内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:四合院:我,大反派!开局坑傻柱】穿越《禽满四合院》世界,成了反派许大茂。激活反派空间,只要搞事情,就能获得经验升级。许大茂嘿嘿一笑,这个他喜欢,反派嘛,尽情嚣 张就够了!傻柱想要给棒梗偷鸡背锅?坑傻柱半个月工资。许大茂反手就获得空间良田十亩。秦淮茹和傻柱想算计娄晓娥?看他先跟娄晓娥造对龙凤胎!傻柱就该绝户!许大茂反手获得空间养猪场。许大茂一路走走走,坑坑坑,直到坑到人生巅峰。三位大爷:四合院以后最出息的就是大茂了。棒梗:我不要傻柱当我爹,我要许大茂当我爹。于海棠:许大茂,你是人间四月天。何雨水:大茂哥才是人间真男儿。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-70602 >>
内容简介:游戏《怪异》是一款自由度极其高的打怪升级类游戏,但是有一天,这款游戏它成真了,现实被游戏穿了。游乐园里,穿着熊形布偶的工作人员将气球递给小女孩,女孩没接住,气球飞了上去,挂到了树枝上, 爆炸了。怪异气球复苏了,整个游乐园被攻占,无数红色气球漂1w0-105726 >>
内容简介:侵权必究,转载请标明版权所属本书已签约,封面转载自小八光主写身宗,外加一些番外,甜虐掺半,欢迎……寄刀片?剧透“雨师,你回来了?”作者:卫风所写的《京剧猫之帝斩白蛇》无弹窗免费全文阅读 为转载作品章节由小兵网友发布。推荐地址:扫描下方二维码,手机免费阅读《京剧猫之帝斩白蛇》1w0-73604 >>
内容简介: 什么是武?武功无关琴棋书画,无关宝物秘籍,也没那么多天下第一。武功是技术,一种让弱者窥得机会向强者挥刀的技术。什么是侠?侠义不是风花雪月,不是传统文化,没什么温良恭俭可言。侠义是暴 力,是被逼上梁山者为暴君打造的刺刀。曹沫盟柯,返鲁侵地。专诸进炙,定吴篡位。彰弟哭市,报主涂厕。刎颈申冤,操袖行事。暴秦夺魄,懦夫增气。这是一个武侠的故事。30年代,几个志同道合的年轻人走到一起,为了改变世界而努力。然后,二百年后,某个垃圾填埋场内,当初重开天地自成体系的赛博武道初祖向山,却在失去了一切记忆体的情况下,念着仇敌的名字醒了过来。“或许就是因为当初我输了,所以世界才会变成这个样子……”“那么这一次,我再不会败!”这是一个人,再一次改变世界的故事!1w0-1487 >>
内容简介:樱樱樱樱小说阅读其他小说类型小说樱樱由作家辛德瑞咕创作金陵陆家来了位表小姐樱樱,唇红齿白,娇怯软糯,陆家上下疼爱不已。唯独世子爷郎心似铁,始终横眉冷对。旁人都道,表小姐得罪了世子爷,往 后在陆府的日子必定不会好过。表小姐父母双亡,孤苦无依,闻言瑟瑟发抖:当初勾谁不好,怎么偏偏挠了他手心……小兵提供樱樱最新章节樱樱最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-105865 >>
内容简介:十六岁那年,苏枝母亲因病去世,葬礼过后,破旧的筒子楼下停一辆豪车。车上下来一人,长相斯文俊美,举手投足矜贵如玉,他说受他母亲所托,会照顾她到大学毕业。男人名叫宋斯年,二十五岁,性情温和 有礼。受他照拂那几年,苏枝不经常能瞧见他。二十一岁,苏枝大学毕业,想进娱乐圈,宋斯年知晓后,跟圈内顶流经纪公司藤蔓的老总吃了顿饭,苏枝便签了进去。之后,绝好资源源源不断递到她跟前。不出一年,苏枝一跃成为藤蔓力捧的当红花旦。圈内人猜测这个身世一清二白,从偏远小城市过来的苏枝是跟藤蔓老总有染,才能资源不断。