内容简介:沈寂服役于海军陆战队里的虎狼之师,现蛟龙突击队队长。海上利剑,无坚不摧。此人手段狠厉,桀骜不驯,是三军之内出了名的狠角色。对于此等大佬中的大佬,小网红记者温舒唯默默评价:光辉伟大,不好 招惹,当敬而远之。谁知有一天,男人军装笔挺高大英俊,靠着军舰护栏冲她勾了勾手,“小温同志,来一下。”温舒唯走过去,态度非常端正:“沈队有事找我?请说。”沈寂微挑眉:“说什么?说我不找你的时候是憋着想你,找你的时候是发了疯地想你,说我快想死你了?”温舒唯:“……”1w0-4020 >>
内容简介: 大佬:小伙修炼的如此熟练,又观容貌,仅有我这天九城吴彦祖能与之抗衡,看来是难得一出的绝世奇才啊,我来摸摸骨。林凡:……大佬:咦!不可能,这么渣!!林凡:……大佬:你是怎么修炼的?林 凡:努力!勤奋!信念!缺一不可!【提示:触发十倍暴击!!】【提示:大力牛魔拳熟练度+10!】1w0-2020 >>
内容简介:人人都说苏南柔这个有着克夫名声的貌美小寡妇只能沦为权贵的金丝雀。重生后的苏南柔不愿重蹈覆辙,于是决定自己选个男人嫁了。没想到胡乱找的男人摇身一变,成了传闻中暴戾的新帝。苏南柔告辞新帝笑 的特别温柔1w0-26572 >>
内容简介:《养个徒儿来自虐》是淡樱精心创作的网游小说,小兵实时更新养个徒儿来自虐最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的养个徒儿来自虐评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持养个徒儿来自虐读者的观点。1w 0-69127 >>
内容简介:初见他的那年,2012年的夏。蝉鸣阵阵,少年的白衬衫,带汗味的风,成了少女无数个夜梦。少年时的周野,狂妄肆野,南城一中的扛把子。毕业那天,她鼓足勇气打算找他表白,却撞见他和别人在天台抽 烟。“你真不喜欢沈好,那我追了?”“随你。”他眼底似有不各位书友要是觉得《他好野呀》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-99331 >>
内容简介:重生艺考前,手机变异,获得对话者100好感度,可提取天赋……“时空对话开启,已接通宋徽宗赵佶……”“接通江南才子唐伯虎,南唐后主李煜,画圣吴道子,诗画双绝王维……赵孟頫,董其昌,石涛, 达芬奇,毕加索,梵高,莫奈……改变别人命运提升自己天赋,丁晓剑乐此不疲……从东方到西方,从漫画、国画,到水粉、水彩画,再到油画、木炭画,铅笔画,钢笔画,版画,壁画……人挡杀人、佛挡杀佛,崛起1w0-36744 >>
内容简介:挂机中伊布获得9999经验,等级提升挂机中伊布获得阿尔宙斯石板一块挂机中伊布获得阿尔宙斯基因,天赋突破挂机中沙奈朵获得代欧奇西斯基因,天赋突破挂机中美纳斯获得帕路奇亚基因,天赋突破挂机 中路卡利欧获得帝牙卢卡基因,天赋突破很快林枫的精灵都变成了一只只恐怖的神兽1w0-75523 >>
内容简介:从一家即将关门倒闭的二十八线不知名景区。到全球闻名的网红旅游打卡地。从【超级景区系统】奖励的带有各种属性的景点开始。游客打卡可以刷钱还能增加怀孕率的【娘娘庙】。美的如梦似幻,如同世外桃 源的【桃花岛】。爬山就可以增强体质的【盘龙道】。【美味餐厅】【神龙潭】【丹霞地貌】【盘龙云海】【云顶天宫】【超极限荡绳】【侏罗纪公园】……随着一个又一个的超级景点解锁,黑龙山景区爆火了!某冰冰采访罗競宁:“罗总,1w0-29143 >>
内容简介:起微末,持剑秉念入道途。点本性,苦海无涯骨做舟。智怨痴,善恶是非何以辨。障灵台,抚尘明性定执念。剑出鞘,不定高下分生死。道无涯,崎岖荆棘持本心。初时,衣如各位书友要是觉得《道元纪》还不 错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-99440 >>
内容简介:酒店房门被柯清曼敲开之前,程翊不曾单独跟她说过话,却让她进了门。混乱之中,柯清曼的头撞到床头柜,下意识地呜咽着,眼泪快从眼眶跌落。程翊把她往下拖,摸摸头,看她还是一脸委屈,故而低下头, 吻了吻刚刚撞到的地方,吻了吻泪水,“小傻子。”只有柯清曼自己知道工人家庭出身的她是怎么运用自己的心机一步步走进南城首富之子程翊的身边,为他生下孩子,而后成为他的妻子。长相帅气俊逸、父亲是南城首富、总是以第一名的身份在年级会议上发言、年纪轻轻登上最有成就榜的程翊……vs仅有受人赞扬的颜值,还有不为人知的小心机的柯清曼……坚持日更+有存稿不会坑会写完+晚上七点更新+有事会提前请假请假条:抱歉请下事假,停更两天(20号恢复更新)所欠的份额会补回来!1w0-82294 >>
From Transient Mirage: Be my woman and I'll let you become a top singer!This is the speech made by Yukihito Yoshizawa, a music producer. A female high school girl who wants to save his weak and sickly brother accept his terms by offering her voice and body. A passionate yet twisted entertainment love story thus begins!
