们完成未了的心愿,医生,护士,国术高手,赌王……,当一个一个灵魂找来的时候,张坤该何去何从?尽自己的力 量,以一个17岁少年的身份去完成那些灵魂所未完成的事情,还是置之不顾,任凭骚扰?张坤忍不住扶头悲痛的道:“不要再来了,呜呜……!”1w0-2260 >>
内容简介:简介:【穿书悍妻萌宝种田甜宠】医学大佬沈萤儿穿书了,儿子是未来的灭世大魔王,刚生下孩子她男人就死了,婆家人说她儿子是克星转世,娘俩被撵出家门。沈萤儿不靠天不靠地,就靠自己那双手。她医术 高超,敢跟阎王爷抢人,成了一方‘小华佗’。她种的地,亩产千斤,家里粮满仓。她养的猪,膘肥体壮,村里人人都羡慕。经商,打铁,写作,十八般武艺她都会。想娶她的男人挤破了头。沈萤儿:“哼,男人?那玩意儿咱不稀罕!”反派小宝宝捏紧小拳头:“我长大了保护娘!”娘俩小日子过得红红火火,不料半路杀出英俊高大的男子,对她纠缠不清那男人还带着个娃,小豆丁仰着和她有七分像的包子脸喊,“娘亲,抱!”沈萤儿摸着自己肚子,一脸懵逼。某人圈她入怀,咬着她的耳垂得意的笑:“为夫力气大,一箭双雕!”1w0-98419 >>
内容简介:冲击境界失败的苏方,全身经脉扭曲变形,沦为废人,永远无法再修行,却意外得到一面神奇的古镜,而在古镜的深处,他遇到一个来自神秘世界的强大存在,开始走上逆天双修之路。 修肉身,逆天改命! 摸天门,誓为修士! 看少年万里寻父,一步步在万千天才之中脱颖而出,斗苍穹、逆星辰成为盖世巨神!1w0-4316 >>
From Intercross: Hatsune is a useless, devious girl. One day, Hatsune's father decides to make her live with a fastidious boy! Kaede-kun, being fed up with how unladylike Hatsune is, decides to form a 'Women's Efficiency Training System.'
Dokugan Ryuukai (Neo Dragoon) follows Masamune, a young, one-eyed general, in the year 1581 during the Feudal era of Japan. The story begins in Castle Yonezawa, where Masamune lives under his father’s rule. He is ordered into his first battle: to reclaim the Igu territory from the enemy. Masamune is very ambitious and not only does he plan on ruling the neighboring lands, he envisions himself ruling over Japan and beyond. He surrounds himself with loyal, smart and strong friends like Katakura Kojuurou, his second in command, Date Shigezane and Harada Munetoki, his lieutenants. His wife, Megohime, is beautiful and also skilled in combat. As Masamune takes his first step on his journey to conquer the land, the country and eventually the world, what perils await him?
From Intercross & Shoujo Crusade: Yuzu has always been a tomboy so she is worried that other girls will make fun of her underwear during the class trip. Without a second thought she asks her male friend, Ken, to help her chose better lingerie. However, right after this, Yuzu can't understand why she can't act like usual around him anymore.
When high school pupil Tohru Honda's mom dies in an automobile crash on her way to perform in the parking-lot, she determines to live together with her grandpa. Restoration on unkind and un-supportive relatives and your house induce her to move from her grandpa's house briefly and, Tohru starts living in a tent and supporting herself because she's no where else to go. In other words, till she finds a house in the least likely of places, inhabited his cousin Shigure and by her well-liked classmate Yuki Sohma. The very first day Tohru goes into the Sohma residence, an orange-haired teen crashes throughout the roofing of her bedroom that is new and begins assaulting Yuki. This starter is Shigure's sharply mad cousin, Yuki and Kyo. He attempts to battle him again once Kyo loses rapidly to Yuki. When he is around to assault, Tohru attempts to prevent him, but slips on a clothes, making her fall onto the again of Kyo. At these times, something huge is discovered by Tohru about the Sohmas. The Sohmas reside using a hex. Twelve family members (excluding Kyo, who's the cat) are possessed by spirits of the Chinese zodiac and turn into their zodiac creature when they're poor, under pressure, obstructed, or when embraced by someone of the other gender. When Tohru finds the Sohmas' secret, is permitted to keep dwelling together and she promises to not tell. Even though the Sohmas' curse is darker and deeper than Tohru understood, her endorsement of them and her existence shortly becomes a big, positive influence on those possessed by the zodiac. She sets out to break the hex and, on the way, meets and finds the Sohma spirits that are zodiac. Each has a style that is different, the same as the creatures in the Chinese zodiac. One by one, the lives of the Sohma family alters eternally.
Bill - Bill On The Planet Of Tasteless Pleasure summary: Bill - Bill On The Planet Of Tasteless Pleasure summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Bill - Bill On The Planet Of Tasteless Pleasure. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Struggle Of An African Child summary: The Struggle Of An African Child summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Struggle Of An African Child. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Calling - Honor Calls summary: The Calling - Honor Calls summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Calling - Honor Calls. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Monster Tamer's Fluffy Master-Apprentice Life summary: The young ‘monster tamer’, Shinra is an ally of monsters, creatures that live off mana, aiding their interactions with humans. He lives quietly in the forest, and is suddenly entrusted with something — the beautiful girl Alessa, carrying a small dragon! He accepts her when she says she has nowhere to go, and with Ruri, the girl that lived with him already, the three (and the dragon) start to live together, and Shinra teaches the joys of the world to Alessa.