简介《绝地天通》系列之《绝地天通 灰》:本篇讲述了拥有等价交换一切异能的少年“灰神”与他外表迷糊实际能干的的女助理,一起解决众多事件的故事(每周三、周五更新)另,《绝地天通》漫画宇宙其它联动漫画——黄/黑/初/狐,剧情相对独立,偶有关联,无观看顺序,任意食用!欢迎加入官方交流QQ群:563351294
简介当bl女作家陆小颖,遇上怀揣编辑梦想的直男特助连业——当然是先调戏一番喽!看着颜好又呆萌的正直好青年任劳任怨地为自己服务,还附赠某项特殊(?)技能点,陆小颖老怀欣慰。正当她以为他会一直留在自己身边时,危机却突然降临……他,还会甘心留在自己身边吗? 来来来~老司机教你考驾照!bl女作家与怂萌特助的故事即将发车哦!【每周一更新,责编:吖西】
内容简介:穿越网王世界,成为手冢国光。这一世,手伤惨剧不再出现,我将无敌于世,带领青学走上三连霸之路!各位书友要是觉得《网王之手冢国光》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0 -73860 >>
内容简介:攻克肺纤维化,你敢跟我药厂砍价穿越之后,肖然接手一家即将破产的制药公司——同辉。危急存亡关头,开启医疗之光系统。【恭喜您获得逆肺纤维胶囊!】【恭喜您获得抗癌神药!】【恭喜您获得致幻吐真 剂!】1w0-75018 >>
内容简介:穿进霸总世界的抖M【NPHSM】是由一闪一闪所写的高辣浓情类小说,本站提供穿进霸总世界的抖M【NPHSM】最新章节阅读穿进霸总世界的抖M【NPHSM】全文阅读穿进霸总世界的抖M【NPH SM】免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现穿进霸总世界的抖M【NPHSM】更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-76610 >>
内容简介:他本是一方战神,却因为伤病一傻三年,被人百般凌辱,唯有漂亮妻子与他不离不弃!情敌千方百计把他妻子骗到酒店,这时,他突然苏醒!战神归来,势不可挡!凡欺辱我者皆需付出代价!1w0-2916 0 >>
内容简介:强强宫廷侯爵天之骄子重生主角:黎瑾,昭和帝(赢渊)┃配角:┃其它:世子醒悟,用现代知识改变世界:前世,从现代重生成定北王世子的黎瑾在恩人与未婚妻背叛下惨死。再次重生后的他变得难以琢磨, 温润如玉的微笑背后,是如沐春风?还是危险将至?世子醒悟,用现代知识改变世界1、架空,主剧情,请勿考究。世界观男、女、双儿三种性别1w0-94349 >>
内容简介:请假:这两日太忙,今日无法更新,抱歉!防盗说明,订阅达不到百分之六十,72小时后才能看到正文。开胭脂铺子的小寡妇看上了算命卜卦的鳏夫书生成亲后小寡妇的日常便是宠夫,宠夫,宠夫后来,她的 鳏夫相公突然变成了皇上小寡妇的日常便成了被皇上宠,被皇上宠,被皇上宠言官进谏,“皇后娘娘曾经是个寡妇,请皇上废后。”皇上神情淡漠,“皇后娘娘曾为之守寡三年的那个人便是朕。”下一本待开文,求预收:《童养夫妇的互宠之路》皇帝陛下将那刚刚出生的小公主塞到榕桓怀里,“朕昨夜夜观星象,卜了一卦,卦象显示这是你媳妇儿,你带回府里养着吧!”于是,榕桓从此多了一个童养媳一个娇娇弱弱需要宠上天的小媳妇儿。长大后的公主殿下不乐意了,“明明他才是我的童养夫,是我打生出来那天起便‘娇惯’着的童养夫。”1w0-84978 >>
内容简介:重生三国,成为了刘备的长子刘禅。魏军攻蜀,姜维败绩还守剑阁,蜀汉牙门将、赵云次子赵广于沓中战死。武乡侯、卫将军诸葛瞻,绵竹之战阵亡。诸葛亮之孙诸葛尚,随父诸葛瞻战死。蜀汉名将张飞之孙、 张苞之子张遵,力战而亡。北地王刘谌劝谏后主抵抗失败,怒而回宫,其妻崔氏听后,伏剑殉国。刘谌斩杀三子,继而赴“祖庙”哭祭,自刎于昭烈庙。平襄侯、大将军姜维复国失败,被斩首。刘禅:“……”历史太可怕了,必须扶这便宜老爹一把,趁早一统。1w0-78667 >>
