内容简介:本书简介:没钱不可怕,没钱还倒霉就悲催了。家道中落,云映桥和父亲背井离乡上京讨生活。靠着摆摊卖字,进侯府帮工,日子步上正轨,眼看就要脱贫致富,奔小康。结果却因为招惹了不该招惹的人,人生 发生了翻天覆地的变化。“主人,我对嫁您没兴趣,求放过!”1w0-76088 >>
内容简介:神:“我能满足你的愿望”林依依:“朕要爆表颜值,豪门身世,万世权柄!”神:“你,贪婪噢!好吧!您的愿望已实现,请查收。”喂喂,我是有了爆表颜值,亿万家世。上可装逼打臭脸,下能钞票扇流氓 。可为什么我变成了女孩子?魂淡!不要啊!讲述土豪少女的败家,哦,不!崛起之路。。。书群52250945作者:灰色断罪所写的《变身土豪少女》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-29494 >>
内容简介:15岁的孟桐在日记本上写道:“我一定要让卓越、赵丽岚还有她的野种受到惩罚!”孟桐当着全校师生面前,曝光了卓予凡是小三的儿子。17岁的孟桐想到了一个报复小三的绝佳办法——把她的儿子变成强 奸犯。成人礼的前一天,孟桐告卓予凡强奸她。追更:1w87874-118933 >>
内容简介:十万年前,诸仙大战,万仙陨灭,仙道断绝,仙界当中仙墓林立。 十万年后,摸金校尉携生死天书降临仙界。 …… “墓,不是这么盗的!” 陆云看着古仙墓中手忙脚乱的仙人,微微一笑:“想 学吗?我教你们啊。” …… 1w0-1160 >>
内容简介:专栏预收《我后台硬,粉我!》《当大佬遇上抽卡系统快穿》求收藏。——离世后,国宝级科学家连月,与从主神空间叛逃的0073系统绑定了。一人一统和一些即将崩塌的世界意识做交易,换取生存的机会 。①穿成架空世界的懦弱姐姐(已完成)穿成即将要替弟弟下乡的姐姐,甩掉偏心的爹妈,一心促进科技发展!②被迫退圈的全网黑做了科学家(已完成)当资源短缺,人类移民计划被搁浅,那个被全网黑的连月带领团队踏上了新发现的X星,成为了全网夸!③成为全村的骄傲问成为村里唯一一名大学生,如何带领小村致富。答发展旅游业,成为国内外人人向往的伊甸园④在末世里当救世主⑤和虫族不得不说的事⑥学渣的自我修养⑦仙人抚我顶,结发受长生未完待续……PS故事不分前后排雷1所有世界架空,不接受写作指导2无逻辑,杠精勿入(重点!)————专栏预收(求收藏)《我后台硬,粉我!》华裳诞生于祖龙的墓里,自有记忆起便被束缚在祖龙身边。在那里,龙脉教她虚怀若谷,谦虚谨慎。祖龙教她剥皮抽筋,五马分尸。弓箭弩教她十步杀一人千里不留行。围棋教她步步为营,谋定而后动。兵马俑教她吟唱千百年前的小调。直到因缺少信仰之力灵体越来越弱,祖龙和墓里的器物商讨后不得不将华裳送到现世。——2025年,花国高层突然收到一条短信“朕,秦始皇,朕在西安有个崽崽,限三日内赶到带走妥善照顾!如若不到,朕将带领三军踏平西安!”花国高层……——娱乐圈某黑粉论坛——“你们有没有觉得华裳有点邪门,我就骂她一句,梦里被兵马俑追着念了三个晚上大悲咒。(目光呆滞jpg)”“你不是一个人,我也……我就说了句她整容了,已经连续两天梦见自己被祖龙削骨整容了。(心如死灰jpg)”“她是真的邪门(神色恍惚jpg)我就说句华裳是不是有后台,有干爹。现在已经连着五天做梦变成太监被人叫干爹了。(捶地大哭jpg)”“有被楼上安慰到,感谢。”“感谢777777”“感谢99999”祖龙今夜找你了吗祖龙的三十多种酷刑,你体验到第几个了黑粉的108种死法————预收《该如何挽回你,我的球宝!》团宠地球离家出走啦(无cp文,详情见文案,感谢。)——预收《长公主的小哭包(重生)》心狠手辣登基为帝长公主X自卑敏感哭包小太监(详情文案见专栏,感谢)——预收《我以为你是巨婴》科技强国大女主爽文(详情文案见专栏,感谢)——完结文《绿茶靠种田名扬天下(穿书)》p1w0-104407 >>
内容简介:人美心毒且渣的满级祸水盛娇阳在翻车后开启了快穿模式,并且愉快地在各个世界作天作地。结果一不小心,他们全都变成了蛇精病。校园里纨绔的公子哥、豪门集团的大少爷、阴冷偏执的一方枭雄、游戏人间 的花花公子、尊贵高冷的一国君主……这些本该都是一生顺遂的天之骄子,奈何他们都遇到了祸水盛娇阳。娇阳无奈摊手:“统统,你的宿主太迷人了怎么办?”系统:“……你开心就好。”1w31182-107498 >>
内容简介: 天巫族神女寂璃穿成了修仙世界里角布村普普通通的三岁小娃娃,还是个女配。 本以为要过上朴素的种田生活,谁知修仙界来收徒,天灵根的五岁小寂璃震惊四座。 寂璃由此步入修仙界,在女主的 光环下努力修仙。 仙道缥缈,数年后,她是道门万道宗天才弟子,亦是仙道至尊。1w0-2487 >>
1-3) Imperfect Love Spell First year Ueda isn't interested in joining any of the clubs until Momotani Yuushi, crybaby vice-president of the supernatural club runs into him. Unable to leave his pathetic (and adorable) sempai alone, Ueda finds himself drawn into the increasingly odd life of the supernatural club. 4) Yowareru Karada- A swimming lesson reveals ulterior motives between a sempai and his cute kouhai. 5) Doukashiteiru!- Manager Muroi is regarded as attractive but clumsy and hopeless as marriage material by the girls in the office. Good thing there's adorable and sincere Ogawa and stoic Taki to take his mind off his hopeless love life. 6) The Power of Pants (Pasokon no Pa wa Pantsu no Pa)- Computer geek and general otaku Takahashi considers himself undersized, but only has porn to compare himself to. Takahashi's recently struck up an unlikely friendship with jock Miyamoto. Maybe this could be his chance to compare size... 7) You're Still Standing at the Same Place, Looking at the Same Sky- Sou always admired Ryu sempai from the aeronautics club and his close relationship with Komori sempai. Two years later Sou runs into them and finds out Komori is getting married. Can he replace Komori in Ryu's affection?
