内容简介:落魄富二代林易遭人迫害,却意外获得仙界传承,强势回归都市,再度掀起腥风血雨!问苍茫大地谁主沉浮?且看最强高手如何纵横都市,续写属于他的传奇人生。本文依旧延续热血爽文风格。1w0-382 5 >>
内容简介:镇北侯傅缙一生杀伐果断,能屈能伸。少年隐忍,终诛心怀叵测继母,灭便宜表妹妻室,得以挣脱桎梏。文能提笔安天下,武能上马定乾坤,一生光辉灿烂,青史留名。这样一个轰轰烈烈的人物,真真可歌可泣 。然而很可惜,楚玥发现,自己就是那个便宜表妹。她和她的娘家,将成为傅缙飞跃式人生的里程碑。楚玥:“……”1w0-2583 >>
内容简介:年龄差8岁/救赎向/追妻甜文超A偏执兵哥哥x腰细声甜心机软妹1.家遭变故后,棠宁寄养在程家。人人皆知,她与程家二少爷是青梅竹马,格外登对。却不知道她真正觊觎的是程二少的叔叔。那位执行维 和任务遭遇重大事故后,据说双眼失明、脾气怪戾的“疯子”。她曾怕他,试探他,也曾在电闪雷鸣夜抱着枕头来到他房间,嗓音甜软地喊“小叔叔”。2.放弃喜欢程怀恕那天,棠宁在大雨夜里走得决绝。没曾想,再相逢,男人一身空军制服,面容冷峻,清冷禁欲。尤其是他那一双眼睛,黑白分明,眼神锐利。部队巡演完的后台,有新兵戏称她的舞是温柔刀,刀刀要人性命。无人知,程怀恕听到这种说辞后眼神暗了暗。之后,程怀恕将人拦下,故意在无人的通道里把控着她的细腰:“长大了,不听叔叔的话了?”*1V1 SC双初恋*是个甜文,很甜,男主眼睛会好1w0-4475 >>
内容简介:这是个全民领主的时代,通过领主试炼成为一名领主,可以获得自己的领地,这是属于自己的小世界。领主可以穿梭于诸天位面获取力量,知识,资源来培育自己的充实自己的领地,培养自己的领民。领主也可 以相互联合组成军团联盟,攻占整个世界。1w0-64441 >>
内容简介:五姑娘季重莲出身清贵之家,貌美端庄,兰心蕙质,可叹母亲早逝,父亲荒唐,姨娘阴狠,她唯有一个弟弟相依为命,一大家子的兄弟姐妹,难得有一个齐心的,素未谋面的未婚夫,还是与表妹藕断丝连的。深 宅里步步为营,多方算计,季重莲顿觉鸭梨山大!若干年后,季重莲顶着忠勇将军夫人的名头重归上京,一路披荆斩棘,扶摇直上,脚踏之处,步步莲华!只是这一次,她再不是孤军奋战,那个与她携手的男子终于如许诺的一般各位书友要是觉得《名门嫡秀:九重莲》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80105 >>
内容简介:萧维景与棠柚订婚四年,从未正眼看过自己这位未婚妻一眼。漂亮得一无是处,温柔得乏善可陈。直到正式退婚那日,明艳可人的棠柚出现在他面前。红裙雪肤乌发,倾倒众生。他才懂,什么叫做人间绝色。三 月后,萧维景在某个烂醉的夜后红着眼睛发消息给她——[柚柚,在做什么?]手机另一端,矜贵优雅的男人刚刚哄睡了疲倦的棠柚,懒懒散散,代她回复。[坐月子]-为了成功让萧维景退掉商业联姻,棠柚兢兢业业扮演四年多恶心死他不偿命的白莲花。恰逢萧维景的小叔叔萧则行归国暂居,而棠柚最怕的就是这位尊贵的大人物。无欲无求,严谨端正。眼睛似能看透所有伪装。无人知晓,萧则行最好三样——细腰、娇柔、小骄纵。不曾注意到他目光的棠柚,仍旧为退婚努力。扮演好花瓶,裙子束的腰肢盈盈不堪一握;装作小白花,温温柔柔来萧家刷长辈好感度;提高萧维景厌恶值,骄纵地“欺负”他心上人。直到某晚—男人坐在暗红色沙发上,手指苍白修长,亲自为她倒一盏温茶,声线温醇:“我想娶你。”1w0-4042 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:影视之无限穿越】爱看电影的张星,无意间获得了一个无限影视穿越系统。从此之后,他便开启了电影世界的无限之旅。穿越一次,就获得一个金手指,追求女主,完成任务。《功 夫》,《逃学威龙》,《大话西游》,《倩女幽魂》,《僵尸道长》,《少林足球》,《警察故事》,《黄飞鸿》,《赌神》,《倚天屠龙记》,《西红柿首富》,《唐人街探案》,《泰囧》,《前任3》,《英雄本色》,《亮剑》《风云》…………诸多影视,张星一一穿越,体验非凡人生。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢影视之无限穿越,别忘记分享给朋友作者:一念天堂所写的《影视之无限穿越》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-80999 >>
内容简介: /快穿/救赎/1v1只活了十八年的白桑死于心脏病,绑定了系统,任务是勾引反派。反派们身世悲惨,往往心理扭曲、残暴无情、偏执成性。-白桑穿成病弱内向大小姐身上,反派刚刚成为她的小跟班 。【勾引任务一:跟反派皮肤接触十秒钟。】白纸.脸皮薄.白桑脸色泛红,不敢与他直视,声音温吞发软:“我...牵一下你好不好?”阴鸷反派:“好。”_白桑穿成海洋学家,反派是一条刚被她抓上岸的血尾鲛人。【勾引任务一:摸反派鱼尾十秒钟。】鲛人生性残暴、特别是血尾鲛人,是天生的杀戮恶魔。白桑面色苍白,乌黑眼眸染上一抹恐惧,半跪在鲛人面前,可怜巴巴地道:“我...可以摸你的尾巴么“鲛人唇角勾起恶意的笑:“可以。”1w0-3160 >>
内容简介:一个是脑洞突破天际的戏剧学院表演系毕业高材生,一个是傲娇毒舌身世成谜的已故女明星私生子,因为一份被迫签订的合约,不得不走上炒绯闻的道路。许安然:“哎?你知道我们的CP粉里出了个分析大神 吗?角度好刁钻啊!特别是剖析你的心理活动!看得我都快信以为真了!”邢傲霆:“哦,那个是我。”许安然:“……?”rn1w0-73980 >>
Ikebukuro, Tokyo—a neighborhood where twisted love prowls!! A series of street slashings in Ikebukuro begins to connect total strangers: A teenage girl with no personality of her own; a beat writer for a third-rate tabloid; a teacher suspected of harassment; an informant based in Shinjuku…and a headless rider straddling a pitch-black motorcycle!! Meanwhile, the slasher continues to terrorize the night, all in search of…“him”!?
RABUKOME QUEST manga, Love Comedy Quest, Milia, the great witch who has reached the pinnacle of evil, has fallen in love for the first time with her arch nemesis 'The Hero'?! She has the highest magical power, but her experience in love is nil. Now the witch begins her quest to discover more of this 'Love' in this romantic comedy!
From Nevermore Scans: In order to capture the vampire lurking in the school, Mana the exorcist transfers in. Okamoto-kun, the vampire in question, is one who has changed with the times and gets by on blood transfusions! Mana is left dumbfounded by the carefree, easy-going vampire! An eagerly anticipated romantic (!?) school comedy released by a new author at Sylph. ?
