内容简介:【甜宠,娱乐圈文】病娇傅之南重生到假千金小白花身上,成了乡下夫妇的团宠女儿。她以为一家人住乡下是因为穷,为了不让家里人受苦,她决定进娱乐圈赚钱。因为她人美业务能力强,迅速爆红,一些眼红 的人总想要扒她黑料,流言四起。隐居乡下的大佬们坐不住了。第一风投手哥哥:“别扒我马甲了,那是我妹妹。”帝都豪门世家傅氏夫妇:“我家乖宝的CP可不是老男人哦。”傅之南懵了,说好的住乡下很穷呢,除了她这个小可怜,一家1w0-66651 >>
内容简介:【系统女帝单女苟】萧凡,地球普通人穿越到潜龙大陆,觉醒天机神算系统。系统可算尽古今!为人算命主角可获得积分。积分可以兑换各种各样的能力。可以抵挡各种各样的攻击。……主角无法修练,平常就 只是普通人,但消耗积分可以让主角短时间内拥有无敌实力。女帝绝美,实力强横。以为主角手无缚鸡之力1w0-127947 >>
内容简介:一个人究竟要牛逼到什么程度,才能引起人神共愤呢?“黄老,你说咱们这究竟是修仙还是泡妞啊?”“泡妞也是一种修行!”“黄老,你说咱们治疗癌症只收感冒的钱,这合适吗?”“要坑就坑有钱人,可不 能让穷人雪上加1w0-95915 >>
内容简介:身处险境的路明非在路鸣泽的帮助下重生回到了过去,当他重生睁开眼的瞬间却发现自己正坐在绘梨衣的身旁。一切恍若隔世。而有些事,有些名字,有些人,仅仅只是简单的提起,你就像是坠入无底的深渊, 任凭你如何努力顽强的挣扎,你也爬不出来。因为很后悔……“哥哥,我会保留你在尼伯龙根计划中获得的A级实力。”“但我可能不能再为你提供外挂了。”“这是只此一次的重生,千万不要再有悔恨这种情绪了。”……“哥哥,即使从头来过,你还是赶不上吗?”1w0-85165 >>
内容简介:【正文完结,番外更新ing】乔宜贞做了一个预示未来的噩梦。她的三个孩子成了满京都的“典型人物”,是各种人生赢家的“对照组”。一个流连青楼,争风吃醋后被打没了子孙根,一个大病后瘫痪坐轮椅 ,性格阴鸷说话阴阳怪气。只有一个还算是出息,却因为一个女人没活过十七。梦醒之后——乔宜贞:管孩子,往死里管孩子!她的孩子们要各个有出息!于是……老二书画双绝,才名远扬;老三精明能干,日进斗金;老大高中状元,让她做了诰命夫人!靠着他们三个,乔宜贞成了众人艳羡的人生赢家。满京都的高门贵女都排队上门,想要喊乔宜贞一声——婆婆。短介绍:夫妻双双把儿养,儿子各个成才又孝顺种田文以下是广告时间,不要走开预收1《美人难囚》寄人篱下的林菀菀生得极好,不盈一握杨柳腰,潋滟动人桃花眼,怎么看都觉得过于撩人,美人一笑倾城又倾国。冯家老太爷凝视她,想把她送入宫中;冯家大老爷抚摸她,想把她养为外室;冯家大少爷心悦她,倒是一心一意想要娶她。整个冯家都因为这个绝美女人鸡飞狗跳,最终老夫人拍了板,把她送给了年迈的老皇帝。皇帝得美人大喜,赠予了冯家一场泼天富贵。所有人都说,她是红颜祸水,整个大齐朝早晚因为妖女亡国。林菀菀自己也这样觉得,她跪向老夫人院门方向,狠心地重重往地面磕下去,等到她死了,一切自然了结。……林菀菀睁开眼,她发现自己跪在冰凉的地面上。命运的齿轮在卡壳了一次后重新转动,这一次,林菀菀不要死,她选择了反抗。预收2《女配点满武力值(快穿)》温锦心一次次地穿越三千小世界,她发现,就算是没有记忆地开启快穿之旅,她的脑子里都会有很多求生、格斗、医药等知识。穿越成被送给五十多岁老皇帝的绝色美人。温锦心:手握长剑,我要亲手挑翻这个衰败奢靡的王朝。穿越成年代文里被抛弃的乡下女儿。温锦心:跟着牛棚大佬学种田,科技种田我最强。穿越成现代豪门的叛逆女。温锦心:洗去脑袋的奶奶灰,我的目标是星辰大海。更多旧文、萌新,可以收藏专栏后查看哦。《女配她天生好命》我就是这样好命!《宫斗满级后我重生了》老太后重生以后《娇妾成嫡妻》娇滴滴的金丝雀撂挑子了《重生女夺我气运》重生女PK穿越女《齐妃修真记清穿》爱谁谁,不要打搅我修真!1w0-27536 >>
