






类别恋爱 萌系 兽耳














简介我穿越到小说里,变成了连名字都不太记得的小配角。但好歹是个贵族,在小说结局前就尽情享受幸福的生活吧!然而事与愿违,才穿越第二天,我就睡了小说里占有欲最强的男主角! “既然男女共度了初夜,当然就要对彼此负责吧?”








类别都市 恋爱 霸总




内容简介:五年前,她带球逃跑,五年后现身首都机场。“沈总,五年前那个女人回来了,人在机场,身边还跟了两个崽子,跟您长得一模一样。”男人蹙眉:“封锁机场,把人抓回来。”“是。”男人叫住助理:“等等 ,直接带民政局。”《新婚夜,我怀了帝国总裁的两个崽》为作者是小萌啊创作,目前连载中,搜小说为你第一时间提供是小萌啊精心编写原创新婚夜,我怀了帝国总裁的两个崽最1w0-64093 >>


内容简介:小说《大红人》免费阅读,主角:薛家良。小说全文预览:县府大秘薛家良,因县长受贿案遭到无情打压,本可以顺利接班的他,与主任宝座失之交臂。仕途不顺,一切皆不顺。先是被带走调查,后又经历了降 职使用、女友背离、母亲去世等一系列打击,正当他的人生处于最低谷时,一个神秘人物出现了,从此,他的命运出现转机且迅速触底反弹,不可思议地成为炙手可热的人物……1w0-84031 >>


内容简介:  (新书,某国漫的超神学院已经发布)许易穿越到超神学院世界,某一天突然“灵”光一闪。  为了世界核平,人民幸福,总觉得该做点什么,于是乎:  “传授国人无敌国术,围殴众多外星狗狼。”   “双手施展灭妖神火,焚尽诸多邪祟恶魔。”  “丹田一口飞剑,千里之外击毁外星战舰。”  超神学院为主世界,前期副本世界有完美,古剑,遮天,狐妖,诛仙,秦时明月,画江湖,一人之下,斗破,西游,近年国漫,仙侠剧等,后期还会加入漫威系列。  ps:vip订阅群723333916。1w0-4134 >>


内容简介:《勇者学院的吊车尾咸鱼》“我追求的是平静的生活。”罗伦这么对第一名的叶鹰说到。“支撑我的是平静生活带来的安心感,而不是在拯救多元世界带来的荣耀,或者考试成绩评优。”“所以你想说什么?” “我一点也不想当什么勇者啊!”只是个试图把苦大仇深的故事变得轻松欢乐一点的坑罢了。1w0-84160 >>


内容简介:一代兵王,为替兄弟复仇越境入狱,五年后回归都市……大哥做了上门女婿,被连连欺辱!自己因为入狱的身份,被所有人鄙夷!却不想……自己的亲生父母竟然是赫赫有名的京都豪门太子……1w9182- 106488 >>


内容简介:盛世开元,物华天宝。忆昔开元全盛日,忆昔天宝承平时。九天阊阖开宫殿,万国衣冠拜冕旒。开元全盛之后,天宝末年,大唐依旧繁华,然盛世之下,危机潜藏。曾经励精图治的皇帝失去了往日的雄心,开始 厌倦朝政,醉生梦死;朝廷上李林甫、杨国忠两大奸臣当道,官怒民怨;朝廷外,安禄山身兼三镇节度使,手握重兵,密谋反叛。天宝九年,大唐的兵锋到达了全盛,然盛极则衰,第二年,大唐就同时遭遇三场大败,其中以怛罗斯之战安西军败于大食最为可惜。四年后,就是安史之乱,盛世不再,千载遗恨。我们的故事,就从怛罗斯之战前,高仙芝回安西的路上开始。萧去病,这位千年之后的来客,自从他从天而降,出现在天宝十年的河苍烽外,大唐的历史便因他而改写,盛世绵延。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《盛唐神话》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-64674 >>


内容简介:女配的后宫是由小土豆所写的高辣浓情类小说,本站提供女配的后宫最新章节阅读女配的后宫全文阅读女配的后宫免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现女配的后宫更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-8267 6 >>


内容简介:叶奇重回17岁,官宦子弟,拾缺补憾,这一世不在让自己后悔,让父亲仕途稳健,让小舅商途稳定,做一个安安稳稳的官二代无论是因自己而操劳过世的父母,还是被自己逼死的那个女孩,曾经对不起的女人 们,这一世定要苏静:哟!叶大少爷!长进了,泡妞不威逼利诱了?玩起养成了?叶奇:林可儿:叶奇,你不好好学习,怎么能和我考上同一所大学?叶奇:沈凝:叶奇,能帮我买包卫生巾吗?再帮我买条裤子行吗?咕噜那个叶奇,再做顿饭吧叶奇:唐然:你被捕了!叶奇:沐小琪:那个你能包养我吗?我既不要名贵首饰,也不要名牌衣服包包,也不需要房子车子叶奇:ps:本书慢热,越到后面越精彩,望各位坚持小二也坚持1w0-99026 >>