Once a rich young master, Yuzuru hit rock bottom after his family went bankrupt. That was eight years ago. The butler who took care of him, Iwase, has since risen to the top. When Yuzuru learns of this, he returns in an attempt to make some quick cash. But Iwase sees a kid who is still his charge. He captures Yuzuru and locks the young master in what was once his own home. Now, Yuzuru must use every trick in the book to make Iwase realize that things have changed, that he is no longer the innocent child from years ago.
Wataru and Makoto are friends from their early childhood. They are recognized as the gay couple in the school, and while Makoto appears to be ok with it, Wataru is greatly troubled by it and Makoto's attitude. Since Wataru will not permit anything more than a kiss, the anxious Makoto visits his prep school teacher and tries to consult him about his problem. However, he's not aware of the danger that awaits him!
1. Iku and Keita are childhood buddies. Naturally, having been friends for as long as they can remember, when one started to play baseball, so did the other. During their final year in middle school, Keita's baseball career abruptly ended as a result of the severe injuries he sustained when saving Iku from being hit by a truck. Presently, they go to the same high school. But ever since that accident, Iku has distanced himself from both the game and his friend, presumably out of guilt. What does Keita think about this? It also contains a couple of other short stories such as Utsukushii Asu and Sakura No Junrei. 2. The Sakura Pilgrimage Sugaya believes that guys like Fujishiro, a highly accomplished student rumored to be the next student council president, live in a completely different world and have no impact on his life. That changes one fateful day when he catches Fujishiro making out with a teacher after school. Fujishiro pays Sugaya for his silence, but not without a parting jab at how easily Sugaya's confidence was bought. This appears to be a collection of one-shots. Also contain Bokura no Ashita no Houteishiki (Extra - 6) Sequel to Iku and Keita's Story
Otherworld Adventure summary: Otherworld Adventure summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Otherworld Adventure. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Adventure Record Of Reincarnated Aristocrat ~ The Apostle Of Gods Who Doesn't Know Self-esteem~ summary: Adventure Record Of Reincarnated Aristocrat ~ The Apostle Of Gods Who Doesn't Know Self-esteem~ summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Adventure Record Of Reincarnated Aristocrat ~ The Apostle Of Gods Who Doesn't Know Self-esteem~. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Claws And Fangs summary: Claws And Fangs summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Claws And Fangs. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Jesuit Missions summary: The Jesuit Missions summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Jesuit Missions. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.