内容简介:主角:王大壮、玉长卿。普通村民王大壮偶然间捡到了一个受了伤、脾气很大的仙君,仙君总是在生气,非常难伺候。不过好看的人生气也是好看的,大壮忍了。仙君伤愈后问大壮跟不跟他走,大壮摇摇头,他 只是一个普通的不能更普通的人,仙君的世界,他去不了。谁想仙君走了没几天,大壮刚开始思念,他就在1w0-33154 >>
内容简介: 婚后一个月,颜早被贴上了小三的标签,面对网上攻击,现实谩骂,她淡定的走到蓝暮面前:“爱不爱的无所谓,主要我这个人要面子,你有一个红颜知己,我就去找十个黑骑士。” 第二天,有关于蓝 暮另有所爱的新闻统统消失。 婚后两个月,公婆来逼离婚,颜早拿出婚前协议到蓝暮面前,“离婚可以,钱我一分不会退。” 蓝暮:“那不能离。” 婚后好几个月,协议到期,颜早收拾包袱走人,被男人堵在门口,“初三就看你开始给我写情书,怎么我到现在一封没收到?” #人生最幸福的事情莫过于,你暗恋的人也一直默默关注着你#1w0-952 >>
内容简介:FONTface宋体size5pstylelineheight15p这个世界很神奇自己不就睡一觉吗尼玛的怎么就穿越了呢穿了就穿了居然是红楼加清穿纳尼林家是正白旗她要选秀最后居然被指给了 胤禛那个大冰山好吧,虽然和众多女人共用一个男人。但她却意外成为药谷的唯一传人。由此开始了她在后宅的修真生涯。但是为什么到最后发展成康熙和九龙都成了药谷的弟子呢好吧一句话的简介就是这是一个大美女穿成林家长女由后宅女子到开宗立派的传奇故事。本文纯属虚构,涉及任何专业知识请不要相信,因为很可能仅专了一半。)本文已定周六,12月8日入V,届时三更,请亲们继续支持!1w0-99903 >>
内容简介:类型:言情近代现代爱情尤然生命中的温暖就这么多,已经全部给了那个女人,要他以后怎么再对别人微笑?爱情从未消逝,只是她忘记,他还记得……———————简介————失忆不可怕,可怕的是,失 忆以后再次遇见曾把你抱进窝的狼。沈浅瞪着晶莹的眼睛,“尤先生,往你心的路,怎么走?”尤然面带微笑,“我带你走。”从始至终的执着,一辈子只要一个她。她迷了路,那么一点点把她带回来。【温情治愈文,充满狗血YY,即时带好避雷针1w7485-109421 >>
内容简介:白月光离家出走了白月光离家出走了小说阅读其它类型小说白月光离家出走了由作家山间云雾创作接档文求预收《又撞见他在捡破烂》本文文案叶青染的男友是顾氏集团的太子爷,两人交往四年,感情甜蜜,无 人不羡。然让叶青染没想到,枕边人竟有联姻对象,他从未想过娶她。更令人心寒的是,身边所有人都知道这件事,只有她被蒙在鼓里。当亲眼见到顾致深和他的未婚妻在办公室相拥时,她终于死心,割舍一切离开。顾致深从小被培养成为家族继承人,对所有事都能保持绝对的理性,他认为没有谁离不开谁。几天过去,听说她去了南方的城市。一个月后,她依旧没回来,呵……难道自己离开她就不能活了?两年过去,顾致深沉了沉眸子,终于承认,离开了她,真的快活不下去了,他习以为常的生活变得枯燥无味,如同一潭死水。两年后,叶青染过得平静如水,没想到竟又碰上顾致深,还被她发现他又欺骗涉世未深的小妹妹,呵……渣男!讥笑一声,对他避如蛇蝎。顾致深:“……”他没有,他不是。——————————————推荐基友连载文《你的笑比糖甜》by碧云西——————————————接档预收文:《又撞见他在捡破烂》宁言很讨厌公司新来的同事喻白泽。平时不修边幅得像流浪汉,还喜欢蹭吃,蹭得大家都很讨厌他。她最惨了,零食总是被他吃掉好多,偏偏他嬉皮笑脸的,又不好拒绝他。言言还经常撞见他拎着蛇皮袋捡破烂,更发现他住在天桥底下,大冬天裹着一条破毯子冷得瑟瑟发抖,身边堆满了捡来的破烂,两人目光一对视,被他发现自己窥见了他的秘密。他就更加理所应当吃她的饭,蹭她的奶茶,还戴她最喜欢的围巾。同事们帮着言言一块骂他,言言却不好说什么。因为在工作上他教了自己好多,下班错过末班车,他会用破单车载她回家。发了工资,他会悄悄买好多零食塞到她的抽屉里。还会在她生病的时候,给她买药、陪她去医院打针。言言发现自己好像有点喜欢他,可同事们都好讨厌他,那怎么办啊?言言托着腮苦恼好一阵,那偷偷跟他谈地下恋?后来同事们发现了,苦口婆心地劝:“言言,我们换一个好不好?你值得更好的。”天敌苏珊嘲笑她,“找谁不好?找这样一个cheap男人,笑死人了。”结果,cheap男人摇身一变,变成了相貌英俊、谈吐文雅的公司合伙人。大家这才知道他的身份,原来是首富的儿子下凡体验生活。不过现在太子爷体验完生活,要回去了。言言红着眼哭,“骗子!”同事们打抱不平,“负心汉!”苏珊笑到打鸣:“竹篮打水一场空。”然而下班后,喻白泽穿得犹如贵公子,半倚在一辆黑色迈巴赫上,手里捧着鲜花,笑容妖孽看来,“言言,我来接你下班。”————————————推荐基友连载文《你的笑比糖甜》by碧云西机缘巧合下陆思安和叶谦云合 >>
From Tokyopop: Meet Satsuki, a rather rough and tumble girl who acts more like a yakuza member than a sweet young lady! She's too busy teaching people lessons to see that her handsome and cool classmate, Aya, secretly pines for her. Unfortunately, she just wants to be friends -- ouch! But as they spend more time together, their relationship builds and strengthens. Will they ever be more than friends?! Find out in this sweet and sexy romance!
After being told that his dad passed away, Souichirou comes back to the house which used to be his home 8 years ago. There, he finds out about the existence of his two older brothers - Masato, the eldest, and Kaname, the middle child. In order to receive rights to the house, Souichirou has to live together with them, and despite the chaos and arguments, it's fine by Souichirou if it means he can get the house. But one day, he accidentally sees Masato kissing Kaname...
