














简介三兄弟妹因外星人的到来而失去了父母,成为孤儿的他们加入“超-人类计划”并接受改造及战斗训练。 在人类和外星人双方僵持的战争前夕,他们将化身为人类的反击武器,为人类而战。


















内容简介:别家总裁高冷有钱,她家总裁变态有病。跟她在一起后,以为他只是有些污黄,没想到还有“变态并发症”,现在还话痨自言自语了。总裁说:“我们生个孩子吧……我怀孕了。”“你……怀孕?”“你经常不 理我,我替你讲好了。”“……”食用指南:①高冷孤僻女主(半娱乐圈人士)②污黄明骚男主(腹黑心机总裁)③双处,男女主互为初恋现言有病系列预收文《脱下绿帽的男人》文案简介:被绿男主的第二春。爱是一道绿光,越爱越闪耀,他终于放下执念脱下绿帽。她却说:“乖,戴正,都歪了,制服诱惑怎么能少了绿军帽?”高冷正经男(转业军人总裁)VS欢脱女流氓(猫奴宠物医生)本文完结立马开文!戳戳进入我的专栏指路基友文文(强推!!!):《女神她只想睡我》只想要娃,却顺便收了个娃爸亦千锦《踩着黑料当影后》黑料越多,洗白以后就越红《他曾经逆光而来》清冷沉默的维和队长vs性感冷眼的女翻译官《老师!你的数学题超纲了!》老师!这道题太难了!我不会做!《影帝请轻拿轻放》嘴贱影帝与他的小怪力,打脸可真疼《影后,你家喵又疯了系统》小喵喵,你是我的了1w0-80386 >>


内容简介:朕真没把敌国皇帝当替身简介:狗血沙雕风无火葬场无真替身文学疯p小野狼暴君攻×咸鱼美人大佬受钟阑从无限流中退休,选了一个古代世界养老,穿成男主的敌国国君。男主被送来当质子,钟阑正好趁此机 会好好宠着男主,就等着男主攻占各国、统一天下,他必会因为长幼情分,当个清闲富贵的快乐废物。一切尽在掌握,钟阑一天天数着退休倒计时,直到发现——自己认错人了!真男主当了三年没人疼爱的小可怜,早就黑化了。钟阑赶紧弥补,但发觉不对劲。他对真男主越好,对方的笑容越冷。几年后,男主成为一代枭雄。传言他是玉面阎罗,1w0-67563 >>


内容简介:陈扬是一名光荣的小保安,也是最牛的小保安,没有之一!繁华都市里,陈扬以超强的身手和非凡的智慧如鱼得水。敌人强猛,以拳破之。敌人狡诈,以智慧破之。奈何,离异女业主的美丽成熟,冰山总裁妹妹 智慧无双,警花妹妹的英姿飒爽,她们所交织的情网袭杀而来时,陈扬的拳与智慧都失去了作用?万丈红尘,我破不开!各位书友要是觉得《猛男诞生记陈扬》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w1452-4641 >>




内容简介:六年前,陆惊语在不知情的情况下,未婚先孕,导致身败名裂,被陆家放弃驱逐。六年后,她带着三个萌宝归来。三宝智商爆表,查出薄家那位大佬是自家爹地,于是瞒着妈咪上门认爹。薄司寒,“我向来洁身 自好,没碰过女人!”大宝,“DNA证明骗不了人,请认清现实!”二宝:“都说男人穿上裤子就不认人,看来是真的!”三宝:“白捡三个可爱的宝宝和一个漂亮的老婆,你做梦都该笑醒!”薄司寒喜当爹后,和三宝感情进展迅速,偏偏和老婆感情生疏。三个宝宝教他如何追女人。一壁咚,二强吻,三领证……十八般武艺用尽。1w90199-107238 >>


内容简介:  不知道怎么写简介,就不写了吧,EMMMM.....................还是写一点吧,穿越民国年代,成为九叔的大弟子.....1w0-328




