内容简介:战争,战争从未改变;天际线缓缓升起的蘑菇云,让一切旧日秩序崩塌在辐射尘埃之中;当人们从废墟中醒来,留给他们的是满目疮痍的新世界;新的秩序在私欲与贪婪的胚胎之中孕育,一出生便带着脓血和恶 臭;蠢蠢欲动的总督,满怀仇恨的异族,逐渐分崩离析的帝国,笼罩在世界之上的黑影;未来一片黑暗,1w0-99546 >>
内容简介: 雇佣兵王陈扬回归都市,只为保护战友的女神妹妹。无意中得罪少林俗家弟子这个恐怖的集团。一时间风起云涌,杀机如流。 且看一代兵王如何用铁拳和智慧去征服一个个强大对手,创造 属于王者的辉煌传奇…… (大家还可以关注我的另一本书,冰山女神爱上我,绝对精彩!)1w0-1253 >>
内容简介:接档新文《仙君道侣是只猫》《穿进渣贱文后我和男配HE了》求收藏OvOxA————————————————xA【有点不正经短文案】xA听说在晋江,师尊是个高危职业xAxA【非常不正经长文 案】xA洛允尘穿了,穿进一本烂尾修真小说里,成了里面对反派虐身虐心,导致反派黑化的炮灰师尊,xA一睁眼,他正好被刚开始黑化的反派下了药,按在床上准备不可描述。xAxA洛允尘:……那我先爽爽?xAxAxAxA季归寒本以为自己对洛允尘做了那种事,一定会被逐出师门,xA一想到他那个冰清玉润的师尊醒来的表情,他就兴奋。xAxA第一天,洛允尘去见了掌门,季归寒没事,xA第二天,洛允尘带着大徒弟挖藕去了,季归寒没事,xA第三天,洛允尘带着小徒弟抓鱼去了,季归寒没事,xA……xAxA后来,季归寒终于坐不住了,xA要怎么样才能让别人知道他是我老婆?急,在线等。xAxAxAxA面对季归寒,洛允尘只想当个渣男,但是——xA啪啪一时爽,揣崽火葬场,xA没人告诉渣男,这本破小说居然……是生子文??xAxA一开始,洛允尘一点不慌,哪吒他妈揣他三年,他也可以!xA等季归寒黑化远走师门,他就带着孩子回乡下种田!xAxA后来,看着步步逼近的季归寒,洛允尘面不改色地挡住了自己大起来的肚子:你到底什么时候走啊??xAxA—————★阅读排雷★—————xAxA·年下,主受,1V1HExA·封面是两人的拟兽,是饭粒太太的模板xA·生子!生子!生子!有包子!xA·架空乱炖,所有设定均为剧情服务xA·希望杠精有自知之明,共同促进和谐环境xA·围脖闲狐xAxA—————★接档预收★—————xAxA《仙君道侣是只猫》xAxA仙道魁首穆严己,惊才风逸、俊美无双,却无心无情,是朵可远观不可亵玩的高岭之花。xAxA这朵花最近被一只猫挠了。xAxA众仙家每天上朝围观黑猫花样对仙君亮爪子,私下都说就算是上古神君也逃不了毛茸茸的蛊惑,xA然而事实上——xAxA阎洛对着穆严己时,撒娇卖萌求抱抱,露出肚皮只想被上,xA穆严己对着阎洛时,投食顺毛捏肉球,便宜占尽就是不上他。xAxA后来阎洛生气了,留下一包小鱼干甩头要走,xA却被穆严己拎回来,摸着他的肚子问道:想把我的猫崽子揣去哪?xA阎洛:炸毛——xAxA穆严己:媳妇孕期脾气暴躁要怎么哄?在线等,急。xAxA——★《穿进渣贱文后我和男配HE了》★——xAxA柳觅青穿进一本渣贱文里,成了书中那个长相酷似渣攻白月光的贱受。xA原身沉迷渣攻,心甘情愿给渣攻当替身,替白月光养孩子,最后被一脚踹开,落个凄惨的下场。xA穿到大婚前一夜,看着眼前大红的婚服,柳觅青:草(一种植物)xAxA决 >>
内容简介: 玩家:我是一个月薪五千不到的打工仔,每个月房租要交掉自己一半的工资,没有女朋友还天天被上司训,但我很快乐,因为最近有一款虚拟游戏,在游戏里面我拥有强大的血统,不仅拥有自己的舰队还有 一颗领主赏赐我的殖民星球,虽然知道是假的,但在里面,我找到了自己人生的意义! 其实.......赏赐他星球的领主很想告诉他,这不是假的,你真有自己的舰队和殖民星球......但领主知道自己不能这么说,因为一旦说了,这些自以为是玩家的子民肯定就没现在这么恐怖了!! 群号:632123201,欢迎进群讨论!!1w0-3 >>
内容简介:出身破之一族,却与唐昊争锋!凭什么你为主,我为附属问过我手中长枪了吗?定要这世间明白,破魂枪远在昊天锤之上!他是唐昊一生都无法破除的梦魔。他是玉小刚恐惧的存在!他是比比东的丈夫。若干年 以后,杨威大怒:“唐三,你敢夺我儿之身?!!”去你!唐三灵魂被驱逐,变成了1w42385-109575 >>
内容简介:本文属于猎奇文,别名为《男主他总是很讲的是一位万人嫌的王爷历经千难万险,打败自家后院德才兼备的王妃以及一群千娇百媚的小妾,最终在众人失望的眼神中,喜滋滋地抱得美人归的故事。你需要知道, 女主是个玛丽苏的美女,人见人爱。也需要知道,男主是个万人嫌的渣男,人见人唾。还有一群不愿意女主跳入火坑,时不时跑出来坑一把渣男主的男女配角,其中战斗力最强的是男主明媒正娶的王妃,这是一位深明大义德才兼备有容有貌有人品的好妹子。明天五一,我会入V,入在码字中……是一篇除了虐男主,不会虐任何人的小白欢脱文,鉴于作者有些史料找不到,于是这文成了架空,但是背景朝代确实是唐朝,一个被作者改得面目全非的伪唐,介意勿入!!晋江总是在抽搐,若是您的后台看到更新,而页面不显示更新,【成【刷新页面。若这样还刷新不出来,换手机试试!1w0-109292 >>
内容简介:【娇软可爱小甜妹X痞帅腹黑大佬】文案一:班里有个小可爱,人甜声甜,娇滴滴一姑娘,不知怎地惹上了学校大佬,不仅整天逗她,还欺负她,更可恶的是随时随地都在捏小可爱那软乎乎的脸蛋。就在全班以 为小可爱是因害怕被揍才不敢反抗时,结局另他们大吃一惊。某天,宋舟野像往常一样捏小可爱的脸,她忍无可忍,怒拍桌,踮脚去揪大佬的衣领。大佬生怕她揪不到,微俯身,听到她恶狠狠说:“宋舟野,你要是再捏我的脸,我就把你看动画片的事说出去!”“……”全班突然安静如鸡,表示,“你……已经说出去了。”文案二:商界赫赫有名的宋舟野生平第一次接受采访,记者问:“宋先生如今取得如此成就,是什么一直支持您走下去呢?”宋舟野慢悠悠将婚戒露出,云淡风轻:“我家小姑娘,姜月玥。”记者团:敢情你接受采访就是为了秀恩爱?各位书友要是觉得《校霸谈的恋爱甜爆啦》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-81355 >>
Aboard the luxury liner Phase 20, a girl named Ran finds herself and the rest of the crew taken hostage by the illusive and nefarious '20 Faces.'
From Endless Youth and Co.: Shunpei Closer's grandfather, Alsyd Closer, was an odd man. He traveled around the world always coming back to Japan to tell his grandson all the amazing adventures he would have. Before leaving to Africa on Shunpei's 7th birthday, he gives him a teddy bear named Hyde. Six years have passed and one day Shunpei receives a mysterious package that contains a deadly surprise. To survive, he will learn more about his grandfather than he ever dared to dream and learn what it takes to be a real man, and not the coward he always thought it was all right to be.