只有苏枝知道,她如今所有的一切都是宋斯年这个男人送给她的。苏枝很感谢他,但她知晓男人不喜欢她。她也知礼,从不会拿私事去打扰他。二十二岁,苏枝喜欢上了圈内一个顶流,顶流名叫陆思淼。但陆思淼闯了祸,惹了资本圈,面临封杀。苏枝替陆思淼心急,思索许久,她第一次主动给宋斯年发了短信,想让他帮陆思淼度过困境。她不知宋斯年是做什么生意,但她知晓宋斯年在资本圈有绝对的话语权。那条短信发出去后,苏枝并没有等到回复,只是等来了一辆车。宋斯年要见她。那是她第一次进宋斯年的私人别墅,很大很空。宋斯年坐在客厅沙发上,长腿交叠,经过岁月打磨依旧俊美的脸微微隐在黑暗中,他问了她,“苏枝,你今年多大了?”苏枝说,“二十二。”他重复了句她的回答,嗓音很低很低,“二十二岁了,”她觉得他后面还有话,不过她等了许久,还是没等到后半句。很久之后,苏枝被困在车内逼仄的空间内,眼睛通红,承受着男人斯文却不容置喙的亲吻时,她才顿悟当时宋斯年没说完的话。小美人苏枝腹黑男宋斯年娱乐圈沾边。各位书友要是觉得《我的桃花姑娘》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-25472 >>
内容简介:一指定乾坤,翻手摘星辰!来源于神秘之地的一枚晶石,改变了一位落魄少年的命运。从洛山宗出发,一步步声名鹊起,拳破九霄,脚碎星辰,最终挑战那无人可开启的帝境之门。1w24979-10751 3 >>
内容简介: 我名叫林奇,21岁。我只有一名伙伴,就是身为七武海的船长“空条徐伦”。我是JOJO海贼团的唯一船员。每天都要修行到晚上8点才休息。我不抽烟,酒仅止于浅尝。晚上随便几点睡,一直睡到自 然醒。但是睡前我一定喝一杯船长特制的鲜花奶茶,然后做20分钟的八冲拳冥想……我林奇,被别人贴上了所谓海贼的标签,打架的时候我下手会特别重,还有人躺在医院没出来;没水准还喜欢摆架子的海军被我教训过后,都不敢再来找麻烦;餐厅的饭菜不值所定的价格,我就敢不付钱……但是!即便是这样的我,也绝不容许别人抢走我的伙伴!卡塔库栗,你的下一句话是——卡塔库栗:“你的下一句话是‘老东西,你的替身最没用啦’……这是什么意思?”————————其实就是一个有着替身能力的家伙在海贼王世界的故事……1w0-2054 >>
内容简介:叶玄救了一个美女,万万没想到,这个美女居然是最大的女性宗门的星月宫宫主,就此成为唯一男性弟子,并且觉醒了神奇的签到系统。这个签到系统,居然要跟美女进行近距离签到,分为亲近签到、零距离签 到、负距离签到。【恭喜宿主,与师尊零距离签到成功,获得奖励神品丹药!】【恭喜宿主,与纳兰子媚负距离签到成功,获得苍天霸体!】【恭喜宿主,与女帝负距离签到成功,获得圣兽‘不死仙凰’!】……就这样,叶玄作为唯一男弟子,在这个遍地绝色美女的女宗门内,日复一日地低调签到着。直到某一日,叶玄正跟师尊低调负距离签到,魔王突然破封而出,祸乱宗门。他一巴掌拍死。最强弟子身份,彻底曝光!1w0-61087 >>
内容简介:霸气的一菲,贱贱的小贤,多情又专一的子乔,可爱的小貂蝉美嘉,千金小公主林宛瑜,高智商铁憨憨陆展博,切腹自尽关谷神奇,唐氏表演悠悠姐,律政先锋张益达,靓丽时尚秦羽墨,万能的楼下小黑,公寓 的生活是那么美好,不知在我们的主角加入后,是近距离VR体验还是愉快的参与进去呢1w0-69082 >>
A dog shop love comedy! The place where hot men and hot dogs come together!
