






















类别玄幻 恋爱










内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者夏日炎炎的经典小说:《锦鲤附体,素人女王怼遍娱乐圈后爆红了》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说摸爬滚打了好几年,沈奚好不容易爬上了二线女明星的 位置,却没想到半夜惨死,飘荡灵堂,发现自己的死是一场早有预谋的算计,连尸体都被人惦记!一朝重生,回归素人身份的沈奚冷笑出手,自带一身锦鲤气运,在综艺节目上横空出世,好运爆棚,剧本代言接到手软,奖项证书拿到手酸,瞬间圈粉无数!手撕渣男,脚踹贱女,一路毒舌打脸虐渣忙不停,堪称行走的鉴婊机器,连黑粉都只能跪地喊爸爸!……某日。狗仔拍到沈奚与国民影帝谢重疏私1w0-73565 >>


内容简介:穿越到大明朝。黄雄英开局死了个爹,朱元璋开局也死了一个儿子。阴差阳错。黄雄英将朱元璋认作爷爷。两人就此成了爷孙。可渐渐的……黄雄英发现,他好像认错了爷爷,但又好像没错……1w36640 -97577 >>


内容简介:王晖很忧伤。他从小就发现自己的特质很特殊——任何和自己谈恋爱的女人,运气都越来越好,走向人生巅峰!绝美校花:“王晖,我最近运气好差啊,不如我们谈个恋爱吧?”美女总裁:“王晖,我的公司股 票大跌,所以我缺个男朋友,算了,我摊牌了,我要你!”国际影后:“王晖,我真不是为了电影票房,我就是单纯缺个老公,我觉得你很合适。”王晖:“对不起,你们都是好人,我真的不想谈恋爱。”【本书又名《我真不是国民男神》、《开局666个前女友》】各位书友要是觉得《都市之超级恋爱系统》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-25889 >>


内容简介:世人皆知洛首富第四女克夫,世人也知城南王独子克妻,本是水火两相克,却因一道圣旨被迫成婚。 城郊初遇,他冰冷淡漠,“抓起来,带回去。” 洞房花烛,她云淡风轻,“来人,将世子丢出洞房。” 数月后…… 她撒娇卖萌,“世子殿下,今夜良辰美景,不如……” 他冷傲清高,“求我!” 她笑里藏刀,“来人,绑起来,拖进去。”1w0-3244 >>


内容简介:魔道祖师小说免费阅读未删减全文免费阅读由小兵提供。《魔道祖师小说免费阅读未删减》墨香铜臭著情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的热门小说,在本站您可以免费阅读魔道祖师小说免费阅 读未删减全文内容。1w5760-66972 >>


内容简介:来自山里的天才少女【日更,今天日六,晚11点更。同类预收文《焰火灼燃》文案在最下面,有改动收过的亲可以看下喜不喜欢。】【本文前期校园后期职场,比例46左右。】江城外云台山脚桃花1w0- 70550 >>






内容简介:《狐妖之最强剑仙笔趣阁》简介:唐问心叹了口气,没有再水群,因为他已经看见在下方的某只双马尾萝莉了……这是的业火萝莉小脸上有些纠结,然后唐问心从天而降,照着业火萝莉的脑门上就是一个脑瓜崩 (这是一只狐妖啊)。“哎呀!”业火萝莉捂着额头,可怜巴巴地看着唐问心(这是一只狐妖啊)。唐问心突然感觉有些心累,摸了摸业火萝莉的头发,说道:“走吧,基地出事了。”“出事了?”业火萝莉呆了一下,人家出来这么一小会儿错过了什么?“对,走吧(这是一只狐妖啊)。”唐问心努努嘴,示意业火萝莉化龙,这萝莉人形的时候飞的太慢了。“哦……”业火萝莉点点头,然后跳向了空中,化回本体,唐问心紧随其后,纵身一跃跳到了业火萝莉的背上,一人一龙快速朝着基地赶去(这是一只狐妖啊)。。1w27065-80916 >>


内容简介:《欧·亨利短篇小说集》作者是欧·亨利,译者是牛振华。欧·亨利(1862年9月11日1910年6月5日),原名威廉·西德尼·波特(WilliamSydneyPorter),美国著名批判现 实主义作家,与莫泊桑,契诃夫共称世界三大短篇小说大师,曾被评论界誉为“曼哈顿桂冠散文作家”和“美国现代短篇小说之父”。他的一生富于传奇性,当过药房学徒、牧牛人、会计员、土地局办事员、新闻记者、银行出纳员,甚至坐过监狱,并由此开始了他的写作生涯。他的作品构思新颖,语言诙谐,以出人意料的结尾闻名,美国文学界称之为“欧·亨利式的结尾”;又因描写了众多的人物,富于生活情趣,被誉为“美国生活的幽默百科全书”。本站提示:如果觉得《欧亨利短篇小说集》还不错,请不要忘记向您朋友推荐哦!1w0-80901 >>


