














类别恋爱 少女 总裁














简介每周双更!周五&周六更新! 现代女杀手穿越后重生于仙界废柴---将军府五小姐(少爷)司马幽月之身,由此开启了废柴逆袭模式,一路开挂,收获各类神兽和法器,并在此过程中与各色男主角们相遇…… 《神医五小姐》漫画读者群:626088440,二群:851059663


类别搞笑 魔幻 少年




内容简介:周皎暗恋高未然,暗恋了六年。终于在第六年,感觉柳暗花明,心意相通后的跨年夜里鼓起勇气告白。高未然十分感动于她的告白,然后拒绝了她。真是个有点悲伤的初恋故事。过后的几年里,周皎一心扑在事 业上,上过山,下过海,到处修路致富,直到修到了高未然的地盘上。“皎皎,我们重新开始好么,让我追你?”“不好意思,我要结婚了。”【是HE,HE!】1w0-90312 >>


内容简介:唤醒睡美人,只需要一个法式湿吻江醒醒原本住在潮湿地下室,每天跑片场龙套领盒饭,有一天,她捡回了一个落魄小狼狗,小狼狗失忆,无家可归,话也很少。江醒醒心肠软,无微不至地照顾他,每天从片场 领了盒饭,还分给他一半。当然,被窝也分他一半。后来小狼狗失踪了,江醒醒难过了好久。某天,江醒醒一觉醒来,发现自己睡在三米豪华大床上,窗边餐桌上法式早餐琳琅满目,衣架上挂着一件璀璨的晚礼服。江醒醒懵了几秒,恍然以为自己在做梦。这时候,一个下身裹着白色浴巾的男人浴室出来,男人眉宇高挺,容颜清俊,拥有漂亮的锁骨和巧克力板块状腹肌。男人走到她身边,轻轻揽过了她的纤腰,凑近她耳畔,声音性感:“睡过就把我忘了,嗯?”那晚以后,江醒醒的事业开始出现转机,同时,她也成了江城首富名义上的妻子。不是演戏吗,睡在一起是闹哪样!哎哎,谁让你脱衣服,八块腹肌和人鱼线了不起啊!商戒扯掉了衬衣的领口,冷眸微勾,薄唇轻启——别动,乖一点。步步为营大尾巴狼失忆霸道总裁x呆萌可爱正能量元气少女文案截图,拿梗慎重基友的文:荔枝香近《别逼我撩你》曲小蛐《药那么甜》老衲吃素《蜜桃色巧合》各位书友要是觉得《我把被窝分给你》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-49091 >>


内容简介:  你找到了一把水果刀,加上两根线,微波炉和冷冻库,合成了冰火两重的神剑,没有丧尸是你一招之敌  你拿起T病毒,和C病毒,G病毒,黑光病毒放在一块,合成了毁灭世界的最强病毒,并且用它毁 灭了一个世界  你偷走了李元芳的幽兰剑和链子刀,买来了燕双鹰的手枪和风衣,放在一块进行合成,从此再也没人在你面前装X  你拿起柯南的眼镜,硫克的笔记,海拉的短剑,黑崎一护的长刀,转头一看,所有人都躲得远远的1w0-3021 >>


内容简介:男主:最近喜欢上一个主播,可是她好像不怎么喜欢我女主:最近总有个观众给我送钱,一送就是好几万。江盼一觉醒来,发现自己变成了连口红都买不起的大学生,顿时有种长梦不醒的冲动。可是,那个奇怪 的家伙为什么总是阴魂不散?这是一个除了钱什么都没有(并不)的男主和一个除了钱什么都有的女主的嗯,互撩故事食用说明:没有傻白甜,直播内容不多,线下交流为主,双处(不要问我怎么做到的)预告,下周一,第十九章入V,当天万字1w0-69062 >>


