内容简介:方云,因为误入修真者遗留的洞府成为地球上最后一个修真者,却因为念家只想在家陪陪家人,搞搞旅游。展起来的神奇的小山村引来了许多心怀鬼胎的各路人马,但是都在方云绝对的力量面前碰得鼻青脸肿。 本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《霸道修真农民》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-81391 >>
内容简介:一场阴谋,继母想要偷梁换柱,让她替继妹出嫁。但房间里的男人究竟是谁?五年后携萌宝归来,开启复仇计划,白莲绿茶她一手一个!却遇上了一个极为难缠的男人……男人眉眼和她的一双宝贝极为相似,战 少勾唇邪魅一笑:“既然连孩子都偷偷生了,那就做我的女人,想要什么唾手可得。”黎末笙:“谁比谁厉害,还说不定呢!”直到萌宝们将她的各种证书马甲摆出来,战少咬牙切齿:“女人,你究竟还瞒了我多少事情?!1w16169-28092 >>
内容简介:感谢您阅读小说《和豪门大佬网恋后我红了沈时》,原文搜集自【和豪门大佬网恋后我红了】,是有作者《山柚子》创作和豪门大佬网恋后我红了沈时内容简介:每晚11~12点日更沈迟十七岁生日当天,被 沈家赶出门。他成了一名靠打游戏为生的小主播,虽然四块五的酱肉丝都不舍得买,可少年鼓起勇气花重金买了一个虚拟女友。只要,能陪他说说话就好。然而他总会莫名其妙交好运。买不起电脑时,一不小心抽中价值上万的电脑;在出租屋中孤零零过生日时,收到昂贵的成年礼物;直播网站濒临破产拖欠他工资时,第二天便被收购了。作为未来的严氏家主,严雪宵还在国外读研时碰上只没人要的红毛小狼崽。想让他不再为生计发愁;想让他活得骄傲肆意。以及,想给少年最好的东西。一步步撒饵圈进家。全世界都知道严雪宵回国掌权的消息,沈家也不例外,他们咬牙买下贵重的古籍名画讨好,却发现男人温柔抱着的少年——好像是被他们抛弃的……沈迟。【年少的沈迟以为自己会在死水里腐烂生根,直到他看到天上的月亮奔他而来】前期落魄小少爷受x步步为营年上攻——————————————————————————预收文《全世界在求我们破镜重圆》求收藏TAT:《心跳信号》是一档在海岛上录制的恋爱真人秀,据传邀请了拿遍国内外大奖的影帝贺渊,没人认为向来冷漠的贺渊会同意。可影帝出乎意料同意了。谁都知道贺渊的理想型是狐狸眼的少年,节目分配到的恋爱对象恰好是有双漂亮狐狸眼的护岛人,采访时记者打趣:“你们要不要考虑真谈个恋爱?”一听便是玩笑,然而令所有人都没想到的是,男人淡淡答:“谈过。”一时间全网震惊。作为一名海岛护岛人,顾言的一天从巡视海岛开始,即便录制节目也没什么改变,即便……对方是分手多年的贺渊。他们默契地潜下碧蓝的海面视察珊瑚礁;一同在风浪颠簸的远洋船上航行;一起靠在无人的海边看波澜壮阔的日出。亲密得如真正的恋人。青年很明白节目仅仅是节目,却没注意到贺渊的眼神一直停在自己身上,一如七年前从未改变分毫。他只是不明白,为什么全世界都在求他们破镜重圆。——————————————————————————完结文要康康吗TAT:《大佬养了三年的纸片人跑了》大佬饲养垂耳兔《和爱豆隐婚后我竟然红了》相亲相到自家爱豆1w9259-112576 >>
内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者王靠谱的经典小说:《我的上司是起点男主穿书》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说本文将于12月19号周日入V,到时候有三更掉落还请小天使们多多支 持哦文案一:一百年前,苏阮穿书了,穿的还是起点爽文,疯狂刷男主好感度,终于苟活到了书的大后期。男主大佬祁川是她的上司。她是一路陪伴男主的小弟。一百年,她一直兢兢业业跟着剧情君唯祁大佬马首是瞻,太敬业,以至于汉化严重,大佬和其他一干小弟都以为她是男的。回顾原书细节,苏阮竟发现在不久后,她就会为大佬挡刀而死。苏阮表示:辞职!!辞职1w0-77472 >>
内容简介:《在遮天寻找完美》“谁人可度,谁人当度,化生诸天,劫劫长存。”那是古史长河,那是一幕又一幕可怖而绝世的场景出现——尸山血海、万灵伏尸、大界崩塌……灵见二世为人,由玄鸟衔来天命,在波澜壮 阔的遮天世界里,寻找着属于他的完美。1w0-80053 >>
内容简介:月满阁在修仙界地位特殊,月满阁圣女更是身份尊贵,但俞子宁对于自己圣女的身份相当不满意。俞子宁:你家圣女是别人的灵宠?为摆脱灵宠的身份,她来到御灵宗,只见传说中绝世好命的少年一副凄惨模样 。俞子宁:看吧,封建迷信不可信。灵宠契约没能解除,她还因为一句毫无依据的预言而一直被人刺杀。俞子宁:这圣女她不当了,行吗?身世成谜的孤儿秦云泽将月满阁圣女收做灵宠,成为御灵宗大长老的亲传弟子。世人皆道他1w0-89585 >>
内容简介:楚殷殷嫁给容无崖冲喜之前,就知道他命不久矣。她打算凡事都顺着他,让他高兴过完最后的时间。他说一,她绝不说二,他让往东,她绝不往西。春朝会上,他问她会不会跳舞,她说,“略懂。”结果一舞惊 艳,扬名天下。秋日宴时,他问她会不会骑射,她还说,“略懂。”结果飒遍全场,勾魂摄魄。洞房花烛夜,他问她会不会男女之事,她羞红了脸不敢看他,“这个真不懂……”“没关系,本王略懂。”1w0-107142 >>
内容简介: 青灵化魔撼山易,九尸归元游朝天界源方寸成一界,八蛛青光镇乾坤道友请留步,在下太丘李玄罡!......这是一个传奇家族于残酷的修真界中强势崛起的故事!群号:7617412561w0- 1444 >>