内容简介:开始每天更新时间为晚上1130—本书文案—锦鲤精裴宁在龙门前蹦跶了两千年,终于一跃成为一条——没鳞片没龙角没爪子的小秃龙!!为了修得圆满,她只能绑定了个系统下凡进修,拯救美惨强女主!第 一个世界【娱乐圈】(已完结)裴宁穿成人见人厌资源咖,原主还要和女主抢男人!裴宁:“我该怎么拯救女主?毁灭我自己吗?”系统:“原剧情里,女主因为渣男脚踏两条船意外车祸,亲亲只需要让女主远离男主就行了哦。”裴宁:“这个简单,横刀夺爱我在行!”系统;???于是,恋爱综艺上……裴宁堵住女主,在所有人以为要撕逼时,牵起了她的手。“乔颂,我们组CP呀!”渣男赶到,晓之以情,动之以理,希望她退出节目。“裴宁你相信我,我喜欢的人只有你!我全心全意只爱你!”裴宁反手一个录音交到女主手。“乔颂,这个渣男不值得,你喜欢我好不好。”综艺前网友:“大小姐划水怪,臭不要脸蹭我家乔颂热度!”上综艺后网友:“冷傲冰山美人和软萌大小姐太配了!鲨我祭天为这二位助兴!”裴宁一路爆红,踹掉渣男和女主和和美美,就在她完成任务脱离世界之际。小世界中,一只凤凰冲天而起。“撩完就跑,哪那么容易!”第二个世界【校园小甜饼】拽姐扛把子性格缺陷学霸小结巴裴宁:“若有一天你学会反击,势必将那些泼你脏水、狠命踩你的人拽入深渊,你不必回头看,因他们只配仰望你。”【预收】《穿成顶流A的隐婚前妻》拿了大满贯的影后苏团团穿进了一本abo文,成了顶流A墨苋的隐婚前妻。粉丝:“苏团团演技差!爱捆绑!她专门蹭我家墨苋热度,心机女不得house!”粉丝:“苏团团要作品没作品!只会拿那张假脸卖惨博同情!赶紧滚出娱乐圈!”苏团团:“……奖杯我都拿腻了。”上竞演综艺,苏团团指导选手演戏,跨级吊打夺得第一。上台领奖时苏团团谦虚一笑:“常规操作罢辽。”下竞演综艺,苏团团全副武装偷摸去看墨苋演唱会。粉丝问:“这位姐妹,你也是墨苋老婆吗!!!”苏团团傲娇推了推墨镜:“不,我是她前、妻。”——顶流A墨苋被苏团团厚颜无耻缠上后不得不负责,要求有三条。“隐婚,无X,对你没感觉,别在我身上浪费时间。”她从未对苏团团上过心,看着这个女人掌握财富密码,蹭她热度,作天作地,只有厌恶没有爱情。直到苏团团一场车祸醒来坚决要和她离婚。苏团团:“渣女,海王,我不干了!”离婚后她看着苏团团脱胎换骨,专心演戏,部部爆火,一朝变成万人迷。墨苋这才知道,那一夜有人设计陷害,如果不是苏团团自愿顶替背锅,她早就从顶流摔入泥潭。首映礼上墨苋偷偷去支持,看着苏团团和小鲜肉举止亲密,从头到尾没有看她一眼。墨苋将她拽到更衣间,红着眼眶:“老婆,我不能没有你。”苏团团嗅着逸散的信息素,低声一笑, >>
From Tokyopop: In this collection of cute shojo stories, Ryu-Sang is a tough boy who gets in fights and--although he doesn't want to admit it--cares for the girl he's supposed to protect. Story 3: Myo-Un, an orphan girl with no memories of her past. Tells the story on how she came to understand the bad mannered boy Ryu-Sang to which became her first friend in the temple. Story 4: Ryu-Sang, a mean and blunt orphan boy. Although he hates and treats Myo-un badly, he protects her!? Story 5: Aru is a child who just lost her father, the story on her journey to the temple while being accompanied by big brother Ryu-Sang and older sister Myo-Un. Note: Myo-Un and Ryu-Sang are both the protagonist in the series Nabi, one of the author��™s ongoing series at the moment.