Yokami Futsu, or Fu-chan as he is commonly known, was brought up by his grandfather after his father died. But now his grandfather had also died – leaving behind a large amount of debt. At the funeral, his grandfather’s cousin (who looks uncannily like grandpa himself!) suddenly appears and declares that he wants to take care of him. Together, they start living in a dilapidated, run down house and Fu-chan is forbidden from entering some of the other parts of the house. One night, he encounters a mysterious handsome man at the house and instantly gets the feeling that he had seen him before – even though the man outright denies it himself when asked. Add into that his cousin’s odd and ridiculous behaviour that strongly reminds Fu of his carefree grandfather, and the wild rumours flying around, Fu becomes very suspicious. Also what are all those dreams that he had having for long time now, dreams that seem like it had really happened to him rather than just some outright, random dreams…? And who really is that man that Fu had encountered that night and why does he get such strong feelings when he is around him?
Sensei no Sei summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sensei no Sei. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Sword Art Online summary:
In the year 2022, gamers rejoice as Sword Art Online-a VRMMORPG (Virtual Reality Ma.s.sively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) like no other-opens its virtual doors, allowing players to take full advantage of the ultimate in gaming technology: NerveGear, a system that allows users to completely immerse themselves in the game world by manipulating their brain waves to create a wholly realistic gaming experience.
But when the game goes live, the elation of the players quickly turns to horror as they discover that, for all its amazing features, SAO is missing one of the most basic functions of any MMORPG-a log-out b.u.t.ton.
Now trapped in the virtual world of Aincrad, their bodies held captive by NerveGear in the real world, users are issued a chilling ultimatum: conquer all one hundred floors of Aincrad to regain your freedom. But in the warped world of SAO, “game over” means certain death-both virtual and real…
The Believer's Authority summary: The Believer's Authority summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Believer's Authority. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Pellucidar summary: Pellucidar summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Pellucidar. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Good God, Stop! [Rebirth] summary: Lin Xiao, who just won China’s first World trophy, got in an accident and was reborn five years later. With the rapid development of the eSports industry, the career as professional player bloomed, the Club’s G.o.ds circle/Professional Commentators circle/Popular MCs circle, the old friends from back then were all over the place. The return of a King, aiming for the League, going from an unknown rookie to once again rising to the top. Reporter: Regarding the rumours between you and Captain You, is there anything you want to say? Lin Xiao: With all due respect, with my ability there is no need for un-spoken-rules! Reporter: Captain You, is there anything you want to add? You Jing: The rumours are true, back then he was vying for my love. Lin Xiao: …how many times do I need to say it, that person wasn’t me!