内容简介:隐婚四年,她尽职尽责,听话乖巧,最终得到一句:“你很好,但我要和别人结婚了。”于是一纸协议,她净身出户。她不怨,因为从结婚开始,她就知道,他们只是一场交易。如今,不过是交易结束了而已。 她本想藏起心中旖念,从此以后分道扬镳,各自安好。“你怀孕了。”医生一句话,打断了她想要得平静的生活。而他也忽然出现,满目冰冷的说:“你违约了,你要付出代价。”1w0-4947 >>
内容简介:白山不小心成了恶鬼家的上门女婿。但幸好,他拥有着【“等价”交换】的天赋,只要达到功法的最低需求,就可以跳过修炼过程,并直接“大圆满”。【猛虎啸夜篇】需求1:【猛虎啸夜篇】全文需求2:肉 600斤,虎骨酒200斤,长恨草汁液3滴,焚心红花果实1颗(可通过积累达标)需求3:威慑一头携带不少于五只伥鬼的虎妖,并与之签订契约,使其认主于你需求4:在一个阴天的晚上,屠戮一个至少千人的聚落,在其中感受痛苦和恐惧作用1暴君:当你占据优势后,会彻底镇压对手,哪怕对手比你强,也会心生恐惧,而无法正常发挥作用2阳炎体质:作用3夜魔:大魔裹着人皮,心中暗藏神通。仙道通天无垠,我却另走一边。开局赘入深渊最新章节地址:1w0-80084 >>
内容简介:她的内心,隐瞒着一个秘密。她人前衣冠楚楚的丈夫,实际上是……性无能。而五年的无性婚姻,终于在她的脸上狠狠地甩了一个巴掌。昔日婚姻的美好童话,最终崩塌在眼前,婆婆反目,小三登堂入室,高傲 的宣布怀了丈夫的骨肉,她成了被人嫌弃的下堂妇。酒吧里,第七杯酒,她醉眼迷离地看着面前的男人:“你娶我?”“我娶你。”离婚后时隔数月,她风光再嫁,成为了人人艳羡的萧太太。然而,当真相缓缓地浮出水面,她终于知道,他的真正目的是……1w0-80150 >>
内容简介:【【创新传奇】星空作品】灵希帝国十二位封号强者冠绝天下,万族来朝,被誉为剑圣的林峰,因为种种原因被放逐,离开天帝城来到了一个边陲小镇。他本以为是归隐山林的田园生活,但却在这个安静祥和的 小镇遇到了一件件诡异的事件,血月魔女,金色暗影,暗裔,天使?他究竟是跳出了苦海,还是……走近了深渊?PS追过乾坤仙域的朋友,可以直接加书架了,实力保证!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我被妖女篡位了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-78948 >>
内容简介:林钟远是公认的美人,追求他的人一拖一卡车,为了摆脱他们,林钟远谎称自己有一个深爱的白月光。“我很爱他,我们年少相识相知,虽然他现在已经不在了,但我已经发下毒誓,这辈子只有他一个爱人。” 没过多久,他就在任务世界里翻了车,被最大的反派Boss按在墙上,“听说,你非我不嫁?”危险度Max的丧尸皇笑得恶劣又危险,“要是早知道你这么爱我,我就不死了……”林钟远:QAQ白月光诈尸了还诈成了最大反派反派非要我负责第一个世界:丧尸末日位面,丧尸皇攻。第二个世界:待定。攻从始至终都是同一个人。受身上有个出了bug的万人迷光环。没心没肺,吃了就睡,天塌了也无所谓,潇洒不羁戏精小渣受又疯又病,记仇偏执,惹上就别想甩开,心思深沉重生狂犬攻哈哈没想到吧我又把文名改回来了!预收文欢迎收藏!现代妖怪题材的沙雕甜文:《我靠沙雕新闻爆红》伪替身真沙雕的欢脱甜文预收:《AI替身中病毒了》1w0-60794 >>
内容简介:我:衍天帝我:衍天帝小说阅读玄幻魔法小说我:衍天帝由作家我凹凸曼创作来阅文旗下网站阅读我的更多作品吧!小兵提供我:衍天帝最新章节我:衍天帝最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0- 78387 >>
内容简介:如果这条路,你不能走下去,那么,让我成为你。——陆笙Strongisbeautiful——南风注:竞技言情,萝莉养成。作者专栏,所有的文都在这里:各位书友要是觉得《南风入我怀》还不错的 话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-60770 >>
内容简介:枕边月(姐妹ABO)枕边月(姐妹ABO)小说阅读其他小说类型小说枕边月(姐妹ABO)由作家二九创作χúsúωèиcó外表清纯实则色气逼人的妹妹Omega×一边温柔哄人一边做个不停的姐姐 Alpha快乐骨科爽上天,没什么剧情就是H小兵提供枕边月(姐妹ABO)最新章节枕边月(姐妹ABO)最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-132282 >>
