简介传说十万大山中的迷雾山住着医仙,颇为神奇,这是一个古老的修仙门派,每一代弟子都血脉相承,却为兄弟,帅哥哥是蛇精病?作品每周三、周日更新!欢迎各位收藏 打赏 点赞 好评!欢迎读者们加入蛇精粉丝qq群:593109077
内容简介:被女友分手,领导上司辱骂。林风获得往返末日世界能力,倒卖食物能获黄金万两。倒卖末日科技,日赚千亿美金!这下发达了!首富只是小目标,他能增幅自己属性,千倍增幅,超越普通人万倍。只他一人系 统在手,林风在末日下无敌。现实更是前女友求复合,上司主动讨好。1w0-106785 >>
内容简介:一场空难,现代单身白富美魂穿架空大鹤朝,成了同龄乡下极品老太太。便宜丈夫眼神深邃充满探究,吓得她小心翼翼不敢崩人设。却不曾想,枕边人换成了邻座那位年轻帅气的教授。便宜儿女各怀心思:长子 :“娘,林氏身子不爽利,儿子去请大夫给她瞧瞧。”凤吟:“就知道疼媳妇,瞧大夫不花钱啊?”次子:“娘,儿子上山给您抓野味。”凤吟斜眼瞧她:“想偷懒明说,少拿老娘作筏子。当那野味死的,等着你去抓?”老儿子:“娘,没钱买笔墨,给点呗。”凤吟:“钱钱钱,老娘又不是开钱庄的,哪来钱给你?找你爹去。”长女捧着她压箱底面料:“娘,这块布适合做嫁妆。”凤吟:“小小年纪,着什么急?”“奶,不气,吃。”旁边一个小奶娃流着口水,举起块要化掉的糖,凑到面前。凤吟眼睛一亮,伸手抱起小家伙:“哎哟喂,还是我大孙子心痛奶啊。”某人冷眼旁观许久,终于找到最佳机会,小心摊牌:张逸鸣:“娘子,我发现你马甲了。”凤吟眨巴着眼睛笑:“夫君,你也没好到哪去。”各位书友要是觉得《穿成极品婆婆后我路走宽了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-29499 >>
内容简介: 分明是真千金却死的落魄的苏邀重生了。上辈子她忍气吞声,再重来她手狠心黑。谁也别想吸着她的血还嫌腥膻了。重来一次,她要做那天上月,冠上珠,光芒万丈。某人跟在她身后一面替她挖坑,一面苦 心孤诣的劝她:不用这么费力的,瞧见我头上的冠冕了吗?你就是上面最华丽的那颗。1w0-1854 >>
内容简介:司凌一直以为自己只是很倒霉地穿成了个修为灵根尽废的男人罢了,直到遇到了传说中的女主与女配,才知道自己倒霉地穿成了黑暗玛丽苏后宫的男人之一!黑暗玛丽苏太可怕了,重生的女配更是步步紧逼,这 日子真是没法过了!司凌决定,让女主和女配相爱相杀去吧,他要赶紧修练恢复真身去了。1w0-70758 >>
内容简介:原名:重生后我嫁给了渣男的死对头。十年婚姻!安暖以为自己嫁了绝世好男人。殊不知,这个男人却将她亲手逼上死路!他以婚姻的名义玩弄她的感情,算计她的家产,甚至灭掉整个安氏家族,只为博真爱一 笑。一场蓄谋已久的谋杀,让她一朝重生在了十年前!这一世,她一定要让他身败名裂,让他的家族灰飞烟灭,让他的情人不得好死,她要让那些所有伤害过她的人,百倍偿还!为此,她重生后第一件事情就是拒绝渣男,毅然嫁给上一世的死对头,这一世不应该去招惹的超级大佬!本以为他们的婚姻走肾不走心,却没想到,婚后被大佬宠坏了。1w4605-4547 >>
内容简介:本书又名:《赌城1997》曾经,辛辛苦苦好几年,存不到首付和彩礼钱。曾经,吃着泡面看别人豪车别墅,牵手女神逛酒吧。风水轮流转。苏业豪重生成了赌城大亨的独子,家业的业,富豪的豪。稀里糊涂 家产十位数,钱太多了也挺烦恼的,一下子不会花钱了。机会总会留给有准备的有钱人。不碍事,慢慢来,先定它一堆小目标1w19326-75540 >>
Code:Red summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Code:Red. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Based on a popular otome game, Hakuouki follows Chizuru and the Shinsengumi in an alternate reality. Chizuru travels to Kyoto in search of her missing father but after being involved in an incident, ended up being taken in by the Shinsengumi where she meets the members including the famous Hijikata Toshizo and Okita Soshi. Chizuru’s father was conducting government research for strengthening the Shinsengumi and developed the ochimizu. The ochimizu is a formula that gives demon like strength and regeneration effects but once taken, the user experiences extreme pain and eventually turns into a blood hungry monster. In an attempt to defend Chizuru, Hijikata takes the ochimizu and although the situation was saved, he is now affected with the illness. Okita is also forced to take the formula when his tuberculosis prevents him from defending Chizuru and himself. Feeling responsible for their actions, Chizuru must fight her feeling of helplessness and find the courage to support the Shinsengumi.
After a bad break-up, Kusakate leaves his ex with nothing but his clothes on him. Sitting around in the park with nothing to do and nowhere to go, while contemplating his bad luck he is discovered by Hanamura, a former student of his. Their meetings soon become habitual....
Catole holds the mysterious book known as the Book of Ega (Creation). Her parents are murdered by people who are after the book and she leaves on a journey to escape. During her rough journey, the ones who save Catole from exhaustion are the people of the Arch family who make a living working in a Chinese Circus.
The Deaves Affair summary: The Deaves Affair summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Deaves Affair. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
In Another World With JUST MONIKA summary: In another world with the most interesting smartphone! Behold the antics of Zah Playa Von Chara, someone actually prepared for his isekai adventure, and Monika, the traumatized AI living in his smartphone. They bring a new perspective into a tired old genre! Follow them along this Reconstruction of a cliche harem isekai story, bringing their unique brand of laugh-out-loud hilarity, innovative...
Atheism in Pagan Antiquity summary: Atheism in Pagan Antiquity summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Atheism in Pagan Antiquity. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Bride of the Nile summary: The Bride of the Nile summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Bride of the Nile. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.