内容简介:在《永无止境》世界功成名就的穿越者徐迁,突然再次穿越至《倚天屠龙记》世界,看徐迁如何在诸天世界搅动风云,踏上成神之路。倚天世界:我为魔教主,收天下武学,开武学盛世。一人世界:恕我直言, 在座异人,都是垃圾。都想要八奇技?既然想要,那就给你们好了!超神世界:神?魔?听说很厉害的样子,在实验台上,应该能多挨几刀吧?PS:新书新作,看小说本是为了放松,希望本书能让观阅的读者大佬们放松。作者水平有限,若有错漏,还望包容。1w0-134771 >>
内容简介:高二那年,陆杳杳转学到了霖城四中,在这里遇到了爱大家惹事的周景,还和他成了同桌。本以为同桌不好惹,没想到他对她很友好,甚至是特别宠溺。陆杳杳本想井水不犯河水,结果却被他拉进楼梯间里壁咚 “你很怕我?”“陆杳杳,我喜欢你,你看不出来吗?”周景在线追妻,看他如何一步步把娇软小怂包骗到怀里。1w0-83231 >>
内容简介: 老徐家祖坟冒青烟了!当了祖母的徐老太太又怀上了!老当益壮的徐老爷子走路都带风!老徐家的儿媳妇们却开始瑟瑟发抖,不管她们婆婆生儿生女,家里都要多个小祖宗,这日子,可咋熬啊?十月怀抱, 老太太生了个水灵灵的闺女,取名福宝。老徐家的日子,顿时变得玄幻了起来。福宝:“娘,我捡了一只兔子!”福宝:“爹,这是金子吗?”徐老大:“妹子,你帮大哥瞅瞅,今儿进山有收成么?”徐老二:“福宝啊,二哥对你好不好?”徐老三:“宝啊,你得保佑你三哥这回考中了啊,回来给你带大花布!”徐大嫂、徐二嫂、徐三嫂:“她小姑,你别动,放着,让我们来!”1w0-1824 >>
内容简介: 获得系统,将乡村民宿一步步打造成世界上最好的酒店。 全球酒店最大的数据提供商STR负责人德勒双手抱头:“世界上最豪华的酒店居然在华夏川省眉州市下一个不知名的小山村中,你敢信?” “别拿我们希尔顿集团和那家华夏的酒店比,这对我们不公平,信不信我用尖皮鞋狠狠踢你屁股,我们只是酒店,那家酒店是艺术品。”希尔顿集团负责人恶狠狠的道。 菜猫建了个新群,大家可以进来聊天,菜猫不定时出没哟~ 7035123131w0-2373 >>
内容简介:鲛珠现世,牵出四万年前一段前尘往事,少嬉不喑世事,却无辜被累其中。下凡尘、抓恶魂、渡南海、忆前尘……上仙司命倾尽所有以命相护,却换不来佳人一颗芳心。魔君娶亲,正逢她千年大劫,双眼已瞎, 再不见世事繁华。司命以身殉阵,弥留之际望着少嬉,喃喃:“等我……”1w0-83598 >>
内容简介:小兵提供空竹大神最新作品《婚姻计中计》最新章节全文免费阅读,婚姻计中计TXT下载,婚姻计中计全文字更新,婚姻计中计无弹窗!请关注狂人小说网婚姻计中计吧,本站最新最快更新婚姻计中计的最新 章节。1w0-70557 >>
内容简介:b【简版文案】本文又名《闷骚男和闷骚女》简单来说就是讲娱乐圈一对闷骚男女如何闷骚的谈恋爱的故事【阅读指南】☆1V1,甜宠,HE,单身汪无狗粮者慎入☆☆无原型,纯属虚构,主爱情线☆☆喜欢 的话请不吝收藏,你的收藏是我更新的动力☆☆节奏快,日更3000,每日凌晨更文☆☆存稿已完结,放心入坑,请大胆收藏我☆☆谢绝转载,谢绝扒榜☆《只道静水情深》欢脱(wu)版文案【男主版】【韩佑扬】(哔),亲也亲了,睡也睡了,该做不该做的都做了,现在吃干抹净,拍拍屁股就走人?个养不熟的丫头片子。【作者君吼男主】你啥都做了你倒是说啊说啊,你这么闷骚你家女主造吗?她造吗?造吗?吗?【女主版】【莫沐北】这,大家都是成年人了,做就做了,顺其自然维持着亲密关系也不错啦,反正她也不在乎内什么。。。【作者君嘲女主】你厉害,你潇洒,你就可劲儿憋,憋出内伤,憋出新高度。(蜜汁微笑,手动债见!)作者君专栏卖萌o∩∩o求收藏花球君专注甜文100年↓点开我的专栏把我领回家嘛作者君的新文,4月更新,求收藏作者君新文《091重生093BOSS宠无度》关键词①重生女主汪艺侬,被傲娇BOSS宠翻天关键词②1V1宠文,HE;各种配角涉及娱乐圈【简介】上一世是苦逼留学生的汪艺侬,这一世逆袭成了白富美。不小心就掉进了土豪堆,和一群富二代小朋友谈完理想谈人生。然而其中有一个叫宋慕怀的男人,从初见她时就一副看穿她的模样,深不可测、阴晴不定,简直就是大写的蛇精病!汪艺侬觉得上一世的剧本不对,这一世得重新来。可导演是谁?她越来越不确定了。花球君小伙伴们の文文戳戳看→091幻想现言093《091重生093谢谢你那么爱我》:重生鉴定师和高冷温情老公的甜宠之路戳戳看→091幻想现言093《男神是只猫》:变成猫后如何追求女主戳戳看→091幻想现言093《091快穿093萌妻难追》:某人幸(倒)福(霉)的追妻之路戳戳看→091科幻现言093《未来之将军大人的苦恼》:暴力食人花与忠犬的爱情故事戳戳看→091幻言存稿093《男神在我戒指里》:男神在手,天下我有戳戳看→091幻想现言093《古穿今之将军巨星》:091古穿今093女将军反穿现代娱乐圈戳戳看→091幻想现言093《咱们唱歌有力量》:拯救歌坛和世界戳戳看→091幻想现言093《人鱼的秘密娱乐圈》:十三线女星的二逼人生tdtitlebackgroundcolorBA5956borderbottomcolorBA5956borderbottomstylesolidborderbottomwidth1pxpadding3px5px0readtdbackgroundFEF9F1b >>
内容简介:【都市之盗尽天下】“被他锁定的猎物休想逃掉,他那华丽的手法犹如幻术”——华国警方“以星辰般不可数的面容与声音,玩弄警察于鼓掌之间的天才型罪犯”——米国FIB“世界所有罪犯最害怕的不是F IB或者军情五处,而是那个能够偷物,又能够偷心和偷梦的怪盗”——不列颠军情五处本故事及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。(书屋(05)已开启缓存可登陆收藏到书架查看最新,或者刷新等待一会,感谢您选择书屋阅读都市之盗尽天下!)各位书友要是觉得《都市之盗尽天下》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-81277 >>
内容简介:天降《万界科技系统》,开启传奇人生!完成系统任务,进行万界科技大抽奖。抽到《钢铁侠》世界精密的机床一台,机械精密加工我怕谁!抽到《生化危机》红后一个,拿着她给自己开发杀毒软件,干翻全世 界的杀毒软件不是梦!抽出一个终结者T800?这下子牛逼大发了,谁还敢打我的主意,统统都得见上帝!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《万界科技系统》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-63276 >>
Ninjas. Schoolboys. What more can you ask for? This one is hilarious. 1-3) A boy, who always gets bullied is told by his dad that the day he turns sixteen he is going to get someone that will always be with him. The boy, Kazu-kun, believes it will be a fiancee, since his dad got a wife (his mom) and his grandma a husband (his grandpa) on their sixteen birthday, but oh surprise, it is a boy and he is a ninja. So begins the story between Kazu-kun and Masanaru and their romance.[By knayelic -Baka-Updates manga series] . 4) Path To Happiness Single father and jobless Yagami Chiharu is saved from being hit by a car by an old high school friend, Okumura Masakazu, but the latter gets injured. So Yagami becomes Okumura's housekeeper until he recovers from his injury. 5) Project Section 3: Only For Two Yokohama Takashi became a toy maker chasing a childhood dream, but when his project gets the worst selling record, he is demoted in the third section, where all the employees end up quitting... Will Yokohama be able to revive the team with the support of the section manager? 6) Banquet For Two Continuation to the previoous chapter. To celebrate the sales success Yokohama organizes a banquet...
