内容简介: 荒古元年,祸乱爆发!苟活于乱世的叶秋,本以为自己的人生会结束在这一场祸乱当中。 没想到…… 他突然意识到自己好像已经无敌了! 随手种下的葡萄,竟然是传说中的仙果 …… 随手打造的兵器,竟然是传说中的仙器…… 随手画出的一幅画,竟然有通天本领,可掌日月山河,摧枯拉朽…… 琴音佛动间,竟蕴含无上剑意,千里之外杀人于无形。 混沌天地下,一首浩然正气歌,震惊群雄…… 某圣地大佬:“求求你了,别秀了,你秀的我头皮发麻。”1w0-2073 >>
内容简介: 【种田文女主VS甜宠文女主】 女学霸许熙博士毕业,正准备大展身手搞事业,一眨眼穿书了,还是一本古代甜宠文,成为了被抱错的侯府小姐。 系统:宿主,你的任务就是用你的高智商,刷琴棋 书画积分,获取豪门公子爱恋,嫁入豪门,走上人生颠峰,成为人生赢家。 甜宠文女主赵如语:姐姐,世子眼里只有我,你是抢不走的…… 许熙:统统给我滚粗,别打扰我赚钱搞事业! 1w0-841 >>
内容简介:阅书屋提供蝶之灵写的御姐江湖最新章节御姐江湖是蝶之灵的最新作品,本站可以免费阅读御姐江湖的VIP章节ampampampampampamplthrampampampampampampgt ampampampampampampltfontsize3ampampampampampampgt【简介】某知名网络作者的作品《名剑》被改编成网络游戏,《名剑Online》一经面试便风靡全国,闲着无聊的作者本人亲自跑去游戏里体验所谓的“江湖”,结果他遇到了一个个性十足的女人。他又好奇心害死猫,认了她当师父。她作风很变态、她性格很豪迈、她是传说中最难驯服的御姐某人决定挑战自我去驯服这位姑娘,经过各种腹黑手段坑蒙拐骗,终于把师徒关系扭转成了夫妻关系,结果某人却悲剧地发现,有一个如此牛X的老婆真的压力很大——“杀我做什么?”“是你老婆先杀的我!”“……”家有母老虎,出门需谨慎!第一时间系列第三部,祁娟的故事温柔腹黑男VS傲娇女王,轻松无虐小白甜文一篇。晚上8点定时更,请放心蹲坑ampampampampampampltfontampampampampampampgtampampampampampamplthrampampampampampampgt同系列姐妹文——ampampampampampampltad1469663title祁娟的故事ampampampampampampgtampampampampampampltIMGsrcampampampampampltimgsrcampampampampampquotampampampampltimgsrcampampampampquotampampampampquotborderampampampampquot0ampampampampquotampampampampgtampampampampampquotborderampampampampampquot0ampampampampampquotampampampampampgtwidth120height168border0ampampampampampampgtampampampampampampltaampampampampampampgtampampampampampampltad472870title卫楠的故事ampampampampampampgtampampampampampampltIMGsrcampampampampampltimgsrcampampampampampquotampampampampltimgsrcampampampampquotampamp >>
内容简介:妖龙古帝苏寒,曾经执掌圣域,镇压一世,为银河星系之巅!却因融合各大修为层次,走火入魔,形神俱灭。手下叛变,挚爱沉睡,好友被追杀!重活一世,定当卷土重来,逆转乾坤,杀尽一切叛变之人!【妖 龙古帝】书友群1群:663538422,喜欢聊天的朋友可以加一下。各位书友要是觉得《妖龙古帝苏寒萧雨然》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w369-4751 >>
内容简介:成亲两年,他就要纳王侧妃。而与以往纳妾不同的是,这次他是真的上心了。她不知道这一生还要看着他纳多少侧室进门…她不想像娘亲一样,拥有的只有王妃这个头衔。可是她却无力阻止。侧王妃一进门,王 府从此平生波澜。面对他一次次的责难,她默默忍受下来。最后,王妃的头衔终于从她身上卸去。而她没想到,今生她真的能离开王府,离开他。这次,她要活出全新的自己。当他提出要她回去时。她只想告诉他:“覆水再收岂满杯,弃妾已去难重回!”1w0-84401 >>
内容简介: 建筑系的高材生意外来到了贞观后期,成为了李世民的十六弟李元瑷。面对已经展开宏图诗篇时代,李元瑷没有赶上最辉煌的潮流,本着随遇而安的心态,给自己定下了一个小目标,用自己所长,建造一个 前无古人后无来者的宫殿,设计一座堪比唐长安的城池。事与愿违!李世民的辉煌时代是过去的很快,迎来的却是盛唐的篇章。天皇大帝李治,一代女皇武则天,逐步走向历史的舞台。李治无能?武则天英武?风起云涌的夺权之争,步步为营的消阀改革,一个本不现于历史的人物,面对历史的洪流,翻云覆雨。1w0-3255 >>
内容简介:2021年放寒假那天,主角贺云刚从北京大学放假回家赶往高铁站路上,路过家乐福超市买了一大包好吃的,因为家里还有个10岁妹妹,这一大包零食就是给他妹妹带的,当然也准备坐高铁路上吃,他家住 在南京市里,坐高铁回家还是蛮快的,他这一大堆零食全都装在他的行李箱里,满满一箱,基本上都是零食,其他的就是给他爷爷和他爸用自己打工钱买了机械手表,以及给他妈妈买的女士机械手表。还贴心的给他爷爷又配了一台复古的收音1w0-48097 >>
内容简介:你可记得那美丽无双的小龙女、赵灵儿的饰演者刘亦非?你可记得那可爱娇俏的晴川杨蜜?还有你可记得那清纯无比的龙葵妹妹刘湿湿?本书的主角,因为H7N9禽流感而死,回到1997年,开始了他在娱 乐圈的猎艳之路……1w0-98647 >>
内容简介:千门家有个九岁太医-千玖,因遭人陷害医死王妃,最终被毒打身亡。 一朝诈尸,21世纪女特工名叫千亿,穿越异世在九岁小太医身上。 阴谋、仇恨,她将整个朝政搞的天翻地覆,后宫人仰马翻! 帝君 要问罪,她却卖起了萌:“不是窝”,还配合的挤几滴眼泪。 君王问罪,她一怒之下将人称烈焰国战神门牙打掉,奶声奶气的说:“呜呜,你居然欺负小盆友。” 可在转身瞬间,她却露出愤恨的神情。 一路与人斗智斗勇,手撕王爷马甲,别看她个小,最后什么世子、相侯,皇子各个争着抢! 君墨邪将众人挡在面前,傲娇的说道:“九千岁是我的小祖宗,你们都滚远点! 1w0-2847 >>
