简介大先森与木小姐de工作室联合网易漫画青鹿社推出 亚瑟从明星通灵师一朝沦为落魄的神棍,声名狼藉能忍,身无分文怎么能忍?!恰巧遇到灵力非凡的呆萌巫女,当然是…把她收为手下一起赚钱打拼啊!
简介爱书的下克上 第二部漫画 ,从小就是个超级书痴的女大学生本须丽乃,在地震时被掉落的书所活埋,当她醒来时,发现自己竟转生到了陌生的异世界,变成名为梅茵的5岁小女孩,不但生在贫穷的士兵家,且体弱多病,但最让她难以接受的是,在身边完全找不到书籍以及书店、图书馆,书籍价格高昂只能为贵族所有,于是梅茵下定决心心“既然买不到书,那就自己动手做!”。目标是成为图书管理员,过上被书籍环绕的美好生活
内容简介:【已完结。下本可能开《古代全能学霸》】本文文案:晚上看完一本穿越小说,再次醒来时却发现自己成为了这本小说里面的恶毒嫡女。庶出的女主会成为皇后,而她作为女配,会被皇上凌迟处死。好在故事才 刚刚开始第二卷,正是女配被人打晕卖了之时。而女配为了躲避被卖入青楼的命运,缠上了她的第一任丈夫。柳棠溪刚睁开眼,就发现以后会成为权倾朝野的大奸臣的男人正盯着她看。看着眼前这个虽身着粗布却气质清冷的男人,柳棠溪心中默念:不怕不怕。成了亲是权臣的妻子,和离了还是侯爷的嫡女。只要不作,怎么看都是躺赢的人生。1前期乡下种田,后期京城种田。2家长里短,温馨种田文,慢热。3女主有金手指。4完结文《种田使人发家致富》《权臣的不老娇妻》《王府遗珠》《侯府遗珠》《重生之娇女为后》《一世芳菲》等。5有防盗,订阅不足60,72小时后可看。接档文《将军的佛系娇妻》一觉醒来,顾蒹葭发现自己穿进了一本名叫《冷酷将军爱上我》的书里。男主是她的丈夫褚威冷,女主……不是她。作为男主的原配,她将会在男主外出打仗时红杏出墙。后来男主在战场上救了下一任皇上,官职一路飙升,从一个小兵成为大历朝战功赫赫的大将军。而她作为男主那个嫌贫爱富的原配,下场非常凄惨,即便是死了,还被人口诛笔伐。睁开眼看着面前破败的房屋,顾蒹葭稍微松了一口气。还好,她此时还在男主的老家中,一切都还来得及。既来之则安之。她只需多赚些钱,安心等着便是。等一年后女主出现,她就可以顺利跟男主和离,带着钱离开。然而,她等了一年又一年,等到褚威冷成了将军,孩子都生了两个了还是没等到那一日。1w0-29076 >>
内容简介:云初就是做了点小买卖,无缘无故就被被判定黑化值过高,十恶不赦,拉进小世界里做个好人。br云初“好人不长命,放我回去。”br系统【小姐姐,反派终究会被正义消灭,做个身心健康的好人才能长命 百岁哦。】br由于小世界出现问题,本来应该是帮助女主的女配们,纷纷黑化,变成终极大反派,作恶多端,最终被主角打败。br云初的任务就是改变配角命运,阻止悲剧发生,做一个好配角,活到全剧终!br云初……br不做,不去,滚。br见鬼的黑化值,休想套路我!1w0-109480 >>
内容简介:简介:费源身上有个禁忌,那个禁忌会让他深陷痴情,无法清醒。那个禁忌是一个男人。费源疯狂地逃避着他,却怎么也逃不出被男人掌控的命运漫画版已登陆快看漫画,新文《我被渣攻仍经监狱生娃》狼狗攻 X隐忍受,欢迎关注。主cp贫嘴弱鸡浪贱受:绞尽脑汁给攻添堵毒舌病娇邪性攻:千方百计把受抓住副cp一:花心少爷白甜受:我的童养媳,是个小弟弟!长发美人流氓1w0-132431 >>
内容简介: 人近中年的边瑞厌倦了大都市的生活,想过简单的日子,回到了老家,种上几亩地,没事收拾一下屋边的菜园子。开心的时候斫上一把古琴,画上两笔画,心情烦燥的时候则是骑上牛进山里,采些山果野参 。悠闲的小日子过的美滋滋。1w0-117 >>