内容简介:原以为的情深不悔到头来不过是一场利用,秦之若看着昔日说要护她周全的人,此刻却是另一幅面孔,你若无情我变休,可为什么心里还是放不下,当一切真相大白,才发现原来他从未违背过当初的承诺。1w 0-98044 >>




内容简介:本书原名《傻夫,你露馅了》正式更名为《何以念情深》:当我知道我要嫁给乔羿深的时候,其实我是拒绝的,我跟亲爹讲,我拒绝,因为虽然乔羿深眉目如画,身材颀长,比潘安还要帅上几级,身家更是我这 种小门小户踩着姚明肩膀都够不到的富裕,整个南城无人不知无人不晓他的大名。我顶着私生女的身份这么多年,亲妈昏迷亲爹不疼,恶毒的后妈还锲而不舍地各种使绊子陷害,本来以为可以脱离苦海远走他乡,却没想到恶毒后妈一纸婚书把我卖给了乔家少爷,乔家家大业大是没错,但这位少爷可是个二傻子啊,说起来纪家就我一个独苗,爸,二傻子懂个啥?嫁过去纪家可要绝后的呀!可没想到,自从嫁了乔羿深,我才发觉自己的人生就像加了特技,DuangDuangDuang走上了人生巅峰,不仅吃得好住得好,恶毒后妈见到我也得恭恭敬敬叫一声“乔太太”,连犯错都有人替我背黑锅,无数次把乔氏的生意弄得乱七八糟以后,大眼睛眨巴眨巴,“老公,你跟爷爷说,还是你干的好不好?”乔羿深笑眯眯从不拒绝,“好!”不过美中不足的是,这位二傻子少爷竟然是个披着羊皮的大灰狼,各种占我便宜不说,还……若初文学网支持第三方一键登录,包括腾讯QQ、新浪微博、微信、百度贴吧,实现极简登陆体验。登陆后可发言、投票、打赏等。《何以念情深》为若初文学网签约作者“荆离”原创作品,首发于若初文学网。若初文学网为大家提供无弹窗、无广告、最新最快的阅读体验,欢迎各位支持正版。《何以念情深》为网站作者“荆离”所著虚构作品,不涉及任何真实人物、事件等,请勿将杜撰作品与现实挂钩。1w0-72835 >>


内容简介:★★★本书简介★★★霍太太你马甲又掉了是由晴小天创作的一本的现代言情小说,小说的主角是舒情霍云城。小说内容精彩,文笔优美,主要讲述了舒情从乡下第一次来到城市,结果就碰到了个难缠的霍云城 。1w5556-80234 >>

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Punishment For Brave Hero-9004 Corps Prison Record

The world entrusted the most evil yet powerful “Criminals” as hero. This is a story about struggling against despair. Hero’s Punishment is the most serious punishment. People who are punished are criminals that commit a grave sin, they will atone for that sin as a hero. The punishment is to fight the Demon Lord’s army that was caused by the Demon Lord’s phenomenon at the front most line. Even if the monsters killed these heroes, they will be revived and must figt again. A berserker that has been fighting for hundreds of year, the world’s most despicable villain, a political scammer, a self-procalimed terrorist, an assassin with zero success rate, as such. Everyone has a failed characteristic and formed the punished hero corps. As their leader, I’m Silo Forberts a former Holy Knight commander that was sentenced with Hero’s Punishment because of my sin, “Killing a Goddess” . In the midst of battle, her existence that was supposed to be hidden, “The Sword Goddess” Teoritta and I met. “Please lend me your strength, we will use it to defeat the Demon Lord” “That’s the spirit! Once we’re victorious, please pat my head!” This is a story about the two who formed a contract and their fleeting yet fierce heroic tale.

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American Sorrows

American Sorrows summary: American Sorrows summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of American Sorrows. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Middle-Class Gentleman

The Middle-Class Gentleman summary: The Middle-Class Gentleman summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Middle-Class Gentleman. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Welcome To Hard Times

Welcome To Hard Times summary: Welcome To Hard Times summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Welcome To Hard Times. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Spirit Realm

Spirit Realm summary: Thirty thousand years ago, the Heaven Fighting Race who called themselves “G.o.ds” invaded the Spirit Realm. Hundreds of races rose up in resistance, but ultimately suffered a crushing defeat. The Human Race was the first to concede, and the rest of the Hundred Races soon followed in succession.
During the subsequent ten thousand years, all of the races were enslaved by the Heaven Fighting Race. They were cruelly treated, and lived beneath the shadow of terror.
The Heaven Fighting Race’s march of conquest did not stop there. With the Spirit Realm as the starting point, they invaded other secret dimensions, and spread war to all corners of existence. After greatly exhausting their combat strength, they were finally defeated by the Hundred Races who took advantage of this opportunity. With no other choice, they fled to the starry skies outside the realm.
Thirty thousand years later, in an era where the Heaven Fighting Race has already faded to become ancient legend, an amnesiac youth possessing the Heaven Fighting Race’s bloodline is being fostered in an insignificant household. Whilst struggling to live on, he silently awaits the day of the bloodline’s awakening.

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