In the year 2038, a white light descended on the center of Tokyo and stole the memories of over one million people. The cause of this horrible incident was not determined, and no cure was to be found. The government formed a separate city beneath Tokyo to house and care for the victims of the incident and branded them as 'KIDz.' Regardless of their age, they truly are like children, and they must be retaught everything they once knew. Noa Ikurumi, a boy genius who lives in this isolated society, is just taking one day at a time and dreaming of finally being allowed to go back out into the world. But Noa's life will once again change drastically on the day that he is taken hostage by a terrorist with some surprising information about his identity...
From Biblo Eros: A collection of oneshots featuring school boys in angsty love. The artwork is beautiful as always and the tales seem more serious than Clan of Nakagamis, more reminiscent of I want to become your bird. 1)Lost Children- Koyo Tomohiko and Fukube Naoto are childhood friends. But when Naoto gets a girlfriend and doesn't have much time for Tomo anymore, Tomo's pissed! But is friendship the only thing Tomo feels? 2)Diamonds are Forever- Taki Chisato and Kamitori Taichi have been goofing off instead of studying. Now their tutor, Taki's cousin Atsushi, is punishing them for wrong answers...by making them kiss each other?! 3)Continuation of Diamonds are Forever. Chisato and Taichi are dating, but Taichi wants some of the physical benefits of dating. 4)Golden Star- Third year junior high student Murakami finds himself watching stoic classmate Takahashi play the piano every year for their school chorus. But Murakami really likes Takahashi's voice and wants to hear him sing. 5)Flower Scented- Mushano Kouji is a master wizard who teaches magic to children. But when 36 year old Sakurada Tsukihito asks to be his apprentice, Kouji doesn't send him away. Sakarada is hopeless with magic, but great with housework, which is just what Kouji needs, but why does this man want to learn magic so badly?
Secrets of His Royal Highness: Pampered Consort summary:
Ming Luo is a wasted daughter of the Duke Yi’s household. Her father forced her to study medicine but it was not a wise choice since she was of no use. Her sister from a different mother uses underhanded schemes to get rid of her. Out of guilt and frustration, she tries to commit suicide. Everyone thought she was going to die but she miraculously woke up.
She accidentally saved the crown prince. With the emperor’s edict, she entered the imperial palace as an imperial physician.
The dangerous and ruthless crown prince with his unpredictable mood swings, she feels like she has aged more than 10 years followed by his flirtatious and pestering brothers.
What will happen to her in the imperial palace full of mysteries?
Journey Beyond summary: Journey Beyond summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Journey Beyond. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
A Rogue's Power summary: A Rogue's Power summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Rogue's Power. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
A Year's Journey through France and Part of Spain summary: A Year's Journey through France and Part of Spain summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Year's Journey through France and Part of Spain. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.