内容简介:陈浩重生,回到1993年。这一年,他十八岁,即将参加高考。一场灾难也将降临在他和父母身上。在这个遍地黄金的年代,他何去何从?各位书友要是觉得巅峰的神最新小说作品《回到1993,财源滚滚 来》还不错的话可以通过下面网址复制分享给您的朋友哦!无弹窗阅读地址收藏:1w0-104933 >>
内容简介:肏到一只建国后成精的妖精(H)肏到一只建国后成精的妖精(H)sodu,肏到一只建国后成精的妖精(H)小说,肏到一只建国后成精的妖精(H)顶点,肏到一只建国后成精的妖精(H)炒糖色,她回 到人间,是为了勾引他……和报仇的啊,怎么就被睡了呢。女主又娇又浪又怂男主……器大活好就够了出轨梗,逻辑死,三观崩。有非人类出没,会有一些超现实的设定。肉多,带剧情。本来想写个虐的……提笔就变成想写个甜甜宠宠的了……结局1V1,HE作者有强迫症,非外力不坑。【谢谢亲们的珍珠和留言づ ̄3 ̄づ】【18禁】【写文是给自己给大家解馋的休闲的,和谐看文,和谐讨论。谢绝一切形式的、对任何人的人身攻击(看文的都该是成年人了,真不想强调这点),如果你觉得遭受到侮辱了,要跟谁掐,请另外约个地方PK,不要让我出面,一出面就说我偏袒谁,我只偏袒我自己和无辜被不和谐的评论污了眼球的其他读者。作者表示很无辜。谢谢,就酱。】1w0-94119 >>
内容简介:九千年前,仙武帝尊率领百万神将打入太古洪荒,却无一人归来,只有一缕真火遗留世间。九千年后,门派废徒叶辰,被赶出宗门,无以为家,机缘巧合之下偶得真火,再踏仙武之路。这是一个神魔仙佛并立的 世界,这是一个诸天万域混乱的年代,叶辰的逆天征途,由此开始。各位书友要是觉得《万界神主叶辰》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w3822-4658 >>
内容简介:穿越危机重重的末日世界,作为一个手无缚鸡之力的普通人,到底应该怎么生存下去……本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《末日在线塔防》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-72 193 >>
内容简介:第一次遇见他是在一排转动的经筒旁,他背对日光,双手合十,对她颔首。他是她见过最有佛性的男人,后来才知道,他一路从地狱走来,行过刀山火海,方才能站在那里。这世间事,怎会是非黑即白,又何曾 非此即彼。既算不清谁欠了谁,既怀中还有烈酒,倒不妨就此,如蚕作茧,奔波流离,一醉到白头。——虽万丈深渊吾往矣。本文一周2到3更。喵,锵锵锵锵下章入V1w0-62292 >>
From Aerandria Scans: The heir of the huge Fushiki corporation, Tomoe, comes to Japan as an exchange student. He is his father’s youngest child and on top of that - his mistress’s child, but he was still appointed as heir. There’s danger that people will aim for his life. They attach to him a new maid, with glasses, naturally clumsy and ill-mannered... who turns out to be his new bodyguard, defending Tomoe with her mop!