内容简介:明杳患有严重的失眠症,上一世,她失眠而死。重活一次,一觉醒来,身边多了个英俊多金的老公。——传闻中杀伐决断、喜怒无常的暴君顾四爷。“签字,离婚!”男人将一纸离婚协议甩到她身上。明杳二话 不说,签了离婚协议。但不到一晚,她就后悔了。她发现,这一世,她还是患有严重的失眠症。药石无医,能让她入眠的,是她那位老公身上如冷杉般清冽干净的气息。传闻她那位老公不近女色,于是她扮演各种角色,只为能留在他身边。人人都说顾太太爱惨了顾四爷,每天被虐千百遍,依旧待四爷如初恋。直到有一天,明杳终于研究出治她失眠症的药物。宴会上,她笑容明艳的挽着天王巨星,反手将一纸离婚协议扔到顾四爷身上。“顾先生,字已签,从此以后,我们男婚女嫁,各不相干!”顾四爷当场撕了顾太太的离婚协议。他将她抵至墙角,眉眼如锋,“想离可以,先将你偷我的东西还回来!”“我偷你什么了?”“心!”……人人都嘲讽明杳是个不学无术,水性扬花,空有其貌的花瓶。众人都在等着她被顾四爷扫地出门。有媒体大胆曝出,明杳背着顾四爷跟国际第一黑客约会。第一黑客,“谁特么造谣,那是我师父!”没多久,又有媒体曝出明杳和奢侈品大牌设计师进出同家酒店。大牌设计师,“我老板。”看着三天两头约会不同男人的女人,顾四爷怒了。他咬住女人的唇,向全天下宣告,“顾太太是我的,谁敢再乱传绯闻?!”【冷酷深情只对女主温柔的暴君男主VS拥有多重马甲慵懒佛性只想不再失眠多活几天的冷艳女王】1w34600-80303 >>
内容简介:重生大唐,成了李世民做不受宠的疯儿子李宽,觉醒装疯卖傻系统。既然要疯,那就一疯到底。都是疯子了,宣政殿前索要太子之位,不过分吧?当街强抢民女也不过分吧?把其他皇子按在地上摩擦,也不过分 吧。至于单挑李靖,拆几座庙堂,毁几尊道观,也都不过分吧。疯都疯了,不疯彻底,怎么对得起疯王李宽之名。1w0-29504 >>
From Attractive Fascinante: Because of Lionel’s viscount status, Ms Elena wanted to get engaged with him. However, Lionel was always in love with his steward, Isaac. Before the day of engagement, Lionel asked Isaac to hold him. Isaac, who was also in love with Lionel, couldn’t reject him. When Ms Elena demanded Lionel’s explanation of breaking off the engagement, Isaac felt hurt when Lionel refused to acknowledge his existence. Will our lovers be true to their own feelings? -- In this volume: • Subete wa Anata no Oose no Mama ni (Obeying Your Every Command) • Shinso no Hana (Treasured Flower) • Ukiyo o Hanarete (To Leave This Transient World) • Pet no Keiyaku (The Pet's Contract) • Kimi to Iru Heya (Living with You)
Sango, a 16 year old, cute, hyper, and somewhat reckless girl, gets rescued one day by a green-eyed boy with black wings who calls himself Kai and claims to be Sango's 'guardian devil'...? Includes a side story called 100% Natural Fairytale about a school girl and boy who discover winged-fairies.
Best friends Chocolat and Vanilla are as different as night and day: Chocolat is a rowdy tomboy who always says what she thinks, while Vanilla is the quiet, shy daughter of the Queen of the Magic World! When, like their mothers before them, Chocolat and Vanilla are selected to be the rival Queen Candidates competing to become Queen of the Magic World, Chocolat and Vanilla don't let it strain their friendship, and vow to be best friends forever, no matter what. The competition works like this: Chocolat and Vanilla are to be sent to the Human World, where for the duration of their stay they will compete to see who can get the most human boys to fall in love with them and then steal their hearts using magic. The girls earn Ecure, the currency of the magic world, for each heart they collect, with each different color being worth a different amount. The witch