
































内容简介:大乾十年,天下靖平,诗书盛行,通商发达。虽然外表看似光鲜亮丽,但却难掩其腐朽的内在。帝王世家,皇权争斗,阳谋阴谋,杀机四起!官府荒淫,蒙混倾轧,迂腐暴敛,昏天黑地!名门望族,淫邪荒诞, 绣榻野史,丑陋不堪!敌国虎视,烽烟欲起,群雄逐鹿,波云诡谲!而在此时,风云变幻的温陵城中,一个卖包子的街边小贩,阴差阳错入赘商贾之家,开始偷偷过着他那与娇妻斗嘴、潇洒风流、悠闲自在的逍遥人生……书友群:814590240【注:架空幻想,悦己悦人,混口饭吃,切勿较真。】梦未眠鼎力大作,必看历史小说。1w0-109516 >>


内容简介:在神界召唤勇者的祭坛旁,竖立着一面鲜红色的警告牌!霓虹勇者:乖巧听话,傻白甜,别犹豫,选他!选他!乌拉勇者:一群新手村还没出就要怼魔王的莽夫,慎选!鹰酱勇者:自大,傲慢,尝尝自吹没有人 比他们更擅长当勇者。放弃交流吧,他们听不到别人的话。来自种花家的勇者:请放下神灵的尊严,乖乖躺好,做个只会微笑的乖巧工具人,那里的勇者————!!!1w0-60895 >>


内容简介:一个普通人类,一觉醒来后发现自己竟然变成了一只刚刚破壳的小乌龟。而自己所处的世界,居然是……各位书友要是觉得《穿越变成小乌龟》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0 -78850 >>


内容简介:胖子庞天啸只是一个普通的小人物,小人物的人生理想很简单,那就是有一个或者N个美女陪在身边,想袭胸就袭胸,想嗨皮就嗨皮。但人生不如意十有八九,对胖子有救父之恩的赵凤娇想开游戏工作室,玩过 几款游戏的胖子被赵凤娇喊来做总管,实际上胖子更想做主管或者高手。好吧,总管就总管吧,捡回来的美女修长苗条;老板赵凤娇丰满诱人,萝莉小雯娇小玲珑,胖子开始惆怅了,到底该……为嘛,为嘛是个美女武力值都那么高呢?胖子忍不住泪流满面……1w0-70188 >>




内容简介:诸天打工人诸天打工人小说阅读游戏竞技小说诸天打工人由作家小猪蹄子子创作打工人打工魂打工成为人上人。躺平?谁爱躺平谁躺平!干一天活赚一天命它不香吗?小兵提供诸天打工人最新章节诸天打工人最 新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-77632 >>


内容简介:店铺亏损,妻子还变得和以前不太一样。面对来自这两方面的打击,宋远并没有气馁。他开始追查真相,却发现真相远比他想象中的复杂。在佳人的帮助下,以一家小店为基础的他完成人生逆袭,创造出一个又 一个商海神话!1w10337-29294 >>


内容简介:十六岁那年,苏枝母亲因病去世,葬礼过后,破旧的筒子楼下停一辆豪车。车上下来一人,长相斯文俊美,举手投足矜贵如玉,他说受他母亲所托,会照顾她到大学毕业。男人名叫宋斯年,二十五岁,性情温和 有礼。受他照拂那几年,苏枝不经常能瞧见他。二十一岁,苏枝大学毕业,想进娱乐圈,宋斯年知晓后,跟圈内顶流经纪公司藤蔓的老总吃了顿饭,苏枝便签了进去。之后,绝好资源源源不断递到她跟前。不出一年,苏枝一跃成为藤蔓力捧的当红花旦。圈内人猜测这个身世一清二白,从偏远小城市过来的苏枝是跟藤蔓老总有染,才能资源不断。只有苏枝知道,她如今所有的一切都是宋斯年这个男人送给她的。苏枝很感谢他,但她知晓男人不喜欢她。她也知礼,从不会拿私事去打扰他。二十二岁,苏枝喜欢上了圈内一个顶流,顶流名叫陆思淼。但陆思淼闯了祸,惹了资本圈,面临封杀。苏枝替陆思淼心急,思索许久,她第一次主动给宋斯年发了短信,想让他帮陆思淼度过困境。她不知宋斯年是做什么生意,但她知晓宋斯年在资本圈有绝对的话语权。那条短信发出去后,苏枝并没有等到回复,只是等来了一辆车。宋斯年要见她。那是她第一次进宋斯年的私人别墅,很大很空。宋斯年坐在客厅沙发上,长腿交叠,经过岁月打磨依旧俊美的脸微微隐在黑暗中,他问了她,“苏枝,你今年多大了?”苏枝说,“二十二。”他重复了句她的回答,嗓音很低很低,“二十二岁了,”她觉得他后面还有话,不过她等了许久,还是没等到后半句。很久之后,苏枝被困在车内逼仄的空间内,眼睛通红,承受着男人斯文却不容置喙的亲吻时,她才顿悟当时宋斯年没说完的话。小美人苏枝腹黑男宋斯年娱乐圈沾边。各位书友要是觉得《我的桃花姑娘》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-25472 >>


内容简介:  “我书读的少,你别骗我,咫尺之间人尽敌国的意思分明是说我站在这咫尺之间不动,可以一人之力毁灭一个敌对国家。”“可是,我记得,这句话的意思好像是形容两个人很近时,另一人即便背后有一个 国家都没用。”“假的。”百里青锋一剑平举,雷霆真气运转形成的电磁场爆发出庞大的安培力,推动手中超导体赤神钢铸成的神剑,以二十倍音速撕裂大气,将三百公里外一艘航空母舰射爆,火药库殉爆的火焰升腾照亮天空。“你看,我就在咫尺之间。”……一个无修真、无异能、无魔法、有一点点真气的世界,一个武者有文化的世界。1w0-216 >>