King of Fighters Kyo: Based on the 2D fighting game series King of Fighters. King of Fighters is a battle between the strongest teams of 3 in the world. The story revolves around Kyo Kusanagi one of Japan's team when they reach the end of the King of Fighters '95 tournament and what follows after they get back to Japan. King of Fighters 2000: Based on the 2D fighting game series King of Fighters. King of Fighters is a battle between the strongest teams in the world, the teams are composed of 4 since the King of Fighters'99 tournament, also the hero since KoF'99 has changed to K'. The story follows K' starting from 9 months after KoF'99 and his entry into the King of Fighters 2000 tournament. King of Fighters 2001: Based on the 2D fighting game series King of Fighters. King of Fighters is a battle between the strongest teams in the world, the teams are composed of 4 since the King of Fighters'99 tournament, also the hero since KoF'99 has changed to K'. The story resolves around the KoF'2001 tournament. King of Fighters Zillion: Based on the 2D fighting game series King of Fighters. King of Fighters is a battle between the strongest teams in the world. This series happens after the fight against Yamata Orochi at the KoF'97 tournament. It revolves around the disappearance of Kyo and Iori and N.E.S.T.S.'s connection to it.
Yoningurashi shows the family life of the Hondas; Tarō, his wife Chiharu and their two children Yuri and Kotarō. A light hearted story on everyday life and their problems.
Handsome, tall, and charming bachelor Fin Deitory that every woman wanted just made the most regretfully and stupidest mistake of his life. It also changed his whole career which he imagined to be an awesome agent in the SDF, abbreviated for Special Dispatch Force. On the day he was supposed to be starting his job though, he enters the wrong room mistaking the plate name sign to be 'SDF: Special Dispatch Force' but instead, it was 'SDF: Special Doll Force'. He learns that the group was a secret to the real SDF and was only consists of doll collectors. But the handsome people trap him there because he was also handsome making him also a doll collector. Being a little bit conceited and such, Fin can't think of himself as a doll collector but he later realizes the importance of it..... From Baka-Updates: Fen has just been assigned a position in the Special Dispatch Force (a.k.a. the 'SDF') protecting the King of Vera Morgan. When he arrives at the office for the SDF he discovers he's been accidentally enrolled in the Special Doll Force instead! Fen discovers to his dismay that his new job is to search out and retrieve 'bran dolls' with the help of four strange but beautiful men - who have more than just the job on their minds!
The Alma Chronicles summary: “It is said that when a martial exponent reached the highest state of divinity of their arts, they be able to transcend into Celestials, overcoming the limitation of life and death. And as Celestials, they have to overcome seven celestial divinity, Genesis, Enlighten, Emotion, Transverse, Seventh Sense, Crisis and Ascend in order to transcend to the Heavens.” When Jiang Le falls down a cliff, he was not prepared for what is to come and discovered that he had found a secret celestial clan and that the martial fraternity that he had always believe it to be is not what it is!
Classroom Of Mysteries summary: International Magic Academy. The paradise of many talents and a sure way towards fame and power. This is where our story begins... One day, a girl got lost on her first day and a mysterious boy from the E-1 cla.s.s helped her. 'What? E-1? There are only A, B, C, D. How can you be from the...' The girl wanted to end her sentence, but the boy disappeared. Who is this boy? What is the...
The American Quarterly Review summary: The American Quarterly Review summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The American Quarterly Review. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The House of Rimmon summary: The House of Rimmon summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The House of Rimmon. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.