内容简介:下本《唯你予甜》或《人间颂你》,求小天使收藏1言湛在豪门圈子里是出名的高冷禁欲。为反抗家族安排的婚约,他另搬公寓,邻居是个脸上长了大片红斑的女孩,丑得可以,更可怜的还是个哑巴。言湛心想 哑巴正好,清静。可没想到不说话的更可怕,小哑巴半夜狂欢更闹腾。言湛一通电话将小哑巴送进派出所,当晚搬出公寓。没过多久,言湛为公司项《温柔饵》小说推荐:天生女主命快穿、当满级大佬翻车以后、无限生存游戏、他站在时光深处、重回九零、爽文女主她不想爆红、入梦金鱼、落入他的溺爱、他那么撩、栖息之陆、坠落春夜、那个不为人知的故事、当我在地铁上误连别人的手机蓝牙后、老祖宗她又美又飒、七零穿成女主闺蜜、我是女炮灰快穿、娱乐圈我成了世界巨星、亲妈被认回豪门后穿书、经年留影、报告总裁:有人追你老婆1w0-55240 >>
内容简介:简介:本书又名:英格兰金融业的最后希望——欧洲贵族的最后排面——啊美利坚梦最佳代言人——雨果·霍尔的传奇人生。我更喜欢人们称呼我:好莱坞绅士或者华尔街大善人——霍尔。90年代财富自由的 英伦贵族日常,顺便参与见证一些写进金融历史中的大事件。华尔街、东京、首尔……金融风暴始终追随着霍尔的脚步。展开作者:我居然是凡人所写的《英伦1987》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-32569 >>
内容简介:混沌初开,天地本没有正邪之分万物为求永生之道,皆因善恶而动心起念,道不同不相为谋,渐渐形成了正道与魔道两大势力,至此光明与黑暗对立。本书讲述了一位天生经脉不全,没有丹田的废物少年,再一 次意外中偶或奇遇获得天地初开始便与天地共存的混元之心语混元定天鼎,以定天神鼎为丹田混元之心为心重续经脉,一步一步走上巅峰的传奇故事。面对爱恨情仇该如何抉择,天地秩序又该如何铺陈。且看少年楚枫如何如何走出一条不同的逆天各位书友要是觉得《混元帝尊传》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-71814 >>
内容简介:这是一个懒到连从后兜里掏钱都觉得麻烦的丧系少女和桀骜不驯、嚣张跋扈的少年悄悄摸摸谈恋爱的故事。某天,教室林明朗面无表情的对着谢浪的屁股踹了一脚,说“我生气了。”趴在桌子上熟睡的人,僵硬 的转了下头,这下他的脸正对着林明朗,慵懒的掀开眼皮,然后右手轻轻地捏了下后勃颈,抬起头,向她招招手“过来,”少年的头发被压的变了形,长长的刘海紧紧的贴着右鬓角,毫无攻击性的发型,以及那因为没睡好泛哑的嗓音,意外的撩人,林明朗觉得自己刚刚的那一脚踹的还有点轻。这么骚气的脸应该再踹两脚,招的桃花还不少。如果您喜欢野性入骨,别忘记分享给朋友作者:阿禾几页所写的《野性入骨》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-94035 >>
Man, King, Virtue, and Divinity. The 'Four Paths of Light' thought to guide one's way to the moral way of life and humanity is no longer pursued. In its place is the 'Four Paths of Sin'; where one lives only for their desires In a world that is in chaos with rampant looting and murder, one man with hope and humanity at his core, dares to pursue the rights of humankind The provoking story of sword battle fantasy is back!
