内容简介:诸天世界,中天为王,人族称雄!曾经,有十亿八千万魔神统御中天世界;曾经,人族先贤筚路蓝缕,但为求存。俱往矣,当神力长河贯穿中天,亘古奔涌之时,一个属于“神通”的大时代到来。中天人族纵横 诸天世界,亿万生灵都在神通下低头束手,昔日的一切辉煌尽为过往,每一个新的一天到来,都是前所未有的巅峰!幸甚何如,生于斯时!……莫玄,手持众神图录,身后朦胧光影,或横刀立马,或普度众生……皆是:东方众神!他的面前,是:无量神通,不尽威能;诸天世界,神秘莫测。携东方众神威能,踏入这个属于人族的最巅峰时代,神力光辉诸天暗影下,他昂然而立!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《诸天》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-83134 >>
内容简介: 眼睛一睁一闭,秦遮发现自己穿越了,穿越到了一个灵气复苏的平行世界。 咦?居然有状态栏还有100点初始潜能点? 等等!我就看了一眼体质为什么全加上去了? 卧槽别啊! 望 着放在眼前的仙、魔、武三条修炼之道,秦遮很绝望。 他觉得自己可能错过了一个完美开局……1w0-2840 >>
内容简介:穿越后的女主不愿嫁入豪门经历三妻四妾的宅斗生活,成功逃婚嫁了个平凡男人,却不料平凡丈夫也爱齐人之福,于是你既无情我便休,索取休书一封,飘然远去。不要男人,她阮云丝照样可以活得风生水起。 只因她胸怀锦绣,自可织就一世繁华。偏偏造化弄人,一夕巧遇,一夜收留之恩,却让这位富贵至极的翩翩佳公子痴缠不休。好吧,这样的男人,若说一点也不动心,那是不可能的,但问题是:他……他他他就是那个被她逃婚成功而险些成为京城笑柄的苏小公爷啊。呜呜呜,小公爷,我知道错了,求您行行好,放过我吧。友情提醒:本文架空,考据党(尤其是对织染知识精通的考据党)慎入,因为梨花对此类知识真是一窍不通,在网上查了很多资料,所知仍然有限,擅入气得吐血,梨花不负责喔本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《锦心》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-61742 >>
内容简介: 楚千尘重生了。 她是永定侯府的庶女,爹爹不疼,姨娘不爱,偏又生得国色天香,貌美无双。 上一世,她因为意外毁了容,青梅竹马的表哥从此移情别恋,侯府厌弃她,却又一再利用她,最后把她 视作弃子赶出了侯府,任她自生自灭。 而害她之人却青云直上,荣华一世。 …… 上一世,他捡到了无依无靠的她,悉心教导。 他死后,她用了十年颠覆王朝,为他报仇,再睁眼时,竟重生在了毁容之前…… 翻盘重来是必须的。 更重要的是,她想见他! ———— 小剧场: 听说,宸王不喜女色,最讨厌女子涂脂抹粉,浓妆艳抹。 听说,曾经有公府千金被他一句“丑人多做怪”斥得羞愤欲绝。 前世,楚千尘也是这么以为的,青衣素钗,生怕他不喜。 直到今世,花好月圆夜,宸王摸出一个小巧的胭脂盒,笑若春风地看着她,“我替你擦?” 楚千尘:“……” 宸王:“闺中之乐,有甚于画眉者。”1w0-1838 >>
内容简介:本文将于12月9日入V,入V当天三更奉上。谢谢大家一直以来的支持,往后也请继续支持。时默被三甲医院主任医师盖棺定论的拥有A级Omega基因。不料补品吃的过多,导致腺理突然变异,一朝逆反 分化成了Alpha。为了追到学院的Alpha女神,时默隐藏自己Alpha的身份,伪装成娇柔抚媚的Omega。装O路上,眼看女神跟自己的距离越来越小,却被自己的青梅——身为S级Omega却为了守护小狼崽子霸气装A的裴书妍处处暗中阻扰。女神离自己越来越远,邻家腹黑姐姐却总是似有若无地磨蹭她的腺体,这叫一个怎么回事???小剧场:时默:“裴学姐,我一直喜欢一个人,你教教我,要怎么追她?”裴书妍:“除了范雪闲,你还喜欢谁?”时默:“我只喜欢她一个人。但是她一直在骗我。”时默附在她耳边,低喃道:“她的马甲掉了,被我发现了。”裴书妍:“???!!!”时默:“姐姐,别装了,让我咬一口。”傲娇狼崽装O攻VS腹黑年上装A受小狼崽子傲娇多年,一直不肯承认喜欢姐姐的故事。如果您喜欢姐姐,你掉马了!,别忘记分享给朋友作者:野生菌别跑所写的《姐姐,你掉马了!》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-74092 >>
内容简介:顶级高手沐云帆在西方纵横无双,大杀四方,但却被师父一个电话喊回国内和冷艳美女总裁订婚。莫名其妙多了个未婚妻不算,还在诸多美女想要泡他,有纯情火辣的,有天真无邪的,有御姐风范的,这可怎么 选?1w19273-25980 >>
内容简介: 【小反派×大反派,1v1,双洁,宠爱】 萧月瑶,肤白貌美大长腿,乃京都第一美人! 她爹,手握重权的武侯爷。 她哥,最高审判大理寺卿。 她外公!位列三公的太傅。 可偏偏,她 是个,反派! …… 萧月瑶自认作为积极向上的小反派,自然要遵守反派守则: 一是要作死,二是要寻死,三是要争取活不过第二集。 所以—— 萧月瑶没事就去搞一下女主。 女主:我的女主光环呢?!! 没事再去搞一下男主。 男主:为你痴为你狂,为你哐哐哐撞大墙! 但但但,她是真的没想招惹大反派啊! 直到牌子被翻,那位暴君站在她面前,睥睨倨临。 “听说爱妃在外造谣朕,那日后便由爱妃侍寝。” 萧月瑶哭:“陛下,臣妾做不到啊!” …… N年后。 大臣一号:萧妃有福,膝下有子 大臣:一生还生七八个。 萧月瑶叹气:迫于无奈才生的,毕竟家里有皇位要继承嘛! #一入宫门深似海从此节操是路人#1w0-2214 >>
内容简介:绝美小废物爆红了是云东曼创作的经典的小说作品绝美小废物爆红了小兵提供绝美小废物爆红了最新章节全文免费阅读,绝美小废物爆红了下载,绝美小废物爆红了全文字更新,绝美小废物爆红了无弹窗!请关 注绝美小废物爆红了吧,本站最新最快更新绝美小废物爆红了的最新章节。1w0-67283 >>
内容简介:天才法医,穿越到了极品农家爹娘早亡,舅舅黑心,表姐抢她未婚夫,外婆盼她断气好配阴婚统统别想!看她护幼弟,斗极品,种田发家致富忙!只是那谁,你要再步步紧逼,我手上的解剖刀可不客气了!某男 吹灯宽衣:娘子,何必用刀子,为夫自己来。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《重生种田:首辅家的小娇娘》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-81077 >>
From MangaHelpers: No matter how hard he thinks about it, Todoin Seiya cannot figure out why he doesn't have a girlfriend in his 16-year lifespan. Physically attractive, naturally smart, athletic and, on top of that, comes from a wealthy and politically significant family. And it’s not like he hasn't tried either; but every girl he asks out flat out rejects him. Seiya sets a goal for himself to get a girlfriend by the time high school ends and rejection isn't going to stop him from trying again. But it sure is heartbreaking when you get rejected this many times without knowing why. [vyc]
