内容简介:妙手鬼医:邪王霸宠狂傲妃她是腹黑狠辣的暗夜鬼医,一朝穿越,成为人人鄙视唾弃的废材女。契约上古神兽,修炼逆天神诀,亮瞎众人的眼。毒丹毒剂在手,敢欺她之人,找死!九品丹药算什么?她的萌宠都 1w4978-76540 >>
内容简介:①【本文狗血。本文双渣。本文不洁。】②【本文HE。】【本文不入V。】③【基本日更,不更请假。每晚24:00更新。】——这是一本讲‘低俗’的书,谈不上高雅,也谈不上文学性。“他在我的笔记 本上画了一个「马斯洛需求层次金字塔」顶层是‘自我成就’最底层是‘呼吸、食物、性、住房、健康’他在‘性’上划了个叉:「我们的制度非常聪明,管住人最基本的需求。于是我们满脑子就剩下这些,其他什么都不想了。」”——《走出中东》有时,性比一切都危险。CP:魏北x沈南逸男星(受)x文学作家(攻)沈南逸:我只忠实描写人类欲念。魏北:拍点成人电影还犯法吗。沈南逸:为你点播一首《血腥爱情故事》。魏北:那我就给您唱《烂泥》吧。——别舍下我纵是这种烂泥。——能亲近你纵被你踩在脚下也矜贵。至于虐不虐,见仁见智。1w0-84269 >>
内容简介: 【一句话简介】这是一个少年武僧被孪生兄弟坑进演艺圈、结果一不小心成了影帝的故事。【正经简介】许臻是个在寺庙长大的孤儿。老主持一手将他拉扯大,二人不是父子却胜似父子。许臻本想二十岁后 正式入戒,为师父养老送终。结果,十八岁那年,一个自称是他哥哥的人却联系到了他。说母亲去世了,问他要不要来祭拜。许臻思量良久,最终还是听从了师父的建议。是青灯古佛还是红尘俗世,且下山去看看再做决定。然而。山下等待他的却是……身为十八线艺人的孪生哥哥把他扔在家里当替身,自己跑!路!了! “小师父,你就帮我这一次吧。”哥哥的经纪人看着一脸懵比的许臻,欲哭无泪地道:“我搭着人情、搭着面子,死皮赖脸才求来的这部戏。”“结果现在临阵开天窗,我以后还怎么做人?”“求你了,帮帮我,演好演坏都无所谓!”许臻看着面前红彤彤的5万块钱,犹豫了。他想起了西南角漏雨的斋堂,以及颤颤巍巍的藏经阁,默默算了算帐。“小僧一心向佛,未得禅心,怎能轻易涉足红尘之事……”许臻一脸严肃地道:“得加钱。”1w0-2090 >>
内容简介: 江述穿越成平行世界的富二代,父亲是身价千亿的全国首富。 江述原以为这辈子可以过上混吃等死的富二代生活,安心等着继承千亿家产。 但没想到,他这位富二代早在三年前,就为了追求明星梦 选择了离家出走,现在,只是一个连饭都吃不起的苦逼小艺人。 可江述不想当什么大明星,他只想承家产! 于是,江述在娱乐圈展开了各种的作死行为! 多年后…… 江述一看自己的银行卡余额,“咦,啥时候我比我爸还有钱了!” ………… 本书又名《我是自己的黑粉头子》、《我就想安心当个富二代咋就这么难》、《亏成首富从娱乐圈开始》!1w0-2386 >>
内容简介:“俄罗斯有AK47?我有更精良的AK47!”“德国要卖豹2主战坦克,我也有,火力更强大!”“美国有阿帕奇,F22;不用担心,偶也有,比他们的还好!”……你有啥,我也有;你没有的,我还有 。只要你的美金足够,我什么都卖。坦克,直升机,潜艇,导弹,核武器,航母……读网络文学,就用盛大Bambook。1w0-81040 >>
内容简介:一觉醒来,赵松梦穿成了闵玧琪同人文里的恶毒作死女配。女配的下场很凄惨——被身为男主的闵玧琪和女主赵冰真108种花样吊打。最后身败名裂,退出娱乐圈,自杀身亡。赵松梦变成那个倒霉蛋后,为了 不被炮灰,她自觉地远离男女主,甚至还打算抱根粗金大腿保护自己。闵玧琪拍拍自己的大腿,来,哥的大腿给你抱,哥罩着你。赵松梦:???赵松1w0-27464 >>
Voice of Her Fingertips summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Voice of Her Fingertips. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The story is set at Shishidou, a school attended by rich and elite people. Tomu Shirasagi, a gambler, is a mysterious new transfer student who has come from a public school (instead of a prestigious private one) and faces the elitist environment. There, he declares a challenge toward any student and claims he will bring to the ruin the whole school through a series of gambling matches. Nobody knows why he has come to that school or what the real motivations behind his actions are. During any match, Tomu shows off all of his unique coolness and ability. He employs a wide range of tricks, both psychological and physical, to ensure his victory. In any game, you will constantly ask how he's planning to win, why he's really doing certain things, and what's really going on. At the end of the matches, the tricks are revealed, and they all work in real life, even if they do require one to be highly skilled or lucky in order to perform them. The story centers around the various matches he undertakes and the interactions between the various characters, like Mika Shishidou, the beautiful granddaughter of the school headmaster, who is highly intelligent but contemptuous and superb, or Abidani, the vampiric looking dorm superintendent and main villain (for now) in the series, who has a sadistic personality and whose goal is to make Tomu leave his school (or to get him killed). As the story unfolds, more about Tomu's past is revealed, leading to unpredictable turns of events.
From Project Bite Me! Scanlations: In a world where women are constantly wanting to kill themselves and insult the hard working women that work at Soapland, a single man rises up to stop them! Who is that man? That man with the super masculine form and a body of steel? It's none other than Nikutaikan-K! While he blindly rushes to their aid, maybe his first action should be to find out what is causing these women to want to die in the first place?
The Young Carthaginian summary: The Young Carthaginian summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Young Carthaginian. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Hamish Macbeth - Death Of A Dreamer summary: Hamish Macbeth - Death Of A Dreamer summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hamish Macbeth - Death Of A Dreamer. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
A Feast of Demons summary: A Feast of Demons summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Feast of Demons. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
98.6 Degrees - The Art Of Keeping Your Ass Alive summary: 98.6 Degrees - The Art Of Keeping Your Ass Alive summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of 98.6 Degrees - The Art Of Keeping Your Ass Alive. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.