A human teenager Ray is living together with an elegant and handsome man of half-blood race named Bled The citizens/residents of the dark world keep coming closer to Ray, and the mystery of Ray’s birth/origin is slowly revealing… By 13Th Hour Scanlations
Basically a romance between two high school teachers - Kawase Mitsuro and Kazama Toshiaki. Complicated by Mitsuro's hesitation to accept Toshiaki's very open declaration of love. Slightly complicated by a bit of jealousy on the part of Mitsuro's younger brother Hitoshi. Note: in 2005 the story was re-released in two volumes under titles: 'Hatsu Natsu Monogatari' and 'Koutei ni Ouka Ranman' by Daitosha with newly drawn covers.
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What If The The Ugly Duckling Wasn't A Swan But A Dragon? summary: The story of a dragon raised as a duck. As the t.i.tle says, it’s the story of the fairytale「The Ugly Duckling」with the protagonist as a dragon instead of a swan.
Lord Of The Magical Beasts summary: CA mesmerizing female moonlight priest, a beauty of the darkness who captivates the soul of others&h.e.l.lip; They all flood to his side!With the help of the mysterious Wizard Power and terrifying Magical Beasts, Yang Ling had successfully created his very own divine path, at the same time enjoying fame in all parts of the world.But as a Wizard, would he be able to avoid the mortal enemies of...
Methods To Save The Villain Who Was Abandoned By The Heroine summary:
You have many opportunities when it comes to reading novels these days. Many new writers create a great pool together with old and famous ones, so you have the possibility to choose the best for yourself. That's very useful, in fact, because not all the writers and books are the same.
Some are really good and interesting others might not be so well. Also, tastes are different, and not all the readers like the same genre. That's why you should check book reviews like this one before purchasing, and you will increase your chance to get what you want.
In the text below, you can find some basic details on the Methods to Save the Villain Who Was Abandoned by the Heroine novel. The book is quite interesting and hides different twist and turns which enable an exciting reading experience.
The story starts when a Korean woman reincarnates into a young girl whose life is in danger again. She is, in fact, in serious trouble and near to the death, however, her grandma and villain are there to save her life. They, fortunately, succeed in their intention, so the girl gets another chance to live a fulfilling life without any problems. He imagination is now very rich, so she imagines various things in different ways. For instance, the villain becomes her chief in her dreams, and he is more than good on the position. The girl receives a high regular salary that is always delivered as promised without any delays.
And the job is truly good for the girl because she has had previous working experience in similar positions. So it is all familiar to her, and she can work without obstacles. Unfortunately, not all the things are so ideal as her job. The Villain's fiance creates a dangerous plot that is potentially harmful to the workers including the girl. The fiance cheats on the villain with the Emperor and looks for the most suitable way to get rid of him. That's why she makes a plan to poison him.
Unfortunately, her evil activities are not only the danger for the villain, but the girl is also in the danger because others might start believing that she is the killer.
Also, another group close to the Emperor and fiance can harm her too. That would lead to a big problem, so the girl makes a plan to save the villain and stop the poisoning. In the end, she succeeds to stop the evil activities of that woman and rescues the life of the villain. However, the
girl comes in touch with the poison that transforms her into a little girl. Others notice her generous act including the n.o.ble family, so they decide to accept her as a part of their n.o.ble line.
These are main and basic events from the novel, however, you will definitely notice many more details, so do not wait. Take this book as soon as possible and enjoy the content.
An Antarctic Mystery summary: An Antarctic Mystery summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of An Antarctic Mystery. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.