with the most Ecure at the end wins! But to both Chocolat and Vanilla's surprise, the boys of the human world seem to fall for Vanilla almost instantly, while Chocolat is having a much harder time. Could it be that, unlike in the Magic World, girls like Vanilla -- quiet, shy, and cute -- are liked better than tomboys like Chocolat?! To make matters even worse for Chocolat, she finds herself strangely attracted to her new school's 'prince', the cool and mysterious Pierre. Unlike humans, witches have only one heart -- and if it is taken, they will die, meaning that Chocolat can't let herself fall in love. And though Chocolat and Vanilla promised to be friends forever, no matter who wins, they both wish to become Queen....
1-2) Lover's Time Whilst Seitarou has finally come to terms with the fact that Naoyuki and him will always be friends and nothing more, he is feeling a tad lonely and is looking forward to a new love. By chance, he met the beautiful and charming Hiroto through Naoyuki. Thinking that he has finally found a new love candidate, he tries to get to know more about him, and what he found completely belies the beautiful exterior... but is that all that there is to the complex Hiroto? 3) The Important Thing EX Also found in Takaramono. 4) Promise The second story is about deep in debt private detective Yuzu who hired by a client met Atsuya a high school boy. What will happen when he learns this boy is not what he thought he would be? Oneshot also found in Takaramono. 5) The Things I Want to Tell You Continuation of Promise. 6) Knock the Door Continuation of Chapter 5. 7) Afterword
Dawn of the Morning summary: Dawn of the Morning summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Dawn of the Morning. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Life and Amours of the Beautiful, Gay and Dashing Kate Percival summary: The Life and Amours of the Beautiful, Gay and Dashing Kate Percival summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Life and Amours of the Beautiful, Gay and Dashing Kate Percival. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Ghost Messages summary: Ghost Messages summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ghost Messages. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
A Comparative Study of the Negro Problem summary: A Comparative Study of the Negro Problem summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Comparative Study of the Negro Problem. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.