Like the earlier Battle Royales, a class of middle school students are picked to compete in fights to the death on an island until there is only one left. The manga follows the point of view of Girl #10 Makoto Hashimoto, an unlucky girl who fears that her class will be chosen to participate in 'the program,' a mysterious event that forces students to kill each other. Makoto attends Shikanotoride Junior High School. After the encouragement of her best friend Itou Yamamoto and her mother she decides to face the chances. Her fears are supposedly put to rest when word spreads that all 50 Programs had already been executed in the year making them 100% unlikely to participate... Taken from MangaUpdates This manga was released straight to tankobon (graphic novel) format, therefore there was no serialization. However, a thirty page preview ran in Akita Shoten's Young Champion Magazine. The problem with straight to tankobon manga is that there is no indication whatsoever of when the next volume might be released. Though the author is the same, the artist has changed from the original manga. The realistic grit of Masayuki Taguchi has been replaced by the lighthearted cartooniness of Hitoshi Tomizawa. Also, though it is still written by Koushun Takami, the original story is based on the universe of the films rather than that of the original novel. Taken from AnimeNewsNetwork.
From Solaris-SVU: Kimijima is a freelance worker who seeks to become a contributing member of society. After a night of passion with a beautiful woman goes wrong, he finds himself rushing to make an early job interview. However, the interviewer turns out to be the woman with whom he spent the previous night.
Death comes suddenly to a loved one. Though their body may have perished, you cling to the hope that their soul will stay with you... It is the year 2222, and that dream has been made a reality in a local city of Japan. Today, at the Soul Foundry in the center of the city, people's souls are being transferred to the bodies of others, or sometimes, to things that aren't human. This manga is a story about the curious, bittersweet love and human dramas that exist in an age where souls can remain in this world after death.
One Piece - The Rise Of Uchiha Itachi summary: Uchiha Itachi, a man who has experienced two lives and two deaths, he had lived as a human and also Edo Tensei. But he never thought that he would be revived a second time. Itachi initially thought he was revived through Edo Tensei. But He realized that he was still a human but Without Chakra. Fortunately he still has the Mangekyō Sharingan. Follow Itachi 's adventures in a world that is even worse...
Black-bellied Movie Emperor's Clever Wife summary: The female lead is an expert in criminal psychology, and also martial arts instructor in special division. With high IQ, high physical fitness, but low EQ and slow reaction. The male lead is in the entertainment circle “The big shot”, king of superstar, film emperor (People: Your Majesty!). At the age of 5 he began to love the female lead secretly, the secret love lasts for 22 years without any changing in affection, and in the end he becomes a love-sick person with kind and proud attributes of a loyal dog. In the first round, she pushed him until he was bleeding. In the second round, he was thrown of by her until he sees the star. But he knew from the beginning that she was his wife. She used a professional perspective on criminal psychology to evaluate him: deceitful, good-looking, arrogant, self-perceived, and highly manipulated, and can be diagnosed as clinical psychopathy. Finally she asked: Do you really want to sleep with me now? He answered: Wrong! I’ve been wanting to sleep with you from a long time ago.
Hyacinth summary: Hyacinth summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hyacinth. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Montgomery, the Capital City of Alabama summary: Montgomery, the Capital City of Alabama summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Montgomery, the Capital City of Alabama. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.