Jun's family used to be wealthy, but after his father's death their company went bankrupt and his mother was hospitalized due to too much stress. Now, Jun lives at the home of their former gardener and attends a public school with the gardener's son Koutarou. Unfortunately, Jun and Koutarou just can't seem to get along...
Collection of oneshots. Very steamy! 1) When violated by the perverted school doctor, Mizuru calls out the name of his best friend Natsura. But it's his best friend, he can't possibly be in love with him...right?! With Natsura being mute and Mizuru not being true to his real feelings, will these best friends have a happy (and smex-filled) ending? 2) Ibuki has known that he is different from other boys since he was 12, but he has been able to keep it a secret. However, his dad's new Italian apprentice (who wants to bathe together!) is about to shatter Ibuki's resolve! 3) Hachiya always felt Hozumi's eyes on him in high school, but never talked to him. Now they meet 8 years later in a gay pub but is it just coincidence? Or destiny? 4) Takashina has an imaginary friend name Michael...an imaginary sex friend that is! But he wishes to fall in love with a real man. Maybe his friend Toriumi could be of assistance? 5) Okabe is an artist who doesn't go out much. The first man he fell in love with is getting married soon, what is this difficult feeling? In comes Akiyo, a gay janitor who touched one of Okabe's sculptures. Can this straightforward and simple man show Okabe the world outside of his easel that he's been longing to see? 6) Our Sin 7) Lovesick Baby
Mirano is a 20-year-old girl who loves to do house chores. In fact, she makes it her ultimate career. It's not as easy as many would think. She somehow feel like an actress because at certain times, she feels that she plays the role of a sister but other times, she plays a mother. But she enjoys it nonetheless. So begins the tales of her housekeeping tasks...
From MangaHelpers: Shun knew what to expect when he became a high school student. As he entered the gates of his new school, four beautiful girls suddenly surround him. These four girls are the same four girls he grew up with since kindergarten. The four girls are Rio the athlete, Miku the cook, Nana the nerd, and Yuri the student president. These four girls will be battling it out between them in order to win the heart of their beloved Shun. [DrCoke]
An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine summary: An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Mr. Fortescue summary: Mr. Fortescue summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mr. Fortescue. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Wandering Heath summary: Wandering Heath summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Wandering Heath. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Adventures of Paddy the Beaver summary: The Adventures of Paddy the Beaver summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Adventures of Paddy the Beaver. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.