内容简介:小兵提供千万不要惹女配(快穿)最新章节txt免费下载(无弹窗广告),千万不要惹女配(快穿)电子书适合手机平板阅读,本站支持网盘、微盘高速免费下载。接档文,戳专栏可看:《擅自宠爱》by酒 窝动人——温馨甜宠,欢迎大家收藏“亲爱的宿主呀,只要你同意和我进行交易,1w20274-83349 >>
内容简介:预收《咸鱼老祖回归了》,求收藏本文文案又名《大师兄他走美强惨人设》一朝穿书,陆星阑成了某本龙傲天小说里那个人前衣冠楚楚,人后嫉贤妒能的反派大师兄。大师兄作天作地,终于在小说终结章成功作 死,灰飞烟灭。为了过上随心所欲的修仙生活,不与主角结怨成了陆星阑的首要选择。好巧不巧,穿书的那一刻正是原身设计谋害主角的关键时刻,陆星阑灵机一动,来了一出“舍身救人”。事后,陆星阑表示后悔,非常后悔!经脉全断,灵气溃散,就算身体恢复了也无法达到从前的实力,这让他在这个以实力为尊的修仙界怎么混!好在穿越者福利送货上门,虽然身体依然病弱,但却有了实力保障。美中不足的是,这个金手指的副作用让陆星阑每次运用都要吐血三升!于是陆星阑美强惨的人设彻底立下了——宗门大比,陆星阑被下挑战书,对方气势汹汹地朝陆星阑走来,陆星阑原地嘴角流血,样状凄美无比。全宗弟子:大师兄这么虚弱你还向他挑战,不要face!挑战弟子:对不起我错了QAQ,大师兄你快回去休息吧!陆星阑(已经蓄势待发):……在外修行,陆星阑被强盗绑票,陆星阑止不住地咳,血染衣襟。撕票强盗:麻麻他看起来好娇弱,我不忍心下手,给他熬点鸡汤补补身子吧!陆星阑(灵气运转到巅峰):……?总之就是大师兄仗着金手指走扮猪吃老虎路线,在修仙世界悠哉生活的故事啦。ps:1偏剧情向的轻松文,陆星阑是万人迷大师兄,非系统文,he,攻是沈息舟3还有什么再补充预收《咸鱼老祖回归了》,预收文案如下天衍界有一让人津津乐道的传闻,传说万年前的莽荒期,曾有一人逆天改命,开宗立派,成为天衍界飞升第一人。从那之后,天衍界灵气复苏,开始繁荣兴盛。而那人,就是备受后人尊敬的千凛宗的开门老祖,白洛。万年后,千凛宗打算修整门面,移平后山时,意外发现一处暗室。打开后,却看到里面坐着一个翘着二郎腿嗑着瓜子的绝美少年。少年拍了拍衣服,在众目睽睽之下走了出来“终于出来了。话说你们是谁?”五分钟后,少年淡定说道“哦?原来已经过了一万年了。”所有人都以为这少年脑子有病,直到少年说出自己的名字。众人惊现老祖!!!妈妈骗人,不是说老祖是个庞眉鹤发的老人家吗?眼前这个美少年是怎么回事!!白洛在即将飞升的前一天莫名其妙地被关进小黑屋,闲来无事嗑瓜子,手里的话本还没读完,板凳还没坐热,一万年就过去了。原来只有五人的挂名宗门如今已成为拥有百万弟子的强盛门派,但这里的宗主长老他一个都不认识。当时一起奋斗的小伙伴们都飞升了。不过没关系,这不影响他继续咸鱼平躺。众人没想到你是这样的老祖!!如果您喜欢大师兄他身娇体弱,别忘记分享给朋友作者:柏长风所写的《大师兄他身娇体弱》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章 >>
内容简介:【【2019“玄幻王者”征文】参赛作品】穿越王朝废物王子,幸得大帝系统,从此逆袭而上!王朝、皇朝、帝朝、天朝、天庭、天界!且看楚天如何崛起,带领王朝一路晋级天界,势要做那最强大帝!本站 提示:各位书友要是觉得《无敌最强大帝》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-83641 >>
From Viz: Humans thought the wolves died off two centuries ago in this bleak post-apocalyptic wasteland. But some survivors lurk among the humans by mentally cloaking their animal bodies. One white wolf, Kiba, scours the land for the scent of the Lunar Flower that will lead them all to Paradise...But will it lead them to a deadly false legend?