内容简介:【克苏鲁奇幻废土赛博朋克迪化流群像幕后】废土与神秘的交替中,噩梦在耳语。曙光与幻想的交融下,命运又在呼唤。新元历527年,我苏醒于穹顶和迷雾笼罩的苏格拉!废土、机械、巨舰、魔龙、异兽, 幸存的新元子民匍匐呐喊;魔法、无心人、失落者、浮空神域,癫狂的卑微魔物舍命嘶吼。第四纪元的乐园浮现,我看到了代表漆黑和罪恶的圣洁权杖。序位神明的血夜召唤,我用赤红之瞳挖掘世界的真相。废土神明,降下祝福。冰雪之原,迎接曙光。这是一场废土中权力的游戏!1w0-116616 >>


内容简介:大学生李克,法学专业2年级学生。除此之外,他还有个不为人知的身份——注册阴阳师。几千年来,阴阳师的使命是在都市中解决人们遇到的“非常规”事件,而作为茅山道派传人,李克的特长,是一只鬼眼 。鬼眼可看穿阴阳、明鉴三界,那些每时每刻都发生在你我身边的小事,换一个角度看去,原来竟有这么多让人毛骨悚然的原因……对于注册阴阳师来说,我们的世界,究竟是什么样子的?1w7485-81743 >>


内容简介:包业穿越获得狗出天际系统,被系统逼着不做人事,却反而成神……n砸碎邻居家玻璃一百次,获得百发百中技能。n强行扶老太太过马路一百次,速度100。n连续抽烟一百根,肺活量100。n去女浴室 洗澡一百次,获得隐身技…1w0-83658 >>


内容简介:宁知穿成了逃婚女配。书里,女主和男主活成了甜宠文。而同样嫁入豪门的炮灰女配,不仅被发现逃婚,以致于在豪门的日子艰难。加上她各种嫌弃有自闭症的丈夫,甚至为了追求真爱,最后将自己活成了悲剧 。1w0-2620 >>




内容简介:新世纪下的大好青年赵辰魂穿平行世界,成为了侯爵府上的败家少爷。本着延续原主的败家传统,发扬败家精神,赵辰决定将败家进行到底。可谁想到,一道赐婚的圣旨从此改变了他的命运……1w0-773 34 >>


内容简介:当家族联姻成为必然,现实世界中男朋友的背叛,让女主林筱薇对爱情不再抱有幻想。从认识前男友到如今发现他已经和自己的姐姐在一起的时间整整三年。她开始恍然大悟,自己曾经癫狂的爱情态度只会让她 更受伤,但是更让她难以平复的愤怒是来源于那一场生日宴。林家依靠杭城的财力势力,在那一天聚集了无数的贵家公子和权势人物,这一场生日宴的女主本是林夕颜,可是最后却演变成了林筱薇的闹剧。她亲眼看见自己的男友席城和林夕颜站在一起,周围的人都拍手称赞他们天生一对郎才女貌,却忽略了他们的爱情已经存在了三年。她愤怒的质问席城,想从他的嘴上知道一些答案,但是渣男的本质暴露无遗,她的质问又给自己找了个麻烦。所有人看到的都是妹妹不懂事同姐姐抢男友,但实际上是恰恰反过来。1w0-127679 >>

Vivid Memories Ii: Things Accidently Left Behind

Collection of 3 short stories, the first two are Please save my earth related, but they are standalones and spoiler free: PSME-Things accidently left behind PSME-BIRTH Cibi-01 no YaYaYa! (Cibi, right, not Chibi)

Ake Nure Goyou Ni Furu Yuki Wa

From Attractive Fascinante: Ch. 1-3: Kazuma, a yakuza, got shot and was saved by the heir of a tea ceremony family, Shibata Yukihiro. Yukihiro, being the illegitimate son, never allowed himself to ask for anything. Kazuma was the only one that Yukihiro had wanted to protect even though the burden that Kazuma carried was too dangerous. What should they do? A very in-depth story revolving around the Japanese traditions and the underworld and how the gentle and delicate Yukihiro and a powerful Kazuma managed to influence each other to find their true self. Ch. 4 - At First Sight Liam Brink, a university student, has a bit of an usual hobby - 'observing Maddox,' Maddox being another university student. The two have never spoken to each other until one day when Liam is knocked down by another student and his glasses are broken. Ch. 5 - Cry for the Sun Ethan's father just passed away. During the funeral, Ethan is torn by feelings of hatred towards the man that was absent through much of his life, though he doesn't understand the root of these feelings. Suddenly, he notices a mysterious weeping man at the edge of the funeral service that he doesn't recognize, but deep in his heart he somehow knows him - how can this be? Ch.6 - Garance A continuation of Kazuma and Yukihiro's story.

