内容简介:《热爱可抵岁月长》是叶沐芙霍帛龚精心创作的都市小说,小兵实时更新热爱可抵岁月长最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的热爱可抵岁月长评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持热爱可抵岁月长读者的观 点。1w0-108186 >>
内容简介:我叫陈宁,穿越者,绑定个系统要我建设学院我很聪明,抓住系统漏洞,只要让学院声望值降低,就能解绑系统,拿回我的力量。可为什么剧本没有按照说好的方向走啊!!我真不是什么因材施教。也没有独树 一帜的管理才能。你们不信?听我解释啊!狠人大帝、北玄仙尊、幽冥老祖,包括九州战神那些人……我不止一次想把他们逐出师门!1w0-27675 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:都市:我,保安,完成任务就变强!】江天获得【全职业体验系统】,系统要求他分别体验保安、外卖员、滴滴司机、健身教练等各种职业,只要完成任务,就能获得丰富的奖励。 “叮!完成完美履职任务,奖励8000万兰博基尼毒药超跑一辆。”“叮!完成准时送达任务,奖励7个亿二环晋王府别墅一座。”“叮!完成安全无忧任务,奖励900亿金融街商业写字楼十栋。”各种职业,体验人生百态。女记者街头采访:“帅哥,请问如果你拥有一亿财富你会怎么办?”江天若有所思的回答:“删掉一半的微信好友。”众人鄙视江天:因为如果只剩这点钱,我已经不配和企鹅老板、阿离老板这些千亿富豪交朋友了。众人:“”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢都市:我,保安,完成任务就变强!,别忘记分享给朋友作者:神豪豪所写的《都市:我,保安,完成任务就变强!》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-96832 >>
内容简介:【团宠萌宝甜宠青梅竹马奶团,无虐点,齁甜】顾初念是青玄唯一的小公主,听闻她出生时在冷宫,天降异象,普降甘霖。暴君顾辰渊生了十个皇子,终于盼来了公主顾初念,嘴角展露笑容,从此早朝推迟,只 为给女儿梳发髻。顾辰渊:全都给我宠!国家面临外敌,百姓民不聊生,顾辰渊居然还举行盛大的生日宴,只因为顾初念三岁生辰。邻国皇子云墨寒前来献礼,作为储君培养人,他看着顾初念,突然大声道:“我愿作为质子留在青玄。”言语一出,震惊四座,使臣当场昏厥。……顾初念一直有个秘密,她是小龙女,下凡历劫!这个秘密她只告诉了云哥哥,。云墨寒树下看着顾初念:你是想亲亲还是要抱抱?暴君飞奔而至:是你拐了朕的女儿?云墨寒带着顾初念跨千山跃万水,耗尽毕生精力,渡她历劫成功。“念念,终于看到你长大,余生让我来守护。”1w0-123405 >>
内容简介: 这个世界有妖魔鬼怪、魑魅魍魉,有奇术异法,也有权谋相争,但在接受过现代教育的穿越者眼中,探索未知永远摆在第一位!(正经脸)加入枢密府是为了学术研究勾搭女妖是为了学术研究一切都是为了 研究,研究就是一切!公主:跟我造——也是为了研究吗!夏凡:那是为了创造研究的环境和培养研究的下一代!PS:选词填空,不是造人。新书读者群:8713018221w0-1759 >>
内容简介:一朝穿越,席勒成了蝙蝠侠的老师,哥谭大学心理学教授。刚来第一天,布鲁斯·韦恩就进了心理诊室。席勒只得打开美漫聊天系统,发了第一条帖子蝙蝠侠问我人生的意义,该怎么回答?在线等挺急的。灭霸 建议直接打死。X教授别听楼上的,我借你读心术一用……席勒·安戴尔·罗德里格斯,世界级犯罪心理学大师,哥谭大学最知名的心理学教授,他的学生既有超级英雄,也有超级罪犯,但他却不属于其中任何一个,蝙蝠侠喜欢称他为“教授”,小丑把他念作“最冷静的疯子”,稻草人叫他“阿卡姆漏网之鱼”,尼克·弗瑞认为他是“脱罪家”。做蝙蝠侠的老师、小蜘蛛的教父、钢铁侠的心理医生,席勒的美漫之旅,从开局指导蝙蝠侠开始。综美漫(包含电影宇宙),DC漫威及其他漫画,不虐主,配角不降智。(别在意书名,不是无敌脑残文。)1w0-79955 >>
内容简介: 这个夏天,李察离开家乡,成为一名开拓贵族。彼时,前有土著环伺围攻,后有勋贵杀机暗藏。 他所能依靠的东西不多,其中有一样叫做……骑马与砍杀系统。ps:没玩过游戏也可以无障碍阅读1w 0-917 >>
内容简介:第一女军侯【一个小公告】亲亲们,本文将于9月28日周一入(倒)V,倒v章节从2852,看过的亲亲请勿重复购买哦,入V将三更奉上。谢谢大家一直以来的支持,往后也请继续支持1w0-7063 7 >>
内容简介:妙妙有个大将军爹,声名赫赫,战无不胜,所向披靡。这是她娘临死前说的。她也没见过她爹。他们都说她爹是个游手好闲的混子,在她出生前就死了。她跟舅舅一家生活,住最小最破的屋子,干最脏最累的活 。有一天,她被舅舅从小破屋里赶出去,和家里大黄狗一起住。村口来了一队兵马,为首之人骑着高头大马,战甲闪着寒光,威风凛凛。她的大将军爹1w4455-71886 >>
内容简介:家贫四壁的陆小果为了二斗米嫁入王府冲喜。眼见病怏怏的美人夫君色心大起。于是,双手掐腰气势汹汹“那个恶鬼你起开,别压着我夫君,没看他快被压断气了,你瞎呀?”某恶鬼茫然:我当然看见了,但是 我的目的就是把他弄死啊……传说,宁王府世子爷恶病缠身,都说活不过弱冠之年,爱子心切的王爷王妃情急之下,重金悬赏求未婚女嫁入王府冲喜。一连三房媳妇都没熬过天明,于是悬赏金翻倍。重赏之下必有勇女!陆小果勒紧腰带提刀上花轿。1w0-77730 >>
3, Street of Mysteries explores the fantastical-poetic vein that has forged Mizuki's reputation in Japan. The stories contained in this series hold in common the obsessive ideas of immortality and of life after death. Skillfully blending a range of black humor, drama, and questions of morality, Mizuki shows once more his profound understanding of the human soul. (paraphrased from Astiberri)
A copy book doujinshi containing detailed sketches of various anime from various artists (featuring Yataneko, whom is popular in Japan).The omake chapter is a collection of pictures, some colored, related to the doujinshi from Yataneko's blog and pixiv.