The story is about Kusakabe Sakura, a second-year junior high student who, in the future, discovers the power of immortality. An angel named Dokuro is sent to kill him before he does so. However, Dokuro thinks Sakura can be spared from this sad fate, thus, she keeps him. Another angel named Sabato is later sent to finish Dokuro's dirty job. Pipiru piru piru pipiru pi! From Baka-Updates: From AnimeWaves: Pi piru piru piru pi piru pi~ Along with this mysterious melody, an 'angel' comes to Kusakabe Sakura-kun's house and beats him to death. Her name is... Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan!? From now on, the everyday fantasies of Sakura-kun's life will be replaced by events more strange and interesting than he could ever imagine... -------- In the future, a man named Sakura is destined to create the technology for eternal life, which (due to Sakura's lolicon tendencies) freezes all women's aging once they turn twelve. God refuses to allow this, so he sends his angels to the past to kill Sakura before he can do this. But one angel, Dokuro-chan, decides to try to change the future without killing him. Problem is, Dokuro is very temperamental, and is constantly killing Sakura (and lots of other people too) in incredibly bloody ways with her giant spiked club. Good thing she can bring people back to life - if only to grusomely kill them again the next time she loses her temper.
As war rages between heaven and hell, a forbidden love blooms between an angel and a demon soldier.
From Fantasyshrine: Up and coming interior planner, Takamori Fumito, is having an affair with Eto Shunsuke, the president of the company where he is working, despite the fact that Eto is married to an owner of a famous fashion apparel. From the very beginning, they made it quite clear that their relationship is strictly physical. However, Takamori realizes his heart is now in danger— a story about adults struggling with love and sex.
The Silent Tempest: Rite Of Exile summary: The Silent Tempest: Rite Of Exile summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Silent Tempest: Rite Of Exile. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Doctor Who_ The Mysterious Planet summary: Doctor Who_ The Mysterious Planet summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Doctor Who_ The Mysterious Planet. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Poems of Cheer summary: Poems of Cheer summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Poems of Cheer. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Bastard Called Brave And The Former Fiancé, I Will Crush All Of Them summary: The continent’s largest kingdom, the Kingdom of Westphalia The boy Light who lived there had the lesson of the sword from his father who was a former knight of the kingdom, together with his childhood friend Lyrica and Sere. Both Lyrica and Light being childhood lovers, promise to be engaged with each other. Sere also being in love with Light decided to be Light’s mistress. Because you have to be a knight to have a mistress, Light slaves himself to point of death in order to be a knight of the kingdom of Westphalia. And, in order to receive the special ability called “gift” which everyone has, when Light, Lyrica and Sere become 16 years old, they go to the cathedral of the Westphalia kingdom in order to appraise their “gifts”. However the cruel reality is revealed, when Lyrica and Sere both receive great gifts and Light receives a talent called “???” An Unknown Power. A man called Brave came from another world with two women and told both of the women “Are you the girls of my destiny?” They were gathering girls with great gifts to combine their power and kill the Demon King that was recently revived. Lyrica and Sera together with the man called brave and the two girls journey together in order to kill the Demon King. One year later.. Lyrica and Sere came back, as the wife of the brave rage.. For the two of them, Light, which became a knight in order to marry them, is simply deserted. Betrayed by both of his dearest Fiancés, Light, broken by sadness wandered aimlessly, weeping.. But his sorrowful emotions are killed soundlessly as anger consumed him… All of them… KILL!