内容简介: 陆羽穿越了。在这个全民缺乏野性、贪生怕死的世界里,他成为了世界上首屈一指的极限运动大师!穿梭于繁华的都市楼林,深入到地球上最危险,最恶劣的极限之地!徒手攀岩,楼顶跑酷 ,荒野求生,无伞包高空跳伞!横渡百慕大,单挑亚马逊,环海漂流,流浪极地!他是全世界无氧登顶珠峰的第一人!也是唯一一个在7500米高空,举办过晚宴的男人!他曾被国家地理杂志评为:“行走在危险边缘的极限大师,站在食物链顶端的荒野教父!” (PS:极限运动文,无恶俗娱乐圈剧情,全程高能!玩的就是心跳!你,准备好了吗?) (书友群:155538420,无限制)1w0-107 >>
内容简介: 【邪魅恣意vs偏执病娇】 她是王府郡主,生而尊贵,本该荣华富贵,尊享一生,一场阴谋,父亲战死,兄长早夭,为撑起王府甘愿褪下红装,代替兄长成了王府世子。 从此,上京多了一位放浪形 骸,风流不羁的纨绔世子爷! 调戏美人,撩拨王爷,戏弄皇子……放眼上京,没有她不敢做的。 人前,玩世不恭,不学无术,邪魅恣意张扬纨绔。 人后,操纵权术,算计人心,翻手为云覆手为雨。 玩得起暧昧,守得住身心,谋得了天下,掌得了权谋,却……一不小心,撩到了自己的仇敌加情敌。 仇敌?五年前废了他的双腿;情敌,五年后夺了他的未婚妻! 这仇恨,可以说是很不共戴天了。 殊不知,自赐婚初始,便落入了对方精心布置的纠缠陷阱之中。 从此,她谋天下他谋她!! 女主对男主,变态宠!!! 男主对女主,病态宠!!! (女扮男装,1v1,身心干净,男强女强) 扫雷:女主不是好人,邪魅恣意,心狠手辣,不喜慎入!1w0-2790 >>
内容简介:唐峰穿越到特种兵融合世界,开局激活特种教官系统。正值入伍季,部队吸纳了不少具有潜力的新鲜血液。然而,这群新兵蛋子个个桀骜不驯,让全体军官难以管教。团里召集各级军官商讨此事,唐峰毛遂自荐 ,以打造最强部队为目标,全权负责训练这群刺头兵!何晨光:“莫非我进的是个假新兵连,怎么感觉比爷爷说的特种部队还难!”蒋小鱼:“连长,我读书少,你不要骗我,新兵训练怎么会有魔鬼周?”许三多:1w0-27560 >>
内容简介:我叫江离,穿越过来没见到金手指,自己辛辛苦苦修炼到大乘期,现在突然蹦出来个系统,说能帮助我逆袭,让我从小小的练气期逆袭成修真界第一人。系统大哥,你出来晚了,我,江离,当代人皇,九州共尊 ,已经是修真界第一人了。1w0-29660 >>
内容简介:【2019最好看精灵游戏文】一年后,《精灵世纪》将会与现实融合,实现数据化,人类历史从此翻篇,迈进精灵与人类共生的崭新时代。“可是…说好的一年后呢?”洛白看着眼前正对着他龇牙咧嘴的绿毛 虫,属实有点懵。他貌似,提前一年登录了…一年后…当人们蜂拥加入《精灵世纪》,摩拳擦掌,准备大干一番的时候,洛白朝裂空座抛出的大师球刚好停止了晃动。“叮!世界公告,恭喜华夏区玩家洛白收服神兽裂空座!”瞬间,世界安静了…标签:宠物小精灵,神奇宝贝,精灵宝可梦,口袋妖怪。书友群:9832678301w0-83969 >>
内容简介:晚上9点12点左右更新!李小小继承了一家濒临破产的娱乐公司,还附带几名颜值逆天、身怀绝技的签约艺人。身为公司负责人,李小小因为公司太穷不得不为所有艺人身兼经纪人兼助理,还要陪着艺人一起 上综艺……就在李小小觉得全公司都不容易的时候,她惊愕的发现公司院子里随意生长的花草最便宜的也要几万一支!公司所有的摆设全是货真价实1w53451-69099 >>
内容简介:完结重生甜宠文。妖艳贱货的女明星vs病态偏执狂医生。制服诱惑1v1。肉多香甜,炖肉为主剧情为辅。重生前:顾眠最害怕的便是拿着手术刀的变态狂魔傅予。傅予打造了一座囚笼将顾眠囚禁在家里,不 准顾眠出去,变态偏执到了极点。顾眠被自己的毒闺蜜欺骗出轨背叛傅予,逃到国外后立刻被骗了钱财还被卖去了地下妓院。而她即将葬身火海的时候是傅予不要命地来救她,最后为了她死在火海里。重生后。顾眠立刻决定改变对傅予的态1w0-28652 >>
内容简介:初掌朝政的少年帝王景骊,看上了殿前的侍卫,忍耐无果之下,任性行事恣意下爪,却没料到最终把自己陷了进去。cp:口是心非搞事永远有理不皮不开心傲娇帝王攻×正直善良侍卫受。我的专栏:(求收藏 作者专栏,谢谢)PS:这是2018年修订版,新版本感情线依旧,按时间线补了些当年跳过的日常和剧情。因为当年连载时大修过,导致本文出现了两个版本。一个是晋江上携手一生版本,另外还有一个后悔药都没得吃余生都意难平版本,那个版本写了一半就被我废掉了,不过因为大家都懂的原因,现在在别的网站或者文包里,可能会看到这个意难平版,制作者还画蛇添足帮意难平加了个好结局,这显然是随意拼凑出来的错误版本。如有看到错误版本,不用纠结感情或者逻辑问题,也不要来问我逻辑在哪里,错误版里肯定不存在逻辑这种东西。就读者观感而言,两个版本最大的不同大概是正确版读者顺着逻辑线看下来,忍不住要哈哈哈,错误版一直在布悲剧线,前后逻辑错乱,读者就特别意难平和各种想不通吧。PPS:因为是在原版上修订的,原来的章节卷数没法上下调整,修订版的阅读顺序是:第一卷天熙年间;第二卷弘庆改元:第三卷弘庆岁月(见《景帝纪事之盛世繁华》);第四卷现代番外。广播剧已出,卡司很棒。po:晋江非言非默1w0-29568 >>
内容简介:一位垃圾星上的拾荒星际乞丐一部神通广大的神秘机器人一处来自上古文明的遗迹一个联系全宇宙的秘密一艘强悍的上古战舰一片神秘背景的宇宙一段跨越亿年的往事一曲不朽的传奇篇章跨越时间的平面,多个 宇宙文明的传奇之谜即将解开,一切尽在《星际乞丐》之宇宙大英雄1w0-68920 >>
Clarissa is on a mission. The Kingdom of Marik needs a prince, and it's Clarissa's job to see that Jack Brown takes on his rightful position--even if he doesn't want to. Is it just Marik and the king that need Jack, or will Clarissa get her prince, too?