If people who turn into animals really existed in the modern world, how would they behave? This book gives some realistic, yet unexpected, answers. Nobody is a complete good guy or bad guy--every character is a complex figure, and even the bad guys have some very good reasons for what they do. Leo is an innocent caught in the midst of it all, but nothing like the 'helpless killer' stereotype of American werewolf movies--he is a person in control of his own powers, trying to decide what to do with his life now that so much has changed.
Sam is a young boy in Thailand. Not like other kids who can play happily, Sam has to train everyday at a Thai Boxing gym because when he was small his parents sold him to that gym for money. Everyday Sam undergoes a tough training. But Sam also has a wish. To become a champion so he can taste a happy life. It sounds impossible but a few years later due to an accident he finally gets the chance to meet the champion, who also happens to be his idol !!
Oneshot Collection Title List 1.The Damp Breath of Midsummer: From Awakened Memories- In paradise, Meguri encountered the sweet passion of temptation. At a summer resort on a southern island, Meguri doesn’t want to believe that she’s fallen in love with such a sparkly guy! But for some reason, the thought of him makes my, and the rest of the people in the world’s, heart thump. This love already --- can’t be stopped by anyone! (*Note: On page 29, 'Youseiha' is supposed to be 'you, Seiha') 2.The Sweet Flower of Sin: Sahara Yuiki is in love with her Sensei, but he doesnt even notice her... or does he? 3.Double Love Prince: Ever since Yume saw 'Tomoki' win first place at a track competition she has been in a onesided love with him. But things are not always what they seem. 4.The Kidnapped Chocolate: n/a 5.Touch Me Kindly: Mikuni Kouji helps to steady 'examiniee student' Kudoh Natsuki' nerves before taking the entrance exams and unknowingly steals her heart. Three months later -having narrowly getting in- Natsuki confesses. But he rejects her because she is stupid... WHAT! Natsuki suddenly makes a deal though 'On the next midterm, if I can get above average after you tutoring me... you can do whatever you want with my body!'
Junie B. Jones Is A Party Animal summary: Junie B. Jones Is A Party Animal summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Junie B. Jones Is A Party Animal. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Manager of the Other World Brothel summary:
When I was tossed into this world as a world traveller, it was back when I was still a kid.
As a compensation, the ability I got was every kind of magic specialised in the management of hygiene, and physical condition.
My power has absolutely no use in battle but, as a manager of a brothel, it’s indispensable.
It’s already been several years since I’ve been entrusted with the shop by the Owner who saved my life.
Tonight too, the lights are on in the brothel 「Papillon’s Somnium」, raising the night’s curtains smeared with money and pa.s.sion.
Please I urge you to stop by, dear customer.
Our shop has a.s.sembled only the best beauties, we sincerely await your arrival dear customer.
Cosma Empire summary: Durin Ksima is the third child of the Ksima family. He has three brothers and two sisters beside two brothers and a sister. It can be said that it was one of the worst that Dulin’s family was born at least for the generation.
Ghetto Tragedies summary: Ghetto Tragedies summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ghetto Tragedies. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.