内容简介:  林风穿越成为富二代,不顾家人反对,与大学同学楚雨浓结婚!3年后,林家败落,楚雨浓提出离婚,从民政局申请离婚出来,林风激活系统!“叮,宿主花钱满100,奖励200!”“叮,宿主运动量 满1级,奖励身体素质+1!”“叮,宿主看厨艺大全满1小时,奖励大师级厨艺技能!”林风:⊙﹏⊙因为现在法律规定,离婚有冷静期,林风选择暂时低调期间,门庭寥落,人情冷暖!很快~~~离婚冷静期过去,林风成功离婚,开启牛逼plus模式。楚雨浓:老公,我们复婚好不好?林风:滚~~1w0-3489 >>


内容简介:时间为你,停滞在朝暮里。温柔攻X旗袍女装受灵感来自于崔开潮何珍妮。很温柔的一首歌,希望这篇文也能写的很温柔。已完结,番外更新中。本书关键词:幻想奇缘甜宠年上情投意合HE《朝暮里》小说推 荐:刺青、从林正英世界开始修道、神之禁忌目录、夫君是我一手带大的、三国:开局收服太后、僵尸世界:神级选择、私密保姆、武侠:开局算计师娘、秋以为期、大唐:开局炸了太极殿、跨物种相亲、黎明之后、星际之亡灵帝国、居山海、都市:开局一艘十万吨核动力航母、玄幻:我!天命大反派、灵气复苏:开局获得麒麟臂、草茉莉、论演员的自我修仙、斗罗之武魂殿主、绯闻太多是我的错吗、被病娇盯上的日子穿书、典型意外(ABO)、抗战:从奉天开始崛起!、我本娇蛮、最豪赘婿、陛下,你这样很容易失去我、热吻野玫瑰、饺子铺的跛脚男人、灰大叔与混血王子1w0-75877 >>


内容简介:曾几何时,懵懂的青春,肆意的挥霍,用热血和无畏创造酸、甜、苦、辣不同滋味但是标签都为“青春”的回忆,但是就像歌词“明天就像是盒子里的巧克力糖,什么滋味?充满想象。”曾经理所当然的享受父 母的疼爱,朋友的陪伴,被幸福环绕的季予汐从未想过,突然有一天一场暴风雨的到来让自己成为像是被全世界遗弃一样的存在,她在心里无数次的祈祷,如果仅仅是一场过云雨就好了,如果仅仅是一场梦就好了。仲涵?陆梓飞?青1w0-96739 >>


内容简介:看书就到haitangshuwu综网王黑篮名柯南超高h涉及各种场合调教道具等不喜勿入会拆掉官配但不会黑化女生们不喜勿入请cp党勿人参公鸡谢谢!再一次醒来后,她的世界就变了,柔姬所知道、 所认识的男人们,竟然全都对她抱有别样的欲望。监视、强迫、药物、囚禁、调教、诱导……她的身子……要玩坏了。ps:隔日更尽量日更(具体还要看系统……)您要是觉得(综漫)别这么变态还不错的话请不要忘记向您qq群和微博微信里的朋友推荐哦!推荐地址:1w0-77505 >>



Noro Girl!

From DrCoke at MangaHelpers: One day, high schooler Nishiura Kenichi was tasked to check if his classmate, Kurama Shion, was still alive. Shion has not shown up to her classes in the past two months, and the teachers were getting worried. When Kenichi arrives at her place, she decides that he would make a good test subject for her recently acquired black magic powers. With her black magic curse, she turns Kenichi into her personal slave. The life of Shion, the master of the black arts destined to take over the world(?), and her loyal slave Kenichi begins here!