The planet of Salami is almost identical to planet Earth. Judging from the appearance, there's nothing different from Earth... Except... The sense of beauty is VERY different. Aimi is an orphan living with her step-mother and step-sisters, and she is what we consider as being beautiful, but what THEY consider as ugly. Yet, that doesn't end the story. Just by an accident, Aimi somehow stumbles upon Earth and meets Kyou Naruse, a self-centered person, a full-blown 'narcissist. Kyou comes in, smooth and suave like any prince should, to help Aimi off her feet but she calls him 'ugly!' Our very own Cinderella Story... or not.
1) Tour Shangri-La Tour. 1 Hirastuka and Matsuzono have been friends since college, but Matsuzono harbors secret feelings for Hirastuka, but as the heir to the company they both work at, Matsuzono's step mother opposes any relationship (be it friendship or more) between the two. She calls for Hirastuka and offers him a choice - never see Matsuzono again or become the tour guide to a Shangri-La trip and all that it may entail... 2) Tour Shangri-La Tour. 2 Kanou has traveled the world and seen many things, but the one thing that has haunted him for years is the sight of his father making love to a young man. The image burned into his memory is that of the young man, whose body pulsated with pleasure, and Kanou dreamed of being the one giving the pleasure. As a present for beginning a career, Kanou is on Tour Shangri-La, where any dream can be fulfilled. Can the tour guide Asada help this dream become a reality? And why has Asada, who hasn't been a tour guide for years, decided to accept Kanou's tour? 3) Tour Shangri-La Tour. 3 Daichi and Housei are step brothers. What started as a biker gang showdown between Housei and Daichis respective gangs ends in Housei raping Daichi as part of a ritual punishment for the loser. However Housei isn't happy to leave it at just once and continues their relationship until Daichi escapes. Now Daichi is a Shangri-La tour guide, and it just so happens Housei is his next client! 4) Tour Shangri-La Tour. 4 Kashii would often visit a small cafe where Hiroki, a young cook worked and before long Hiroki began to yearn for Kashii's approval of his cooking. However Hiroki decides to take on the job of a Shagri-La tour guide in order to experience and learn foreign cuisine after hearing that Kashii has a 3 star personal chef at his disposal. Kashii finds out about Hiroki's sudden change in job and follows after him, taking the place of the first client - and his first request is that Hiroki become his personal chef for 3 days. 5) Safari Act. 1 Kazuki is a half-human werewolf, Akira is a legendary pure white wolf. They fall in love, but Kazuki as a half breed is considered an outcast in the tribe. One day the tribe tells him to leave so that Akira can get a real mate. Kazuki, recognizing the truth of their words leaves and takes on the life of a normal human, even becoming a teacher at a school. Yet, five years later Akira reappears in Kazuki's life. 6) Safari Act. 2 Story about a veterinarian and his love for a particular breed of cat. Satoya owns and runs the Satoya Veterinary Clinic alongside his adorable assistant Minami. After a customers' criticism over Satoya's favorite breed, Minami becomes quite upset. What's hiding behind his reaction?
From MangaHelpers: After the body dies, the soul lives on. Many spirits progress toward the world of light, through the levels of the spirit world where they study how to improve their souls. These spirits are sometimes reincarnated into the physical world, and sometimes they are sent back as guardian spirits for other living people. Guardian spirits must protect their charge's souls from the blackness that oozes up from the world of darkness below. Riyon is a very laid-back spirit, who often skips her spirit classes to fool around. To train her further, she is sent back to the physical world as a guardian spirit. Instead of following a human from birth, she is helping a beleaguered man, the Japanese Prime Minister Kasuga Soichiro, in the last year and a half of his life. After an unexpected close call with death, Kasuga gains some unusual talents, including the ability to see Riyon. Will Riyon and Kasuga together be able to protect his battered soul? [tethysdust]
A Wanderer in Florence summary: A Wanderer in Florence summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Wanderer in Florence. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Best Short Stories of 1915 summary: The Best Short Stories of 1915 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Best Short Stories of 1915. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
William of Germany summary: William of Germany summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of William of Germany. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Futureland. summary: Futureland. summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Futureland.. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.