内容简介:江一白死了,又活了。睁开眼,坑崽属性的老祖宗给了她一个身体,和一个沉重的债务。告诉她三个要点。第一,在这个世界上她的名字叫钱薇微,肤白貌美大长腿,最重要的是有钱有钱有钱。第二,她喜欢上 了自己好闺蜜的男人,为了男人不惜诡计百出,把闺蜜往死里玩。第三,闺蜜是她债主,债主,债主。这就是被自家老祖宗坑了要不停还债,结果还完一债又一债的妹子,最终雄起把无数人给埋坑里了的故事。暂定各位书友要是觉得《快穿之每天都在作死的路上狂奔》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-97447 >>
内容简介:半夜回家遇到一个奇怪的男人,几天以后,我的肚子居然疯长!医生说我已怀孕四个月,但依旧是处女的我怎么可能怀孕!我急着要打掉孩子,却被告知肚子里面是鬼婴,无法打掉从那天起,各种奇形怪状的鬼 半夜纷纷往我家爬……喂!那位长得漂亮的男鬼,你说你是孩子父亲,那就赶紧把孩子拿走啊!1w0-99293 >>
内容简介:穿越异世成为一颗大树,得进化系统辅助,看其能否进化成世界树,成就至高。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《最终进化之世界树》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-8071 6 >>
内容简介:一场误会,林如宁与萧厉阎从甜蜜恋人变陌路仇人,林如宁绝望出国。本以为这辈子都不复相见,谁知五年后,萧厉阎却以自己的老板的身份出现,相逢第一面竟是要与她结婚!林如宁秉着有便宜不占天不容的 原则,欢欢喜喜做了总裁夫人。br从此一夜黑红!可是,天下没有白吃的午餐。伴君如伴虎,萧大总裁却是个阴晴不定的主。前一秒上演浓情蜜意,后一秒竟要让她滚!好嘛,滚就滚!只是她还没有滚远,身后追来的男人倏地把她擒住,“夫妻义务还未履行,谁允许你走了?!”林如宁,“???”大总裁又发作了?【展开】【收起】本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《影后她又娇又飒》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82808 >>
内容简介:大宝挣钱妈咪花,二宝天才虐渣渣,三宝吃货小行家,人见人爱萌萌哒。五年后,宁晚晚携萌宝归来,誓要夺回失去的一切,却意外闪婚了只手遮天的宁城首富厉墨寒。小宝:爹地,1w43715-8222 3 >>
内容简介:人人都说叶婉清好命。虽然是养女但养父母对她疼爱有加,妹妹也对她亲近;虽然没能顶父亲的职,但当老师工资越来越高,比顶职强了不知多少倍;虽然第一次结婚遇人不淑,但年近四十竟然还嫁了个亿万富 翁过好日子,养得又美又雅致像三十出头。对此叶婉清只想说一个字:呸!重生到十八岁,叶婉清睁开眼就发现自己正被男人粗鲁地摁在怀里亲,硬硬的胡渣刺得她脸颊发疼,周围一群小混混在使劲起哄。前世,对上这张胡子拉渣的糙汉脸,叶婉清一巴掌扇过去,还骂了一句“臭流氓”,捂脸哭着跑开。这辈子,叶婉清抓着男人的领子朝墙上一推,柳眉倒竖地质问他:“抱也抱了,亲也亲了,什么时候娶我?”1w0-4037 >>
内容简介:小说中,总有女主的爱慕者男配,对女主矢志不渝,予取予求,多方保护,甚至为了表现对女主的深情,终身不娶,对喜欢着自己的女子心冷似铁,从不多瞧对方一眼。更有甚者,漠视对方的情意,将其感情无 情糟践,踩踏至脚底。他们对女主专情,却渣了自己的痴情者。苏琅成为这些男配,改变其无辜痴情女配的命运,免其被负心伤情,落个悲惨下场。注明:小世界和女主1V1,有的世界无cp,总世界无女主。———————————预收文:《男主不作为快穿》作为小说男主,无不对女主英雄救美,解决难题,百依百顺即使做到这一步,有时在女主心里也十分不重要,更甚至是勉强同意在一起而男主就像个失去女主就不能活的宝宝,和所有人吃醋,争夺,患得患失,十分粘人,甚至偏执,有极度的占有欲偏偏谢瑾成为了这些文里的男主……咸鱼点不好吗,干嘛费那些功夫做那些然后女主们就发现,原来老跟在自己身边赶都赶不走的帮手小金库贵人后台救命恩人……有求必应,随处可见的男主不见了男主不作为,你有什么问题自己解决,角色扮演游戏到此结束立意学会爱人,爱自己ltpgt各位书友要是觉得《渣男配改过自新快穿》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!ltpgt1w0-96640 >>
from Blissful Sin: 'I want to satisfy my heart and body…!” What does it mean to become a pair of lovers? Confessing love, having sex, does that alone make you lovers? When did the feeling of falling in love become a greedy luxury? A special publication, ��œRising Feelings” and more, in this large compilation full of hard romantic love stories! *********** This volume also features two couples that first appeared in her other work Anbalance Lover. Arisaka x Shirafuji from ch8 here and ch1 in AL. Eiji x Yuusuke from ch2 here and ch7 in AL. Chapter 5's Yano x Inoue are a sequel to Chapter 1 in Body Check
Honey Moon Logs - Log Horizon Manga is side story of Log Horizon. This is a story about Maryelle and her guildmate in the MMORPG world where their new life begin. By its eleventh expansion pack, the massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) Elder Tale (???????? Erud? Teiru?) has become a global success, with a user base of millions of players. However, during the release of its twelfth expansion pack: Novasphere Pioneers (?????????? N?asufia no Kaikon?, alt. Homesteading the Noosphere[1]), thirty thousand Japanese gamers who are all logged on at the time of the update, suddenly find themselves transported into the virtual game world and donning their in-game avatars. In the midst of the event, a socially awkward gamer named Shiroe, along with his friends, Naotsugu and Akatsuki, decide to team up so that they may face this world, which unfortunately has now become their reality, along with the challenges and obstacles ahead of them.
The story revolves around Wakame High School's extracurricular club, 'Sexy Commando Club,' which consists of 5-6 male members (one being the high school principal himself), a female manager, and a small mysterious pet (that may be extraterrestrial in origin). The strange and ancient art of Sexy Commando (the roots of which extend back into Japan's Muromachi period) is a martial one; however, instead of focusing on how to defeat an opponent with punches, kicks, or grappling, it focuses on how to distract the opponent. The logic follows that any distracted opponent is unable to fight, and therefore the art of Sexy Commando trumps any other form of martial arts. There are as many techniques as there are ways to distract, though Wakame High School's Sexy Command Club tends to employ the unzipping of the trousers (Elize no Yuutsu).
The Alpine Recluse summary: The Alpine Recluse summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Alpine Recluse. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
A Night in the Lonesome October summary: A Night in the Lonesome October summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Night in the Lonesome October. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Apocalypse Z - Dark Days summary: Apocalypse Z - Dark Days summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Apocalypse Z - Dark Days. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
!Tention summary: !Tention summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of !Tention. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.