Kenrou Densetsu

Years after the country defeat and occupation period, Japan is still recovering. Although they are on the road back to mass industrialization and prosperity, strong handed economic and political policies have turned many areas into dilapidated slums. Anarchists and anti-government student protesters have taken up arms, stirring up violent social revolution riots. In order to combat this growing threat, the Japanese government has nationalized a division of the police, creating the Capital Police Organization (CAPO). The CAPO consists of hard-trained panzer troopers carrying heavy firearms and wearing special armor suits called Protect Gear, this specialized unit is feared by anti-government groups, criminals and civilians alike.

Boku Ga Utau To Kimi Wa Warau Kara

Consists of a collection of short stories. [From Shoujo Magic]: Story 1 - Because You Smile When I Sing The pop band vocalist, Atsushi, has always been thought of by others as a 'scary person' because of the facial expression he was born with and his disinclination to speak. For Atsushi, Anzu is the only one who ever smiled wholeheartedly upon meeting him, but now that they have met again in high school, Anzu has changed completely. Why doesn't she smile? What can a boy--a singer--with a frightful expression and no speech do to bring her beautiful smile back...? Story 2 - Ding Dong Happiness resounds, ding dong. Though the sound of it may be short-lived, the echo only dies if we allow it to. Chisato wonders if her father ever loved her. He died in a car accident, leaving Chisato behind with her stepmother. He never gave her anything--no gifts on holidays, and he didn't even have the decency to go on living for her. It might be the case that even Chisato's stepmother feels no love for her and will leave. But one question from Chisato's childhood friend, Takahiro, brings the past echoing back with more clarity than ever before. Story 3 - Voice of Mine Inagaki Shuu is a musical genius, the son of musical geniuses, and so the eyes that watch him as he plays the violin are not the eyes of attentive listeners, but the eyes of scrutinizing customers. People are cold to him and the technical perfection he picked up from his parents...except for Futaba, that strange girl who ran into the music room to hide while he was there and then escaped out the window. She's straight and honest in her actions--and in her music. You can hear her voice when she plays, a voice that's uniquely hers. Can she help a genius to find his own voice...? Story 4 - Double Flower Suguru is a little strange for an 18 year-old boy. As a hobby and by profession, he's a seamstress. His rude little grade schooler step-niece, Aya, has run away from home and is staying with him now, and she lets him know everything that's on her mind without hesitation. It hurts to hear from her why women don't look on him as a man, but it also helps him understand what he needs to do to win the woman he loves... Story 5 - Dark Princess A hilarious fairytale side story of 'Those Who Have Wings'. Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Princess Shoka. She was so lovely that she was called 'Snow White,' but she was also called 'Storm Black' because she was a sadistic slave driver! King Hiruto, Queen Phia, and General Tooya knew they had to do something about her behavior, so they hired Hunter Yang to kill her!? But she escaped, with Hunter Yang as her hostage, and went on an adventurous journey to find a hot knight to be her ultimate love!

Jewish Immigration to the United States from 1881 to 1910

Jewish Immigration to the United States from 1881 to 1910 summary: Jewish Immigration to the United States from 1881 to 1910 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Jewish Immigration to the United States from 1881 to 1910. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Healing of Nations and the Hidden Sources of Their Strife

The Healing of Nations and the Hidden Sources of Their Strife summary: The Healing of Nations and the Hidden Sources of Their Strife summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Healing of Nations and the Hidden Sources of Their Strife. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Collected Novels Of Jose Saramago

The Collected Novels Of Jose Saramago summary: The Collected Novels Of Jose Saramago summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Collected Novels Of Jose Saramago. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Frogs

The Frogs summary: The Frogs summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Frogs. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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