内容简介:一觉醒来,林毅发现自己居然穿越到了妖魔复苏三百年后的平行世界。妖魔遍地走,诡异多如狗面对着未知的威胁,林毅觉醒签到系统,开局便签到掌心雷!叮,绑定老天师模板,开启猎杀时刻!…签到一时爽 ,一直签到一直爽(欢迎入坑)1w0-81498 >>
内容简介:十五岁,她从高高在上的千金大小姐变为无父无母的孤儿。黎氏破产,最爱她的父亲跳楼自杀,母亲远走她乡,只剩下她一个背负了一辈子都难以还清的债务。十五岁,黎念卿第一次见到霍炎臻,在自己父亲的 灵堂里,她哭晕在了他的怀里。他接手了破产的黎氏,也接受了她,他成了她的监护人。三年来,黎念卿一直不明白冷酷如霍炎臻为何会在她最1w0-77167 >>
内容简介:大三那年,我通过做家教,认识了蓝姐。那天她穿着枣红色的针织衫,带着墨镜,背靠在一辆红色的宝马前,长发飘飘,引得过往学生,纷纷侧目。远远地,我就看见了她,但不敢确定,就打了个电话。她似乎 也看见了我,一边接着电话,一边冲我招手,笑的很甜,像春日里的阳光。如果这世上真有一见钟情,那我和蓝姐的相遇,就属于命中注定。1w0-113533 >>
内容简介:那天,我以为这辈子注定被人嘲笑;那天,我以为此生注定贫穷;但那天,我爸给了我二十个亿!每日十二点,准时三更,保质保量求收藏,求推荐票,求钻石票。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我爸给我二十 亿》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-78964 >>
内容简介:窝囊废物的上门女婿叶飞,无意中得到太极经和生死石的传承,自此开始了不一样的人生,他医术救美,武道杀敌,不仅横扫他人的轻视和嘲笑,赢得娇妻的芳心,更是站到了这世界的巅峰,睥睨天下。1w1 340-29321 >>
内容简介:“你救了我妈咪,我们让她以身相许。”看着面前这对酷似自己的龙凤宝贝,霍景琛狠狠咬牙,“你们妈咪是谁?”小宝贝双手插腰:“怎么?你连自己有老婆有孩子的事都不知道?”五年前的一场设计,她被 迫爬上他的床。五年后,他冷冷逼近:“偷了我的种,还敢对我始乱终弃?”大家都说霍少权势滔天、高冷神秘,一转眼就把妻子宠成了公主。“爹地,妈咪把影后给打了。”男人心疼的摸着妻子的手,“把手打疼没?”“爹地,有人想1w15874-25963 >>
内容简介:姜糖意外穿越到七零年代,姥姥不疼,后妈不爱,身后还有个跟屁虫弟弟。正当她饥寒交迫时,金手指来了。她随便在地上画一画,就能凭空变出东西。食物、商品、粮票应有尽有,简直躺赢有木有。前一世, 她是公司高管,呕心沥血,这一世她打算躺平了。奈何,从小定的娃娃亲上门,对象是个病秧子,姜糖摊手:我堂堂大女主,就配这个?某男摇身一变,文学泰斗、商界黑马、医学界传奇……姜糖点头如捣蒜:“配一脸!”1w0-27519 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:特种兵:开局就被变强】一觉醒来李谦重生到蓝星炎国他本以为这是平行世界却没想到自己居然来到了特种兵世界成了东海第一豪门独生子安然是他姐领养的这还不算唐心怡还是他 的未婚妻可才重生过来人家就要退婚。这怎么办?幸好觉醒了超神视频提取系统观看《格斗术》提取神级格斗技巧观看《通缉令》化身无敌枪神子弹都可以转弯观看《动物世界》获得超级鹰眼、危险感应、蚂蚁巨1w0-72947 >>
内容简介:预收《悄悄揣个崽》求收藏正文已完结,可宰韩国公府陆凝,位高权重,俊美无俦,京城不知多少贵女芳心暗许。只有沈娇知道,上辈子他冷血无情,野心勃勃,她替姐姐嫁于他,不足两年他便谋反,连累她凄 惨而死。沈娇不知道的是,她死后他也彻底疯了,甚至用几十年寿命换了她的重生。重生归来,沈娇只想离他远远的,求一世安宁。半夜,忽地惊醒,他却站在她的床前。男人修长如玉的手,拂过她的眉眼,落在她唇上,眼底是让人难懂的晦涩,“沈娇,你只能是我的。”天堂也好地狱也罢,他在哪儿她就得在哪儿。沈娇止不住的轻颤。再次成亲后,她始终战战兢兢,一日不小心摔了他最宝贝的一块玉,沈娇吓得脸都白了,终日紧绷的情绪也有些崩,她试探着又摔了一块。她等着他兴师问罪,谁料男人只是扫一眼地上的狼藉,便将人抱到了床上,“伤着没?”沈娇紧绷着小脸,严肃道“我故意的!”只盼他一怒之下,送她一纸休书。丫鬟小厮都觉得她要完。然而男人眼皮都没掀一下,“娇娇若喜欢摔,我明日让人将库房的玉器全搬出来。”沈娇有些懵,直到晕乎乎当上皇后,她才明白,这人惦记她不是一天两天了。——推荐一下自己的预收文:古言:《悄悄揣了个崽》by墨子哲太子裴行面若谪仙、才情斐然,却偏偏冷淡疏离,对女人避若蛇蝎,纵使如此,依然有不少贵女削尖了脑袋,想当他的侧妃。他成亲三载,膝下却始终无子,直到太子妃愤怒之下,回府不归,太子有隐疾一事,才忽地传遍整个朝野。请奏废黜太子的奏折一日多过一日。见太子如此处境,陆晓晓满心担忧。奈何她不过陆府一个小小庶女,就算有心帮他,也无能为力,唯有去寺庙烧香时,祈求菩萨保佑他尽快圆房。谁料,她竟梦到自己与太子……早上醒来,陆晓晓只觉罪过。上香时,她改而祈求太子尽快有个子嗣。回府后,她的肚子竟一日日大了起来。陆晓晓有些惊恐,赐婚的圣旨,却突然降临陆府。见皇上不仅没有废黜太子,还荒唐地将一个庶女许给太子为正妃,众位大臣不由抽了抽眼角。贵女们也都等着看陆晓晓的笑话,太子连她们都瞧不上,又岂会看上身份这么低贱的玩意?直到宫宴上,她们瞧见,一向冷淡矜贵的太子,竟亲自抱着她离席,他眉眼冷淡,落在她眼睛上的吻却那样轻柔。这个太子一定是假的——古言:《思慕》by墨子哲豆豆无依无靠,可怜巴巴长到十二岁时,在河边捡了个男人,他衣衫褴褛,满身鲜血,却难掩周身的气质。豆豆偷偷将他藏了起来,哪怕自个都填不饱肚子,却足足养了他三个月,他走时,将豆豆带到了京城。豆豆这才知道,他竟是鼎鼎大名的摄政王,而她则从个小村姑,一跃成了他护着的宝。及笄前,提亲的人踏破了门槛,豆豆拒了一个又一个。摄政王眉峰微挑,“真没有相中的?不论相中了谁,我都能将人绑到你跟前 >>
Chapter 5 - 'Basically a guy, who is madly in love with his stepfather, tries to suppress his feelings and goes on to try to lead a normal life, i.e. get a girlfriend, get married, etc. Unfortunately he finds it very hard to forget about the love of his life...' --fishballsoup From Baka-Updates: 6) The passionate straight The return of the baseball couple from the second chapter of Damatte Naite Irunodesu. 8) Sakanaya no ossan ga Haruto has been going out with the 'old man' at the fish shop, Kurumi, for a month. But lately Kurumi always seems to have something else to do than be with Haruto. Is their relationship going to last?
