简介【每周四更新】落魄公主,奉命入宫,深宫之内,群妃环伺,原本只想安稳度日的九公主霍雁菁竟然在误饮一杯酒后扶摇直上,连连晋升,引得冠宠后宫的万妃震怒,从此她屡次陷入陷阱,生活再无宁日…………… 冷酷的帝王,目的不明的将军,谁又到底是她的真命天子?
内容简介:瓢泼大雨,梧桐小巷。顾三爷懒懒靠着椅背,车外她抱胸而行,柔美脆弱似朵白嫩丁香。黑色别克缓缓停过来,清溪扭头,车窗里露出一张冷峻淡漠的脸。她咬咬唇,乖乖坐了进去。1:架空民国,甜文。2: 酒楼娇花女掌柜X汽车大亨顾三爷。1w0-2296 >>
内容简介:温今歌穿越了,作为一个反派,作为男主的师尊,作为玄云宗一霸,她应该成为男主脚下最闪亮的那颗绊脚石,然后被对她恨之入骨的男主斩杀。可是,当温今歌要致男主于死地时,男主晋级了;她亲自刺杀男 主,男主的剑法又顿悟了;她不信邪,当着男主的面杀掌门师兄,结果,误杀了魔族;她学乖了,当着其他弟子的面放火烧山,结果,烧伤不少冒出来的魔修……她真的,只是想做个反派啊!1w0-34759 >>
内容简介:微博晋江麻薯文案孟西月无意穿进虐恋情深小娇妻带球跑书里,万幸的是她只是个路人甲。看着男女主蛋疼的爱情,孟西月牙酸的同时确定了择偶标准她的另一半一定得三观正、脑袋没有坑、遇事冷静,最好不 要是个1w0-78332 >>
内容简介:简介漂亮可爱小奶包被冷硬心狠渣男骗走当了替身叶泠喜欢沈遇之但沈遇之对他总是冰冷无常,恶语相向,少数时候才会有难得的温存“你穿成这样是想勾引谁?”——只是想给你看啊,先生……“满身的油烟 味,谁让你自己做菜了?家里的保姆伺候不了你了?”——可是,上次你说爱吃我做的菜呀,先生……“哭哭哭,就知道哭,谁看了还以为是我在强迫你。”——那,能不能温柔一点呢,因为真的很疼啊,先生……所以叶泠的喜欢卑微又怯懦,只敢深深埋在心底直到后来,叶泠看到沈遇之搂着一个跟自己像了八成的人沈遇之对那人是跟自己截然相反的态度,宠着哄着,含在嘴里怕化了叶泠终于心灰意冷,原来,自己只是个替身再后来,叶泠拍戏遇到事故,车子坠崖失踪了沈遇之以为只是个替身而已,正主已经回来了,替身也就不需要了可是,心为什么这么痛?沈遇之又碰上个人,跟他的阿泠长得好像“阿泠,我好想你,你跟我回去好不好。”“沈先生认错人了,我不是你的阿泠。”1w0-81895 >>
内容简介:林天穿越特种兵世界,获得了【超神分解】系统,只要分解物品,就能提取能力。xAxDxAxA分解蚂蚁,获得超级力量!xAxDxAxA分解壁虎,获得断肢重生!xAxDxAxA分解猎豹,获得极 致速度!xAxDxAxA分解雄鹰,分解枪械,分解坦克……xAxDxAxA什么都能够分解,只有你想不到,没有林天做不到。xAxDxAxA咦?xAxDxAxA看着眼前的核弹,林天忽然冒出了一个大胆的想法。xAxDxAxA飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-34083 >>
内容简介: 有故事的音乐,才是有灵魂的。歌曲背后的故事同样精彩!影评人:他就是个拍MV的歌手。知名歌手:我们顶多拍个MV宣传歌曲,他直接拍电影宣传,这能比?知名导演:我们的电影就差了一首歌。1 w0-2871 >>
内容简介:【正文完】xA京城人尽皆知,瑾郡王有一位指腹为婚的未婚妻。不知样貌,不知才学,不知性情,自小在边关长大,还是出身半个武将世家。xAxA京城不少人对其私下诋毁,肯定貌丑无言,不知规矩,五 大三粗。xA直到身姿窈窕、面若芙蓉般秀美的沈精羽出现在众人的视线。xAxA身家优厚,父母宠爱,出息的兄长子侄,位高权重的未婚夫,而且,她还特别的好运气!xA啊,老天不公平!简直嫉妒到让人发指!xAxAxAxA沈精羽有一个秘密,那就是她有一身能够实现愿望的“法力”,只要她在四下无人时,将她的愿望反复说出,不用多久,她的愿望就会被实现。xAxA——让大哥的官途顺畅,顺利做到官职交接吧!xA然后大哥这个被算计接手的官职,就一路有惊无险,顺利做到交接。xAxA——让欺负侄女的渣男贱女都倒大霉吧!xA然后渣男贱女翻来覆去倒大霉,侄女顺利完成退婚。xAxA——让未婚夫不许再对我说谎话呀!xA然后她就被闻胤瑾压在花丛中,狠狠地听了他一顿真心剖白。xAxA沈精羽:……法力有时尽,尴尬时有无,她习惯就好。xAxAxAxA作为未婚妻的“法力”提供者,闻胤瑾兢兢业业完成着未婚妻的一切小愿望,执着并病态地收集着她的一切讯息,一切物品,一切喜好,坚持宠着她,惯着她,将她宠成心肝上的娇娇。xAxA直到:xA——让我未婚夫明晚洞房花烛夜时睡着吧,早睡早起好养生啊。xAxA闻胤瑾:……xA他缓缓眯起眼睛:这个愿望,恕他不能接受!xAxA病娇痴情·腹黑郡王男主VS美艳聪慧·口花花强悍女主xAxA排雷:①姐弟恋,男主比女主小两个月。xA②文内法力部分,属于男主的心机与动作,并无任何玄幻情节。xAxA本文将于9月13日入V,入V当日三更xA——————xA预收文《要来求亲的侯爷失忆了》文案:xAxA宁淮一觉醒来,失去了最近两年的记忆。xAxA他询问了自己最近要做的事后,果断叫停了自己的求亲计划。xAxA他可是要潜心修佛的男人,怎能沉迷女色,娶妻生子?!xAxA哪知从此之后,他今个儿看到了自己偷偷撰写的情诗,明儿个寻到了自己偷偷定制的一屋子女装,后儿个甚至无意翻到了以他和段蕴溪为主角的小黄文……xAxA宁淮:本侯的春心,当真动过?!xAxAxAxA步步心机,重重算计。xAxA小官之女段蕴溪终于从一众贵女中脱颖而出,攀上了宁远侯这根高枝,得到了他明日将去她家提亲的明示。xAxA她面上羞涩难当,内心欢欣鼓舞,欢欢喜喜归家,静待明日收局。xAxA结果天还没黑呢,就听闻宁远侯惊马受伤,一晕三日,醒后直接忘却了最近两年的记忆。xAxA小心算计谋划了两年的段蕴溪:……xAxA眼见着失忆后的宁远侯对她冷若冰霜,寒眉剑齿 >>
内容简介: 冶金装备、矿山装备、电力装备、海工装备……一个泱泱大国,不能没有自己的重型装备工业。国家重大装备办处长冯啸辰穿越到了1980年,看他如何与同代人一道,用汗水和智慧,铸就大国重工1w 0-647 >>
内容简介:群号154911460不上架,全文免费,放心收藏1991年,西伯利亚黑天鹅港外,一个男人在大雪中苏醒。带着三个被选中的孩子,李雾月辗转成为了蛇岐八家的大家长。然而这个在东瀛逐渐一手遮天 的男人,却始终想着退休谈恋爱。“今天去了浅草寺求签,霧の月哥哥最好了!”——上杉家主如此说道。“他算是我亦兄亦父的人吧,只是喜欢装嫩和撂挑子,很让人头疼!”——代理大家长源稚生如此回答到。“李雾月你个坑货!我xxx你个xxx!”作为路姓少年,有人提出了不同意见。大家长要退休最新章节地址:1w0-71133 >>