From Animag V-Tamer is a manga version of Digimon that was never really released in English, but various sites have talented people who have actually posted a translated version of this great series. Based on the original Digimon V-pets, V-Tamer certainly brings a whole new twist on the world of Digimon. It opens with Taichi, the main character of the series, attempting to enter a tournment with his V-pet, only to be disqualified because the monster on his V-pet cannot be identified and therefore was not a Digimon that was supposed to be programmed into the V-pet. A short time later, Taichi finds himself in the Digital World and meets up with his Digimon, Zeromaru, or just Zero for short. Zero is a V-dramon (Veedramon), and between himself and Taichi, they have a battle record of 100%. For this reason, the two of them were chosen by Holy Angemon to save the Digital World from the supreme evil, Arca Demon. With the help of their guide, Gabo, Taichi and Zero set off to defend the Digital World from Arca Demon.
From Intercross and Divine Sanctuary: A collection of Oneshots 1) Animal Jungle Her mother has decided to remarry. Sumi suddenly has to live with three handsome brothers, Amane, Midori, and Hitomi. She wanted to have a happy family, but the house has become a dangerous animal zone. Fighting dangerous situations everyday…?! 2) Saikyou Venus Aoi is a weak girl... A REALLY, REALLY weak girl. One day, on the roof, she was about to be 'attacked' by some perverted guys until suddenly, the strongest and most feared guy in the school (Tatsumi) comes crashing in... covered in the blood of the two half-dead guys in his hands!! The boys run away, leaving Aoi behind... and she faints. The next day, there's rumours going around that... Aoi is Tatsumi's girlfriend!? 3) Ultimate Bishie Paradise Sachika has always found Mitsuki-kun to be an unbelievably perfect, ultimate bishie. Thus since because of this perfection she finds herself victimized every day which in turn makes her declare to Mitsuki that she will reveal his true colors!!! 4) Oshaberi na Sympathy After Asahina bumps into Kira they can hear each others thoughts. How can they change this back?
Christmas is a joyful time to eat cake with loved ones. But is that the case for Hujita?!
Odd Craft summary: Odd Craft summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Odd Craft. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Robert R. McCammon: The Collected Stories summary: Robert R. McCammon: The Collected Stories summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Robert R. McCammon: The Collected Stories. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass summary: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Yotogi No Kuni No Gekkouhime summary: There was a beautiful princess called Aloe in a certain small country. However, there was another girl named Selene, the second princess, another beautiful princess hidden in this country. Selene was treated as an abominable child by her heterogeneity, kept secret by country, and quietly lived a life in a dark room. But Selene had a bigger secret than anyone knew. The inside of Selene was an old man…….