内容简介:颜清穿书而来,意外成了BE文中那个拆散男女主角,无恶不作的恶毒反派。为了避免原文中原主的命运,她一心与渣男划清界限,为此不惜包养了一个小白脸。脸。可这小白脸,怎么越看越不对劲了呢……颜 清穿书而来,意外成了BE文中那个拆散男女主角,无恶不作的恶毒反派。为了避免原文中原主的命运,她一心与渣男划清界限,为此不惜包养了一个小白脸。可这小白脸,怎么越看越不对劲了呢……各位书友要是觉得《穿成BE文里的反派恶毒女配》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-97248 >>
内容简介:一个山村小儿郎,为了给女朋友开服装店,欠下了巨额债务。谁知女友竟拿钱跑路,还榜了个富二代逍遥快活去了!绝境之中,他偶得吕祖传承!从此,各色美女投怀送抱!各路大佬挤破头结交!种菜养殖,建 设村子,却不料美女老师求医,千金大小姐疯狂倒追,林水生捂着脑袋:“财色双收是个技术活!”各位书友要是觉得《神级小刁民》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w47332-66302 >>
内容简介: 长安,百鬼夜行; 洛阳,阴兵借道; 公元649年,天可汗驾崩含风殿,战神病故于卧榻上。 一代女皇在灵宝寺内落发出家;大唐神探步入国子监求学。 一个属于未来的灵魂,来到了长安 城。 贞观盛世下,有魑魅魍魉藏于黑暗之中。煌煌都城之中,妖魔鬼怪横行。 这是一个人与妖魔共生的世界。 不良人横刀在手,搅动风云色变。 长生?我不欲也!千万年太久,我只争朝夕,活一个畅快淋漓。 这是一个略带有魔幻色彩的历史小说。 我不知道大家是否能接受,但我希望,能与诸君分享这个故事。1w0-2823 >>
内容简介:伏玉是南夏的皇帝,当然,名义上是。他没有兵权,也不怎么用上朝,整天跟身边的一个小太监厮混在一起。在某一日例行被行刺被小太监拼死救回一条命后。伏玉感叹:朕一无所有,如若你不是太监,朕一定 以身相许。小太监笑,不置可否。孰料很多年后,这人再出现在伏玉面前,依旧是熟悉的笑,却道:还望陛下一言九鼎,兑现承诺。伪太监攻vs傀儡皇帝受每天中午十二点更新,HE。年下!!!!!另:作者原名涅幽水!新坑开始改名为贺端阳啦!还是你们的可爱幽啦!1w0-82409 >>
内容简介:绝世丹王是英年早肥写的东方玄幻类小说内存三十八道天地异火,成品率百分之百,赠送功法一套,各种修炼插件、灵斗技插件若干……这,就是全自动炼药系统。天赋普通如何,出身贫寒又如何?有了全自动 炼药系统,无论多么珍稀难得的丹药,在李昂这里,都只是一副简简单单的配方,照单抓药,然后启动全自动炼药程序即可。从社会的最底层爬起,李昂的未来,是绝世丹王!1w0-72053 >>
内容简介:从武侠世界开始种道无弹窗最新章节由网友提供,《从武侠世界开始种道》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的武侠修真小说,小兵免费提供从武侠世界开始种道最新清爽干净的文字章节在线阅 读。1w0-95502 >>
内容简介:上一世,她被困在精神病院十年,天神般的男人为她而死。这一世,她风华归来,手撕小三,虐渣男,人生如同开了挂。上一世,他被她悔婚,为她心爱的男人捐肾,为她去死。这一世,他将她据为己有,娶她 为妻,势要帮她披荆斩棘,护她一生平安无虞。婚后,姜绾双手叉腰,成为家中的女王,“封墨枭,你上辈子是不是蠢?上辈子把肾捐给那个死渣男?”封墨枭抬眼,冷嗤,“你更蠢,被渣男逼成了精神病。我告诉你,就是只有一颗肾各位书友要是觉得《封先生溺宠重生妻姜绾封墨枭》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80086 >>
内容简介:本文又名《咒术最强的大航海叛逆生涯》《天龙人800年还没灭看来是我来晚了》作为咒术界天花板的复制品,被本体一个领域怼到了异世界。开局一个木板,一片大海。作者:看到了没,这就是你未来征战 的天下!莱特·琉恩(五条花游):给我留个木板真是谢谢您了啊。下面我们采访一下和琉恩接触过的一众幸运儿(受害者)们:某天龙人:谢邀,人在icu,肋骨都断了。某大将:想当初鹤中将给我忠告我没有好好听,现在就是后悔,非常后悔。某元帅:让他救我儿子,没想到最后儿子都给她了。某四皇:还是左手剑用的顺手啊。某四皇(2):我那么多个儿子,就没一个她看上的吗?某王子:咦?琉恩桑是多么温柔可爱的女士啊。众人:只有你会这么想!在这里,你能看到暴打天龙人,硬刚五老星,手锤火烈鸟(bushi)等众多想干但没机会干的事情。cp未定,但不是买股文,我们的目标不是睡遍伟大航路,而是打倒天龙人,拯救全世界(bushi)!走剧情,恋爱能谈就谈,谈不了就顺其自然。开局天花板。女主第一章就改名,莱特·琉恩是穿越后身体的名字。本文时间线为主线故事开始前十年,剧情基本靠脑补,打脸就打脸。努力不ooc,具体能做到什么程度看我能力。——前方预收————《当柯学撞上魔幻主义》cp:某打四份工的神秘男人人类范畴内,我最爱的是你。文案一我是个高中生侦探,现在变成了小学生住在青梅竹马的家里。最近,我感觉我的世界变得有些奇怪。起因是一个案件。有人在我的面前死而复生了!正当我无比震惊的时候,我又注意到了另一件不可思议的事情。某个在现场的不知名女人,她的手机屏幕居然是叔叔徒弟的照片。这到底是怎么一回事!?文案二我本是霓虹公安,目前在某黑衣组织当卧底。为了保护女朋友的人身安全,我准备向她提出分手。我佑酱,接下来我要出一个非常危险的任务,或许有很长时间不能和你见面了,我们分手吧。言峰佑好吧。我本以为一切都非常顺利,却没想到让我无比震惊的事情发生了。文案三我叫言峰佑,是个漫画家正当我埋头苦干准备拿下最新一届的xx赏的时候,我的编辑突然找我谈话了。编辑言峰桑,这样的作品是拿不到奖项的。我所,所以?编辑外出取材去吧!为了画出更好的漫画,我痛定思痛决定和我可爱的男朋友分手。然而没想到的是,他居然先对我提出了分手。理由是要出危险的任务。为了探知是什么任务让我可爱的男朋友不得不和我分手,我行动了。1w0-82371 >>
内容简介:手机阅读《拔剑九亿次之十里坡剑神》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读林逍遥穿越到妖魔神佛并立的异界,开局统死机,被困十里坡刷了十年怪。十年后,系统重启,踏入江湖。竟发现自己能看到别人头顶的血条! 且只要让对方掉血,就能获得经验值,抽取宝物!比如能够强行聚灵且强制击飞敌人的【聚灵小手套】、一戳就算钢铁直女也能变娘的【娘娘枪】、套上就能隐身的【丝袜头套】、包治百病的【药王身上搓下的泥球】……1w0-96829 >>
Marie is trapped in a horrible situation. She's being constantly tormented by her classmates and regularly molested by her teacher. With nowhere else to turn, she finds herself asking for supernatural help from one of the seven demons of the seven mysteries of her school. All she desires is the death of her cruel classmates and teacher. How far will Marie be willing to go in order to achieve the murders that would free her from her living hell? Higanbana no Saku Yoru ni takes place in an unnamed school setting and is composed of