From Chibi Manga: Kaji, Yuzuha's unrequited love, is a good friend of her younger twin brother Hayao. He's the same age but goes to a different school and since theyre in elementary, he's been going in and out of Yuzuha's home. She's been in love with him all the time, but can't make a serious face when around Kaji. Now they both change to the same high school and there's the chance to decrease the distance between Kaji and her...!?
A new teacher finds himself a newly appointed position as a teacher at an all girls school... on an island... in the sky! How will he make do in his new surroundings? Or the residents of this island who seem like they came from another world? And what's more, how will he fare at being a teacher?
MISTER MERMAID: On a full moon night, Subaru - a merman - coincidentally saved a man who sank into the ocean. After that, in order to see that man again, Subaru traded off his tail for a pair of legs and came to the surface to find Tatsuki - the man's name. Despite of his throbbing feet and his lost voice, Subaru was happy to be able to stay by Tatsuki's side. However, his happiness soon faded away when he found out the reason why Tatsuki was at the bottom of the ocean that day. FUJI NO YAMAI (side story): Byakuya had an incurable undying illness, which means he couldn't die. Gin, his best friend, made a promise that he would take care of Byakuya until death and the promise had been kept for 16 generations. However, Gin the Sixteenth had no intention of making babies for the next generation; instead, he kept his promise with Byakuya in a way that none of the previous Gins had done.
Kantai Collection – Kankore – Kankore RPG Replay – Negai wa Umi wo Koete summary:
Welcome to the world of Kancolle RPG! This book tells a story about a novice admiral and his interesting kanmusu (ship girls). But, this book is a little different from a normal story. This book, tells a “Roleplaying” story.
“Roleplaying”, is a type of game that you play with other people where you read lines from the book as if you’re the one in the story. There are a lot of “Roleplaying” types and this book is specifically a “Table talk” RPG. Read it as if you’re playing kantai collection- Kancole- Kancolle RPG.
This Kancolle RPG is based on a browser game called Kantai Collection. The game itself puts the playerin control of girls that have the memories and powers of warships in the past. The player then must battle a mysterious threat called the “Abyssal Fleet” sighted all around the world. The difference between Kancolle RPG and the browser game, is that you’ll need to use dices, pieces, and follow the rules and scenarios stated by the Kancolle RPG rulebook. Obtaining ship girlsare different too; each player will only get one shipgirl. In table talk RPG, you can ease your mind, the rage, the salt that naturally comes while playing, by gathering friends who have the same hobby, and discuss while playing.
Sometimes you’ll need to face the enemy seriously. Sometimes, you can put yourself in the ship girls’ shoes, and act out their lines. Sometimes you’ll have to go back to yourself, and joke at other character’s line. You playing it happily with your friends are what “Roleplaying” is all about.
A Battleship girl who has just come back from another country, she is generous and having a big heart, Kongou.
A Heavy Cruiser princess with a lack of common sense, k.u.mano.
An eccentric Light Aircraft Carrier, Zuiho.
The serious and a.n.a.lytical Light Cruiser, Kiso.
These are the main girls who play a big part in this book. But, due to the haphazard nature of this game, you won’t be able to play their characters perfectly. Even if you try to, but deep inside, the girls you know are different. Nevertheless, we hope you would be able to enjoy that character gap.
And lastly, we’ll introduce another one of the main characters, Teitoku( the Admiral). He is a young and by-the-book admiral. This novice Admiral is often being played around by the 4 wild girls. He still thinks that “it shouldn’t be like that, it’s not like that”. This hard working Admiral is one of the view points we will be using in this book.
From now, for everyone whose thinking “I’d like to be an admiral in kancolle RPG!” please try it. It will be a good reference!
Hero Tales from American History summary: Hero Tales from American History summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hero Tales from American History. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Roswell High: The Vanished summary: Roswell High: The Vanished summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Roswell High: The Vanished. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Art of Deception summary: The Art of Deception summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Art of Deception. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.