简介【每周日更新】21世纪金牌神医特工,一朝穿越定国侯府三小姐,却成了远近闻名的胖丑废物? 须不知她冷眸一开,万兽臣服,脚踩恶女渣男,化身顶级召唤师,遇佛挡佛,遇神杀神!虐渣减肥正上头,不想却惹上个腹黑皇叔: “王妃美若天仙,你们给本王看紧了,搭讪者杀无赦!” “救命!这种长得帅但眼睛不好的粘人老公申请退货可以吗?”
内容简介: 李长风穿越到妖魔鬼怪横行的世界,成为佛光寺一名刚刚剃度的小沙弥。因为不具慧根,被三大堂首座嫌弃,最终只能成为一名扫地僧。不想‘扫地僧’系统降临,只要扫地便有机会可以获得各种奖励。在 藏经阁外扫地,获得【大日如来真经】在罗汉堂扫地,获得【降龙伏虎拳】在千佛塔扫地,获得【千佛玲珑宝塔】……六十年后,魔门三宗联手大举进犯佛光寺,寺中高手尽皆败北,佛光寺覆灭只在旦夕之间。佛光寺众僧退守藏经阁,魔门三宗高手也紧追而至,遇到了正在扫地的一白眉老僧……1w0-2087 >>
内容简介:她是腹黑狠辣的暗夜鬼医,一朝穿越,成为人人鄙视唾弃的废材女。契约上古神兽,修炼逆天神诀,亮瞎众人的眼。毒丹毒剂在手,敢欺她之人,找死!九品丹药算什么?她的萌宠都当糖豆吃。会炼药,就是那 么任性!他是绝色妖冶的夜王爷,世人皆以为他冷酷无情,可为什么她眼里的他竟是如此难缠,阴魂不散。“你盯着我干什么?”“本君在想,你什么时候正式成为本君的女人。”一枚细针抵住了他的腰际,她笑道:“爷,冲动是魔鬼,1w4978-26625 >>
内容简介: 再度睁眼时,莫德来到了弱肉强食的海贼王世界。 身怀【猎人笔记】的他,能通过狩猎强者来壮大自身的实力。 于是,为了立足,他将目光望向了那一个个名声在外的大人物。 七武海、 海 军大将、 四皇、 这些成名已久的强者皆有可能成为他通向顶点的里程碑。 至此。 在海贼眼中,他是祸害。 在海军眼中,他亦是祸害。 ----------- 已完结小说:美食猎人、火影之祸害、刀剑神域之活下去。 群号:1644346641w0-877 >>
内容简介:大学生李克,法学专业2年级学生。除此之外,他还有个不为人知的身份——注册阴阳师。几千年来,阴阳师的使命是在都市中解决人们遇到的“非常规”事件,而作为茅山道派传人,李克的特长,是一只鬼眼 。鬼眼可看穿阴阳、明鉴三界,那些每时每刻都发生在你我身边的小事,换一个角度看去,原来竟有这么多让人毛骨悚然的原因……对于注册阴阳师来说,我们的世界,究竟是什么样子的?1w7485-81743 >>
内容简介:男女主角是林雨宋志强杨春花陈二牛又名村色佳人支教老师的幸福生活情难自禁第一二三四五六七八九十章1234567890章大结局陈二牛不再说话,不顾林雨的反抗,强行把手挤进内衣当中,握住那对 1w71424-95016 >>
内容简介:“叮!恭喜宿主,激活多项挑选奖励系统!”“晋绥军601团处于即将覆灭的危险境地!”“多项挑选题一:马上逃生,当一名懦弱的逃兵,可以获得躺平,存活到抗战胜利的寿命!甚至长命百岁的寿命!” “多项挑选题二:马上投降鬼子部队,当一名人人喊打的伪军军官,可以获得第一军第三任司令官筱冢义男中将,奖励的伪军旅长一职!”“多项挑选题三:抗战到底,可以获得奖励一个800多人的加强营的勃兰登堡部队支援作战!”“勃1w0-91686 >>
内容简介:什么样的女人让纣王倾覆江山,世人又痴又恨呢?斩妖台上,妲己魂飞魄散之际,被系统选中为宿主,成为每个任务世界的坏女人。当妲己成为又美又毒的坏女人后,会为她们带来什么样的命运呢?爽文、打脸 、快穿、复仇,苏苏苏!爽爽爽!1w0-130376 >>
内容简介:一个新郎,两个新娘。夫妻交拜时的等边三角形,我却对着另一个人的方向helliphellip我忘记了自己来自何处,也忘记了那一世的恩怨纠缠。置身这个世界的朝堂、江湖,我没有一技之长,只有 求生的欲望。1w0-102610 >>
Childhood friends Wakatake and Kagetora meet again after not seeing each other for more than 8 years. Wakatake is a boy who takes his studies extremely serious, as he is to take over the medical clinic of his parents one day. Kagetora is an impulsive girl, who spends most of her time fighting outside on the streets, instead of the class room. Now that Kagetora decided to enter one of the most prestigious high schools of the country to pursue the love of her life, she needs Wakatake to help her to pass the entrance test...
Tenshou Yaoyorozu summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Tenshou Yaoyorozu. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Volume 2 of the YuuTopia Collection, contains four stories: the title story, 'Perfect Lovers', 'Memoir Girl' and 'Hang in There Nakago (Part 2)'. This last story is the continuation from the last story from Minto de Kiss me. 1. Musubiya Nanako: Nanako has her mother's ability to see the red strings that bind to people together in love. At her parents match making shrine, Nanako is forced to bring couples together by binding their strings. But who is she to be binded to? 2. Perfect Lovers: Mitsuharu and Kana get into a car accident just after breaking up. They wake up just to find themselves in a dimension where homosexuality is normal and heterosexual relationships are illegal. 3. Memoir Girl: Katakura Hitomi does not like her new step-mother taking up all the attention of her father. In an abandoned school building she meets a high school boy who becomes her confidant. 4. Hang in There Nakago (Part II) - Continues the tale from Mint de Kiss Me.
Riding high on the memory of a boy named Hikaru with whom she spent a day during her last year of grade school, Megu went through middle school without romance. Now that she's a high school student, she has decided she is finally completely over her first love and can look towards the future. Shikashi! Megu meets a pretty girl on her first day of high school who gives her a big hug, and her name is Hikaru?!
The Goodness of St. Rocque and Other Stories summary: The Goodness of St. Rocque and Other Stories summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Goodness of St. Rocque and Other Stories. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Vanishing Race summary: The Vanishing Race summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Vanishing Race. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Beast summary: The Beast summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Beast. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Phantom Leader summary: Phantom Leader summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Phantom Leader. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.