numerous self-contained short stories, each told from the perspective of a student or staff member from the school. These stories feature bullying as a major overlying theme, as each story's protagonist is depicted as being either a victim of bullying or a bully themselves. Higanbana revolves around a series of urban legends caused by supernatural beings called y?kai, each of which claims ownership of a particular 'mystery' and kills anyone who tries to investigate it. There are a total of seven 'mysteries' at the start of the series, with numerous y?kai fighting each other in an ongoing turf war for ownership of these mysteries, which is granted to the seven y?kai who emerge victorious in the conflict. The stories' protagonists interact with at least one of the school's resident y?kai, who force the protagonists to deal with the consequences of their actions regarding bullying.
Grimm Otogi is a descendant of the Grimm Brothers, authors of the well known Grimms' Fairytales. Upon picking up a mysterious book he discovers in his house, Otogi is attacked by a demon. He soon learns that the Grimm brothers vowed to sacrifice the lives of their descendants in exchange for the fairytales, forcing Otogi to defeat the demons from these cruel and twisted stories if he wishes to survive.
A collection of short stories: 1) Vahlia no Hanamuko Jiru and Vahlia were engaged. But Jiru suddenly went missing! Four years later, Vahlia was betrothed to his younger brother. During the night of the celebration of her second engagement, Vahlia decides to go on a journey… in search of Jiru! 2) Ryuu no Moriuta The dragon child Kito and the priestess Shuen await the day Kito becomes the Heavenly Dragon. 3) Ginsekai no Shoumei Alza lives alone on a desolate snowy plain. One day, Leah, a sorcerer from the magical city collapses near his house. Alza forbids Leah from using magic in his presence and shows her how beautiful life can be outside of the magical world. But, why does Alza hate magic, how did Leah get outside the magical city, and what will happen when Leah returns home? 4) Otogibanashi no Fude At a far away village, there’s a sacred tree where the Water God dwells. It’s Sasara Yuukei’s task to trace the fading letters of the contract between the Water God and the people of the village. One day, while carrying out his task, he suddenly met the Water God herself! And gradually, he found out that what he’s been doing every day is actually...
The Book Of EXP summary: The stuff you need. I don 't mind what you write or do on it just nothing offensive, and enjoy.
The Legend Of Black Eyes summary: The Legend Of Black Eyes summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Legend Of Black Eyes. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
A Big Temptation summary: A Big Temptation summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Big Temptation. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Kuro no Maou summary:
Kurono Maou is a high school student who is sensitive of his sharp eyes and bad expression. No girlfriend but gifted with friends in his own way, he had been living a peaceful life.
But one day, without any reason, Kurono was attacked by a mysterious headache while in the literature clubroom and fainted. When he finally awoke…Swords & magic, filled with monsters, an orthodox different world summoning.