Viewed by some as a monstrous scourge and others as dark gods, the dragons are almost as ancient and powerful as Odin and the other Aesir, and for countless years have lived wild and free, unbowed and soaring across open skies. But things have changed. The dragons have been tricked and enslaved by the malevolent Loki and the traitorous Nidhogg, the Black Dragon. Now, their only hope for freedom rests with those few dragons who were able to avoid enslavement, one of whom was Iris. With ancient fire burning in her veins and hungry for vengeance, Iris has allied herself with the Einherjar so that she might gain the chance to burn Loki to ashes and free her captive brothers and sisters. Crystal Arena is a manga series based on the strategy game Crystal Arena, a story of the legendary Einherjar fighting alongside with the mighty gods in the ultimate battle of Ragnarok.
After his mother's death, Miwatari Yuu returns from Tokyo to live with relatives in the city of his birth, Ousuku. Yuu is the latest of a line of Shinto priests that stretches back generations. After his arrival, he runs into a strange girl who seems to be searching for the Northern Lights. Yuu saw the Aurora as a child, though no one believed him, and his mother had told him it was the armor of the Valkyries traced across the sky. Yuu's destiny is interwoven with this mysterious girl and the aurora, and he will not be able to help being drawn into a battle that involves both gods and humans!
From [g]The Paper Dolls Project[/g] Love comedy depicting “the great me (oresama)†that falls in love for the first time and the agony of a timid high school girl is Zetsubou Baby. Our heroine, Kasumi, who don’t even have friends let alone boyfriend, is suddenly being told to “become my woman†by this elite man of men. Kasumi is very scared in the beginning, but little by little her heart begin to change by the daring moves of this man.
The Witch CEO Is NOT A Demoness summary:
High bun, eyegla.s.ses, long sleeve shirt and plaited skirt. Dressed so strictly, FengJiu reached 28 without having any intimate interaction with men.
At an early age, being an orphan, FengJiu dedicated herself on taking good care of her grandfather and their business, choosing to live a life different from a normal teenager.
Now, as the CEO of Feng International, people view her as a stoic woman without emotions. Deep inside, FengJiu is like any other women, want to experience the beauty of life and romance.
Due to the pressure of her grandfather in her marriage, FengJiu decided to let herself experience the life of a single woman without worries before tying the knot (marriage). For the first time in her life, she got drunk and party all night.
Huh? Why is she naked? Eh? Ehh?!
'Woman, after eating me dry, you have to take responsibility.' a shameless man said.
In an instant, she became his 'sugar mommy'.
What?! This shameless NEET whom she 'adopted' is the owner of Lu Corporation, her enemy?!
Before she could escape, she got tied on the bed.
'Woman, you better chose wisely. You will marry me or I will marry you?'
She strictly rejects him after knowing everything but every inch of her body craves for him otherwise.
(N.E.E.T.- Not in Education, Employment or Training aka Unemployed)
Police Your Planet summary: Police Your Planet summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Police Your Planet. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Literary Lapses summary: Literary Lapses summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Literary Lapses. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Galaxy, June 1877 summary: The Galaxy, June 1877 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Galaxy, June 1877. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.