内容简介:唐宋意外从修仙界来到了星际世界,还多了七个哥哥。哥哥们啥啥都好就是不喜欢她,还好唐宋也不强求,她还是比较喜欢当没有感情的肏逼机器。然而,令唐宋没想到的是,最后她肏了一圈,全肏的是自家后 花园的花。gb无反攻粗口肉肉啊,没什么剧情的那种1w0-76296 >>


内容简介:  一个来自中国的足球天才,  一个追逐梦想的热血故事,  且看刘枫如何征服欧洲足坛,成为世界第一等球员!  “人生的风景,亲像大海的风涌,有时猛有时平……我是世界第一等!”1w0-2 901 >>


内容简介:穿越到一战前的德国,似乎还是个贵族家庭。在这片拥有魔法的世界,卡尔作为一个穿越者,充满了期待。“世界是残酷的,你家人死了。”刚想在异世界崭露头角的卡尔麻木了,龙傲天式的生活还未开启,就 已家破人亡。还有个更坏的消息,远方亲戚要来抢遗产了……对于这些糟糕的设定,卡尔决定开溜!收拾好行囊,卡尔看着这片生活过的村子,是时候走了。士官学院,军队以及未来的魔法战场,我来了!1w0-89181 >>

Banana No Nana

On the world that consists of a single giant continent called Dokkanon, most people have some kind of special ability. Those who have a high-ranking ability, such as the ability to control water, are respected and granted much power. Those with low-ranking abilities, such as Nana, who controls bananas, and her best friend Ringo, who has super-powerful legs, have very little power in society. When Nana and Ringo were kids, they were awed by stories from Ringo's adventurer father about a land called Oz, where a god lived who could make any wish come true. Nana and Ringo swore that they would go adventuring together when they were adults. But as time went by, Ringo's father vanished while adventuring, and Ringo became much more aware of the social stigma associated with adventurers. Will the two of them find the strength and courage to follow through with their promise?

Kijin Gahou

• Atsumemomo (The Collection) About a girl who collects everything her crush touches. • Harakiri A world where cutting your stomach is the newest fashionable trend among schoolgirls. *Fetus Collection A suicidal girl enters a little group of sick woman that made abortion a grotesque art. With usual Kago sick humor and nonsense. *Holy Night 'This is a short Christmas-themed manga. Santa is terrorizing the Japanese by flooding everyone with unwanted gifts. The only way to stop Santa from sending more is to convince him that you’re happy with what you got, or so they believe. The story is split between a girl trying to find a way to get Santa to stop sending her vibrators, and the various government schemes to try and capture or eliminate Santa.' *Suck It It's about a man who keeps a photographic album of women giving him blowjobs. Of course, no collection is complete without a little variety. *The Unscratchable Itch Putting worms under skin can be an addictive pleasure. *Three more untranslated stories

Black Paradox

A manga about people trying to kill themselves, but weird stuff happens instead

Paradise Town

Award-winning work.This pair of daughter-in-law and mother-in-law is far from ordinary! War is not the tragedy of the human race.The tragedy of all mankind is the impossibility of choosing one's parents and children.Life partners can be chosen. Not in-laws.But rest assured, the greatest tragedy of the human race is actually entertaining! Main Street in Elysium makes an amusing satire of our pains.The on-going mortal combat between Noriko and her mother-in-law who take up residence on Main Street. The wacky neighbors who bring their own craziness to the set. This hairy combination creates the dark world of Elysium. Beware: it's addictive.

Pure Dead Brilliant

Pure Dead Brilliant summary: Pure Dead Brilliant summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Pure Dead Brilliant. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Corporate Slave Hero Says He's Quitting His Job

Corporate Slave Hero Says He's Quitting His Job summary: “I quit being a Hero.” Leaving behind those words, I separated from my allies and began a life of retirement in a village in the middle of a mountain. Separating myself from a life of fighting the demon lord, I had a rich life cultivating a field and intermingling with the villagers. At the time my life finally began to stabilize, a woman came to visit. “I am called the demon lord Isvel…geh, you! The Hero!?” “The demon lord!?” Before my eyes was my natural enemy, the demon lord. According to her story, she also seems to have come to retire. Since then began the strange life of retirement of me and the demon lord. “You’re not really putting your back to it do you” “Shut up! I’ve never worked in a farm!” … I’ve been anxious about it from the beginning.


Yeho summary: Yeho is a distant relative to a king in a small kingdom. Even though he is a distant relative, his house was very poor, and his mother was addicted to gambling. One day North Empire asked for Princess Sooyoung to be a concubine of an old Emperor because she was known for her beauty. But the king really loved his daughter so instead he ordered Yeho’s older sister to disguise as Princess Sooyoung and marry the old Emperor.
Yeho told his sister to run away with her lover, and his sister had to leave her younger brother alone with his mother. After she ran away, Yeho asked his mother to give the things back to the king that she got for trying to sell her daughter, but his mother already used the gifts to pay off her gambling debt. He was trying to give the gifts back to the king to take away his order, but now he can’t do that anymore. He tells his mother to run away, and he disguises as his sister to go to North Empire.
After he got there, he was trying to tell the Emperor the truth and take away his life, but the Emperor went out for few days to look around his empire. When the emperor came back, he wasn’t as old as he thought.

The Innocence of Father Brown

The Innocence of Father Brown summary: The Innocence of Father Brown summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Innocence of Father Brown. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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