内容简介:一场空难,她成了孤儿,他也是,但却是她父亲导致的。八岁的她被大十岁的他带回穆家,本以为那是他的善意,没想到,他是来讨债的。十年间,她一直以为他恨她,他的温柔可以给世间万物,唯独不会给她 ……他不允许她叫他哥,她只能叫他名字,穆霆琛,穆霆琛,一遍遍,根深蒂固……1w2800-4697 >>
内容简介:这个世界一直有这样一种人:能够行走于阴阳两界,占卜过去未来,甚至还具有强大的力量能镇压妖邪,他们就是传说中的——通灵师!楚乔,神巫世家第二十三代嫡系女传人,身具神巫灵血,手掌通灵幻兽, 契约了如妖孽一般的持有灵,还有与生俱来的鬼瞳让一切妖孽鬼祟无处遁形!学校公寓的女厕中,总有人半夜兜售红马甲;博物馆中的血玉,竟然牵扯出千年前的一段爱恨情仇;美丽的苜蓿花田中,终日游荡着一个执着于不伦之爱的美丽灵魂一桩桩灵异事件接踵而来。原本楚乔以为自己可以去牛叉哄哄的拯救世界了,可谁来告诉她——为什么她的通灵幻兽是个只知道吃且毒舌的家伙?为什么她的持有灵是个怕鬼的家伙?亲,你本来就是鬼好不好?!为什么那个同样身为通灵师的未婚夫,只会眨着如小鹿一般纯净的大眼睛,拉着她的衣角小声的叫着:“乔乔,我怕”尽管人生如此杯具,楚乔仍立志做个最伟大的通灵师!迷糊的神巫大人不知道,她那条只知道吃的通灵幻兽,竟然是具有神兽血脉且法力无边的通天灵兽!那只“怕鬼”的妖孽持有灵,居然是三千年前最强大的通灵师!而那个看似如小鹿般无害的未婚夫,其实是一只腹黑无比又宠她无度的“灰太郎”月黑风高,某鬼坐在高高的围墙上,对月吟哦。楚乔举着一只碗,准备收服她通灵师生涯中的第一只鬼——“快到碗里来!”“”如妖孽般的美男鬼,优雅扭头,深情凝视,半晌,微笑,轻启朱唇——“你才到碗里去!”一段狂揍之后——“你就不能找一只大点的碗吗?!”“乔乔,我不是只会吃!”某兽很严肃的道。“你还会什么?”楚乔两眼放光,无比期待。“我还会长肉哇!”某兽揉了揉自己又大了一圈的肚腩,无限忧桑的道,“该减肥了啊”“”楚乔泪流满面,四十五角望天。“哇!乔乔,那边有鬼!我好怕!”某小鹿一手捂眼,一手指着一个方向。楚乔大怒,“敢吓唬我的小男朋友!找死!”撒丫子狂奔而去。小鹿直起身,拍拍手,一道符咒打出,隐匿在暗处的一只枉死鬼立即现行,簌簌发抖,大呼饶命。“敢给我的乔乔添麻烦!你是死的不耐烦了!”某小鹿冷冷一笑,下一瞬间,枉死鬼灰飞烟灭。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《鬼瞳天才通灵师》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-78333 >>
内容简介:一朝穿越,上官无道竟然穿越到了自己最喜欢的小说《斗罗大陆》之中。不过这突然冒出来的系统是什么鬼?还让他开局就成为了九十九级的极限斗罗。还是三生武魂:烈日苍宇弓,魔影饕餮,三眼金猊。看他 如何在斗罗的乱世中打出一片属于自己的天地。1w0-70490 >>
内容简介: 大靖朝一夫一妻典范,被誉为佳话的帝后,死后齐齐重生了。 这是一个重生的皇帝陛下想替小皇后择良配、拉红线,可拉着拉着却又拉回了自己身上的故事…………正版读者订阅群:734187 6741w0-300 >>
内容简介:☆☆☆本书简介☆☆☆在我六岁的时候,家里的一场大火,让我失去了最爱我的妈妈,我是被爸爸从火堆里救出来的。我全身面积高达到了百分之五十的烧伤,经过医院的精心治疗,我终于出了院,可是,来接 我出院的是我二爸……1w0-95150 >>
内容简介:同时连载的爱发电警校组救济文:《真酒的我目标全员HE》中午12点更新池泽千涉叛逆离家,远赴横滨成为了一名mafia,却在和叫做太宰的上司见面时目瞪口呆。因为站在他面前发出人类声音的,是 一个诡异的、通体漆黑的像素方块。不知从什么时候起,池泽千涉身边多了很多类似的存在。工作上的前辈、咖啡厅的侍应生、“曾经”一个学校的同学、Line上相谈甚欢终于面基的网友……就连吃个饭都能看到亮橙1w0-92059 >>
内容简介:这是一个重生的故事这是一个明星的故事这是一个奶爸的故事这是一个大手牵小手溺爱女儿的故事ps:作者在创世有三百万完本作品,有一百四十万完本作品,还有每日万字更新连载作品《穿越之最强武松》 ,完本保证,请放心阅读1w0-97689 >>
内容简介:苏浩自幼跟随师傅隐居山林,医术出神入化,风水勘破生死,命理直通黄泉,古武举世无双。但为了师傅的遗愿,他入赘萧家三年,不得展露半点儿过人之处,忍辱负重,受尽白眼。如今三年之期已到,一日化 龙,天下皆惊!1w0-25629 >>
内容简介: 回到了三百年前的大清康熙五十八年?康熙:朕还想再活五百年!宁渝:去死吧你!读者群:961378766 进群口令:伐清1719VIP粉丝群:973851485,加群同学需提供订阅截 图哦,感谢支持!1w0-928 >>
From WinningDays Touma Outa wakes up from a bad dream one morning and when he sees his reflection, there are horns growing out of his head. Suddenly, he is pounded in the head by a cute, hammer-carrying knight from the demon world. The horns shrink, but he is not off the hook yet, for the little knight, Pukateriosu, is there to prevent him from transforming completely into the Demon King whose soul has entered Outa's body. The PukaPuka hammer can return him to normal but it takes time to charge. In the meanwhile, Outa must try not to think worldly thoughts or be kissed, but it's easier said than done with his crush Shirayuki Himeka, the little demon Garbelion, and even Pukateriosu around... Fantasy Fighter From