Mori No Koe

A reprint collection of 4 doujin with a special story drawn for the release of this book. 1) Otoyami no Mori - Yume no Koe While visiting the market one day, Doctor Ao happens upon a stand where they're selling demons and reluctantly purchases one as his own. Although the demon has been treated harshly in the past, he meets kindness at his new master's hands and comes to find peace with him. But when that peace is threatened can they find their way back to each other?! Or will the demon disappear for good?! 2) Yumeoi no Mori A wounded professor finds that when he awakes he is in the capture of a young demon. 3) Itsuwari no Mori Yuusa is the neglected only child of a wealthy woman, and the only kindness he received as a child was from one of her pet demons, Hugh. Yuusa's all grown up now, and can't understand Hugh's coldness towards him, so he often abuses Hugh to get his attention. But Yuusa's manipulation's go too far... 4) Yoru Utau Mori Continuation story about the characters from Yumeoi no Mori. 5) Mori ni Shizumu Tsuki

Trigun: The Lost Plant

A Trigun one-shot by Boichi.

Yuuwaku - Sakaraenai Yokubou

1) Teach Me More by SHINJO Mayu On her way home from school, Hina is attacked by a pervert on the train! She's too embarrassed to raise her voice, but - she's saved by Kyousuke!? Kyousuke is the hottest guy around, and there's not a single girl who doesn't want him. He pulls Hina off the train, and then... he does more things to Hina than the pervert on the train would have! (Also included in Motto Oshiete) 2-4) Chase 4Me by IBUKI Kaede Hana's mother and father died when she was five, and ten years later it's her four incredibly over-protective and super-possessive brothers who take care of her. Today, she's beginning her first day of high school at an all girls school... but when she accidentally walks into the all boys school next door, she's assaulted by males! Then Hana falls in love at first sight with the boy who saves her - Ren - and begs him to take her on a date. Ren can can rescue Hana from the boys in his school... but is he any match for Hana's brothers? 5) The Frontline of Summer! A First Date Victory-or-Defeat Charge by FUJIWARA Natsu Megumi is 16 years old. Today is her first date with her crush, Satou-kun, and... the extra-long title says it all about this extra-short story! 6) Radical Love Revolution by SARA Mahiro Riko and Kippei have been friends since they were kids. They're so close that they beat up bullies together, and now they've handcuffed themselves to each other! They've always looked for excuses to fight... but now Riko is looking for an excuse to love. So the question becomes: can Kippei survive the romantic advances of a girl who expresses herself through violence? 7) The Desires of My Right Hand, the Beating of My Heart by AYUKAWA Mio Touko is a mild-mannered high school girl with an unspoken crush on Kuga-kun... until her friend hypnotizes her, and Touko's right hand takes on a perverted mind of its own! It gropes Kuga-kun, and Touko no longer has any control over it...!? 8) Sepia-colored Secret Room by HARUSHIRO Amami Third grader Chiko's friends were constantly being bullied by Rei-kun, a boy who glared at them with beautiful sepia-colored eyes, because he didn't want anyone hanging around Chiko but him. They took revenge on him by locking him in a haunted house, and Chiko never saw him again... Seven years later, the new transfer student from America is... Rei!? He's become rich and is twice as sadistic as before, and he's got a score to settle with Chiko's friends - and Chiko herself.

Ava Delaney: Tethers

Ava Delaney: Tethers summary: Ava Delaney: Tethers summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ava Delaney: Tethers. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Abandoned summary: Abandoned summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Abandoned. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

I’ll Still Love You Even If You’re a Man

I’ll Still Love You Even If You’re a Man summary: Mai Ding is a cute and goofy boy-next-door. An Ziyan is the cool aloof heartthrob whom everyone can’t help love yet fear. It all began with a misunderstanding – Mai Ding was bribed by his college roommate to find out An Ziyan’s s.e.xual orientation and An Ziyan had played a prank on Mai Ding in a rare moment of amus.e.m.e.nt, leading Mai Ding to believe he is bis.e.xual even though he is straight. Mai Ding had very little friends since young and wanted to ‘make his life more interesting’ by knowing people of ‘diverse background’ (i.e. An Ziyan) so he would have a cool story to tell his grandchildren in the future. And hence, a friendship which turned into more started to form between the two most unlikely characters.

The Fire-Gods

The Fire-Gods summary: The Fire-Gods summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Fire-Gods. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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