From Fate & Enchantment Scans Ritsuka, a Ryousei student, believes that she’ll find a wonderful boyfriend by following the love legends. After all, her older sister, Aya, followed them, and she got married! Yet every time Ritsuka carries out a legend superstition, Kuze-kun gets in her way… Although they fight all the time, Kuze-kun is always there for her when she’s feeling scared or anxious. While his words are ill-natured, he is kind to her, so Ritsuka feels happy even when she’s mad at him… Ritsuka falls in love with Kuze-kun. After four of the legendary superstitions were completed, Ritsuka and Kuze-kun fell in love with each other, but…?Sequel to KOIGOKORO SENPUKUCHUU
The White Feather summary: The White Feather summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The White Feather. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Spring of the Year summary: The Spring of the Year summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Spring of the Year. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Eternal Log summary:
Hi, nice to meet you! I’m Haru!
As long as I can remember tou-san and kaa-san weren’t around so jii-chan and baa-chan raised me!
And I noticed that I seem to be different from everyone else!
As it is because my future is insecure, for the sake of having a stable income I will try my best to become a great adventurer!
By the way, I’d like to give marriage a shot so let’s say I have marriage aspirations!
Though whether someone will take the me who is different from everyone else…
Ah! Being negative is no good!
Well, even though I’m starting with a minus I’ll try my best!
The current target is the lowest line of the requirements for marriage: stable income!
From here on how will my life turn out? Please watch over me!
….eeeehm “Below is a rough summary of the story” seems like!
Then, my best regards!
Eternal Log
The ancient race’s treasure.
Long ago.
Superior physical strength.
Overwhelming magic power.
Those who carried knowledge of the principles of the world were called the Ancient Race governed the world.
The Ancient Race were said to be the descendants of the G.o.d of Creation.
The Ancient Race used their knowledge to invent machines, by means of magic and machines they achieved a never before seen degree of growth such that the people lived without discomfort.
However, the civilization of magic and machine that developed the world suddenly faces its demise.
Sent from the distant past to the future, Haru, whose parents were gone, was raised by his grandparents.
However, Haru noticed that he was slightly different from everyone else.
And so, a certain event envelopes the boundary of the world, and the gears of fate start turning.
Totem summary:
This is a world of totems. People believe that power is derived naturally from all of nature: fire, earth, numemon, wolves and the Twelve-Winged Golden-Eyed Dragon King. Even going so far as saying that humans themselves… as long as they are naturally formed can communicate with this power and summon it as their own “faith totem”.
Jiang Nan, an anatomy professor on earth, the kind of unfortunate man who doesn’t even deserve to find a woman in his life, has come to this world.