Volume 1: Nozomi has a childhood friend who is 7 years older than him, Mitsuru. Mitsuru not only teaches him how to study and play, but also teaches him how to kiss and masturbate! Nozomi wants to lose his virginity by having sex with a girl, but the only thing he can think of is doing it with Mitsuru. On top of that, he was harassed by an idol named Yuuma, while he himself uncontrollably harasses Jin who is younger than him. How will this continuously complicated love end? Volume 2: “We’re at an age when sexual curiosity is high! My name is Nozomi and I’ve always wanted to date the one I love. Not just going out for an evening stroll, but to do the things I love with him.” Although this is in Nozomi’s mind, he still can’t bring himself to say it. When will my dreams come true!? My heart is overflowed with hope, and I can’t live without a man... whose fault is that!?
[From Aku-Tenshi]: In the center on a metropolis city lies a small, shaky-looking house. A normal... Okay... Not so normal high school student, Sakura Tetsu (and his family), who works day and night relentlessly to support his family's living expenses, lives there. All is normal until one day, people from the future, alien pirates from outer space, appear. The underground kingdom claims Tetsu's land. Will he prevail in protecting his own land? Or will he surrender his land into many more invaders to come? Yes... Weirdness and insanity ensues!
Original webcomic From MangaHelpers: Ichijo Kazuya thought that he was murdered, but when he came to, he was back in his high school days. He lived his entire life as a playboy and had had countless sexual encounters with women until that fateful day that he was killed. He realizes that his murderer was his old high school friend Tanaka Masaki who was jealous of Kazuya’s relationships and his built up anger eventually exploded. Taken back 15 years into his past, it seems that he has been given a second chance at life and given a chance to make different choices. He decides that the way to prevent his eventual demise is to make sure Masaki is more successful with girls and loses his virginity before Kazuya. But fate seems to be steering Kazuya towards the path of his previous life and keeps introducing the same girls he had sexual encounters with. [vyc]
For the Temple summary: For the Temple summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of For the Temple. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
My Husband With Scholar Syndrome summary: My Husband With Scholar Syndrome summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of My Husband With Scholar Syndrome. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Seven Graded Sunday Schools summary: Seven Graded Sunday Schools summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Seven Graded Sunday Schools. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Wishes Granted :Your Genei summary: Wishes Granted :Your Genei summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Wishes Granted :Your Genei. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.