“I’ve liked you for a long time. Please go out with me!” These were the words second-year high school Kazuki Yugawara heard when one day out of the blue, someone confesses their feelings for him! But, wait just a minute… I go to an all-boys school. And the one who confessed to me was Sakurada-kun, who… is also a boy! I’m happy someone told me they liked me, but there’s no way I could ever go out with a guy! But… this guy Sakurada… he does look like a girl… what to do?! From Shuya Uchino, the creator of “Why Can’t I Get a Girlfriend?” comes an all-boys school romantic comedy! - DeNa
Collection of oneshots, the majority of which are extra of the author's other works. 1) Your Word Is my Command (Aruji no Oose no Mama ni) Nanjou Hiroaki always finds himself unconsciously taking care of others. But soon, he becomes conflicted and guilty when he realizes that he has grown to rely on his underclassman Asouzu... 2) Seppun Kindan Shoujouchuu 3) Fujino-kun's Revolt [Electric Hands Extra] 4) Ootsuka Family's Weekend [sequel to Brothers Battle, third story of Electric Hands] 5) Higan Tassei hi [Damarashite Katarazu Hitomi de Otose Extra] 6) Jinsei Kouro [Renai Yuugi Extra] 7) Zipped Open [Koi wa Ina Mono Myouna Mono extra] 8) Koi wa Ina Mono Myouna Mono [extra of the release of the same name] 9) F no Higeki (Tragedy of F) 10) I got some business [Your Word Is my Command (Aruji no Oose no Mama ni) extra] 11) I'm not letting you go [Seppun Kindan Shoujouchuu extra] 12) Birthday Present [Koi wa Ina Mono Myouna Mono extra]
Infinite Adventure summary: Infinite Adventure summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Infinite Adventure. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Caybigan summary: Caybigan summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Caybigan. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
A Sunset With Izaya Orihara summary: Durarara!! spin-off series that takes place after the original, starring Orihara Izaya as the main character. An informant appeared in the suburban city. He simply cruises for information, doing nothing but giving people a push on the back. [Geez, human observation (rehabilitation) can really be a pain] He is an informant. This is not to exaggerate – he is but one man. Setting aside the fact of whether or not you should truely call being an informant an occupation, he certainly has the power to obtain a great deal of information. He is by no means anything like a hero, nor can it be said that he is a villain. Nor is he nothing. He is only true. He is eternally obedient only to his own desire’s. [Humans] He is determined to continue loving the good and the bad of the ma.s.ses that are included in this world. He simply just loves humans. Because even if the result of his love causes his humans to become broken, the informant can still love these broken humans equally.
Hunting for a Delicious Wife (After) summary:
Tang Xin Lian had never met a good man in her life. In order to stay away from rotten peach blossom flowers (bad relationships) and to take care of her son so that they’ll have a peaceful life, she indulged in the notion of employing a fake husband!
Even if she considered all men unreliable, the candidate she chose was gay, so it should’ve been safe right?
Little did she know – –
First of all, who said that a man who drank at a gay bar would have to like men?
Secondly, regarding her “new roommate” Zhong Zhen Dong’s outward appearance, which was cultured and refined, he was also modest and courteous. However in actuality, this man was without a doubt very cunning. If you easily believed him, you wouldn’t even know how you died one day!
The naïve, innocent, little white rabbit wasn’t aware of it. She was just happy the flies around her were finally driven away.
That was until the big wolf entered her inner chambers and proceeded to go to the next level. He tried to control her desire, her body, and her heart. Even her son who always stuck to her, traitorously shouted ‘father’ with genuine admiration.
She then realized Mr. Nice Guy actually originally harbored evil intentions towards her. It was simply a pig disguising itself to eat a tiger!
Being tied to this handsome man was definitely a calamity, not a blessing. Right now, it wasn’t considered too late. She could still escape without a trace with her son. She’d erase the past 100 days, and exchange it for a happy, stable life…