Delilah doesn't have it easy as a new pupil of an American Highschool. Because of her beauty, the playboy of the school Josh becomes aware of her. With Josh trying everything to get her, Delilah evokes the scorn of the most popular girl in school Jessica, who has her eye on Josh. As if that doesn't suffice, Delilah has a dark secret, that attracts the self-declared demon hunters aka Josh's best friends attention. Is a normal schoollife even possible like this?
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Sakurai Yoshino is a 16 year old girl and in love with a senpai from the soccer club. Valentine's Day is coming up, and she wants to give him some chocolates but her father interferes, giving her a robot bodyguard! But this bodyguard is unexpectedly cool...A sweet, short tale about love.
In the Miwaku no Dokushin Kizoku (Bachelor Cousins) series: V.1 - Kojou ni Tsudou Ai (To Marry McKenzie) Greek tycoon Demetrios Karas can't concentrate. He's tried professional distance--and failed! Now he's in danger of blowing his whole business deal if he doesn't make his translator, Samantha Brewster, his mistress.... Satisfaction at last! As Demetrios expected, they are made for each other in the bedroom! Yet Samantha seems willing only to stay until the end of her three-month contract. Until a new commitment surprises them both--one that will begin in nine months.... V.2 - Nazomeita Bijo (To Marry McCloud) Fergus McCloud couldn't quite remember how he'd first met Chloe Fox...but circumstances indicated that they'd slept together pretty soon afterward! Actually, they hadn't. But Chloe's mission was to persuade Fergus not to publish a book that would ruin her family. What better way than to prolong the pretense of their being lovers? Only, Fergus wanted to rediscover the delights of their night 'together'—and he intended to be present this time...in mind as well as body! V.3 - Ubawareta Kuchibiru (To Marry McAllister) Brice McAllister, the world's renowned artist, instantly falls for Sabina as soon as he meets the gorgeous supermodel's gaze. He has agreed to paint her portrait only to quiet the insistent billionaire who demanded Brice to paint his fiancee's portrait at any price. The meeting arouses his desire to draw Sabina. However, once he starts to work on the portrait, Sabina does not hide her fear and avoids his gaze. It is as if she believes allowing him to draw her is a sin...
Sketch of the First Kentucky Brigade summary: Sketch of the First Kentucky Brigade summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sketch of the First Kentucky Brigade. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Constitutional Development of Japan 1853-1881 summary: The Constitutional Development of Japan 1853-1881 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Constitutional Development of Japan 1853-1881. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Serapis summary: Serapis summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Serapis. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Imaginary Invalid summary: The Imaginary Invalid summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Imaginary Invalid. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.