内容简介:全家除了我都是穿越的上一世父母意外身亡,哥哥受伤残疾,许栀活得很是悲苦,重来一世,父母健在,哥哥身体健康,尽情的享受了前世求而不得的温情,因为家人的关爱,活成了很多人羡慕的典范。可1w 0-78565 >>


内容简介:简介:上山找羊,意外跌落山崖,醒来后发现胎穿到了不知名的朝代。四处观望,发现这个家真是一穷二白,吃不饱,穿不暖,住的还是泥土房,外面下大雨,里面下小雨。上有姐姐,下有妹妹,原本想着靠自 己现代人的灵魂绝对能过得精彩绝伦,没曾想命运如此多舛。各位看官,且看凌云如何在这时代创造自己的传说!1w0-82093 >>

Magical Marine Pixel Maritan. Maritan Focus Drills.

The premise is simple. You follow the days of Sergeant Maritan, a Drill Instructor of um… the U.S. Marines? Well, yeah. Apparently, Maritan is actually a Princess from the Magical Kingdom of Paris Island, which has signed a treaty of co-operation and friendship with the Great United States of America. God bless America. Maritan usually goes around abusing training raw meat recruit Army-tan, under the supervision of Lieutanent Commander Navy-tan. There’s a GA-tan somewhere near the end too, a meganekko attached from the Self Defence Forces, it seems.

Mako To Aki-Chan No Koigokoro

From Chibi Manga: This is the story about the best at swimming Mako and the careless Aki-chan. What will happen between them since they are completely different? Mako loves that womanizer of Aki-chan and then she confessed to him: 'Please, let me become a special person for you'. But isn't Mako a little bit too positive...?

Uncivilized Planet

[From Omanga]: From Jiro Matsumoto (the author of Freesia) comes a story of three childhood friends - Nicolo, Cookie, and Naomi - who grew up in a sleepy backwater town on an uncivilized planet. They struggle to get by while holding on to their dreams of leaving town and finding a better life... but can their friendship endure the tests of time? Can it withstand invading armies, broken dreams, conflicting ambitions, divided loyalties, jealousy, and even betrayal? Note: This manga contains adult content. For mature audience only.

Sayonara Midori-Chan

At age 20, Yuko is leading a life without aspirations, what with work as an assistant in a company and her boyfriend Yutaka. Determined to give a new twist to her lifestyle, she accepts Yutaka's offer to work at his side by night as a bar hostess. But Yuko quickly becomes disenchanted: this choice brings her much more trouble than pleasant surprises, leading her to face difficult situations, even dangerous ones. And above all, she doesn't succeed in getting closer to Yutaka who remains elusive and indifferent to her signs of affection. Despite his infidelity, Yuko persists in clinging to that futile and fruitless relationship. Will she react before being unable to break the deadlock? How far will she let herself go?

The Field and Garden Vegetables of America

The Field and Garden Vegetables of America summary: The Field and Garden Vegetables of America summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Field and Garden Vegetables of America. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Login Beyond the Centuries

Login Beyond the Centuries summary: “A 30-year-old young man woken up in the future 300 years after in the body of a 16 years old young girl. What will happen if she will have to play a super hardcore online game in the different age and gender?”
Is the reality we know every day a truth if the world we see and hear is just a fragment of the spectrum of reality? Only 1% of human know them. According to your ability of perception, you won’t even know that you’re moving across the galaxy over 220 Km/s right now.
yourself are not you. 90% of cells in your body contain other creatures’ DNA. Atoms in your body consist of 99.99999999% of s.p.a.ce, blank, and nothingness.
Even your physical body will have new cells replenished every moment. Except for brain cells, all parts of your body are replaced every day. Could it be that Human are just a bunch of brain cells?
The color is the thing some animals can’t see, it’s just non-existed for them. Within the same perspective, can we really say with full confident that there are nothing else more than things we can perceive through our senses? What are the differences of virtual worlds if they’re the things made inside our brain through nerves, not unlike animals?

Half Prince

Half Prince summary: During one of our arguments, my younger brother taunted me, claiming that I only knew how to depend on guys to get me through MMOs. In a fit of anger, I was spurred on by his words and decided to defeat my brother without depending on anyone else. By some coincidence, a new game called “Second Life” was about to go on the market and thus I started from scratch as a player. What’s more, I was the first person ever to log onto the game. The beautiful GM told me that I could have one wish granted… Humph! I. Want. To. Become. A. Guy!
s.h.i.t, I accidentally became too super-ultra-incredibly handsome, now there’s a beautiful GM with designs on my virtue, waaaaah…!
… OH MY G.o.d! A girl wants to make me her trophy husband!
Heavens, what a hottie… Wait, what? He’s actually GAY and he’s. .h.i.tting on me?! Go to h.e.l.l! When I’m a girl you’re not interested, so why the h.e.l.l do you want me now?
With an incredibly hilarious main character, incredibly bizarre companions, and an incredible journey of growing up and self-discovery, how will things pan out? Even G.o.d is playing a guessing game…

Almost Dead

Almost Dead summary: Almost Dead summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Almost Dead. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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