WinningDays Touma Outa wakes up from a bad dream one morning and when he sees his reflection, there are horns growing out of his head. Suddenly, he is pounded in the head by a cute, hammer-carrying knight from the demon world. The horns shrink, but he is not off the hook yet, for the little knight, Pukateriosu, is there to prevent him from transforming completely into the Demon King whose soul has entered Outa's body. The PukaPuka hammer can return him to normal but it takes time to charge. In the meanwhile, Outa must try not to think worldly thoughts or be kissed, but it's easier said than done with his crush Shirayuki Himeka, the little demon Garbelion, and even Pukateriosu around...
Crash B-Daman summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Crash B-Daman. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
A story about THE [email protected]'s 765 Production idols taking it easy with some cooking.
A heart-warming tale of friendship, love and strength, Tsunbaka attempts to create a new archetype in the 'tsun' genre of girls. Combining the fierceness of a 'tsundere' and the air-headed/forgetfulness of a stupid 'baka' girl, comes the titular type and character Tsunbaka. This manga focuses on her daily life and her best friend Boon, who helps and protects Tsunbaka, as well as the greatest supporting character Dokuo.This originated as a 2chan thread and was later adapted by YOKO, similar to how Onani Master Kurosawa was created.
Adventures in Australia summary: Adventures in Australia summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Adventures in Australia. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Musical Myths and Facts summary: Musical Myths and Facts summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Musical Myths and Facts. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
An Idyl Of The East Side summary: An Idyl Of The East Side summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of An Idyl Of The East Side. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Witch Rebirth: Strike The Vampire summary: After a quick and mysterious death, Yoona found herself alive once more inside the body of a witch named Ribbon—a notable witch who was supposed to be dead in the strange world she woke up in. How unfortunate of her, for in this world, witches are condemned, and people are nothing but treacherous creatures. Wicked, a powerful man who introduced himself as the guardian of Ribbon had found her. Thinking that she lost her memory, he offered her a contract where she would pledge her blood to him whenever he needed it, and in return, he vowed to protect her and keep her alive. But is he really a friend or a foe? Moreover, will a normal high school girl survive in this dangerous world?